I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 49 I’m warning you that you can’t do more than three things.

Lin Cao did not dare to talk back to the leader, so he quickly picked up the documents on the table and read them carefully.

After reading it, he felt completely bad.

Ruan Min'er, who was scolded and fired by him not long ago, turned around and defected to the little-known Guiguang Guild?

Forget about defecting to it, Renjia actually became popular in just half a month, and has the potential to become popular for a long time - the Internet has no memory, except for bad memes.

Lin Cao's mind suddenly sank, knowing that something really bad was going on.

It would be fine if Ruan Min'er left on her own. She could also pass the responsibility on to her subordinates, saying that they withheld benefits or something. But the most critical issue is that this person was fired by Lin Cao himself!

Moreover, people from Kuoguang Company came here for study and exchange not long ago!

This is almost a clear statement to the leader that I, Lin Cao, not only have a problem with my vision, but also with my ability.

No, how could an anchor like Ruan Miner become so popular?

But now is not the time to analyze specific data, because the angry leader is still waiting for an explanation.

"Leader, this, this..." Lin Cao suddenly felt guilty. He was a leader with a very bad temper and was very strict with his subordinates, so he subconsciously started to make excuses, "This may be the data they uploaded..."

"What the hell." The leader interrupted Lin Cao rudely, "Go back and write a thousand-word review. Within two months, either dig Ruan Min'er for me or get me another one." A similar anchor will come out. Otherwise, I have to wonder if it was a mistake to promote you to this position."

Was it a mistake to promote him in the first place...

Isn't it just letting an anchor run away? As for how serious it is, who hasn't made a mistake yet?

Do you dare to guarantee that you will not make mistakes in this life?

I have also trained many waist anchors with good profitability, right? Why don't you praise me or give me a salary increase?

"Yes, yes!" Lin Cao saw that the leader was unreasonable, but he finally suppressed his anger. "Don't worry, I won't make the same mistake twice."

"Get lost."

"Yes, yes, please don't be angry. I'm really sorry..." Lin Cao tried to please him while crawling away from the leader's office.

As soon as Lin Cao left the office, his face was covered with dark clouds, and he returned to his office without saying a word.

"Lin, Brother Lin..." One of Lin Cao's men came over cautiously, "Are you okay? Have a drink of water?"

"It's okay." Lin Cao suppressed his anger, drank the water handed to him by his subordinates, and said angrily, "I must have been tricked."

"Has someone plotted against you?" The subordinate was stunned.

Is there anyone in the company who dares to scheme against Brother Lin?

Lin Cao sneered: "Think about it, Ruan Min'er behaved so badly when he was under my command, and got angry whenever he arrived at other people's homes. Forget all this, I am not omnipotent. It is very easy to make mistakes. Normal. But the most important thing is, how did this matter reach the leaders’ ears?”

Ruan Min'er has become very popular recently, but the total number of fans on all platforms is more than 200,000. The leader has so many things to do, how can he just pay attention to her?

Even Lin Cao himself no longer cares about Ruan Miner!

"You mean, someone snitched?"

"It must be!" Lin Cao got very angry when he said this, "I have done so much for the company, but there is a villain plotting against me. Don't let me catch who it is..."

"Then, Brother Lin, what are we going to do next? Catch the mole in the company?"

Lin Cao shook his head: "It's useless to catch him... What we need to do now is to focus on the Guiguang Guild."

Speaking of this company, Lin Cao felt like he was in conflict with them.

When this group of people came to visit the company, Lin Cao wanted to show off the appearance of the listed company and attract the other two anchors to join him. For this reason, he even specially laid out plans for Gao Naiyun and Huang Rushi. come out.

But after I sent the business card, I waited and waited for a call.

It's okay if you can't dig anyone out, but today you were called over by your leader and scolded because the people under him went to Kuai Guang's side and immediately became angry...

Not only did I fail to poach someone else's corner, but I was poached by someone else!

There is nothing more obvious than this.

"Okay, let's pay attention to Kuai Guang Group...but why should we pay attention to them? Are we going to poach Ruan Min'er at a high price?" The subordinate took out his mobile phone, opened the memo, and carefully wrote down the leader's instructions.

At this time, Lin Cao's mind was filled with Yang Ruoqian's unpredictable back, and his tone was very cautious: "It's too late... Mr. Yang in their company is an incredible person, how could he vomit the meat in his mouth again?" Come out? If we go to dig people now, there is absolutely no hope of success. Even if we succeed in digging people back, we will have to bleed a lot, which is not worth it. "

"Okay, Brother Lin, what are we going to do?"

"First of all, we must admit that Kuaiguang Group is better than our team in terms of personnel recruitment and operation." The more Lin Cao talked about it, the more he felt that Yang Ruoqian was really terrible.

How dare he directly recruit the fired employees of Yue Mansion without hesitation!

You must know that Yuefu's selection and judgment of anchors are very professional, and the anchors who are fired will basically be regarded by industry insiders as having no commercial value.

But Kui Guang dared to move over.

And it worked!

What does this mean? It shows that Yang Ruoqian not only has amazing judgment, but also is very confident.

It is absolutely impossible to snatch meat from such a person's mouth.

The Yuefu Group is much stronger than the Kueiguang Group, but the Yuefu Group is not Lin Cao's.

Comparing the two identities, Lin Cao actually doesn't have much advantage.

Lin Cao took a deep breath, and a fighting spirit ignited in his heart - Yang Ruoqian was indeed very powerful, but this did not mean that Lin Cao had no chance!

"Although we are not as good as the people of the Kuoguang Guild in terms of soft power, we have an advantage that they can never match!" Lin Cao stood up confidently, "This advantage can help us turn defeat into victory!"

"What advantage?" The subordinate became energetic.

"Money!" Lin Cao slapped the table, "We keep an eye on the personnel changes of the Kuaiguang Guild. As long as they recruit the next anchor, we don't care about anything and just poach him!"

Before the other anchor and the company have established trust, and when the liquidated damages in the contract are not so perverse, they directly poach people over.

No matter how professional the people in Kuaiguang Group are, in the end they still have to be Lin Cao's wedding dress?

Anyway, Yang Ruoqian's vision must be right! Whoever he likes will become angry.

"Goodbye, Brother Lin!"

At this time, Yang Ruoqian, who was regarded as a major enemy by the management of a listed company, was looking through Ruan Miner's videos on various platforms.

In the comment area, some people scolded and others praised, and the attitude was extremely polarized.

The scolding was ugly, and he directly said that the reason why the game environment is bad is because of people like Ruan Min'er.

On the contrary, they said that Ruan Min'er was purifying the game environment...

The two waves of players were tit for tat, citing classics, and many even made appointments for online solos, just to prove who was right and who was wrong.

Anyway, whenever netizens quarrel, it will get out of hand, and it is very easy for map cannons to occur, which will force people who originally watched the show to join the battlefield, causing the war to become more intense.

What was originally just a war of words between two player groups, the top laner and the jungler, after a few days of fermentation, has turned into a war of words between all players in the entire game.

The war even has a tendency to spread to other games, because unfriendly groups that search for people's content have begun to appear in the comment area. If they can't criticize others, they will check other people's posts to see if they are playing in some weird situations. Despise games at the bottom of the chain.

If so, they will directly attack all players in this game...

In short, to describe it in four words, it is a mess.

Not only that, in order to make the content more eye-catching, some bloggers who reposted the video secretly arranged for trolls to deliberately cause war in the comment area.

The wider the scolding war, the greater Ruan Min'er's popularity...

These insults have appeared many times, but what attracted Yang Ruoqian's attention was another wave of people who looked inconspicuous.

In addition to gamers scolding each other, there are also many people who don't play games and have other ideas after seeing Ruan Miner's mouth like a machine gun.

"Whether the young lady takes the order or not, it's not about playing with her, it's about her mouth!"

"From now on you will be my Internet mouthpiece!"

"Can you help me scold my boss? He's been making me 996 sick all day."

"The anchor is so good at breaking defenses, can you help me break my teacher's defenses? When she punishes people, she emphasizes collective honor, and when she rewards people, she only rewards that one person. Double standards are dead."

"For 800 yuan, the anchor can help me scold people for 10 minutes, is that okay?"

After looking around, Yang Ruoqian sadly discovered that Ruan Min'er not only had a lot of popularity, but also found a way to monetize it.

Now he didn't even have an excuse to ask Ruan Min'er to change the live broadcast style midway and forcefully stop the loss.

Yang Ruoqian rubbed his painful forehead and said that he couldn't keep up with the young man's thinking now.

"Perhaps people nowadays have accumulated a lot of pressure and resentment, and they really need a place where they can vent their emotions..." Yang Ruoqian sighed. As someone who has experienced it, he knows how stressful life is today, and he analyzed a lot of it When looking at the reasons why anchors can become popular, they accidentally missed this seemingly unimportant reason.

Although Ruan Miner's live broadcast was not very effective, it perfectly provided a place to vent her emotions.

People were surprised to find that exporting emotions here would not lead to any "condemnation"!

Although the live broadcast effect is not good, this live broadcast room decompresses it.

"It doesn't matter. Every time you take a step, you gain wisdom..." Yang Ruoqian closed the web page and gritted his teeth. "As the saying goes, there are only three things that can be done. This is the third time in a row that I have succeeded. It's time for me to fail. Bar?"

After ruling out so many correct options, will Yang Ruoqian be able to hit the mark as the next anchor?

No, not enough.

Don't leave anything to chance.

"Chang Zhiqing, come to my office, I have an important mission!"

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