The latest website: "And there are more than one, all of these nine are transformation skills."

Next, Black Zinc released another blockbuster.

Nine transformation skills!

This news made most people's breathing become a little heavier.

Unconsciously, they quietly cast their eyes on Li Pu.

If there is only one transformation skill, it must be him in terms of contribution.

But now there are nine, and even if Boss Li takes one, there are still eight left.

8/29 chance, any of them are very likely to get it!

However, when Black Zinc showed these nine identical skill gold papers, everyone's thoughts suddenly reversed.

【LV1 Spore Man】

Duration: Unlimited duration, 30 minute cooldown

Effect: Can transform into a spore man

Description: Gollum?

What kind of transformation skill is this?

Everyone was stunned on the spot.

There are no costs or conditions, and likewise no buffs.

Just turned into an ugly spore man!

Just this thing?

Who really wants it!

"This thing, someone else."

Unexpectedly, Li Pu, who had already opened his eyes, spoke at this time.

He saw that this transformation skill is a good thing.

To be honest, I didn't have much interest in this skill originally.

Especially after the sexual transformation lesson of [Balance Legacy], he is very wary of things that drastically change the structure of his body.

If he has become a spore person for a long time, he is not sure whether he will gradually break away from the category of the human race.

Isn't it strange that you have to speak with a grunt at that time.

But after the preview, he felt that this skill could still be accepted.

For grass people, it should be very suitable.

Anyway, they are all plant-oriented, grass and spore people are no different in his eyes.

At this time, Hei Zinc had a total of nine pieces of gold paper in his hands, so what Li Pu previewed was different from what everyone saw.

【LV9 Spore People】

Duration: Unlimited duration, 30 minute cooldown

Effect: Can be transformed into 1~9 spore people, the sum of attributes does not exceed 100% of yours

Explanation: Gululululululululu?

It turns out that this is not only a transformation skill, but also a splitting skill.

The key is that the duration of this skill is unlimited, and the meaning of that is very different.

An errand grass, how can it be compared to a group of errand grass?

Little cute straw man, you have your exclusive skills.

【Grass? 】

Somewhere, the straw man seemed to sense that the Summoner had made a decision in his heart that he did not agree with.

In the end, when Li Pu spoke, no one competed with him.

All in the bag for a nominal price of 100 each.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, this skill is useless at all except to make it ugly.

If they knew that they could be cloned after the upgrade, I'm afraid they wouldn't have to **** it up.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

So he smashed all nine pieces of golden paper into pieces, and Li Puxi obtained the [LV9 Spore Man].

Immediately put the skill on the grass figurine and give it an order.

【Spore grass! 】

I saw the grass man's body soared under the scolding.

Then, it became... a big grass man.

With a height of nearly 3 meters, it is not inferior to those spore people just now.

Li Pu: "..."

Shouldn't it be a spore person, why does it feel like nothing has changed.

Approaching the past, I lifted a thick layer of turf and touched it.

Underneath is a layer of hard shells and a bumpy feel, which should be the kind of light ball eyeballs on the spore people before.

The original transformation is changed, but not completely.

The signs of the spore man were hidden by the turf.

Perhaps the grass figurine will gain a hidden attribute after being transformed.

More precisely, it makes up for a flaw.

That is, with the shell of the spore man, it should no longer be so afraid of slashing.

"Okay, change back."

Li Pu patted the straw man and asked him to undo the transformation effect.

In order not to irritate everyone, I deliberately told the grass figurine not to split into a spore figurine, mainly to see the effect of the transformation.

However, what he didn't expect was that everyone's jaws dropped when they saw this scene.

What the **** is this?

Summons that can use skills?

And it's still a summoner that uses transformation skills?

The grass boss has become so big, will his appetite also increase?

Wouldn't it mean that all the old snow in the village will be eaten up by it?

The more I think about it, the more... not scary.

As a result, black zinc began to carry out the next item.

"Okay, next is what the boss dropped."

He pulled out a clear glass bottle, which was a weapon.

The bottle contains an unknown black liquid that is slowly flowing to form a small vortex.

【Unstable medicine bottle】

Grade: ★★★★

Spell Power: 5~9

attack range:




Additional Attribute 1: Normal attack becomes throwing seven pill bottle projections

Additional attribute 2: Unknown DEBUFF is randomly attached to each basic attack of the medicine bottle

Description: An unstable failure.

Li Pu was not interested in the inexplicable four-star legal system weapon.

But what I didn't expect was that the legal professions in the group actually started bidding.

Even Bai Feng is no exception.

It seems that the long-term development of the fourth level has given them a deep understanding of the power of the BOSS medicine bottle weapon.

According to the contribution ranking of this level, the difference between members of the legal system is not very big.

In addition to Black Zinc and Baifeng, their high contribution can be offset part of the amount.

However, in the end, it was not these two who grabbed the [Unstable Medicine Bottle].

Black Zinc quit the competition early because he already owned the [Lava Staff].

On the other hand, Bai Feng was a little reluctant, even if he could use his contribution degree to offset part of the amount.

The one who grabbed this medicine bottle weapon was another ruthless assistant in the regiment.

After the price given by his bankruptcy, after offsetting the contribution, there is still 20W.

That is to say, the 20W will be distributed to everyone on the spot.

After Black Zinc received the crystal coins, he opened the team panel and began to calculate the contribution ratio.

Among them, Li Pu's contribution was the highest, and he was assigned 8W.

I have to sigh, the people in the gold group really have a lot of money.

This 8W can be regarded as a small mouthful of blood for him.

After a little rectification, everyone encountered a problem.

That is, there seems to be no road to the next According to their previous large-scale dungeon experience, there should also be an insect king in [Frozen Insect Block], and it is very likely to be in the fifth level. .

However, now, it is strange that there is no way to the fifth level.

Finally, under Li Pu's reminder, everyone came to the experimental body warehouse.

Many people came here for the first time, and were taken aback by the room full of Zerg vegetation, which looked terrifying.

But under the order of Hei Zinc, everyone still started to pull up.

As expected, when he was shaving off the fat zenith, he found an ice road.

The fifth level, which I have never seen before, is in front of me, and I can't help but feel a little nervous.



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