After a big meal, everyone was already too much to stop fishing.

So they enjoyed the sea scenery on the deck in twos and threes, chatting and ......

Today, everyone has a harvest from fishing during the day, and the content of the conversation is naturally related to the catch.

"Sister, it looks like you also have two swordfish today, not bad! Are you going to take it back and share it with your Wang Xiaobei?"

The bald head held up his round belly and chatted with Chen Xiaoyi next to him.

Chen Xiaoyi glanced at him, and said angrily: "Aren't I allowed to sell the fish and keep it for private money?"

"This can be had, if you divorce in the future, you will also have guaranteed property......" The bald head was interrupted by Chen Xiaoyi before he finished speaking.

"Bah! You've just divorced, I'm fine with our Xiaobei!" "

Maybe people will change......

"Shut up! I'll leave if you talk about this again?" Chen Xiaoyi interrupted the bald head Qiang again, and his face was ugly! "Uh! Don't talk about this

, hehe...... Don't talk about this, I caught three big sailfish today, awesome, right?" the bald head smiled and immediately changed the topic.

"Awesome, are you as powerful as Brother Bing?" Chen Xiaoyi asked disdainfully.

The bald head Qiang was suddenly embarrassed! For a while, he didn't know what to say?

Rong Bing listened to the amusement not far away, and he could feel

that the bald head Qiang had thoughts about Chen Xiaoyi, but unfortunately Chen Xiaoyi was a married woman! He secretly thought: You should do it yourself, don't destroy other people's families

! But looking at Chen Xiaoyi's attitude towards the bald head, it is estimated that the bald head is thinking in vain!

Everyone else was also chatting about their catches today, and Rong Bing was also very happy when he heard that each of them had caught at least one swordfish!

Rong Bing ordered the robot to drive the boat slowly, wanting everyone to spend a good night at sea.

It's just that after digesting the food in their stomachs, these fans shouted one by one to let Rong Bing teach them night fishing ...... sea

Rong Bing was helpless, since they all won the lucky bag, promised to take them out to catch a good fish, and now they

have a request Rong Bing of course needs to agree! So, Rong Bing began to patiently explain to everyone, these fans have a lot of acceptance after daytime fishing, and soon everyone knows some skills of night fishing at sea.

Night fishing at sea is this time of the day, the temperature is cool, the fish bite the hook diligently, and the people are comfortable fishing!

Night fishing at sea must be clear about the wind on the sea, the wind direction, the wave height, the tide time, and the difference between the tide and the high tide.

In addition to paying attention to some weather forecasts of the day in the media, you can also make more comprehensive consultations with experienced boat bosses, old fishermen or senior anglers who are familiar with the local waters.

At night, big fish like to feed in the near light, and there is a high chance of catching big fish.

Therefore, lighting equipment is indispensable, like Rong Bing, a ship with a large number of lighting equipment, so you don't need to care about this at present.

Once you start fishing, keep a certain distance from the rod to the rod so that the line sets don't get tangled in each other. The cabin is relatively narrow, and there is little room for manoeuvre. After the fish is hit, the action of raising the rod and stabbing the fish should not be too large.

During the fishing operation, avoid hooks hanging on the clothes or bodies of adjacent anglers, especially when fishing with a wire row hook, one hook catches the fish, and be careful of the other hooks that are exposed.

When picking fish, you can not directly unhook by hand, and use hemostats or hook extractors to remove the hook.

When fishing, personnel should stand evenly on both sides of the boat to prevent excessive weight on one side of the boat. It is also important to avoid being swept into the sea by the waves.

After saying this, although the fans have understood a little, they still have to see their actual operation to reflect it.

"Let's get started, the sea is relatively calm here, let's fish here for a while! Rong Bing saw that everyone was already eager to try, so he commanded loudly.

The reason why Rong Bing stopped the boat here was because through the perspective technique, he knew that in this water, several schools of mackerel were feeding in this area.

The body of mackerel is long and flattened, spindle-shaped, generally 25~50 cm long, weighing 300~1000 grams, the largest individual is 2.28 meters long, weighing more than 168 catties.

The tail peduncle of mackerel is thin, there are 3 raised ridges on each side, the central ridge is long and the highest, the head is longer than the body height, the mouth is large, slightly oblique, the tooth tip is sharp and large, the arrangement is sparse, the body is covered with fine round scales, the lateral line is irregular wavy, there are 2 black round spotted dorsal fins in the center of the body side, the first dorsal fin is long, there are 19~20 fin spines, the second dorsal fin is shorter, there are 8~9 small fins after the dorsal fin and anal fin, the pectoral fin and pelvic fin are short and without hard spines, the caudal fin is large, and the deep fork.

Mackerel is the most delicious, it is called "skewer black" by people in the coastal area, it is the "best of the fish" that is most sought after by food lovers, due to the scarcity of resources, the price of fish is "scary", and the price of a fish is often sold for thousands of yuan.

The meat of mackerel is delicate and white, glutinous and fresh, rich in nutrition, and the taste of the tail is particularly good, and the price is cheap. Rong

Bing looked at the four or five groups of mackerel that appeared in his mind, and almost drooled ......

Seeing that everyone went fishing according to their own requirements and protecting themselves, he himself came to the original fishing position and began to hang the bait and cast the rod.

Rong Bing used shrimp bait this time, which has a fatal temptation for mackerel.

Soon, a mackerel bit his hook, and Rong Bing, who felt the sinking of the fishing rod, immediately raised the rod to reel in the line.

This is a medium-sized mackerel with a body length of more than one meter and a weight of about 30 catties, which died not long after being caught on the deck.

The mackerel has a characteristic, that is, it dies out of the water!

Rong Bing threw it into the freezer and continued the second shot tonight.

When Rong Bing came up with the sixth mackerel, there were also some fans who were fished, and it was Chen Xiaoyi, his top ten fans.

"Haha...... I'm the first to fish besides Brother Bing!" Chen

Xiaoyi lifted the mackerel in his hand and laughed excitedly.

The mackerel she caught was more than a foot long, and it should weigh four or five pounds, and it was estimated that it would allow her to show off in the circle of friends for a week?

The bald head next to her looked depressed, and he was actually preempted by this girl!

So he stared at the tip of the pole intently, for fear of missing a fish mouth.

Soon his fishing rod was also beaten, and then the line was swaying out as if he didn't want money.

The bald head immediately began to raise the rod and reel in the line, and finally stabilized the fish that was caught, and began to slowly compete with the other party ......

The others were also fish one after another, and the deck immediately became lively, with cheerful laughter and depressed scolding after running fish!

Four or five hours passed, and the time came to the second half of the night.

Some of the people finally felt tired, after all, everyone is not a professional fisherman, and it is difficult for ordinary people to bear such a large intensity of casting rods and reeling lines.

As a result, some people quit fishing one after another and began to count their catches.

Rong Bing stopped fishing, and tonight he harvested more than 100 mackerel, large and small, about two or three thousand catties.

"Hey, hey, hey...... I don't know what Bai Xue'er's expression will be when she sees these fish?"

After Rong Bing packed up his things, he suddenly remembered Bai Xue'er for no reason!

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