After opening a pack of intermediate bait, Rong Bing decided to go directly float fishing.

Because Rong Bing has just seen it with advanced fluoroscopy, there are too many fish in this big river!

And the fish here like to move in the middle of the water layer, chasing each other ......

The mid-level bait rewarded by the system this time, Rong Bing also used it for the first time, as for the effect, he really didn't know?

So Rong Bing used the perspective technique to pay attention to the changes in the bait, and also paid attention to the reactions of the fish around the bait.

Here is an introduction to the upgraded advanced perspective technique, at this moment, the perspective technique no longer needs Rong Bing to use his eyes to see, but has evolved into a similar psychological sense.

Rong Bing wants to know what is in a certain place, as long as he believes in paying attention to that place, he can present a three-dimensional image of that place in his mind.

Moreover, the exploration distance of the advanced perspective technique has also evolved from the original 5,000 meters to the current 10 kilometers.

When Rong Bing first used the Advanced Perspective Technique, he was also taken aback by this anti-heaven skill!

he felt that he had become a moving radar ......

Not much to say, Rong Bing's first shot was soon at noon, and after seeing the fish float and disappear on the water's surface, Rong Bing immediately erected the fishing rod.

Then he felt the difference in this fishing rod, which could actively adjust the strength, and he didn't need to exert much effort at all, just hold the rod tightly and keep the rod erected.

Rong Bing sighed, the system really didn't lie to himself, this kind of high-grade fishing rod is really different

!"It is actually possible to adjust the amplitude of the fishing rod according to the movements of the fish in the water to reduce the strength of the owner......, so as to catch the largest fish with the least force!

This is a huge fish head, the fish head alone has the size of a dustpan, but the fish body is small and slender strange fish, more than two meters long about more than 100 catties.

After the fish was pulled out of the water, the slender body of the fish was thrown like a whip, making the water surface "crackle", and the body was like a rocket directly into the air.

Rong Bing knew at a glance that the fish was trying to escape by rolling in the air and breaking the strand.

But Rong Bing, who already has advanced fishing skills, how could he let it get his wish?

I saw Rong Bing throw the fishing rod into the air, driving the main line over the head of the big fish and rising with the big fish.

The big fish originally wanted to fly into the air to straighten the fishing line, and then use the rolling of its body to twist the fishing line.

It never thought that Rong Bing would come to such a hand, and when its body rolled and exerted force, it found that the fishing line was still loose, and it was not affected by its rolling.

By the time it fell back into the water, the rod had been caught by Rong Bing, and the line was straightened again, but the big fish had no strength to struggle.

Rong Bing calmly pulled it to the shore, and Wangcai couldn't wait to jump into the water, bit the tail of the fish, and then dragged it to the shore.

"Woo-hoop...... Little master, the head of this fish is so big, enough for Wangcai to eat several meals......

" "Pap ......"

replied that Wangcai was slapped on the head, and it immediately looked at Rong Bing aggrievedly.

Rong Bing smiled slightly and said, "Mistaken...... Get used to it! If I want a few more of these fish, I'll give you a fish head. "

Woo...... Thank you, little master!Thank you, little master!" Wangcai suddenly turned from sadness to joy, completely ignoring the slap just now.

In the following day, Rong Bing caught a total of more than 300 otherworldly fish, and more than a dozen big-headed fish like the first one were also obtained.

At dinner, Rong Bing faithfully cooked a big fish head for Wangcai, and Wangcai was immediately moved!

The fishing life without the disturbance of the world always passed quickly, and a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Rong Bing felt that he was about to vomit, and counted the otherworldly fish in the domestication pond, and there were 46,855 of them, and Rong Bing planned to rest for a few days.

Riding the breeze to Diamond Mountain, Rong Bing saw that Rubing and the others were still absorbing the power of the crystal in the mountain.

He went down to check the strength of several people, and found that they all had improved to varying degrees.

Rufeng, Rulei have reached the four-star and semi-ability realm, Ru Tie has broken through to four stars, Ruqing, Ru Bing is slightly worse, but they are all three-star peak existences.

Rong Bing didn't bother them to absorb energy, there were not many opportunities like this, and Rong Bing went with them.

After collecting the diamonds stacked by the digging robot at the foot of the mountain, he quietly left in the breeze.

In the course of a month, the digging robot excavated more than a million tons of diamonds for him.

Rong Bing thought about how much money

he would have to make if so many diamonds were put on the earth, but he soon came to his senses, if he really put so many diamonds on the earth, it was estimated that the price would immediately drop to the price of cabbage!

The reason why diamonds on the earth were expensive was because of the scarcity of resources, and if he put out such a large number of diamonds, no matter how precious things were, they would become ordinary because of the large quantity.

But then he thought of the two-star world, where the demand for diamonds was not like the earth for viewing, but for consumables.

I can get these diamonds to a two-star world, and exchange them for materials that are in short supply on the earth!

Thinking of this, Rong Bing suddenly felt extremely good!

"Xiaofeng, take your master for a ride!"

"Wow, wow......"

Xiaofeng agreed, and flared his wings to ......the sky

After a few hours of flying, Rong Bing finally felt the immensity of this world.

Xiaofeng can fly at supersonic speed, and it can fly for hours without seeing the end of the world, which is estimated to be several times larger than the Earth.

Suddenly, Rong Bing saw a fiery red in front of him, and Rong Bing wanted to see what it was, but found that the fiery red was not within the scope of his advanced perspective technique.

So he ordered Xiao Feng to fly towards the fiery place.

When he reached the top of the fiery red, Rong Bing knew what those fiery things were?

Rong Bing sensed this area, and it was actually beyond the scope of his advanced perspective technique.

In other words, this area is not a few tens of kilometers in circumference.

"There are so many wild peppers, I just don't know if these peppers are spicy or not?" Rong

Bing muttered to himself, instructing Xiaofeng to land.

When Rong Bing came to the ground, he found that such pepper trees were actually two or three meters tall, which was completely different from the pepper varieties on the earth.

These chili peppers are all finger long, but they are the size of a white wine glass, and each one has a big waist and is as thin as a small gourd.

Rong Bing named these chili peppers gourd chili peppers! At this time, he also felt a little hungry, so he took out some ingredients and picked some gourd chili peppers to try the taste of this

chili pepper? After surviving, Rong Bing made himself a dish of fried beef with chili peppers, stuffed chili peppers with meat filling, tiger skin gourd chili peppers

, and chopped pepper fish heads.

"How about trying this chili pepper?" Rong

Bing picked up a chopstick and sent the chili beef to his mouth.

"Woo...... It's delicious! It's spicy...... It's so cool!" Rong

Bing had a painful and happy look on his face, and he took another chopstick, tiger skin gourd, and chili pepper into his mouth.

"Shhh...... It's so enjoyable

!" Rong Bing's face was already flushed, but he didn't care about it, and he put another meat pepper on it and took a bite!

"Mm-hmm...... Delicious! Delicious ...... like never before

" "Woo...... "

Seeing Rong Bing's appearance, Xiao Wangcai couldn't wait, and his little head kept rubbing on Rong Bing's legs.

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