After the two sides parted ways, Li Pu soon arrived at a brand new dune area.

"Coming to the right place."

Looking ahead, he couldn't help but feel fortunate.

The originally flat sand dunes have arched sandbags two meters high.

The essence of sand that he collected and handed over to Fatty Ai came from the drop of this magical beast, and he didn't even need to collect it specially.

But with so many numbers, if Chen Hu and the three came to face them, they would only have to flee.

When we met for the first time just now, Li Pu also spent a little effort to get it done.

Fortunately, now that he has experience, there is no need to worry.

【Grumbling! 】

Strange syllables rolled in his throat, and his body began to be gradually covered with spore shells.

After waiting for the spore shell to be completely covered, the dark purple-green light flashed and divided into nine.

Nine clones, which are rarely used, are about to go out.

The physique of this kind of sand monster is very strange. If it wasn't for the fact that he had just collected the cards and learned from the side, Li Pu would have to spend another time.

【Sand Monster】-6 points

Attack 1, Defense 0, HP 5

[Easy Reorganization]: Sand monsters will not be damaged by any attack

[Unstable Condensation]: Sand monsters will automatically retire after being attacked 5 times

[Sand Scavenger]: If there is a sand card in the game, the sand monster will devour it

I have to say that the cube card is a good channel to explore the skills of Warcraft.

He discovered just now that this kind of sand monster is somewhat similar to Youyou.

However, Youyou is only immune to non-attribute attacks, but the sand monster is immune to all attack damage.

Even if it is broken up, it will be reorganized in an instant, as if it were intact.

But after enough attacks, it will automatically perish.

So a salvo of nine spores is the best solution.

After all, the real World of Warcraft is not as simple as the card, not only can withstand 5 blows.

At the beginning of the battle, Li Pu's saliva reserves were still quite sufficient.

"TUI!" x9

So you don't have to save energy, just skip the HE in HE~TUI.

And with the help of [Supreme Tongue], a spore phlegm was twisted into three strands by him.

That is, nine spores, a total of 27 attacks in one spray.

【Swish! 】

The nearest sand monster, before it understood what was going on, began to collapse with a wailing.

The dead sand monster quickly turned into gray-black sand, which was particularly conspicuous in this golden yellow.

Li Pu, who has regained the light, has very good eyesight. He can see a few shiny particles in the black sand, which is the essence of the sand he is looking for.

However, before he could walk over to screen and pick it up, something unexpected happened suddenly.

【Swish! 】

There was a sand monster next to it, rushing over at a faster speed, swallowing the black sand together with the essence of sand.

"what the hell."

He had only encountered one sand monster before, so he didn't know that there would be such a thing that devoured the corpses of the same kind.

However, referring to the [Sand Monster] card again, it seems to be a matter of course.

"It shouldn't be a loss."

Muttering to himself, he looked at the new sand monster.

After swallowing the same kind, its size has increased by one-third.

And it didn't stay in place like other sand monsters, but it seemed to be very excited and began to slowly start to walk around.

These sand monsters are not neutral and will cause them to attack if they get too close.

So Li Pu constantly adjusted his position, and followed the big sand monster among the other sand monsters.

The big sand monster was obviously not very intelligent. After wandering aimlessly for a while, his excitement subsided and he stopped.

"TUI!" x9

Seeing this, Li Pu sprayed again.

【Swish! 】

The result was still the same, even if it got a little bigger, the sand monster still couldn't resist 27 salvos.

The same is the gray-black sand. This time, Li Pu took a closer look at the essence of the sand, and it seems that the essence of the sand has not decreased. It is roughly the amount of two ordinary sand monsters.

【Swish! 】

The new sand monster rushed over and devoured the remains again.

"That's a lot easier."

Discovering this situation is good news for Li Pu.

Because every time you kill one, you have to slowly collect the dropped sand essence, which is quite time-consuming.

Now, it is very convenient to let a sand monster pick it up for you first, just like playing a game and turning on the automatic pickup function.

Looking at the large piece of sand monsters in front of him, he felt that the collection task was not that difficult to complete.

So, Li Pu came to the edge of the monster group and started to start, no, spray with his mouth.

"TUI!" x9

"TUI!" x9

"HE~TUI!" x9

"HE~TUI!" x9

The sand monsters fell one by one, and the scavenger sand monsters he had specially stocked became bigger and bigger.

【Swish! 】

By the time the penultimate sand monster in the area collapsed, the scavenger had turned into a small sand giant.

At this time, it has hands and feet, and even dark eyes and mouths.

It just looks like it's still stupid.

But this kind of stupidity is the type that Li Pu likes.

Because it is more obedient and easier to control.

If it weren't for the new world instead of an exotic land, he would have to consider whether he would think of some way to incorporate it.

After all, he has never forgotten the plan of gathering five servants of gold, wood, water, fire and soil.

【sand! 】

After devouring the last one of its kind here, the ability of the big sand monster has also increased a little bit.

It was this little bit of enhancement that expanded its alert range, and happened to discover Li Pu's location.

So it danced and rushed towards the enemy.

Now that the opponent's aura has become very strong, Li Pu can perceive that it is stronger than the three ostrich beast he encountered at first, but it is still a boss, and there is no qualitative leap.

This time, there is no inscription on the opponent's body that can be replaced and weakened, but Li Pu did not have negative runes equipped on his body in order to clear the monster.

It's just the LV15 BOSS Warcraft, how could he be the opponent of this 4S level summoner.

After about 10 minutes, the outcome was announced.

【rustle! 】

A large amount of black sand that collapsed fell down and piled up into the size of a hill.

Li Pu was not in a hurry, anyway, this time there was no sand monster robbing him, so he just waited slowly.

After the black sand gradually turned into blue light and drifted away, he saw the essence of the sand he needed to collect, which was emitting a different yellow light.

However, unlike the previous sand shape, this time the essence of sand was actually condensed into a round bead, the size of a fist.


He took a look at it and found that something was not right.

This bead is far heavier than expected.


Li Pu felt that he had overfulfilled the task.

The sand essence beads on hand are more than 25 kilograms.



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