However, now that Qiao Yi has appeared in front of everyone, it is no longer very difficult to find out her true identity.

Netizens acted quickly and began to search for Qiao Yi’s true identity.

As soon as Qiao Yi left, Yang Mi and the others were truly relieved.

I have to say that the other party really understands young people very well.

He is also very considerate of others.

She knew very well that no matter how easy-going and gentle she was, as long as she was still here, Yang Mi and the others would definitely feel very stressed.

Then there is no way to let go and play.

After all, today is Lin Bai’s birthday after all, and Qiao Yi still hopes that these young people can have fun. so.

After giving away the gifts, she left here.

I also want to leave a space for them.

You can relax and have some fun.

After Yang Mi and others relaxed, they all came directly to the sofa and sat down.

Several people suddenly felt that they could breathe easier.

Just now, when Qiao Yi was here, they were really nervous.

Yang Mi’s reaction was actually quite good.

Reba even patted her chest, picked up the water on the table and took a sip.

“The pressure was really great just now!”

“I can finally breathe a sigh of relief!”

She said somewhat relaxedly

“Yes, yes, I think so too!”

Nazha also immediately agreed. She knew in her heart that Mother Lin was very kind, but when facing the other party, she felt very nervous. Just now, she was so nervous that she subconsciously held her breath.

She didn’t even dare to breathe. Out.

Now, she was relaxed. She felt a huge boulder on her body, which fell directly to the ground.

The expression on Bingbing’s face also became much more natural.

After all, the other party was the mother of the person they liked. They would definitely be nervous when they met for the first time. No.

Especially, although the other party is very kind, he is the helmsman of a billion-dollar company, and he will have the aura of a superior person unconsciously, which makes people inevitably feel a little nervous.

Lin Bai looked at the reactions of these four people , all felt a little surprised

“Are you like this?”

“My mother is so kind”

“Why are you so afraid of her? I really don’t understand it.”

Lin Bai was a little confused.

In his opinion, if his mother was very arrogant, then it was understandable for them to feel nervous.

But his mother not only had no arrogance, but was also quite approachable.

This made him unable to understand. He was There is nothing scary about Qiao Yi at all.

“You are his biological son”

“You guys always stay together at home, so you won’t feel anything wrong.”

“Besides, we’re not really afraid of her”

“When you meet her for the first time, you will definitely feel very nervous, just like when you meet a strange elder, the feeling is almost the same.”

“But my aunt is really nice, gentle and elegant, and we all like her very much.”

Yang Mi said.

After she said this, Reba and the others nodded in agreement.

It can be said that Yang Mi has now spoken what is in their hearts.


“My aunt is young, beautiful and interesting.”

“When I first saw her, I couldn’t believe she was your mother”

“She looks so young!”

Reba said with emotion.

When she saw the other person for the first time, she thought she looked very similar to Lin Bai. So much so, she thought the other person would be Lin Bai’s cousin or something like that.

As a result, the other person turned out to be real. It was Lin Bai’s mother, so she couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t until the other party showed the same level of Versailles as Lin Bai that she finally believed it.

The two of them definitely had the same level of Versailles!

Reba would never believe it if there was no genetic relationship!

“It turns out that even my goddess can have such nervous moments. It was an eye-opener for me!”

“Apart from anything else, Lin Bai really couldn’t understand how nervous they were. How could they not be nervous about meeting their parents?”

“After all, Lin Bai is Mother Lin’s biological son, and the relationship between the two is so good. Lin Bai will definitely not be nervous when meeting his own mother.”

“If it were me, I would definitely be very nervous. For such a powerful elder, even though she is clearly smiling, she gives off the aura of a superior!”

“Mother Lin’s inhumane way of spreading money is exactly the same as Lin Bai! Even if you tell me that you are not your biological child, I won’t believe it!”

“I really want to have a mother like Mother Lin! Gentle, rich, and interesting! I can also think about it in my dreams.”

After seeing the rare tense scenes of the goddesses, the audience found it very interesting. On weekdays, these goddesses would not be frightened at all even if they stood in front of thousands of fans, and seemed to be at ease. But now, they are in front of thousands of fans.

In front of Mother Lin, they all looked like primary school students in front of their head teacher.

This contrast was really interesting.

Moreover, compared to Lin Bai, they could actually understand why Yang Mi and the others were so nervous.

Facing a female entrepreneur like Qiao Yi, even if the other person is gentle and easy-going and has no airs, it will still make people feel nervous. The aura of a superior person in the other person cannot be concealed in any way.

Faced with this kind of It is natural for them to feel nervous about the situation.

What’s more, everyone can see it.

They actually have a very good impression of Lin Bai in their hearts, which means that their meeting with Qiao Yi this time is equivalent to meeting their parents..

Have you ever seen anyone who wasn’t nervous when meeting their parents for the first time?

That’s probably not the case.

However, when it comes to Lin Bai’s birthday party itself, it was really an eye-opener for the audience.

Even though they had already prepared it in advance Be mentally prepared, knowing that Lin Bai is like this���For extremely wealthy people, birthdays will definitely be quite exaggerated.

But they still somewhat underestimated the extent of this exaggeration.

There is no way, no one has seen it before, and imagination can only go so far.

There is really no way to outline a somewhat exaggerated image before seeing the real scene. after all.

As soon as Qiao Yi met, she generously gave away tens of millions of yuan as a meeting gift.

You know, many rich second generations with good family conditions are only at this level.

After that, their whole family specially prepared gifts for Lin Bai.

Moreover, the audience can also see that Lin Bai’s family definitely put a lot of thought into the gifts they prepared for him.

His grandpa even knew that he liked to play games.

It was directly given to him by a well-known game company in the industry, and he could arrange whatever he wanted.

His grandfather directly gave him a private island worth one billion US dollars so that he could play more when he had time.

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