"Leave King, use the hammer!"


Face the fire-breathing dragon that fell from the sky, almost like a meteor.

Qianli and the Leave King did not choose to avoid the edge for the time being, but directly met it head-on.

After smashing the last rock hard.

The Leave King roared angrily, and then swung his right arm continuously.

The right arm that keeps spinning is like a big windmill.

Under such actions.

The Leave King gathered all the strength of his body into his right arm.

Accompanied by the use of power.

The right arm of the Leave King gradually turned into a fiery red as if it was about to explode.

At this time, Charizard, which was wielding a flame car, also rushed down from the sky......


There are no fancy or surprises.

With a loud pop that seemed to open the ceiling, the two elves collided directly with each other.

All eyes were on the center of the battlefield at the same time.

There, the two elves were at a stalemate with each other in an eerie balance.

Charizard's entire body burned with blazing fire.

His head was downward, and he continued to rush forward in a posture that wanted to squash the Leave King.

The right arm of the Leave King was pressed against Charizard's forehead.

The movements of the two elves came to a brief standstill.

However, the fluctuating air around them was a sign that their confrontation was not as simple as it seemed.


A large amount of flames spread from Charizard's body to the right arm of the Leave King.

The blazing fire soon ignited the hair of the Leave King.

And there was a constant burning sound.

Despite the leave, the king's face was covered with the pain of being burned by the flames.

However, he did not have the slightest intention of withdrawing his right arm to change his posture.

That's right, choosing to give in at this time is indeed able to pull out your hand to extinguish the flames on your body.

But in that case, you have to directly withstand the charge of Charizard!

Compared to the flame car that fell like a meteor.

What is the scorching of a mere flame?


However, the insistence of the king of leave does not seem to make much sense.

A cracking sound came from the ground beneath the King's feet.

Cracks gradually grew on the ground where the King of Leave was standing.

At first, these cracks were not very noticeable.

But as time goes on.

The rifts spread like spider webs in all directions.

Finally, compared to the two elves, the battlefield under the king of leave could not be supported by one step ahead......

With a bang.

The ground beneath the king's feet cracked open.

Lost the power of the earth as a support.

The strength of the king's right arm suddenly weakened a lot.


At this time, the corners of Charizard's mouth rose wildly.

With an uninhibited smile and an indomitable momentum.

Charizard finally broke through the resistance of the right arm of the Leave King.

The flame cart ran over the body of the Leave King in an instant.


In the center of the battlefield was heard again, the roar of the Leave King.

Unlike before, this time the roar was full of pain.

"Charizard, keep the chase going, use the Jet Flame!"

Trainers on both sides of the war are also closely watching the situation on the field.

Seeing Charizard make a breakthrough.

Surin immediately ordered the onslaught to continue.

At this time, the ground under the feet of the Leave King collapsed, and the Leave King's body fell directly into the ground.

After using a flame car to run over the whole body of the Leave King.

Charizard's wings swapped, and its body, which was extremely close to the ground, quickly rose again.

In the blink of an eye, Charizard was back in the sky above the battlefield.

At this time, Surin's order also came to Charizard's ears.

Without any hesitation, facing the Leave King on the ground, Charizard opened its mouth and was a jet of flame.

"Leave King, use Keep!"

The appearance of the king of leave at this time was very miserable.

Not only the body was covered with numerous burn marks.

The whole body is also completely submerged under the ground.

It's very difficult to just climb out, after all, this guy is not lightweight.

What's even worse is that the body of the king of leave is still burned because of the flame car.

Countless embers were further eating away at the Leave King's physical strength, causing him even more damage.

At this very dangerous juncture.

Charizard's jets of flame fell from the sky again......

Fortunately, Chisato still gave his instructions in time.

After hearing Chisato's order.

The Leave King roared angrily, and then slammed his fists around his body.

The ground that had collapsed was further shattered.

This opened up a small blank space around the body of the Leave King.

Then, without hesitation, the Leave King stretched out two huge palms to block the top of his head.


A circle of dark green light instantly enveloped the whole body of the Leave King.


The jet of flame shot directly at the hold.

The flames burned with a loud noise.

Despite the dire situation.

But the king of leave still 'relented'.

"Charizard, this is the end, use the big word explosion!"

Before the Leave King could catch his breath, Surin let Charizard unleash another more powerful and fierce attack.

"Hoo ......"


The fire-breathing dragon flying in the air took a deep breath.

Then he opened his mouth and spat out a huge pillar of fire.

After some distance away from Charizard's body.

The pillar of fire split directly and became a 'big' shape.


The big word explosion almost enveloped most of the battlefield.

The moment the large-shaped flame touched the ground, it exploded directly.

A powerful impact and countless clouds of smoke swept through the entire battlefield in an instant.

The smoke on the field didn't last long.

After all, the explosion of the big word explosion was only a moment.

Soon, everyone present saw the situation on the field clearly.

Charizard still soared in a wanton stance, flying over the battlefield.

He had a strong look of confidence on his face, as if he was confident in his 'final blow'.

And that's exactly what happened.

At this time, the center of the battlefield.

Huge cavities in the ground.

The body of the Leave King had completely collapsed in a hollow hole in the ground.

The face of the king of leave was a look of admiration.

It seems that even after fainting, the Leave King is still sighing at the strength of the opponent he encountered this time......

"The Leave King has completely lost the ability to fight, and the winner of this round of battle is Charizard. "

"Therefore, the final winner of this Orange Flower Gym Challenge is Challenger Surin!"

After confirming the status of the leave king.

The referee standing on the sidelines immediately announced the results of the challenge.

After hearing the referee's voice, Su Lin also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Whew...... , It's really not an easy battle, but I finally got it, the first badge in the Hoenn region......"

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