Latest website: In the depths of the grass, a team of duos are walking cautiously.

This group of teams came from two completely different races.

Walking in front is a half-human-shaped beetle that walks upright.

It has limbs similar to those of the human race, but its head is that of a beetle, and its entire body is covered with lavender shells.

The lilac worm shell belongs to a relatively rare race among the zerg, the void zerg.

This powerful defensive worm shell is their racial talent.

The Void Zerg, a racial talent inherited from their ancestors, is the object of the envy of many Zerg.

Because the original Void Zerg often needed to travel in the void.

Therefore, they have evolved special worm shells, which can greatly reduce the damage of non-attribute spells, and are immune to space-type attribute damage.

Spatial attributes are actually very rare, but each has extraordinary power.

For example, super-complex properties such as chaos and distortion belong to the space category.

The racial talent of the Void Zerg can be directly immune to this kind of damage, which has to be said to be very impressive.

As a relative price, they also have weaknesses.

That is, when encountering arcane damage and restraint control effects, they will be affected by additional effects beyond the original effects.

But even so, the Void Zerg is still very strong.

Walking behind the Void Beetle is a terrifying player.

His skin was dry and wrinkled, and his humanoid body traveled in a prone position.

Unlike the limbs of ordinary creatures, his limbs are four sharp scythes like blades.

The blade-footed race is also a relatively rare race.

Their racial talent is a high bonus to agility attributes, at the cost of being unable to use weapons.

However, for the Saberfoot tribe, their own sickle is already the best weapon.

"Gululu, can we hide here, really?"

The beetle man walking in front asked in a loud voice.

Its voice seemed to grow in the chest cavity, and after it was deliberately lowered, the voice seemed very low.

"Of course, it's easy to hide traces here."

"We just need to stay here honestly and wait for the next round of drug circles. There's no need to go out and take risks."

"Zi Liu!"

After the blade-footed man finished speaking, he licked the sickle blade of his forearm with his forked tongue.

This is a signature move of their family, and only recognized heroes are qualified to do so.


But the Beetle Man was silent for a while when he saw this scene: "Your tongue is dripping blood."

"Ha ha."

As a warrior in the clan, the saber-footed man disagreed, and proudly said with a mouth full of blue light: "Otherwise, how do you think my tongue is forked."

Brave, really not everyone can do it.

Maybe this race, whoever has more blades in his head, will be more respected.

It stands to reason that these two guys are a lineup with enough strength to hunt down their competitors.

As a result, he ran into the dense grass to hide, which was somewhat unreasonable.

In fact, the tactics used depend more on the character of the parties involved.

What's more, on the surface, who said that they must come in to hide?

The best hunters often come in the form of prey.

call out!

At this moment, a red light suddenly shot from a tricky angle.

Looking at the direction of the attack, it was clearly aimed at Saber Man.


As a result, the beetle man dodged and directly blocked the red light.

Despite its large size, it actually has a high agility attribute.

The light hit the lilac beetle, and it only stirred up a small firework, which did not cause much damage at all.


At this time, the Beetle Man and the Saber Man couldn't help but smile at each other.

They had already noticed through various signs that there was an ambush nearby, and the conversation just now was just to paralyze the enemy.

This is originally a competition for survival. If you kill the enemy, you will have a chance to improve your equipment.

What's more, you can get experience points, who would want to let go of such an opportunity.

"it's here!"

I saw the beetle man take a deep breath, and then blow towards the position where the red light came from.


Huge lung capacity, blowing that piece of long grass fell like waves.

Two red-bearded dwarves with frightened faces were exposed.

Originally, the two dwarves were good at concealment and sneak attack, but Naihe didn't seem to be vigilant and despicable enough for each other.

I thought I had found a flaw, but it turned out that someone else deliberately performed it.

"Let me come, Zi Liu!"

The Saber Man licked the sickle again, and then rushed forward.

As a race with additional agility, his speed is naturally faster than that of the Beetle.

At this stage, the equipment on both sides is almost the same, but in terms of frontal combat, the two dwarves are obviously not opponents.

The beetle man was responsible for containing the opponent's melee players, while the saber-foot man took advantage of his speed to quickly approach the long-range attacker dwarf who just shot the red light with the blowpipe.

In less than a minute, the far-attacker dwarf was the first to fall out.

Seeing this, his companion wanted to run away, but was stopped by the man who came immediately.

Under the encirclement and suppression of the two breads, the other dwarf, although rough-skinned and fleshy, couldn't stand it for long.

In the end, the hatred fell under the scythe of the Saber-foot man.

"Hey hey, that's really good."

Picking up the equipment dropped by the two dwarves, the Saber-footed man who had just satisfied his desire to fight had joy written on his face.

"Gululu, these inscriptions are good."

As for the beetle man, he was picking up the other party's gift box.

Saber Man's demand for inscriptions is not big anymore, because he has been given priority all the way as the main attacker, and he has already assembled a good set of equipment.

Therefore, the inscriptions of the two dwarves were all accepted by the beetles and underwent a wave of selective updates.

"Junk weapons."

However, the Beetle Man was disdainful of the two dropped weapons.

Especially the blower, it just took a look at it in my hand, and then threw it away.

call out!

However, it was the act of throwing it away that made it swipe out of the corner of the eye to a shocking scene...

Something rolled down in front of him and began to turn into blue light and drift away.

Its companion, the Sazu Man, had his head dropped for no reason!

"what's the situation?!"

The beetle man felt that at this moment his entire beetle became sour.

Substituting it for a human reaction would be the equivalent of a chicken skin raising one's hair.

It is said that the best hunters always appear in the form of prey.

But this statement may be wrong today.

Because the best hunters don't even appear at all.

You must know that at this moment, a hunter surnamed Li was too angry.

He clearly encountered four experience packs, but two hateful ones actually dared to swallow the other two.

This is simply shameless robbery.

How can he not be angry.



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