Although he gave up temporarily, before verifying his strength, Chen Hu still had some grudges against Li Pu.

It's just that he thought about it and was very confident in his own strength, so even if the other party is really a drag bottle, it doesn't seem to be a big problem.

At this time, all the explanations have been explained, and the Qin team and the battalion commander sent them to the copy door.

"Remember, you can only output when you are alive."

"Your most important task is to protect yourself."

"If you can't do anything, then retreat quickly."

The battalion commander looked serious and repeated again.

He didn't quite know the origin of Li Pu, the new comer, but the other three were the key cultivation targets of the consortium, and there was no room for mistakes.

Walking to the door of light, Li Pu stretched out his hand to investigate, and found that the copy here was slightly different from the foreign one.

[Waka Great Dunes - 5 copies]

【Higher than LV10 cannot enter】

The dungeon level is not indicated, but an approximation can be derived from its energy concentration.

This shows that the Warcraft inside will not be pure LV15, but LV15 floating up and down.


Seeing that the three of Chen Hu had entered, he also waved to the Qin team and followed up.

WONG! x4

Coming to the dungeon through the door of light, Li Pu's first feeling was the heat.

When I looked up, there was a vast expanse of yellow sand all around. There was no wind, only the scorching sun, which baked the air on the surface to a slight twist.

The neighborhood is very quiet, there is no sound, as if even monsters don't want to live in such a place.

"There's nothing, how can I find it?"

Li Pu looked at this environment and couldn't help but wonder.

"Turn on the watch first."

Liu Haihai next to him approached and reminded kindly.

Before entering the book, the battalion commander gave everyone a special device.

Saying that, she tapped her wrist.

It was a ring of blue light film, and as the function was clicked, a coolness immediately swept through the body.

Even Li Pu, who was next to him, felt a little refreshed.

With this thing, it can indeed resist part of the heat.

"Actually, the heat is just an auxiliary function."

"What really matters is the navigation system."

"Just set it up now, set the watch coordinates on the light gate, and we won't get lost when we come back."

Liu Hai continued to operate at the seaside and introduced it.

Different from Li Pu, the three of them had come to this dungeon for exploration beforehand, so some basic things were well prepared.

If you get lost in this vast sand dune and can't find the light door to leave, it will be an extremely terrifying thing for the summoner.

Accidents of getting lost and missing in the summoner dungeon happen every year, so the role of this watch is particularly critical.

Li Pu had already put the watch on his hand just now, and according to Liu Haihai's demonstration, he also clicked it.

The result was unexpected, there was no response at all.


Fatty Ai, who happened to see it next to him, looked puzzled.

The luck of this newcomer is really good, how can it be bad as soon as I get the watch.

You must know that no one is sloppy on this kind of life-saving device. The battalion commander must have given them a brand-new model, which is definitely not second-hand.

The only explanation is that Li Pu was too unlucky.

"Let's go out and get you another one."

Fatty Ai expressed concern.

If this happened to him, he would have run away immediately.

"Need not."

Li Pu smiled and waved his hand.

You know your own situation, even if you change ten or a hundred more, it will be the same.

This thing is for the summoner, what it needs is the power of summoning, he is not a summoner himself, of course he can't activate it...

But he didn't have to worry about getting lost.

The big deal is to return to Blue Star by himself, and he will appear next to Team Qin the next time he is summoned.

"Then you must follow us."

Chen Hu spoke at this time, and his tone softened a little because of a slight improvement.

If nothing else, at least the second generation has great courage.

Although this dune can get lost, it will not be easy to get lost.

As long as the group sticks together, it will be fine, and there is no difference between four watches and three watches.

"Okay, ready to go, let's all release the summoned beasts."

As the captain of the trip, Chen Hu gave another order.

But when he said this, he only looked at Li Pu.

Because the thorny red tiger, the light seahorse, and the bull-headed monkey were all at the side of their respective summoners at this time, and only Li Pu was left.

"Well, actually I am."

Li Pu pointed to himself, in fact, he didn't know how to explain this.

"Hahaha, what are you joking about?"

"Do you mean that you are a summoner?"

Fatty Ai laughed immediately.

Human-shaped summoned beasts are called summoners. Although there are not many of them, everyone knows this concept.

But in the same way, of course, they also know the existence of the summoner range.

The distance between the summoner and the summoned beast cannot be too far.

So even if Li Pu is really a summoner, where is his summoner?

It can't be Lord Qin Cixi, can it?

Even if it's really Lord Qin Cixi, that's not realistic, right?

The summoner's range also acts between the dungeon and the outside world. If that's the case, even if Lord Qin Cixi stays outside the dungeon's light gate, Li Pu will leave the range within a few steps.

Therefore, no one present took Li Pu's words seriously.

"Okay, let's go then."

But Chen Hu didn't intend to expose it, he just took a deep look at Li Pu, then turned around and left.

Maybe it's because his summoned beast is too inferior, so he can't take it.

Anyway, in his heart, he had already equated a combat power of 0 with Li Pu.


There was only the thorn tiger moaning, and it wanted to tell its summoner that what the other party said was the truth.

This guy is really a summoned beast!

Moreover, it is not possible to be more than a beast, otherwise, how could it be possible for him to be physically suppressed for no reason.

It's a pity that this time, the idea still can't convey the past.

In this way, the four people and three beasts walked seven or eight miles in the sand dunes without encountering any situation.

To be honest, Li Pu didn't even know what the so-called essence of sand was, but he didn't ask.

Anyway, someone will lead the way, and you will know when you encounter it.

【Ten thousand! rabbit! Follow! 】

At this moment suddenly a yellow sand billowed up in the distance.

And judging from the direction of their travel, it was obviously aimed at them.

"Come on, be alert!"

Chen Hu looked stunned and immediately called everyone together.

【Ow! 】

【Hi hi~】

【Moo! 】

The three summoned beasts immediately stood in their respective positions according to the previous tactical arrangement, protecting the summoners in the middle.

"Listening to this cry, it seems to be a three ostrich beast."

Fatty Ai stood behind Chen Hu with a slightly ugly expression: "I encountered such a strong monster in the first wave? It's a bit unlucky."



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