After a whole day, Nazi and the others should have been waiting in a hurry?

Surin found himself seemingly overthinking.

Harness the dragon all the way to the elven center of Kanaz City.

Surin found the three girls talking and laughing in the rest area of the Elf Center, eating desserts.

Behind them were large bags of all sorts of things they had bought.

Shopping is one of Xiao Yao's favorite things to do.

Now she is accompanied by Nazi and Latias, who are the same age.

When the three girls came to Kanaz City, they were completely free.

As for Surin?

They have long been thrown out of the clouds, okay!

Expressionless, he came to Nazi's side.

Surin found that they might have been too focused on discussing each other.

Even if Surin walked up to them and sat down, they didn't notice.

They were even enthusiastically discussing where they were going to visit Kanaz tomorrow.

As for what Su Lin and Lie Kong sat down, they didn't appear in the conversation between the three of them from beginning to end......

I don't know if they were too relieved about Su Lin, or if they didn't take it to heart at all......

I've been out there all day, okay!

If you don't care about me, forget it, what does this attitude of ignoring me directly mean?

Xiao Yao and Nazi forget it, why has Ladias, who has always been obedient, become like this, hey!

Surin's side of the situation is not to be said for the time being.

On the contrary, the Elven Alliance in the Hoenn region has been greatly shaken in the past two days!

Within the alliance, dozens of powerful elven special investigators were dispatched.

Even Miss Junsha from Orange City and Kanaz City have joined forces to form a joint response team.

Under the leadership of Miss Junsha, hundreds of police officers are ready to go.

All because of an unspeakable 'great calamity'!

That's right, it's a disaster!

Between the cities of Orange and Kanaz.

A vast plain.

Originally, it was a paradise for wild elves.

It is also a necessary route for countless trainers to pass through the city of Orange or Kanaz.

But now, it's in ruins......

There is not even a flat piece of land to be seen within a radius of thousands of miles.

The entire green plain seemed to have been bombarded by countless dense artillery pieces.

Even a powerful natural disaster is estimated not to be able to cause such damage.

The Elven Alliance in the Hoenn region sent someone to find out why.

Of course, if Surin was here, he would definitely be able to answer their questions.

This, this is just the destruction caused by the elves in battle.

If you hear this explanation from Surin.

People can't help but laugh out loud.

The havoc caused by Elven Battle?

Are you going to let the kids play with this?

What kind of elf skills can directly cause massive destruction in a radius of thousands of miles?

What kind of elf skill can directly bomb the earth into a collapse dozens of meters deep?

What kind of elven skills can make the whole plain not grow?

It's not an elf effect at all.

It's like being blown up by a mushroom bomb!

And it's not a mushroom bomb, it's likely to be blown up by several mushroom bombs at once!

"Mr. Mikkeli, do you think everything here is really the result of the elven battle?"

In the devastated plains.

In the center of the large number of police officers, a very well-dressed person is surrounded by a group of Coalition Special Investigators and several Miss Junsha.

It is worth mentioning that among the onlookers there are thousands of people who have fought against Surin not long ago.

All of these people were urgently recruited by the Elven Alliance.

It's just to find out what's going on here.

And in the center of everyone's crowding.

There stood a man Surin was sure to know.

Top Elven Coordination Trainer and one of the champions of the Hoenn region, Mikli!

As for why it is one of the champions of Hoenne.

Because Mikoli actually inherited his friend's position as league champion.

If you talk about elven combat alone, Michael's friend can truly be called a genius.

That's right, that person is Daigo, who is extremely good at using steel attributes!

Of course, now is not the time to discuss Daigo.

Against the inquiring gaze of the crowd.

Mikoli nodded solemnly.

"Yes, I'm sure it's a legacy of the Elven War. "

Hear the confirmation from Mikkoli again.

Whether it's a powerful alliance special investigator.

It's still a powerful gym owner like Chirito.

Or Miss Junsha, who has seen countless scenes.

Everyone gasped.

The scene here is as if it had been swept away by a natural disaster.

Is it really the power of the elves?

So, how powerful is it to leave this devastated elf?

If you do it with all your might, will you be able to turn the entire Hoenn region into what it looks like in front of you?

When I think of such a result.

Everyone's faces showed extremely ugly looks.

Even the strongest Mikoli had a dignified face.

"Guys, I think we should report back to the Coalition as soon as possible. "

"Although we have reached a preliminary conclusion, unfortunately we have not been able to find the elves who are fighting here. "

"So, we don't know if these elves have good intentions or malicious intentions towards the Hoenn region......"

The adjectives used by Mikoli are these.

That's right, at least two elves are also needed for elven battles.

Judging by all the signs present.

There may be more than two elves to fight against.

And this is what makes Mikoli even more of a headache.

Just one can wreak havoc.

If these elves are fighting against each other, they are wantonly doing anything wrong throughout the Hoenn region.

Wouldn't that be a sight of world destruction?

After a slight pause, Mikoli continued.

"Of course, because we don't know what kind of thoughts these elves have, we can't act rashly so as not to startle the snake. "

"In addition, the situation here must not be known to ordinary people, otherwise it will definitely cause a large-scale panic. "

"By the way, I remember that there seem to have always been two restless evil organizations in the Hoenn region, right?"

"Do your best to investigate and see if this has anything to do with them......"

Under the dispatch of the league champions.

A large number of orders were given.

The Elf Alliance in the entire Hoenn region is running at high speed.

The current Su Lin didn't know for the time being that just a fight with Liekong Zao caused a big shock in the entire Hoenn Alliance.

Of course, he didn't know that because of such a trivial matter, he had formed a bond with Team Ocean and Team Lava.

Although these two evil organizations do not know about Surin at the moment.

But the sudden and unwarranted disaster was secretly remembered by them......

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