If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 833 Card BUG Completed, Let's Go!

The accident here refers to the unplanned death of the pawn.

In fact, Li Pu didn't want to start getting stuck with bugs so soon, he wanted to observe the mechanism of the boss first.

If this BOSS has any means to crack his bug, wouldn't it be a white card.

Today's timing can only be said to be not very good, but it is not impossible.

[Become the nourishment of the old man! 】

puff! puff! puff!

With the roar of the old giant tree, a large number of thick roots emerged from the ground.

And these roots are actually indiscriminate attacks.

Even the treants walking in the field were all impaled.

Not only that, there are many roots entangled together, forming a wooden vine wall to block the old giant tree, forming a protective shield.

"Damn it!"

When the old sword spirit passed by an obstacle, a root suddenly appeared and wanted to attack.

Fortunately, he had a quick eye, and he surrounded the marble with sharp sword energy and broke it directly.

【Grass! 】

Scarecrow: This old guy has a lot of leg hair!

[NONO! 】

Iron Man: Ben Tie is brave, not afraid of Xu Xu at all!

Under the leadership of Li Pu, the two summoned marbles rushed past, and they were basically not disturbed, so they were still in the mood to call at this time.

But at this moment, Li Pu's marbles suddenly sank to the ground.

I activated the skill that was given to the straw man in the previous level, [Cave Worm].

He's about to start getting stuck.

The sinking of Li's marbles directly resulted in the disconnection of the marble chain.

Under the leadership of the new leading grass, continue to rush out along the way.

【Grass? ! 】

The straw man panicked instantly, he didn't want to be the leader, he died very quickly!

[NONO! ... YUE! 】

As for Iron Man, it doesn't matter who takes the lead, because he has already started to feel sick.

The first step of this card bug is to separate from the two chess pieces.

Without Li Pinball surmounting the thorns and thorns in front, the trajectories of the grass marbles and the iron marbles began to become very unsmooth.

After a while, he was frequently hit by obstacles and enemies, and rolled towards the energy baffle under the strong wind.

"It's now."

Li Pu, who was buried in the ground, saw the timing and gave instructions to the straw man.

【Grass! 】

With a thought of the grass man who received the order, he directly activated the skills that Li Pu had prepared for it in advance.

[Giant Guardian]: Super giant in size, doubled all attributes and comes with a recovery effect

Through the preview, Li Pu already knew that his second step was completed.

[Grass Roar! 】

I saw the grass marble with the skill turned on let out a roar, and then began to expand in size.

Due to the suppression of the dungeon mechanism, the grass marbles did not become extremely huge like they were outside.

The current volume is only four or five times that of just now.

Four or five times may not seem like much, but it was enough in Li Pu's plan.

Enough to get stuck between two energy baffles to keep the grass marbles from falling, and at the same time block the most dangerous twisted black holes.

"Fuck! You can think about it!"

The onlooker Tiaotiaoquan was stunned when he saw this scene.

What an ingenious idea this is, to actually block the black hole!

In this way, there is no danger of all the marbles being torn apart by the twisted black hole!

This grass chess piece is wonderful!

"It really has to be you."

At this time, the old sword spirit also understood Li Pu's meaning.

"Seniors, stop manipulating the baffle."

However, Li Pu reminded him just in case.

Don't look at the grass marbles stuck firmly now, but if one side of the baffle is warped, it can still leak out.

Old Sword Spirit and Jumping Mouse expressed their reassurance.

So far, the blocking of the baffle is the second step of Li Puka's BUG plan.

Considering that without the drive of the baffle, the old sword spirit will lose its drive.

He also specially shared the talent [Exploding Body] with the grass marble, so that when the sword marble hits the grass marble, it will gain new elasticity.

[NONO! 】

Iron Man: Fuck it finally stopped! It's rare for Big Brother Cao to become a grasshopper!

At this time, the happiest thing is Iron Man.

It was connected to the grass marble, and now that the grass marble stopped, it naturally stopped.

Finally, there was no need to bump around, and several liters of engine oil were vomited out.

But what Iron Man doesn't know is...

The ruthless, cruel and unscrupulous summoner has also prepared a third step plan.

"Remember to give a reverse order later."

Li Pu, who ran out of the hole and returned to the field, warned himself in a low voice.

So under the blowing of the strong wind, he began to roll towards the direction of the grass marble and the iron marble.

【NONO? 】

At this time, a very strange, magical voice suddenly sounded in Iron Man's mind.

That voice has been telling it...

"Don't get distracted don't get distracted don't get distracted don't get distracted!"

Take a closer look, it's the voice of the summoner!

[NONO! 】

Iron Man: No way! Can't help it!

With a yell, the iron marble split on the spot!

[Gulu NO! 】

Nine spore marbles re-emerged from the rivers and lakes.

"This skill is not..."

Tiaotiaoquan was taken aback for a moment, isn't this the skill Li Pu used just now?

It is not surprising that summoned beasts can borrow or share the summoner's skills.

It's just that it can see from the last level that this shotball move is actually not very powerful.

Now there are BOSS roots all over the field, but it is not so suitable to use.

However, the situation that Tiaotiaoquan was worried about did not appear.

Because nine spore marbles got together and got stuck between the grass marbles and one side baffle.

Due to the lack of power, they couldn't even trigger the [exploding body] of the grass marbles, so they could only stay in place so obediently.

[Goo NONO! 】x9

Iron Man x9: Summoner, what have you done to us!

At this time, the iron man was a little panicked, because it felt that the summoner who attacked from there seemed to be a bit unkind!

Facts have proved that Iron Man was right to worry.

The original trajectory of the Li marble will not collide with the spore marble.

But when it was approaching, it suddenly turned awkwardly and abruptly!

"This is……"

Seeing the old sword spirit behind him, he couldn't help but think of some of his experiences when he was young.

When he was traveling in the Terran region, he saw many kinds of pool games they invented.

Now this scene feels a bit like the human race's billiards or bowling.

However, the old sword spirit's imagination was completely wrong.

The next thing he saw wasn't a billiard ball or a bowling ball at all, but...

Rather, he didn't know how to describe it.

Because the Li marble over there brought sixteen thunderbolts to attack the spore marble.

Boom! x16

Boom! x16

[NONO! 】xN

In an instant, it seemed as if something had vanished into ashes.

[Remains split], trigger.

[Remains glowing], trigger.

[Sonic], trigger.

The last step of the card bug plan, complete!

Anyone who dares to stop him from hitting Nick's pinball combo today will be killed by him.



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