I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 112 What is your role in the world?

Silence fell in the gloomy room.

Finally, Mio Thirteen's trembling body calmed down.

She stared at the shivering Zhu Zhu in the monitor, and finally showed a reassuring smile.

"I won't betray you, and you won't betray me...that's great...maybe I shouldn't even have doubts..."

She was mumbling to herself, and then her forehead started to move.

A liquid like mercury oozed out from inside, and then slowly solidified and combined.

A palm-sized pale silver slate appeared.

The reason why it is called a slate is because the material of the thing looks like stone, and the edges are also very irregular.

However, in its very center you can see traces of a combination of energy veins and circuit boards.

Sean caught the thing in his hands.

Mio Shisan's calm and tired voice sounded: "You win..."

Without immediately looking at the things in his hands, Sean just put away the slate and looked at Mio Thirteen with a smile.

"I made my choice so quickly, I thought it would take a while."

Mio Thirteen's face regained its calmness.

"You do know me and Zhu Zhu very well. From the moment I chose to attack you, everything may have been doomed."

Sean chuckled: "I thought you would be curious."

Mio Shisan shook his head: "It's meaningless. You won't let me go. There's no point in knowing more."

"You accept your fate so quickly?"

"Because I'm starting to get to know you -" Mio Shisan turned her head hard to look at Sean standing aside, "My hesitation will only bring more harm to Zhu Zhu."

She sighed tiredly: "I brought her out, I should at least ensure her safety."

"This is the weakness of Zhu Zhu and I, but you don't have such a weakness - so, I lost from the beginning."

As he spoke, Mio Thirteen actually showed a smile, and the emptiness suddenly disappeared from his delicate and blank face.

The beautiful girl becomes animated and contented.

"What else do you want?" she said with a smile.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly, and finally said calmly: "Your superpower."

Mio Shisan said thoughtfully: "Superpower? What you just said plus the information I got revealed that you can imprison others, amplify other people's emotions, and change other people's cognition... Although it is a series , but they are all combined and used in fragmented abilities.”

"You may have hidden a lot from me... Oh, your ability can take away other people's? And, will this replace one of your previous abilities?"

Sean didn't hide it, just nodded.

Mio Shisan said that he knew, and then said: "My superpower is called Thread of Mist."

"I can blend into the gray mist and enhance my abilities in all aspects."

"At the same time, the gray fog can also be controlled within the range around me, and I can use the two attack abilities of fog needle and fog knife."

"Also, I can enter a camouflage state for a period of time, which is similar to invisibility, but will be broken by big movements. I can give this state to others, and the time limit is only half, fifteen minutes, and can be given to up to three people at a time."

"This is fog, and the silk will provide me with the ability to steal. Ordinary stealing requires guiding invisible silk. The stealing range and target size will affect the guidance time. You can judge the largest object that can be stolen based on the size of the rocket."

"Stealing living things requires the living creatures not to resist. Stealing dead things may be noticed by people around you, depending on their perception, etc. You can do your own experiments on this - oh, maybe you can research it There are some things I haven’t figured out yet, like stealing emotions, thoughts, and the like.”

"In addition to ordinary stealing, I also have the ability to steal quickly, which can be activated instantly, but can only be used once within forty-eight hours."

"Both forms of stealing are the same. The target will travel through space and come to you."

"The last ability is a life-saving method forced by you. I can enter the world of Silk in the Mist, and during this period, I can act with the target of stealing."

"The whole world will turn into another look. You can think of it as a mirror world that does not require mirrors. I can quickly travel through it and return to the real world after the time is over. Similarly, it will be activated once every forty-eight hours."

After clearly demonstrating his powers, Mio Shisan slowly turned his head and said, "These are all my powers. If I want to improve them, I need to find ways to strengthen the gray mist and my own physical fitness." , how about it, is it enough for you to take it?"

Sean thought and nodded: "Thank you for your generosity."

Mio Thirteen smiled: "You're welcome - oh, by the way, there is one last ability, but you will get this ability in another way. If you know me completely, you should know what it is."

Sean shrugged: "I'm ready, but you should know that I won't agree to excessive requests."

Mio Shisan shook his head: "I said, I am starting to understand you gradually - my request is very simple."

"Don't change Zhu Zhu's heart, let her..." Mio Thirteen's eyes dimmed, "Let her continue to be herself, you can make her hate me... but don't let her become someone she is not."

"Send her home and let her decide her own future path, but -"

Mio Thirteen's eyes finally became sharp: "You can never hurt her again."

Sean narrowed his eyes and finally smiled: "Yes, I promise you - but I have to explain in advance that certain actions should not be considered harmful, right? Ha."

Mio Shisan stared at him for a long time, and finally said calmly: "You can't force her to change her will, nor can you use your ability to deceive her."

Sean tilted his head and thought for a moment: "Deal."

Mio Thirteen nodded, and then, a trace of almost transparent mist came out of her heart and floated slowly to Sean's side.

Sean didn't resist, just stretched out his fingertips.

Wusi got in, but nothing happened.

Mio Shisan breathed a sigh of relief: "I will fully cooperate with you when you seize the ability. If you really obtain it, my fog thread will help you continue to grow. Once you violate our agreement, the fog thread will isolate you from us. My ability, even if you steal it, will be ineffective, I have this confidence."

Sean smiled: "I know you do, but your cheerfulness really impresses me."

Mio Thirteen showed a reassuring smile.

"No, at least I didn't betray Zhu Zhu, and Zhu Zhu didn't betray me. That's enough."

"I have had some doubts since I can remember...Although I am a street child, my life is extremely smooth, just like my appearance, there are no dead ends. What is even more frightening is that I have been able to quickly adjust myself since I was a child. Emotions allow the most correct choice to appear at the most appropriate time.”

"I am happy when others need a smile, and calm when others need my guidance..."

"But I have been afraid of one thing... I feel that my life has been moving forward according to a certain plan, and everything is just right, including Zhu Zhu..."

"I feel guilty occasionally because I always feel that my acquaintance with Zhu Zhu was arranged. She treats me wholeheartedly, but I don't know what I think deep down."

"This feeling is indescribable. By the way, I feel like a more vivid robot. Everything is running according to the program and I can't see many things clearly."

"Just like Zhu Zhu would occasionally say disgustingly to me, my life is not real enough."

"But, in your hands, I suddenly realized a lot."

"There will be twists and turns and accidents in life... I proved to myself that I have feelings for Zhu Zhu. I really value her from the bottom of my heart."

Mio Thirteen's smile suddenly became vivid and dazzling.

"I have a weakness, not a weakness in ability, but an emotional weakness - although I am very unwilling to do so, I at least see this clearly, which makes me feel... I do live in this world."

She looked at Sean with questioning eyes.

"Shaun, who knows almost everything... there's no line, that's the way you do it, that's normal, but I'm a little curious."

"Will there be a gap in your heart? What role do you play in this world?"

"Can you really predict everything?"

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