Li Pu did not explain too much, just showed them two [talents].

[Body Split]: After death, it will automatically split into two individuals that can be split twice

[Body Glowing]: After death, an altar will be automatically generated that increases the movement speed of allies by 30%

"Wow, is this still possible?"

Han Shu sighed on the spot after reading it, which made it a little bit tempted to develop in the direction of the summoned object.

As for how these two [talents] came from, it was very sensible and did not ask.

After all, everyone has their own experience, who would be willing to tell it all carefully and carefully.

Now that Li Pu can show it the details of his [talent], it is already a very trusting performance.


After You Huo read it, he remained silent.

It's not that she looks down on these two [talents], these two [talents] are very good, it's just that she is distracted and thinking about other things.

Li Pu was still very pleased that his idea came true.

For now, Iron Man is still very useful.

Its pit position is just enough to carry [Break Split] + [Body Glow] + [LV9 Sporeman].

As early as when he first got the two unlucky [talents], [Break Split] and [Body Glow], he had already imagined it.

If combined with [LV9 spore people], then it can be decomposed into a total of 36 small spore people.

36x30%=1080%, which means that if they are stacked together, they can provide a super terrifying acceleration array.

It's a pity that during the first split of [Remains Split], [Remains Glow] will not be triggered.

[Remains Glow] will only be triggered after the secondary splinter of [Break Split] completely dies. Now Zhang Si

Otherwise, more acceleration arrays can be stacked.

However, the 1080% speed array is already very exaggerated. Even if the area is small, it is enough to trigger the [Sonic] shared by the straw man and the snowman, and it is more than enough.

In other words, as long as the Iron Man is around, Li Pu will be able to trigger [Sonic] easily, and in one step.

After the experiment was completed, the group returned to Tombstone.

Back at the residence, Han Shu continued to explain to Li Pu a few points of inscriptions, or the precautions of the iron man.

For example, if the Iron Man is killed, the resurrection time can be shortened by "feeding" a large number of inscriptions.

It's just that this method consumes a lot of materials, and it is best not to use it unless it is necessary.

Another point is that if there are still suitable materials, you can still use the previous formula to upgrade [Tie Xin Zhongwei], but the specific aspects of the upgrade will depend on the actual situation. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

The number and requirements of auxiliary materials remain the same, the only change is to replace the previous synthesis position of [NONO Core] with [Tie Xin Zhongwei].

Regarding the upgrade of this inscription, Li Pu is temporarily not considering it.

Because he has few good materials left, it is impossible to strengthen it according to the formula.

If the material is too poor to strengthen this inscription, the effect will be very insignificant.

It's even a waste of time, after all, he has to re-arrange and synthesize it according to the recipe.

In the days that followed, everything went smoothly.

Han Shu didn't have anything special for the time being, so he made a room next door and lived there, and became neighbors with Li Pu and Yi Li.

And DJ-17 also came to the big tombstone at the appointed time, waiting for Li Pu to come back from the dinner, he can provide them with the key citizen order sent to the Mechanical Principality.

On the other hand, it is more compatible with Han Shu of the semi-mechanical family, and the two have become good friends.


H-Union branch, basement of office building.

At this time, the floor of the spacious hall was full of slime fragments.

"It's giving up, boo."

When the leg **** said the news, the city lord Youyou secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

During this period of time, he was very worried, collecting low-level plants to Slime everywhere, but the **** never succeeded in possessing him.

"It seems that its divine power is not stable enough, and it can't possess a slime for the time being, unless it encounters a more suitable carrier, boo."

To be honest, the leg **** feels that he is very interesting for a little new god.

"My lord, why is that **** so persistent?"

Mao Mao on the side was very puzzled.

Judging from the attitude of the opponent's persistent and repeated serenity, there should be no shortage of divine power.

This shows that it has already been replaced by a god, so why should it come to the big tombstone in such a hurry.

"I've asked this question before, and it doesn't even know it, boo."

There was helplessness in the voice of the leg god.

"According to its words, it is looking for someone, boo."

"But what is the purpose of finding someone, I don't know, boo."

"This is also a very normal situation. When most gods become gods, they will lose their memory, boo."

"Some can recover slowly, some can't, and some can recover part of their memory under certain conditions, boo."

"Perhaps it found an acquaintance of its predecessor and remembered something, and planned to take the opportunity to further recall, boo."

Facing the questioning eyes of the two it gave its own speculation.

"That is, the acquaintance of this god's predecessor is on the tombstone, so does it say who it is?"

City Lord Youyou's idea is very simple, since he can't possess the body, then find that acquaintance to have a conversation, maybe it will help him find his memory.

Anyway, it is not impossible to have a leg **** in the middle to do the translation.

"I'm afraid this can't be done."

This time, without having to answer with a leg god, Mao Mao shook his head.

"Gods have no entity, so contact in nothingness and contact with possessed entities may have completely different effects on gods who want to retrieve their memories."

"And the gods, especially the new gods, are more cautious."

"Since the memory is lost, it is impossible to determine whether the other party is an enemy or a friend."

"If you are accidentally told to reveal your weakness, you may even be killed."

"Gods are not invincible. If you master the method of targeting, killing gods is not impossible."

"The God of Balance, which was a sensation in the past few years, has fallen, I believe you know it."

"It was killed by a guardian from the native world to the foreign land."

"I even heard of cases where gods were killed by their own gods."

Hearing what Mao Mao said, the city lord Youyou couldn't help sighing secretly.

Sure enough, there are too many ways to deal with God.

Fortunately, the trials will end in a few days, and the **** of legs will be gone by then.

Without the **** of legs, I believe that the **** of perseverance can only give up. control the big lord

It doesn't matter whether it is looking for relatives or seeking revenge, in short, don't bother yourself any more.



If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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