Pelican Bay Penitentiary, Warden's Office, Beautiful Country.

The warden was stunned after watching the jailbreak process.

Secretary:"Warden, are you okay? Do you want to hand over the corrections you recorded to the prison guard?"

The warden glanced at his records and shook his head. In order to guard against Chen Yi, especially his hypnotic ability, he I don’t know how many outrageous rectifications I have memorized. If this is really the requirement, then the construction and layout of the entire prison will have to undergo a major overhaul, and all the prison guards will have to struggle to death. And the key is, even if that is completed It is estimated that the rectification will not last long.

So why bother? What's the point?

Just rectify the small loopholes a little and it will be able to deal with normal people.

If there really was a prisoner like Chen Yi,"One Two Seven" would have no choice but to let him escape.

There is no normal prison in this world that can trap such a person.

There is only one way to trap such a person, which is to follow what is said on the Internet and imprison him in solitary confinement just like Magneto, with heavy restrictions and no visits to the prison.

In short, ordinary prisons themselves have no use in improving prevention.

At the same time, in the Normandy Tower Prison of the Empire where the sun never sets, the warden was pacing back and forth. He did not give up and was still thinking about how to trap people like Chen Yi.

He thought hard and scratched his head.

My head is almost exploding, I just can’t think of anything.

There was a group of prison guards nearby, also discussing.

However, after many discussions, nothing came of it.

I can only feel so anxious that I break out in cold sweat.

The warden asked:"Have you not figured out a way yet?"

The prison guards shook their heads, thinking that you are making things too difficult for us.

The warden said:"Let's not care about the prison for now. Let's start with Chen Yi and sort out what abilities he has. First of all, he has a strong insight. Every prison guard must be meticulous, and at the same time, no obvious behavior can be left behind. Habits and prison facilities ensure that there is no line leading to the outside. Secondly, his paintings can be so fake and real, and he can become invisible with just mud and branches. So he must check every corner every day. It is best not to Let the prisoner have access to paintbrushes, mud, and, by the way, food also has pigments, as well as disguise. I am now very worried that he will disguise himself as a prison guard. If I find the materials for him, it is not impossible to disguise himself as a prison guard. There is also the most difficult-to-prevent hypnosis. I haven’t figured out how to do this yet. Maybe I just have to not look at the prisoner or watch the prisoner’s movements.……"

The warden was talking, but he couldn't speak anymore.

I even felt what kind of bullshit I was talking about.

Prison guards must be meticulous but must not have behavioral habits. This is very contradictory in itself. It is impossible for normal people to be meticulous every second. It is also a fantasy to check every corner of the prison every day and prevent prisoners from touching mud or even food coloring. How can the prison guards monitor the prisoners if they don't look at the prisoners or watch Chen Yi's movements?

Let alone whether it is possible in practice, there is a problem in theory.

The warden sighed heavily:"From this point of view, there is no solution at all."

He had no choice but to give up resistance.

It is simply impossible for ordinary prisons to reach a point where people like Chen Yi cannot escape.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no need to be so demanding.

After all, there may not be another person like Chen Yi in the whole world.

Meanwhile, the prison of La Sante in Gaul.

The warden was waiting anxiously while the secretary called the research team.

However, after playing for a while, I still couldn't get through.

Warden:"How's it going? No one has picked up the call yet? Are these guys just getting paid and not doing anything?"

After a while, the other party finally answered the call.

The warden grabbed the phone:"What are you doing? You haven't answered the phone for so long. Don't you want to do it anymore? I asked you to study how to trap prisoners like Chen Yi. Have you thought of a way?" The person on the other side said tremblingly:"There is no way, there is only one left here. I'm alone. I went to persuade them but they didn't stop. When I came back, I saw the phone and answered it immediately."

The warden was stunned:"Where are the others?"

"Everyone else quit, saying it was impossible to prevent it. They resigned and asked you to find someone else. Although I insist on staying here, I don't think there is any way. 0.."

The warden is out of work and doesn't want his salary?

Is this Chen Yi so desperate?

The warden of Qicheng Prison and the Warden of Shengbao Prison have also changed their mentality at this moment, and the pressure is less. Now it seems that being escaped from prison by Chen Yi is not embarrassing at all.

If anyone feels embarrassed, why don't you try your prison sentence?

Anyway, if you can't guard against Chen Yi, then don't tell anyone.

Although they will still rectify loopholes, and some loopholes are indeed loopholes, they will not think of rectifying them to the point where they can prevent Chen Yi. That is a luxury.

Other major prisons around the world have also given up resistance.

Being able to guard against Chen Yi is no longer a topic of discussion. It is unanimously agreed that it can be slightly adjusted but there is no need to guard against such a perversion.

After the news spread, the entire Internet was shocked. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I went and served in all the major prisons?"

"You continue to resist. If you don’t resist, it will be meaningless."

"The more you resist, the more excited Chen Yi becomes."

"Damn it, don't be so perverted."

0.1"How can you resist if you ask others to resist? Just ask a normal prison that holds many prisoners, how can it be possible to prevent people like Chen Yi?"

"Anyway, I can't think of any possibility"

"No solution, no solution at all"

"It is still possible to build a new prison at all costs, but in that case, the cost is estimated to be sky high, and there may not be a second Chen Yi in the world. For this one in seven billion probability It would be a shame to build such a prison."

"It's better to give up resistance and make some adjustments to deal with normal people."

"That is to say, Chen Yi achieved absolute victory."

"Yes, it can be said that all the prisons in the world have surrendered at his feet."

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