The crime-solving team worked hard and found nothing.

It was really impossible to find the robbers. Everyone had no bank property on them, and there seemed to be no financial losses at the bank. They could only let all 61 people go.

In reality, people can only be released without evidence.

This bank robbery seems to be ending in a strange way.

The crime-solving team was fooled around, but the robbers got nothing after a brilliant operation. It seemed that this robbery was just to trick the crime-solving team.

"I go, is this the end?"

"This can't be done, what are the robbers doing?"

"All kinds of tricks, just to tease the crime team?"

"This is unreasonable. Aren't robbers still robbers if they don't want money?"

The viewers in the live broadcast room all expressed their incomprehension.

However, the director cut the scene to the second group that committed the crime and the third group that committed the"067" case, as if this bank robbery really ended here. This kind of The feeling of anticlimax left the audience puzzled.

Until the next morning, the camera suddenly cut back to the bank storage room.

The bank had resumed normal business, but no one was quiet in the storage room at this time.

At this moment, the bottom floor The cargo suddenly moved.

Then it was pushed away, and a piece of wall was moved away.

If you look closely, it's not a wall at all, but a piece of wood.

It's just that it's made perfectly, and it just fits in.

And the color and texture are painted very well. Perfect, 100% consistent with the wall.

After the wooden board was removed, a hole was revealed inside, and a young man about 1.8 meters tall came out of it. He was holding a backpack in his hand.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room They were suddenly shocked

"Damn it, he's actually hiding here"

"Although he is wearing a mask, he should be the leader of the robbers. Before, I was wondering where the other robber was besides the four robbers."

"I thought he was among the hostages, but I didn't expect that he was still hiding in the bank."

"The crime-solving team checked carefully, but found no one. However, this was obviously a wall made by Chen Yi's hand and painting. It was difficult to find any clues even after careful inspection."

"It turns out that they had cut through the wall not to escape or in vain, but to create a space where the robber leader could hide."

"So there were not sixty-three people at the beginning, but sixty-four. The robber deliberately asked for one less lunch, so that the crime team did not realize that one person was missing."

"I don't understand again, what's the purpose of doing this?"

"I didn't understand it, but I was shocked."

The audience was a little confused at this time. Even if they still couldn't fully understand the robber's entire plan, they were shocked by this incredible operation.

I saw the robber leader put on his backpack and came to the door of the storage room. After observing that there was no one outside, he walked out. This is the basement, and non-staff members should not appear here.

But at this time, he was wearing bank work clothes, with a work badge hanging around his neck, and he was not sneaky. Instead, he strode out.

When he was approaching the stairs, a bank manager happened to come down. He did not dodge, but nodded and said hello and passed by. The manager was startled for a moment, a little confused.

If Chen Yi walked in, and he might have stopped him because he didn't know this person, but walking out made him a little confused.

The robber leader walked to the bank lobby without any hindrance, and then walked grandly. I walked out of the bank. I walked to a corner, opened the door of a car and got in.

I saw Yang Mi and Wang Ou sitting in this car. When they saw the robber leader getting into the car, they said excitedly:"How is it, it was successful. ?"

The robber leader smiled, stretched out his hand and wiped his face. He tore off a layer of skin. The true face revealed was Chen Yi himself.

He opened the backpack, revealing the golden gold bars and dazzling jewelry inside.

Yang Mi and Wang Ou, his eyes were wide open.

Wang Ou:"Oh my god, there are so many gold and silver treasures. When I saw the bank saying that no property was missing, I was wondering if you failed to snatch away the treasures.

Yang Mi:"It seems like what you said is true. No one will report this embezzled property as missing.""

The viewers in the live broadcast room also looked straight.

"Damn, that’s a lot of gold jewelry."

"As a rough estimate, it’s probably worth at least 20 million."

"Awesome, this is the key to this robbery." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This robber leader is indeed Chen Yi himself"

"I just said it was him, but you lied and said it might not be him."

"We thought so too before, but the crime-solving team checked the sixty-one people who rushed out, and none of them were in disguise. Naturally, we would think that Chen Yi didn't personally act. Who would have thought that he was still hiding in the bank?......"

"But that’s not right. Didn’t it mean that no property was lost?"

"Just now Wang Ou and Yang Mi said that these seemed to be the proceeds of corruption and bribery. If it was stolen money, then it would make sense. Chen Yi should have taken this batch of gold and silver and hid it in the wall of the storage room before. It was already lost at that time, but no one reported the loss because it was stolen money and he did not dare to report it."

"It turns out that no one reported the loss before, it’s not that the property wasn’t stolen."

"This whole robbery plan suddenly became clear to me. The first thing is not to steal the money, otherwise the bank will definitely report it as missing. They focus on the personal safe and specifically pick out the stolen money from corruption and bribery. Then the four robbers perfectly penetrated into the hostage and escaped with the hostage in a grand manner. Only one robber was left behind, hiding in the narrow wall with the stolen money. Since the owner did not report the loss, the bank and the crime team naturally assumed that the property was not lost. Calculate, then soon, the calm will return. Chen Yi, who is hiding in the wall, will then come out of the bank with the treasure and complete the last step."

"It turned out that they didn't use the bus they had traded, not because they forgot about it, but because they deliberately didn't use it. The two buses were just used to deceive the crime team. They didn't even think about escaping because they didn't need them at all. He had no property with him, and he had penetrated perfectly into the hostages and blended directly into the hostages. The crime-solving team could not find him at all. When the time comes, just leave without hesitation, why should you run away?"

"In other words, every step of the operation: perfect penetration into the hostage, rushing out directly with the hostage, drilling through the wall... It seems chaotic, but it is actually carefully laid out."

"This wave of operations makes my scalp numb."

"Oh my god, there is such a way of robbery in this world"

"Whoever said it started but ended at the end, please stand up for me."

"I was wrong. I spoke too loudly before. Seeing that the robbers didn’t bring anything with them, I thought it was all in vain. Who would have thought that there would be such a reversal?"

"The scary thing is that the robbers succeeded in the robbery, but the crime-solving team is still confused."

Everything in the picture, when I came to the crime-solving team, I saw that they were indeed still confused. They didn't even know that the robbery had been successful quietly.

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