Sure enough, for Ash, something more important than getting the gym badge is naturally related to elves......

This is something that Surin should have thought of a long time ago......

"I thought there was something fun, but it turned out that I was just following me and eating dust......

Muttered quietly.

Surin had lost interest in everything Ash said next.

That's right, that area is indeed infested with ultra-rare legendary spirits.

Team Rocket's highest-tech crystallization, Mewtwo.

The top mythical beasts in the Guandu region, Phoenix King, Lokia.

Ladios, the patron saint of the City of Water.

There is also the top divine beast in the Hoenn region, the overlord of the sky.

Any of these appearances can directly cause a major earthquake in a region.

But do these elves have anything to do with you?

They're all lying in my system space right now!

Although there are constant complaints in my heart.

However, Su Lin's face did not show it.

After all, you have to give someone a little hope, no.

Besides, even if Surin told them the truth, it wasn't certain that they would be able to believe it......

"Surin, come with us to have a look, maybe you can see a rare elf that you have never heard of!"

Ash didn't notice the change in Surin's mood after hearing his words.

Still excitedly talking about rare elves.

Even this guy wants to take Surin with him to 'rise up knowledge'.

"Ahem, that, I'll forget it, I'm going to challenge the next gym, if you really find anything, Ash, just tell me later. "

casually prevaricate Ash.

Surin touched on the topic.

Then Surin said goodbye to the three of them.

"Hey, do you want to go back at such a late hour, Surin? Why don't you just rest in our camp for the night. "

Hear Ash's retention.

Su Lin couldn't help but think of the conversation just now.

The thought of having to endure Ash's verbal offensive all night.

Su Lin had a chill in his heart.

Therefore, Surin decisively rejected Ash's suggestion.

"No, Kanaz City isn't very far from here anyway, so I'll be able to go back in a while, and if I don't go back, Nazi and the others should be worried. "

"Yes, that's right. "

Hearing Su Lin's words, Ash no longer held on.

At this time, Xiao Gang also finished treating Absolu and Mu Shougong.

Su Lin noticed that the elven food that Xiao Gang had prepared for the two of them had been swept away.

It seems that Absolu likes the elven food made by Xiao Gang.

After thanking Xiao Gang, Surin took out the Poké Ball and retrieved Absoru, and then walked quickly towards Kanaz City.

It wasn't long before Ash left their camp.

Su Lin summoned the fast dragon to take his feet.

At the speed of a fast dragon, in just about ten minutes, Surin returned to the elven center of Kanaz City.

Then Su Lin found out that Nazi would worry about herself, it was just thinking too much......

Lounge area in the Elf Center.

Nazi and the others were chatting with a girl she didn't know in Surin.

Look at the way they talk happily.

Su Lin estimated that his failure to return should not have the slightest effect on them......

"Ahem, ahem, ahem, ......"

Walking up to Nazi, Nazi and the others didn't notice Surin's return.

It wasn't until Surin coughed vigorously a few times that they realized that there was an extra person next to them.

"Huh, Surin, you're back?"

The slightly flat tone even made Surin think that he shouldn't come back?

"Am I coming back at the wrong time?"

Hearing Su Lin's slightly self-deprecating words.

Nazi gave him a strange look, then a smile.

"Well, really, we left you dinner, for fear that you would come back hungry. "

"Huh, really?"

Looks like they still care about me......

Su Lin hasn't moved a little in his heart.

Nazi, they brought the topic to Xiao Yao.

Chatting with them was an elven coordination trainer named Xiao Chu.

That's right, a coordinator who travels in the Hoenn area with the goal of a gorgeous competition.

Unlike the Challenge Elven Alliance, you only need to collect five ribbon medals from all over the world.

However, since the tournament is held from time to time, it does not have a fixed location like each gym, so it takes a lot of effort to participate.

While Nazi and the others introduced their new friends to Surin, Surin also noticed the big colorful 'bow' lying on Xiao Yao's head.

If you look closely, you'll see that it's not a colorful bow, it's an elf.

Name: Hunting butterflies

Category: Butterfly Pokémon

Attributes: Worm, Flying

Trait: Premonition of the Worm

Qualification: Quasi-Heavenly King level

Level: 25

Skills: Wind, Suck, Paralysis Powder, Morning Light, Air Blade, Super Suck, Enchanting, Silver Whirlwind......

Worm-based elves grow very quickly, and even at very low levels, they may have already completed their final evolution.

So after seeing the level of this hunting butterfly, Su Lin was not too surprised.

After getting to know Su Lin a little, I realized that this hunting phoenix butterfly was Xiao Chu's elf.

And they won a ribbon badge not long ago.

Coincidentally, Xiao Yao and the others witnessed the replay of Xiao Chu's game in the Elf Center in the evening.

The TV hanging in the lobby of the Elf Center often seems to show some great matches or trainer showdowns.

After watching the game, Haruka immediately fell in love with this gorgeous elf game.

Well, although it's a little different from the original plot.

However, Xiao Yao still directly fell in love with the gorgeous competition.

Later, Nazi and the others happened to meet the protagonist in the replay of the game in the Elf Center.

The rest of the matter is a matter of course.

Several girls immediately gathered together to talk about the gorgeous competition.

In the process, they naturally became friends.

After all, if you have the same interests and hobbies, it is easy to produce a large number of common languages.

Xiao Chu also seems to be very willing to promote the gorgeous contest to more people.

Although Nazi and Latias didn't want to participate directly in the gorgeous competition as soon as they came up like Xiao Yao.

But girls always have little resistance to beautiful things.

Even if they didn't participate, they still had a lively discussion.

"By the way, Surin, do you know anything about the Magnificent Competition?"

Xiao Yao's sudden question made Su Lin stunned.

After hearing Xiao Yao's words, several girls present also focused their eyes on Su Lin.

In the previous introduction, Xiao Chu also learned about the identity of the winner in the Surin area.

Not to mention anything else, at least in terms of the strength of the trainer, Surin has no doubts.

Although the Gorgeous Contest does not require much combat.

However, the combat ability of the top coordination trainer is definitely very strong as well!

For example, Mikli, the winner of the Hoenn region.

As well as a top coordination trainer, he is also a champion in the league......

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