.This time , Wang Ze did not underestimate the other party .

.Pang Qun stood behind Wang Ze and read the text message .

.” He won’t find something wrong , will he really transfer the hatred ?”

.Pang Qun was a little worried .

.Wang Ze got up and went to the side with Pang Qun , and said in a low voice, ” It’s possible , so you can’t bet on Xiangjie’s mental state . ”

.” I have to get out of here at once 047. ”

.Pang Qun : ” What about the phone ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Take it . ”

.”What Yu Xiangjie wants to do next is to direct him to commit suicide . ”

.” Then I’ll be Fan Youcai once . ”

.Pang Qun said, ” You mean , pretending to be Fan Youcai to contact him ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Yes . ”

.” Keep your men on call at all times , and I will command from a distance . ”

.Pang Qun : ” Okay , no problem . ”

.” How to check next ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Check normally . ”

.” The time for Yu Xiangjie’s action happened to be the closing time of the kindergarten . ”

.” God , they are all helping him , occupying the right time and place . ”

.” But he won’t get far . ”

.” Check the surveillance first . ”

.”The radiation from the gate of the kindergarten can be checked as far as possible . ”

.” We have a huge advantage now . ”

.” If he wants to kill Fan Youcai and leave , then we will use this time to find his position . ”

.Pang Qun : ” Okay , everything is up to you . ”

.Wang Ze continued : ” Also , it cannot be ruled out that he has run away now . ”

.”The whole city is wanted immediately , and his ID card is blocked . ”

.” All national roads , provincial roads , county roads , and township roads that can leave Xicheng shall be checked by card . ”

.” Strictly investigate all vehicles such as private cars , taxis , and online car-hailing that go out of the city . ”

.” Absolutely cannot let him leave Xicheng . ”

Chapter 213 _ Arrest people second , save people first [ 3 ]

.Pang Qun : ” Okay , I see . ”

.Everyone knows how cunning and clever Yu Xiangjie is .

.Once such a person leaves Xicheng , the pursuit will spread to the whole country .

.One can imagine the difficulty of finding a person with strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities on a land of nearly 10 million square kilometers .

.Even if it is a wanted person .

.Even Wang Ze would definitely have a headache .

.Therefore , it is necessary to cut off this possibility in advance .

.Never let the other party leave here .

.inside the car .

.Just when Zhang Chao called for the full surveillance , Wang Ze took Fan Youcai’s mobile phone and sent the first text message .

.The content of the text message is : [ They have left . ?

.Next , wait for a reply .

.Zhang Chao said, ” Team Wang , the surveillance at the gate of the kindergarten has been transferred . ”

.” Found Yu Xiangjie . ”

.” Here . ”

.He presented the computer screen to Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze took a closer look .

.screen is displayed .

.Yu Xiangjie secretly opened the door and entered the back seat when the owner left the neutral gear to pick up the child .

.When Fan Youcai’s son picked up the child, he got in the car and prepared to leave .

.At this moment , the vehicle stopped in place for nearly five minutes .

.In these five minutes , Yu Xiangjie should be in trouble .

.Pang Qun looked at it for a while and said , ” Fan Youcai’s grandson is also in the back seat . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Yes . ”

.” It seems that Yu Xiangjie coerced the child . ”

.” Actually, it would be perfect if Fan Youcai’s son wasn’t there . ”

.” It’s a pity that parents are now very aware of their safety , and it is impossible to let their children out of their sight . ”

.” So , Yu Xiangjie can only tie up two people . ”

.Pang Qun said , ” What about other monitoring ?”

.” Where did this car go ?”

.Zhang Chao said : ” Wait for Team Pang , I’m still investigating . ”

.Pang Qun : ” Hurry up !”

.Zhang Chao : ” Okay, okay . ”

.At this moment , the screen of the mobile phone in Wang Ze’s hand lights up .

.The other party’s text message came : [ Are you Wang Ze ? ?

.Seeing this text message , Wang Ze raised his brows and started typing .

? What did you say ? What exactly do you want to do ? When can we let them go ? ?

.Opponent : [ Captain Wang , stop pretending . ?

.Wang Ze : [ They have already left , what do you want me to do directly ! Stop talking nonsense ! ?

[ As long as you don’t hurt them , I promise everything ! ?

.Waited five minutes .

.The other party : [ Excuse to go to the bedroom . ?

.Seeing the text message , Wang Ze turned his head and said , ” Captain Pang , tell your people to find some damp combustibles ” ~ .

.Pang Qun took out his phone : ” Okay . ”

.After giving the order , he asked, ” What’s the situation ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Yu Xiangjie wanted Fan Youcai to set himself on fire in the bedroom . ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun’s eyes narrowed : ” Self-immolation ?”

.” Can you make such a request .”

.” Does Fan You have the courage ?”

.Wang Ze was silent for a while, then said , ” I don’t have children , so I do n’t know . ”

.” What does Captain Pang think ?”

.Pang Qun was stunned for a while , then finally sighed and said , ” I’m afraid … there really is . ”

.No one else can understand the feelings parents have for their children except themselves .

.Are there any parents who don’t love their children ?

.there may be .

.But there is a difference between people and flesh and blood , which can never be separated .

.Besides , what Yu Xiangjie is holding now is two lives .

.Even if Fan Youcai is hard-hearted , it is impossible to remain indifferent .

.So. _

.In the face of Xingjie’s request , it is possible for him to comply .

.Even if what he has to face is the same endless pain as Yu Zhenyao .

.” This Yu Xiangjie has gone crazy . ”

.Pang Qun said .

.Wang Ze said: ” I didn’t know it before , but the moment after his mother died . ”

.” His personality should have changed dramatically . ”

.” Until he knew the ins and outs of fifteen years ago . ”

.”The killing begins . ”

.Pang Qun : ” Hey , hatred . ”

.” Bystanders can’t put their beaks . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” No one can feel the same as Yu Xiangjie . ”

.” If I persuade him to let go of his hatred , he would rather stand and talk without having a backache . ”

.Pang Qun was silent .

.What Wang Ze said was true and heartfelt .

.What is there to say ?

.Do not persuade others to be generous without suffering others .

.Another person said : People who persuade others to be generous in every situation should stay away .

.After chatting for a while , Wang Ze felt that the time was almost up and started to send text messages .

[ I’m already in the bedroom . ?

.Wait a while .

.The other party : [ Secretly lock the door , put everything that can be burned on the bed , and you lie down . ?

.Seeing this , Wang Ze took a deep breath and sent a text message : [ Do you want me to burn myself to death ? ? ? ?

.The other party : [ I only give you one minute to think about it, and now the countdown starts . ?

.Wang Ze : [ Good ! I know ! You don’t hurt them ! ?

.He put down the phone .

.”� ” How’s the surveillance investigation ?”

.Zhang Chao said while operating the computer : “The vehicle has been locked , and I am tracking it with my colleagues from the Municipal Bureau . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Hurry up , he won’t go far . ”

.” I need his last place on surveillance . ”

.Yu Xiangjie is not a fool , it is impossible to hide the two of the Fan family in a place where the surveillance camera can capture them .

.As long as you find the position that last appeared on the monitoring screen , you can greatly reduce the scope .

.In such a short time , it is very easy to check .

.Zhang Chao : ” Okay . ”

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