.The case has just happened and needs to know everything as much as possible .

.Li Xiangbin took out the cigarette case and handed Wang Ze a cigarette .

.Wang Ze took over and lit it .

.Li Xiangbin said, ” Can you see anything ?”

.Wang Ze took a cigarette and said , ” There are too many traces on the scene . ”

.” Fingerprints , footprints , and the murderer’s DNA should all be available . ”

.” If it goes well , the case will be solved very quickly . ”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” Yes , there are indeed many traces . ”

.” The gold and silver ornaments on the deceased are still there. It seems that the murderer was not trying to make money . ”

.” That’s a grudge ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” No. ”

.” Gold and silver are precious , but there are more precious things in this room . ”

.Li Xiangbin was surprised : ” Oh ? You mean …”

.Wang Ze said : ” That child . ”

.Li Xiangbin was stunned : ” You mean , the murderer came for that child ?”

.Wang Ze slowly exhaled a breath of smoke and said , ” It should be . ”

.” The blood at the scene stretched from the living room to the bedroom . ”

.” And there are repetitions . ”

.” This shows that the deceased and the murderer had a conflict from the living room , to the bedroom , and then to the living room . ”

.” It went back and forth , three or four times . ”

.”The deceased seems to be … preventing the murderer from doing something . ”

.” If it’s not for money , then it can only be for the child . ”

.” That’s the greatest possibility . ”

.” Of course , it cannot be ruled out that there are objects in the bedroom that the murderer wanted . ”

.” But if it’s the 063 words of something outside the body, it won’t be so desperate . ”

.Li Xiangbin pondered : ” You are right , it is indeed very likely that it is for the children . ”

.” Who will come this evening ? ”

.” And the deceased opened the door for each other . ”

.” Are you an acquaintance ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” It is possible , but not necessarily . ”

.” Old people are not as vigilant as today’s young people . ”

.” It’s not surprising to open doors for strangers . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” That ‘s true . ”

.After chatting for a while , a police officer came over .

.” Team Lee , Team Wang . ”

.” The caller’s record is finished . ”

.The two turned their heads .

.Wang Ze said : ” Tell me about it in detail . ”

.The policeman said : ” That’s it . ”

.” More than half an hour ago , the neighbors heard a child crying and shouting outside and went out to check . ”

.” It was found that the door of the deceased’s house was ajar , and the cry came from inside . ”

.” After the door was opened , the neighbors heard the shouting , calling [ grandma ]. ”

.” After he opened the door and went in , he saw an old man with blood on his face lying in the living room, with a child squatting next to the old man . ”

.” Then call the police . ”

.After listening to the police officer’s words , Wang Ze nodded slightly and waved his hand .

.The policeman left .

.Li Xiangbin said, ” Why did I suddenly think of that lunatic Dong Jun . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” The situation of the police is indeed quite similar . ”

Chapter 238 _ Did you kill my mother ? ! ? 3 ?

.Although the situation is similar , it cannot be the same case .

.A child of three or four years old is simply powerless .

.Even with the IQ of an adult , it is impossible to kill an adult head-on .

.Even this adult .

.is an old man .

.And judging from the scars on the deceased’s body and the traces of broken clothes .

.The height of the murderer should be not much different from that of the deceased .

.After smoking a cigarette , Wang Ze glanced at the crowd and walked over .

.Seeing the police coming , everyone quickly backed away .

.Wang Ze said: ” Everyone , I’m sorry to disturb you . ”

.” Do any of you know this family ?”

.Hearing this , everyone looked at each other and shook their heads .

.Someone said: ” Police officer , many of the residents in our community have only moved here in recent years . ”

.” With each other , there is very little intersection . ”

.” Don’t even know the door . ”

.The voice fell , and the rest of the people nodded , expressing their agreement with these words .

.Wang Ze pondered slightly and said , ” Then …”

.” Has anyone seen anything unusual recently . ”

.” About this family . ”

.The crowd still shook their heads .

.At this time , a young man said: ” Police officer , I have seen the aunt who lives in this house and quarreled with a woman . ”

.Wang Ze raised his brows and looked over : ” What woman ?”

.The other party said : ” I don’t know . ”

.Wang Ze : ” What exactly is the noise ?”

.The other party thought for a while and said , ” It sounds like a trivial matter to me . ”

.” Officer , do you think it’s her daughter-in-law ? It ‘s quite similar . ”

.Wang Ze was silent .

.This is a new situation .

.Now the focus is to find all possible clues related to the case .

.It doesn’t matter if this clue is useful in the end .

.Still that sentence .

.Useful clues will always pop up inadvertently .

.For this case, with so many traces at the scene , it ‘s a lot like impulsive or accidental homicide .

.Therefore .

.Acquaintances and strangers may commit crimes , both .

.” Thank you . ”

.Wang Ze said .

.The other party : ” You are polite . ”

.At this time , Wang Xiaotong came back from nowhere .

.”The King’s Team . ”

.” Team Lee . ”

.Li Xiangbin turned to look at Wang Xiaotong and said, ” Have you found it ~?”

.Wang Xiaotong nodded : “I found it . ”

.”The deceased’s name is Hu Guixia , and the child’s name is Lu Hongrui , her grandson . ”

.Li Xiangbin wondered : ” Only grandparents and grandchildren live ?”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Yes . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Have you notified your family ?”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” It has been notified . ”

.”The deceased’s son Lu Hao and his daughter-in-law Liu Junning are on their way . ”

.Wang Ze asked , ” How many children do they have ?”

.Wang Xiaotong said: ” Two . ”

.” The eldest son is in his teens . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Oh . ”

.The deceased was older .

.If there is only one grandson, it is unlikely that he is only three or four years old .

.That’s why he asked this question .

.Li Xiangbin said, ” Wang Ze , do you think that the person who quarreled with the deceased was Liu Junning ? ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Maybe , ask when we arrive . ”

.” She can’t lie about such things . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded and said , ” Okay . ”

.” Let’s go in and see . ”

.The on-site investigation should have almost achieved something .

.The two returned to the room .

.Seeing Li Xiangbin and Wang Ze come back , Song Ting got up and took off her gloves : “The cause of death is that a heavy object hit the victim’s head , causing the skull to shatter . ”

.” There are also many scars on the body . ”

.” Most of these scars are defensive scars . ”

.” Therefore , the deceased fought fiercely with people before he died . ”

.”The specific autopsy report can only be given to you after returning to the bureau for a comprehensive autopsy . ”

.After listening to Song Ting’s words , Li Xiangbin asked , ” Is the murder weapon this glass ?”

.Song Ting nodded : ” Judging from the shape of the wound and the blood on the bottom of the cup , it should be . ”

.Li Xiangbin turned to look at Bao Qu on the other side .

.Bao Qu said quickly : ” There are fingerprints on it , they are very clear , and they have been rubbed . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Okay . ”

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