At this time, Li Pu was holding a functional card, a pure functional card.

To be honest, whether it is three-dimensional or its function, it is definitely not a rare BOSS card, and even rare elites are not necessarily qualified.

But this function is really strange.

Strange and rare at the same time.

"This is a sinister card..."

After careful and repeated clues, the conclusion is given.

"I feel a little rascal."

Tiaotiaoquan had already imagined a scene where this card would play a role in Li Pu's card pool.

"You really are lucky, little brother Li."

When he came back to his senses, the old sword spirit also sighed.

"I think so."

Li Pu's sentence is equivalent to replying to three people at the same time.

【Blind】-0 points

Attack 0, Defense 0, HP 0

[Activation]: Blind cards only exist for one round, and you can choose one of your own cards when you exit the field

[Blind card mode]: All information of the card selected by the blind card is hidden, and folding the card is equivalent to revealing the card

For a simple example, [Blind Card] chose [The Strongest Snail] when he left the field.

Then from the next round, [The Strongest Snail] can act the same as the normal folded card in the folded state.

And neither 3D nor skill information will be displayed.

This is also the reason why Tiaotiaomei and Tiaotiaoquan are said to be insidious and rogue. If you can't see the attributes of the opposing cards in many poker games, it is difficult to take targeted countermeasures and formulate strategies for the whole game.

Imagine, one? /? /? The folded cards are constantly on the field, but when they don't know their skills, what kind of feelings will the opponents feel.

Of course, this is certainly a good card for Li Pu.

Whether it is a blind snail or a blind phoenix, both are good choices.

In this way, you can save yourself some unnecessary troubles, so that every time others will ask you whether your cards are sold or not.

When it comes to the topic of selling rare boss cards, Li Pu didn't say everything to death.

[Thirteen Unity] I won't say it, maybe it's the only one in the world, and it's impossible to sell it.

But [The Strongest Snail] is not. There are three people who own this card.

Li Pu didn't know whether the predator ray played cube cards or not.

But Yi Li turned on the cube card function, and also told Li Pu that he wanted to sell cards.

It's just that this guy is determined to sell 1 billion.

So every time Li Pu helped to make a quotation, the inquirers were scared away without exception, and some people even complained about Li Pu.

If you don't sell it, you won't sell it. It's too hypocritical to put a price of one billion.

Back to the [Blind Card], this card he thinks is the most valuable card in the 40 treasure chests.

Because there is a small detail, perhaps the old sword spirit and the others did not notice.

It is true that in terms of experience with cube cards, he is far inferior to them.

But when it comes to exploiting loopholes and getting stuck, Li Pu wins.

In the explanation information of the [Blind Card], there are two very important information hidden.

One is the "own card", which means including the trump card.

The other is "folding the card is equivalent to revealing the card", which means that the rules of the game that Li Pu could not destroy before, this time it is practically equivalent to destroying it.

The trump card cannot be revealed by oneself, it is the iron law of the poker game.

It was different from the fake trump card of [The Strongest Snail] at the Emperor Demon Exchange Conference.

If the [blind card] is applied to the trump card, the trump card is still folded on the surface, but it is equivalent to revealing the card.

You must know that [Thirteenth] is a 36-point card after all, and its own attack power is not low.

The powerful output ability brought by joining the game in advance can easily change the direction of the game.

So the general conclusion is that [blind cards] are the best.

Judging from the expressions and language of the old sword spirits, it is obvious that they did not notice this.

Otherwise, it will be inevitable to be shocked and envious.

"What, the three of us will decide the order?"

At this time, the old sword spirit looked at his old friend and made a suggestion.

The three are already very familiar with each other, and in fact, the relationship is not bad.

Therefore, he did not use the identity of the owner of the copy crystal to suppress the two village chiefs.

Rather, it gives a fair chance to compete.

As for why Li Pu was chosen first, of course, it was because other people were the biggest contributors to passing the test.

The remaining three of them, in the eyes of the old sword spirit, have similar contributions to this game.

"Haha! Then I'm welcome!"

After the guessing was over, Tiaotiaoquan walked proudly.

Because they are usually jumping and jumping, the jumping family is reversed, and walking is equivalent to jumping and jumping when the ordinary race is happy.

It has to be said that the [Blind Cards] that Li Pu drew made them have great expectations for the quality of the Black Light Treasure Chest.

Therefore, there is no doubt that Tiaotiaoquan is going to uncover the black light treasure chest.



As a result, when the card flew into Tiaotiaoquan's hands, he shouted.

This time it wasn't exclamation, but abuse.

Because the card he drew was [Eye of Exhaustion].

Just like Li Pu's previous evaluation, this card is actually average.

I originally thought that I could also get a card with a similar function to [Blind Card], and even had a chance to draw the BOSS's full body Jumping Punch. I felt that this trip was a waste of time.

[Eye of Exhaustion] This kind of card is not very good in his deep card pool.

The result of such a card draw also changed the face of the third-placed Old Sword Spirit.

The [Eye of Exhaustion] has come out, and there is a high probability that there will be another [Eye of Nearness] in the remaining black light treasure chest.

Obviously no one wants [Near Eye], so now he is facing a two-choice multiple-choice question.

As for the final loser of the guessing boxing game, Jumping Beauty, his face was even more ugly.

She ranked fourth to open the box. If the old sword spirit was not opened with [Near Eye] but another card, then she could only give up the black treasure box and open the regular treasure box.

At that time, it is directly 36 to 1.

"Let me take a good look at it."

With the lesson of Tiaotiaoquan, the old sword spirit did not dare to act rashly.

He approached the two remaining unopened black treasure chests again, as well as the two black treasure chests that had already been opened.

Repeated comparisons, trying to find any clues.

The crowd didn't rush him, they just waited patiently.

It's a pity that after a while, the old sword spirit still hasn't figured out why.

"Forget it, then I'll just listen to the gods..."

The nervous old sword spirit reached out and wanted to open one at will, but suddenly stopped at the end.

Because he suddenly thought of something that he had been emphasizing over and over again.

"How about little brother can you help me choose one?"

So the old sword spirit turned his attention to Li Pu.


Li Pu nodded, but did not refuse.

Unexpectedly, this old guy was quite clever at the last moment.

A little busy, I don't mind helping.

"So, what do you want to play?"

So he asked.

"Of course, don't touch the [Near Eye]!"

The old sword spirit didn't even hesitate.

"Oh, that's it."

Hearing this, Li Pu pointed to the other party's position and said, "Then try another black box."



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