Chapter 234 _ Weird Granny ? 2 ?

.The two who had lunch drove to the old village that Pang Qun had mentioned earlier .

.here .

.It is located five kilometers west of Nanhe Village .

.Although it is only five kilometers , it is too remote .

.As Pang Qun said , the area is indeed not small .

.Not that there are many houses .

.But between houses , the distance is very far , more scattered .

.From a distance , the entire village occupies a considerable area .

.And , it’s still plain .

.It is indeed very suitable for the development of tourist areas .

.Just like ‘? Water ‘., Capital ?!. Source ‘!’ Group ?;”6:?5,6.!”6.1,,,8″8.9.?,6; Preparation :! Use :;; In ! “: Turn ‘! Group ?7?.’6.6,;0”1::8.!’3!”,2;.0 is not very convenient for transportation .

.But it doesn’t matter .

.A good tourist area does not necessarily have to drive to the door .

.Subsequent plans can be re-planned .

.” This place is nice . ”

.When he came to the entrance of the village , even Wang Ze couldn’t help but speak .

.Unexpectedly , there is such a semi-isolated existence in Xicheng .

.Unfortunately, with the development of the times , there are not many young people who are still willing to live here .

.Infrastructure is scarce .

.The only convenience store seems to be closed .

.In a few more years, when the old man in the village dies , it will become an empty village .

.Jiang Ying stroked the brim of her hat .

.she wore a baseball cap today

.With a white T -shirt and skinny jeans , it looks very youthful and beautiful .

.” Really good . ”

.She looked at her surroundings and said .


.Wang Ze asked : ” If it is demolished , is it a large sum of money ?”

.Jiang Ying said: ” It depends on how many accounts you have . ”

.” It’s not a big problem . ”

.” If the tourism demonstration area is successfully developed , the future income will be much higher than the demolition fee . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly .

.The road in the village is overgrown with weeds .

.I don’t know how many years it hasn’t been cleaned .

.If you come here at night , you are timid and superstitious , and you might be scared .

.” This place is sure to attract outdoor anchors . ”

.Wang Ze said while walking .

.If you watch Yingge and Yanwu a lot on the Internet , the curiosity will be very eye -catching .

.Hiding in bed at night , following the anchor’s camera , wandering around the village .

.Occasionally , a few animals swooped out to get the adrenaline pumping .

.Think about it , it’s exciting .

.However, since the incident in Yuncheng, there have been many fewer such anchors .

.compared to money .

.Safety is more important .

.Of course .

.Murder cases are only small-probability events , and they will not really affect the general environment .

.What’s more , there will never be a shortage of people who take risks for money .

.” It’s kind of spooky . ”

.Jiang Ying couldn’t help but said .

.It may be the wind (chfe) in the wilderness, which is relatively cold .

.Squeak !

.At a certain moment , the door of an old house that the two passed by suddenly opened !

.Jiang Ying was suddenly startled , and quickly grabbed Wang Ze’s hand .

.Wang Ze turned to look .

.An old woman came out on crutches .

.Seeing two young people standing outside the door , she was stunned for a moment .

.” How did you get here ?”

.The grandmother was a little surprised .

.The face covered with ravines is full of traces of the years .

.Aged at least sixty years old .

.Jiang Ying breathed a sigh of relief .

.It was really the voice just now , it was really too sudden , and it was very fitting .

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Hello grandma , we are just hanging out . ”

.” Oh oh . ”

.The grandmother nodded and stopped : ” In the past, young people often came to play with us . ”

.” Now , not much . ”

.” In the village , we are the only ones left waiting to die . ”

.This sentence is very realistic .

.The elderly live in villages far away from the city , and living a day counts as a day , which is not much different from waiting to die .

.The two came over .

.Wang Ze said, ” Are you the only one at home ?”

.The grandmother said, ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze was slightly silent .

.I wanted to ask about the other party’s wife and children .

.But since there is only one person left , I can’t get an optimistic answer when I think about it .

.On the contrary , it may also evoke the other party’s sad past .

.” How many people like you are in the village ? ”

.Wang Ze asked .

.Grandma : ” There are a few , not many . ”

.Wang Ze : ” The people in the nearby villages and towns don’t care about you ?”

.The old grandmother said, ” Go ahead . ”

.” They’ve come and said let’s go to elderly communities and homes for the elderly . ”

.” Some people went and some didn’t want to go . ”

.” I don’t want to go . ”

.” It ‘s better to stay at home when you go there . ”

.” Comfortable . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly .

.It is understandable that the old man is nostalgic .

.However, if this is the case , Jiang Ying wants to develop this place , and it is unlikely in a short time .

.Hard to say .

.Before the old man died , it was enough .

.Coordination is required .

.” Young man , are you a college student ?”

.The grandmother laughed .

.She seems to have not seen a stranger for a long time and looks very happy .

.Wang Ze smiled : ” No , it’s already working . ”

.Grandma : ” Working at such a young age ?”

.” What are you doing ?”

.Wang Ze : ” I’m a policeman , grandma . ”

.Hearing that the other party was a policeman , the grandmother was obviously stunned .

.The smiles are all restrained .

.” Oh … it’s the police . ”

.” Very good . ”

.After speaking , she turned around and came to the vegetable field in front of the door , bent down and pulled out a few green onions .

.” I’m going back first , you young people go shopping by yourself . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay , take a slow walk . ”

.The door is closed .

.Jiang Ying was a little surprised .

.” Huh ?”

.” I said Wang Ze , after she knew you were a policeman , her attitude seems to have changed , isn’t it weird ?”

.Wang Ze’s eyes fluctuated , and he rubbed his fingers habitually .

.This is his subconscious action when he thinks .

.” Good observation . ”

.he opened his mouth .

.” Do you see any changes ?”

.Jiang Ying recalled and said , ” It’s a little bit contradictory , and I do n’t want to talk to us any more . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” That’s right . ”

.” There are four possibilities for contradicting the police . ”

.” First , a prejudice triggered by something in the past . ”

.” Second , police work , especially criminal police , is inherently antagonistic to the public . ”

.” It’s fine now , it was obvious before . ”

.” It’s understandable at the age of this old lady . ”

.” Third , she knows something and has a ghost in her heart . ”

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