I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 131 Look at this more real world

Luo Xi only licked it and was reluctant to touch it again. She protected it with one hand to prevent the soft silk from being messed up by the wind.

Walking to Sean, he started tinkering with the machine again.

I saw some sugar particles sprinkled in the center of his machine. After a while, the machine rotated, and many extremely fine threads came out.

Sean took a stick and stirred it around, and something like clouds slowly attached to it.

Endeli stood next to him with a look of excitement on his face, as if he who created this thing didn't even know it could be used in this way.

"What's this called?" Luo Xi asked softly.

Sean replied casually: "Marshmallows - it turns out that there are still a lot of things thrown away after the apocalypse, especially some interesting things."

Marshmallow... Luo Xi nodded and wrote down the name firmly.

While talking, he produced another ball of orange marshmallows and handed them to Xiao Ci this time.

The little Loli looked at the big cloud that was as big as her own head, and her eyes were full of stars.

It's just that there's something strange about doing something so sweet next to wreckage and ruins.

And the various smells left over from the explosion always creep in, making it less pleasant.

Sean simply found a trolley, put the machine on it and pulled it out.

This explosion destroyed everything in the energy field, and after the force field could not hold up, it also damaged most of the nearby buildings.

The last time, the big explosion that Schneider created in the [Academy] only had the power of a device, and the power it drew from the artificial sun was only a little bit.

This time, Sean directly threw the entire artificial sun into it, and Endeli's replica device provided even more terrifying energy.

If there were no energy field, there would probably be very few people left alive in the Chengxi District where [Golden Ghost] is located.

The device used to prevent enemies from escaping also allowed those near the [Golden Ghost] who had not had time to escape to survive.

They crawled out of the rubble, confused and frightened.

Then, they saw a man leading a large group of menacing thugs, pushing a weird-looking machine slowly up from the big hole in the center.

He was like a black-hearted peddler running around the city, with a look of excited anticipation on his face.

"Eat marshmallows."

Sean pushed the car and stopped in front of the ruins.

Most of the building in front collapsed, and a family who had not had time to leave just climbed out.

They were lucky. The man only had a broken leg, while the woman and child hugged each other and cried softly.

Living nearby, the family certainly knew who the person in front of them was.

Although he didn't understand what happened, the man with the broken leg still showed a hard smile to please.

If the house is gone, you can build it again. If you make these people angry, there will be nothing left.

Sean stopped the cart, and as he became more and more skillful, he soon produced a red marshmallow.

The man's thigh was bleeding, and the red marshmallow reflected it, which was ridiculous and bizarre.

"Want some candy?" Sean handed it over with a smile.

"Thank you, thank you!" The man took it hurriedly.

Sean just walked all the way, making marshmallows all the way.

The people in the ruins were frightened and curious. After discovering that the other party would not be angry, they finally boldly walked onto the road.

People's faces were gray and painful, but they were holding a beautiful marshmallow in their hands, which was very funny.

It is always easier for children to focus on what is in front of them, their fear disappears, and they gradually gather together after tasting the sweet marshmallows.

Of course, under the orders of the adults, they did not dare to approach Sean and his group.

Sean found an open space to stop and started working as a marshmallow vendor.

"The kid is yours, come and get it."

"Stop touching your nose and get one too."

Gradually, each child has an extra marshmallow in his hand.

Whenever a child comes to pick it up, Sean will look into their eyes.

Luo Xi noticed this, and she realized that Sean was not just having fun, he seemed to be doing something.

When Sean finally stopped after making a marshmallow, she couldn't help but asked: "What are you looking at?"

Sean found a place to sit on a collapsed wall. When he squinted and smiled, he didn't make people feel friendly, but gave people a mysterious feeling.

"You can't feel it either...it's normal." Sean said.

"Feeling?" Luo Xi frowned and looked over again.

The group of children who got the marshmallows were licking the sweet things contentedly, and they didn't look like they were part of Paradise City.

With her excellent perception, she did not notice anything else except the changing emotions of the crowd.

Luo Xi refused to give up and secretly disappeared again, carefully observing the eyes of one of the children.

The whites of the eyes, the pupils...you can see the innocence and happiness of the children in the eyes.

There is nothing...

At this time, several children seemed to have a conflict.

A fat boy viciously pushed a thin little girl down. He had finished eating his own and wanted to take away the other girl's marshmallows.

The little girl had tears in her eyes and refused to let go.

Luo Xi frowned.

"How rude-" She heard Sean's voice coming closer.

Before the fat boy could turn his head, he was kicked out.

His parents screamed and rushed into the rubble, crying, and picked out their son with broken ribs.

The little girl stared at this scene blankly, holding the marshmallow in her hand tighter.

Sean didn't look at her, but walked outside.

Luo Xi followed up and frowned: "I don't feel what you said - bullying between older children and younger children, although it is not good, it cannot be avoided anywhere."

Sean smiled, and after everyone else followed and walked out of the block, he said to Luo Xi, "Go back and take a look."

Luo Xi returned to the previous place, and the scene in front of her made her a little sluggish.

The thin little girl stood on a rock and asked all the children nearby to hand over all their marshmallows.

Her eyes were still red, but the excitement on her face was sickening.

Sean stood up for her... the kids may not realize that, but the adults do.

Marshmallows are being snatched from the hands of crying children and lined up to be handed to the little girl.

The boy who had bullied the little girl just now was kneeling on the ground with a bruised nose and face. Her parents nodded and bent down to help hold the marshmallows, as if they were doing an extremely important task.

The shocked Roxie returned to Sean, she didn't understand.

"That child...became too fast..."

Sean was not surprised at all: "This is how people in this world live -"

A member of [Golden Ghost] ran over from one direction: "Brother, [Company] found something over there!"

Sean smiled and invited Luo Xi.

"Want to see this more real world?"

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