Li Pu stood on the tree and felt that the number of monsters was decreasing one by one.

His fingers twitched slightly from time to time, but he couldn't make a move in front of so many beasts, which was really embarrassing.

He really wanted to jump off now and just slap the matter.

But unfortunately, it can't.

The only good thing is that they formed a team.

Even if there is no contribution, it is more or less able to share a little experience, which is a comfort.

The area of ​​Mermaid Island is very large. If he wants to walk at full speed near the dungeon secret realm, Li Pu estimates that it will take him a long time.

However, now both sides have deliberately slowed down because they are worried about causing suspicion from the other side, which leads to a longer arrival time.

Just walking and walking, about 6 hours have passed since I landed on the island.

At this time, it is estimated that there are still half an hour, and it will reach the evening time.

Along the way, they encountered several waves of mermaids, each with more merpeople than the last, and nearly 150 of them had been wiped out.

Moreover, the level of the mermaids has gradually transitioned from the previous average LV15 to LV16.

It seems that it is only a first-level gap, but in the face of the huge base, even if it is only a half-level higher, it is also a great pressure for the students.

Li Pu didn't know how many mermaids there were on the island, nor how many mermen were to be cleaned up by the trial standard specified by the teachers.

But after he came here, he began to understand that according to this scale, it should be cleaned up at least once a year.

If you leave it alone for a few years, you may have to create a country of personal fish.

If it really becomes like that, it will be a big trouble.

Let's not talk about the issue of survival resources for now, the main reason is that these monsters have a little bit of intelligence, but they can't communicate at all.

Not only did they attack humans, but Li Pu also discovered that they would hunt birds and beasts.

Of course, there are rivers on the island, and they also eat fish.

At first several people saw this picture and felt a little strange.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the big fish only eat the small fish, and there is nothing special about it.

During the period, they also met two teams of other students, one was the students of the Magic City, and the other was the students of Xiaotian.

Originally, Li Pu wanted to throw Xue Duo's burden, but now there are Yamato and Xiaoju around, and it seems that he can't find a very suitable excuse.

After all, if the grass figurines sent out are excluded, his combat power is not as good as Xue Duo.

After losing Xue Duo, he continued to take risks in the depths, which was too unconvincing.

But the boat went straight to the bridge, and things took a turn for the worse before dusk really came.

"Everyone, stop!"

As he walked, Yamato's expression suddenly became solemn.


Xue Duo stopped in confusion.

After getting along for a while, he already knew.

The other party's expression is only revealed when he encounters a monster.

But he looked at the warning panel attached to his inscription, and it was silent.

That means that at least within the exploration range of the inscription, there are no beasts.

In fact, even Xiao Ju had a confused expression at this time, and she also didn't notice anything unusual.

"Did you feel... an earthquake?"

Saying this, Yamato leaned down and pressed his ear to the ground.

Seeing her brother's behavior, Xiaoju realized it and quickly adopted the same action.


During their childhood devil training, they took great care to learn it.

"what does this mean?"

Xue Duo, who didn't know why, fell down with his upper body.

But his posture is slightly different, with his **** pouted for constant vigilance.

"Damn, the geological formations nearby are too soft."

After listening to it for a while, Yamato's face became embarrassed.

The nearby geology is relatively soft soil, and the skill of geophone cannot be used very well.


However, at this time, Li Pu Youyou said, "Are you blind?"

He was standing on the tree, just looking back.

It is very incomprehensible to the behavior of the three people.

Because if you stand taller, you can see what's going on, so why do you want to eat mud?

These guys, why don't you donate your eyes to those in need?


Yamato stood up awkwardly.

When I think about it for a while, I feel like I really look like an idiot.

"Li Jun, what did you see?"

Xiaoju got up and asked Li Pu.

"Ah hey..."

Xue Duo next to him wanted to complain again.


Li Pu touched his chin and thought for a moment: "ST-6?"

call out! x2

As soon as these words came out, the well-trained two brothers and sisters had already set up their escape and start.


Xue Duo was a little speechless. How did the college teach students in these little days, and there were such two strange things.

In fact, Li Pu is a little uncertain, because in the current situation, he can't set the standard.

If you change it to usual, it is just a few things to shoot the floor.

But if you can't do it yourself.

"Who is the team in front!"



But soon, someone helped him make a decision.

There is a mixed team of Modu and Xiaotian ahead, rushing towards them.

Following behind was a wave of monsters consisting of nearly 200 mermaids.

"My dear, who blew up the fish pond?"

Don't look at the fact that Xue Duo despised the two brothers and sisters just now, but he was the fastest runner.

He lost his shields in both hands and ran away.

"There seems to be something wrong with this situation."

Li Pu did not run immediately, but stood on the tree and touched his chin.

If the standard is from a straight line, the travel route of this group of mermaids is almost the direction of the entrance to the dungeon secret realm.

Waterfall la la! xN

Just then, it rained.

Before they came, they had been told that the rain on Mermaid Island was a little different.

In fact, they all fall into the water, and if you really want to say something special, it doesn't go anywhere.

The key is - the amount is particularly large.

"I'm afraid it's not a waterfall..."

Li Pu muttered to himself as he sensed the water jets falling from all over the place.

Fortunately, the position he was standing was not affected for the time being.

The waterfall rain fell on the ground and instantly formed a land ocean, and the waves that spread to the surrounding area created a huge thrust.

Mermaids seem to have long been accustomed to this climate, and due to their body structure, even if their bodies can't swim, their heads will swim.

Like a fish head in water.

Therefore, although the water waves will also wash them away, at least they will not pose any threat to life.

The students, on the other hand, didn't feel so well, and were directly washed away.

The formation that was not neat at first suddenly became more messy.

Although the two siblings, Yamato and Xiaoju, have strong skills, they were not spared because of the idea of ​​not revealing their strength.

On the contrary, Xue Duo was the most prepared. After all, he had never seen any strong winds or waves in the past few days.

Hua Hua Hua swam down to the edge a few times and ran away.

Just this little scene is much simpler than living under our brother Li.

Anyway, he made his position very clear. He didn't have to worry about Li Pu at all. As long as Li Pu didn't have to worry about, the task would be completed.

"Looks like it's been saved."

Li Pu stood on the tree and used [Flying Crocodile Bite +4] to aim at Xiao Ju, who was closest to him.

call out!

Pull the girl up first and then... eh?

However, the result was completely the opposite of what Li Pu imagined.

It's true that the mechanical flying claws caught Xiaoju, but they actually dragged him towards the opponent.

[Mechanical Flying Claw]: When level ≥ target, pull it towards you, when level < target, pull yourself towards the opponent

So, what is the situation.

A student who had a good life and a higher level than himself?



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