Many gods were staying in the cubicles at this time, silently watching the situation on the venue through monitoring equipment.

When Li Pu said this, he immediately aroused dissatisfaction.

They felt that this human race boy was really pushing his nose on his face.

The **** put down the air and took the initiative to send an invitation, which is already a very face-saving behavior.

As a result, the other party actually wanted the gods to line up and come to the interview one by one.

"I think that group of guys are all dizzy, why are they all inviting him at once, boo."

In a certain cubicle, a **** resented the behavior of his colleagues.

After all, not all the gods present were paying attention to the trials throughout the whole process, and those who didn't know Li Pu still had to make up the majority.

"I think he's rejecting it in disguise, boo."

The other **** next to him was also out of the way.

"A group of poor guys, they will be looked down upon when they are delivered to the door, haha."

"Some of them are gods of life as soon as they hear their names, and it's normal for others to look down on them, boo."

"But I'm a little curious why he is so popular."

There are three or four gods in the cubicle, you are discussing each and every word.

A similar situation was also staged in other cubicles at the same time.

In the face of Li Pu's question, the Big-Eyed staff seemed very embarrassed.

"Uh..." Zhang Si now

One of the big-eyed people explained hesitantly, "I'm afraid this can't be done."

"Because we didn't expect this situation before."

"I didn't prepare a large enough compartment..."

These cubicles look unremarkable, but they definitely guarantee the privacy of the guests in the cubicles.

Due to the complex technology involved in some protection, it needs to be arranged in advance.

It takes at least tens of minutes to build a large cubicle.

It feared that the gods could not wait and would blame itself for it.

"Okay, then I'll think about it first."

After listening to the explanation, Li Pu nodded to show his understanding.

With that, he pulled out the chair and sat down.

At the same time, there are four compartments to invite themselves, which side to go first is obviously a question worth considering.

Because which compartment you go to first means that you value the group of gods the most.

But this is also equivalent to showing favor to one of the parties, but offending the other three parties.

He needs to carefully recall the names of gods reported by the staff just now to see if there are any healing gods in them.

However, in the eyes of the **** who issued the invitation, such a move has a slightly different taste.

In the small cubicle where the five gods such as the God of Soy Milk gathered, they were discussing the situation at this time.

"Boo, this kid is too arrogant."

The **** of soy milk first took the lead in opening the group.

"That's right, it's obviously our first invitation, why should he think about it, boo."

"Do you really think we can't find a substitute, boo?"

"This is a typical shameless face, boo."

"It seems that this year's players are not very good, boo."

The other four gods are also condemning every word you say.

Then condemning and condemning, they found that there was one less partner in the house.

The **** of soymilk, who first expressed his dissatisfaction, is gone.

"Boom? Where did that guy go?"

"Strange, it was still there just now, boo..."

"Boom it's there!"

Just when they were puzzled, they suddenly saw a pure white slime through the monitor, which had already rushed into the venue.

Exactly...the **** of soy milk.

"I'm number one, boo!"

The fat jelly body rolled and bounced, landing on Li Pu and his tone was quite proud.

Gods: Boom!

Seeing this scene, they were all dumbfounded.

The **** of soy milk, this dead thing, is it so rolled?

The banquet has just started, and the dignity of God has been completely abandoned? ?

Especially the few gods who were in the same room just now, now that's a shame.

They are ashamed that there is such a shameless **** in their team.

He was the first to say no, but his body rushed the fastest.

At the same time, I was also ashamed, why wasn't myself the first to rush out.

He actually got the way of this shameless guy and was paralyzed by his acting skills.


Li Pu sensed the large pure white jelly in front of him, and some did not expect such a situation.

To be honest, he really wanted to think about it, not just pretending.

As a result, he had just sat down, and there was a **** who took the initiative to run in front of him.

"Boy, I'm the **** of soy milk, boo!"

"I don't need a cubicle, let's talk first!"

The God of Soymilk is obviously shy about other competitors and wants to seize the opportunity further.

"OK then."

For everyone's sake, Li Pu couldn't say anything else.

What's more, he really wanted to hear what abilities this **** could give him.

The **** of soy milk, it can't be ordinary soy milk.

Perhaps, it is not sure whether it is soy milk that cures all diseases?

It has to be said that scrolling is a terrible act, even in the circle of gods.

Someone rolls first, and if you don't follow, you'll fall behind.

The most important thing is that the other party also succeeded in the roll, and the target person agreed to negotiate.

So soon, the gods who sent the invitations just now popped out of the compartment one by one.

"I'm second, boo!"

"My boo!"

"I'm fourth, boo!"

For a while, a slime line lined up in front of Li Pu.

Like the God of Flying, the God of Horns, the gods with relatively strong strength and more respect for face, because they started a little slower because of face, they could only be ranked at the end of the team.

There were also some gods who originally planned to wait and see, or wanted to find Li Pu but held back for a while.

The most extreme thing is that many gods who didn't understand the situation originally participated in it with a mentality to join in the fun.

After all, gods also have a herd mentality, and players who are favored by more than 20 gods must have merit.

Regardless of whether you understand it or not, let’s talk about it first.

The result is that this dinner, there is a spectacle that has never been seen before.

There were more than 60 slimes in the open-air venue, and there was a long line in front of one player.

Some gods were clever and wanted to jump in the queue, and were attacked by the gods. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

Let the players present see a rare battle of gods.

Of course, the so-called **** battle is actually just a bunch of slimes ramming each other in there.

"This is outrageous..."

FKINGB looked at the rankings that accounted for 60% of the number of gods in the audience, and was speechless.

He doesn't want to pursue it anymore, which one is the God of Flying who invited him just now.

At this time, it's better to just wait honestly.

After Li Pu made the selection, he would make his own decision.

Anyway, that kid, at most, is to establish a contract with a god. control the big lord



If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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