Tombstone H Alliance Branch, the large conference room of the office building.

Facing the picture on the big screen, everyone was silent.

In fact, compared to the players on the scene, they were a bit confused.

Because of the protection of the players, the live broadcast screen is filtered in all languages, and only the sound effects are retained.

That is to say, everyone does not know very well what happened.

They only know that since Li Pu showed a few hands, no matter where he goes, the players will stop immediately, and some will even lose their smiles.

In the end, it turned into a silent chatting meeting, and the scene was very weird.

"It's really a unique observation..."

"Me too, I have never seen such a peaceful Qiyuan battlefield."

"Anyone who knows human lip language, can you tell me how he threatened other players just now?"

"Actually, if I want to say, I still have to blame that half-demon, half-iron guy."

"That's right, it's all because he destroyed the field."

"Without terrain protection, it really changes the situation of the battle."

The people who finally started the discussion gave half of the credit to the FKINGB number.

In fact, their analysis is indeed correct. If not everyone has nothing to hide, the situation will not evolve to this point.

But Li Pu, who was patrolling with his sword, also played an undeniable role in promoting.

The City Lord Youyou and the Jerboa sitting in the corner also had strange expressions.

"It feels... this is even more outrageous than the third round."

After a while, Jerboa finally choked out a word.

In the third round, Li Pu caused a scuffle among the crowd by stealth.

But this time he actually did the opposite, using an unknown spell with some magical power to stop the melee.

"It seems that people's hearts are the biggest variable in the Qiyuan battlefield."

Youyou City Lord expressed his opinion.

"Why don't you take a gamble?"

Jerboa suddenly became interested and suggested, "Let's bet on who will win between Li Xiaozi and that half-magic half-iron."

Although the current scene has maintained a strange peace for the time being, whoever watches the final highlight will definitely be the duel between Li Pu and FKINGB.

"Oh? Interesting."

When the city lord Youyou heard it, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Then let's say it together, which side will win."




"Li Pu." x2

"..." x2

It turned out that the two of them spoke in unison. This time *m Zhang Si

Don't look at the fact that City Lord Youyou was very concerned about FKINGB before, but if he really wants to tell the winner and loser, he is still more optimistic about Li Pu.

The reason is very simple, you let the FKINGB try to blow up a cube.

Not to mention the jerboa, it knows that Li Puqian has beaten rare bosses.

"This kind of gamble can't be established."

The two looked at each other with a wry smile.


In the Qiyuan battlefield, FKINGB is actually very confused about this situation.

Originally, he wanted to wait for everyone to continue to fight internally until the number of survivors dropped to an acceptable range before shooting.

As a result, the appearance of Li Pu broke this plan.

FKINGB knows that in the trials of the God-forging Conference, an existence of a level similar to him is called an S-player.

Player S has an ability that is obviously far superior to other players, and can even be called crushing.

A single S player can greatly affect the situation of the whole game.

He also just woke up, it seems that there is more than one S player in this game. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

But the goal of the FKINGB number is the first place in the field.

Even though there is only one rank difference between the first and the second, in fact, the reward of points is nearly 50% more.

This is both to encourage players to compete and to prove the value of being number one.

So he, who was originally very restrained, decided to take action.

Because going on like this is just a waste of time.

"Hello, little brother."

After making a decision, his voice rang in Li Pu's ear.


Li Pu looked around and found that the others around him did not respond.

"Don't worry, I have arranged special audio."

"Only you and I can hear the conversation now."

"You can also talk whatever you want, they won't hear you."

Soon, the voice of the FKINGB sounded again.

"Oh, hello."

Li Pu was stunned, nodded and said, "What's the matter?"

After speaking, he felt it again, and sure enough, no one around heard his voice.

"Apart from the two of us on our side, and one of you, there are a total of 36 players left on the field."

Keep an eye on the changing FKINGB number on the field and report the number of survivors present.

To Li Pu's surprise, the other party was able to detect the existence of thick black.

But it seems that they are mistaken for the same team.

"I don't know how many people you can deal with at one time?"

Seeing that Li Pu did not respond, FKINGB continued to ask questions.

This question is actually a test.

He wanted to explore Li Pu's tone and further evaluate Li Pu's strength.

But who is Li Pu, of course, it is impossible to get in so easily.

"Hello? Hello? Are you still there?"

"It seems that the signal is not very good."

He tapped his ear, and even walked a few small circles in place.

Playing stupid is the best way to deal with it, as long as you have a thick skin.


FKINGB was silent on the spot.

Of course, his special channel can't have bad The distance between the two is only a hundred meters. The signal is not good. Isn't it insulting his own technology?

However, he didn't expect the opponent to play cards so unreasonably, and he simply went to a showdown.

"Little brother, I think your strength is also very strong."

"It's better that we join forces first and eliminate all other competitors."

"And then decide first and second fairly?"

"That's it, I will have a way to start the chaos again later."

"Then we wait until there are less than 20 survivors left before we take action."

"As for the number of people in charge, how about half of you and half of me?"

Li Pu: "You dare?!"

Almost instantly, his signal was fine.

This person is simply a wolf's ambition!

He actually wanted to steal half of his experience pack!


The misunderstood FKINGB number was stunned again at this time.

He felt that his proposal was already the fairest and most reasonable plan at present. What else is there to be dissatisfied with?

Wouldn't it be bad to do half of it on one side, do you still want him, the proposer, to do his best to clear all the other competitors.

Is this too greedy?

I have to say that for some reason, the two sides misunderstood each other.

They are all thinking in the opposite direction of the other party's original intention.

"It doesn't seem to use any means, this guy is determined to grab the monster."

Inadvertently, Li Pu had already used this place to spawn monsters on the spot.

【Piao Piao! 】

With a loud roar, a huge white figure appeared out of thin air.

Faithful younger brother, substitute teacher and errand No. 2, the snowman appears. make a big tyrant


If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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