Li Pu just stood quietly in the rain without taking any action.

Because in fact, he didn't need to take action in the first place.

The timing of Professor He's call before was very coincidental, just when he had just seen Rain Girl.

This call was to ask Li Pu which three [talents] should be retrieved.

So he chose, no, he ordered Professor He to choose [Rain Man].

[Rain Man]: Unaffected by any rainfall weather, and the combat power increases in the rain

Anyway, there is still a chance to find the talent later, [Harmony in the Rain] is a good choice.

It can not only deal with the opponents that it may face soon, but also deal with various rainy climates in the future.

[Wow... eh! 】

In this way, the rain continued for a while, and the rain girl stopped crying after choking.

She is hoarse.

After all, this is not an ordinary prank, it is the release of skills.

As the crying stopped, the rain finally disappeared.

"Is it my turn?"

Li Pu, who had been waiting a little bored, suddenly became interested.

No skill can be released endlessly, he just wants to wait and see how long this rain will last.

Facts have proved that the rain girl's strength is not bad, and she cried for a long time.

Because only two inscriptions of the other party were replaced, the four inscriptions on Li Pu's body are as follows:

[Void Green]: Lose extra health when taking damage

[Red of Weakness]: Physical attack greatly reduced

[Short Circuit Blue]: The success rate of spell channeling is greatly reduced

[Muddy Yellow]: Receive a specific slowing effect

If you want to defeat the Rain Girl, you have to spend some means.

First of all, due to [Red of Weakness], his attack power is extremely low now.

Coupled with the deceleration effect of [Muddy Yellow], Li Pu tried to take a step but found it a little weird.

It was as if the entire calf was stuck in a quagmire, and it was very difficult to control.

Under this circumstance, there was only one way he could think of breaking the game.

That is one of his transformation skills, [LV1 Sonic].

After transforming, you can damage the target through light traces, and this damage is not related to attack power, but only related to speed.

Secondly, Sonic's transformation state is immune to slowing effects.

Therefore, it can also be very good against the [Muddy Yellow] that Jiang Daoli looted for himself.

So he thought of doing it, and Li Pu immediately started the guide of [LV1 Sonic].

[Ni... Ni buckle? 】

As a result, the strange spell was only halfway through, and it was knotted.

what's the situation.

He was fascinated on the spot.

【Ni Koni...? 】

[Nini button? 】

【Kuni? Konny? 】

Several times in a row, Li Pu's guidance all failed.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Daoli couldn't help being silent.

When the other party said that it was his turn just now, he was still ready to take the call.

As a result, this is it?

What do you mean?

Should I keep fighting back?

To be honest, his Rain Girl is relatively poor in physical skills.

In addition, in order to engage Li Pu, he was also equipped with some negative runes.

If you really want to roll up your sleeves and do it, maybe it will be a scene of chickens on both sides pecking at each other.

【Niconic Buckle】

However, at this moment, a thunderbolt fell.

"Show your minions."

In the box, Team Qin couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw this scene.

Now these people will really see the strength of that kid.

Sword Duck: [Quack! 】

Singing Pigeon: [Singing vomit! 】

On the ring, the thunderous power dissipated.

Sony Park, surrounded by blue light, appeared in front of everyone.

He figured it out, it was because of [Short Circuit Blue] when he always failed to transform.

Like the chicken lizard before, it got stuck halfway through the guide.

In this case, you have to try several times, at least if you fail to transform, there will be no backlash.

Fusion class?

Until this time, most people thought that Li Pu's method was to rely on invisible summoned beasts to poison.

As a result, how can it be transformed into a fusion system now?

"It's actually a transforming summoner..."

The referee who really knew about it had already withdrawn from his fusion state at this time, with a surprised expression on his face.

As a fusion summoner, he is very clear.

It is clear that the transformation class is more powerful than the fusion class.

Because the fusion class comes from the talent of the summoner, this thing is not a rare existence in the era where talents can be selected.

However, the transformation class is different. It comes with the summoned beast/summoner, which is very rare.

At the same time, if it is carried at the beginning, it will be very suitable for the summoned beast/summoner itself.

He knew that Li Pu was only level 5, and there was no way he would have the resources to learn new skills.

Therefore, this transformation skill must be originally built-in.

"It seems that our track dug up a treasure this time!"

Thinking of this, the referee couldn't help being a little excited.

He immediately looked around, trying to find where the opponent's Summoner was hiding.

Yes, he thought that Professor Ho must be nearby.

Just hiding in the dark for some unknown reason.

There is a consensus in the new world that the potential of the summoned beast is equivalent to the potential of the summoner.

If you want to befriend a summoned beast, you can directly befriend its summoner.

But unfortunately, no matter how he glanced, he didn't find any suspicious people in disguise.

At this time, all the people in the vicinity showed a gaffe because of Sony Park's handsome and gorgeous appearance.

No one can remain calm.

call out!

When Li Pu dodged, entered and left Rain Girl's body, they were even more shocked.

Why is he so fast? !

The light traces left after ignoring the volume burned directly under the rain girl's feet.

【Wow! 】

Rain Girl let out a wailing cry, and wanted to leave quickly with her floral dress, but she felt that her speed was so slow at this time!

She can remove all kinds of negative states in her body, but it is not in her body that she can do nothing about.

For example, at this time, the light attribute damage of this environment type.

"Is this all his strength?!"

But to say the most frightening, it is Jiang Daoli, who is the frontal opponent on the scene.

Being able to change the inscription and not afraid of rain, these two points alone are strong enough.

There is actually a very fast fusion state of this hand!

And let no one live!

In an instant, he knew that he was inferior to the other party.

Even if the inscription is excluded, even if the rain girl is equipped with an orthodox inscription and is not stolen, it is impossible to beat this blue light guy.

The opponent who has used all the means is terrible!

He was completely powerless to defend himself!

【woohoo! 】

Li Pu relentlessly galloped back and forth on the rain girl who couldn't resist.

Suddenly, Jiang Daoli remembered the explanation of the elders in the family before going out.

"This is the so-called people outside people, is there a city outside the mountain?"

He felt that he had understood.

The other party is not only more handsome than himself, but also stronger than himself.

After you go back, you have to continue to work hard.

Fight for one day to return this shame!

And not just once, but several times!

Look how miserable your Rain Girl is now!



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