In the end, Li Pu solved the battle before the straw man was frozen to death.

The next few levels were also pushed all the way, and the positive and negative BUFF effects obtained were very common and not worth mentioning.

It was just that he was a little surprised when the wooden door in the 25th level appeared in front of him after defeating the boss-level monster in the 24th level.

Because there is no choice this time, there is only one wooden door.

I opened my eyes and previewed it, and found that it was a rugged hilly terrain.

But in the future picture, he stood for a long time without encountering any enemies.

The map of level 25 is not too big, Li Pu spent some time previewing it several times and walked the entire terrain, but still nothing.

"That means there is no choice."

Helplessly spread his hands, Li Pu pushed in the door.

Just entering the 25th level, he discovered the existence of the enemy.

After all, you can only see and not perceive in the preview screen, and some things still have to be experienced in person.

It turned out that the enemy was hiding not far from the garrison point, and the number was only one.

At first glance, it looks like a stone.

If you look closely, it's still a stone.

Even the other party didn't even seem to have a breath. The reason why Li Pu was able to distinguish it was because there was only a slight smell different from the surrounding.

This stone is very large, like a mountain.

It has the same appearance as other surrounding rocks, with moss and vegetation growing on the surface.

Li Pu thought about it and took a few steps back.

【Grass! 】

Then the straw man launched an attack under his spiritual command.



The grass punch slammed into the rock face, dropping a pitiful damage figure.

"The armor is so high?"

At the same time, Li Pu's voice became shrill and his body shape changed.

When her summons enter the battle, she will also follow.


A dull low roar came from under the boulder, as if something had woken up and was about to burst out of the ground.

Clap la la...

The surrounding land surface cracked rapidly, and the boulders showed signs of slightly arching.

When the arch was halfway up, it suddenly stopped.


A bamboo-like rock rose at the feet of Li Pu and the grass man.

【Grass! 】


The straw man was caught off guard and was pierced, and suffered a little damage.

Yes, it is afraid of slashing but not very afraid of piercing attacks.

As for Li Pu, at the moment when the soles of his feet felt the violent vibration of the ground, he had already avoided it in advance, unscathed.

Slowly, the giant boulder finally crawled out completely from the ground.

Li Pu opened his eyes and saw the whole picture.

This is a large tortoise with a rock-colored body, with two sunken eyes into black holes and no eyeballs.

The skin and body on the limbs are missing a piece, and the turtle shell occupied by green plants is more alive than itself.

The giant tortoise's movements are very slow, and half of its body seems to be unconscious, and it is even more slow when crawling with a strange posture.

"What's the big tortoise that lost the beast?"

Li Pu finally realized at this time.

The aura of turtles is well hidden, and in addition to being a beast, there is almost no breath of life.

No wonder it was so hard to notice before.

"What are you still doing, hit it?"

Commanding the straw man, she akimbo.

Damn, it seems like even the mind is starting to change.

Li Pu was so frightened that he quickly retracted his posture, and cleared his throat to lower his voice.

【Grass! 】

The straw man rushed up again, the opponent's movements were super slow, and it wasn't afraid at all.

call out!

As a result, before he got close enough, he saw the whole head of the mortal tortoise sticking out.

Its neck is longer than expected.

Although the tortoise is slow overall, it is extremely flexible locally.

【Roar! 】

Mourning Turtle's neck rolled up and tied the straw man directly.

【Grass! 】

Grass Man: Is there a big snake hidden in this shell? !

Seeing that the other party was about to swallow it whole, it panicked.

I am not a enoki mushroom person, but I cannot survive in the digestive system.


At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

The grass man suddenly felt that these two words were so kind.

And it's still icy sweet today, like drinking an ice-cold insecticide in the summer.


I saw Li Pu's petite body slammed into the ground in front of the turtle.

【Grass? ! 】

Grass Man: Oh my god, the summoner is kowtowing to the big turtle!

[LV1 Unstoppable Momentum]: Impact the designated position to cause [Knock Up] and rock attribute damage

The inexplicable and violent impact caused violent vibrations.


However, the damage was not as good as that of a straw man's fist.

【Grass! 】

It whimpered, and finally managed to break free from its bindings with the help of its newly strengthened grassy muscles.

"Immune to rock attribute damage?"

Hearing the straw man's prompt, Li Pu was stunned.

call out!

The next second, the mourning tortoise attacked.

She fragrant feet lightly, then dodged.

At this speed, it is enough to pull weeds.

There is a limit to how long the Mourning Turtle's neck is. Equipped with the [Dynamic Light], Li Pu will not be able to catch up with his bulky body speed as long as he keeps a distance.

But after a fight, she discovered a very terrifying phenomenon.

This mourning tortoise has a very powerful injury-free mechanism, which is far superior to that of the banging horse.

No matter what method you use to attack, even if it is a crit or true damage, the damage cannot exceed 30 points.

Even the slow attack and slow [Snail Essence] series moves are also 30 points.

After fighting for a long time, the opponent's blood volume was only a little less, which made the scalp numb.

Luckily, it doesn't seem to have a means of recovery.

And Li Pu has it, and so does the grass man.

Li Pu has a lot of recovery methods, and the straw man is due to the shared talent [Son of the Earth].

When there is no blood, just roll on the ground.

This guy may be the real son of the earth, Li Pu always felt that it rolled more smoothly and happier than himself.

It's just that sometimes I don't want to stop when I roll, like I'm playing tricks.

In the end, it took a few hours for one person and one grass to finally grind the tortoise to death.

Li Pu, who had recovered his original body, couldn't help feeling a little tired. He lay flat on the ground and kept sending the little raccoon to his mouth.

The straw man dug a hole and buried himself upside down.

Only two grass feet are exposed outside, like strange plants.

After a while, the old voice sounded.

This time, however, the lines were completely different.

[The profound meaning of balance is not available to everyone]

【Congratulations, you passed the first test】


A treasure chest with very bright golden light fell from the sky.

"What's the situation?"

Li Pu suddenly sat up.

Is there such a setting in [Balance Legacy]?

Why haven't I heard of it myself.

According to others, shouldn't it continue the previous mode after playing level 25?

And just now he heard it clearly.

What that voice said was no longer "the profound meaning of balance", but "the profound meaning of balance".



【Big Mourning Turtle】 Damage B, Armor SSS, Magic Resist SSS, Speed ​​E

Explanation: After it became a beast, it felt as if nothing had changed.

[Big Thrust Technique]: The Big Mourning Turtle casts a rock thrust on the specified location

[Fossil Turtle Shell]: Big Mourning Turtle cannot be critically hit, and is immune to water/poison/rock/dark attribute damage and special effects

[The neck is very long]: The farther the cockroach is from the body, the faster the bite speed is

[Good at hard resistance]: The damage received by the Big Mourning Turtle each time will not be higher than 0.003% of its own maximum health.

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