.Seeing this , Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Lawyer Qin doesn’t have to be shy , is it because of this case ?”

.Qin Weibo nodded .

.For Wang Ze , he was very impressed and admired .

.Moreover , the other party also saved himself , which is worthy of gratitude .

.This time, I took over the case from Yuncheng .

.From a certain point of view , it is against Wang Ze .

.After all, the other side represents the victim side .

.He was trying to defend the suspect .

.After thinking about it , I still want to meet Wang Ze and chat face-to-face .

.Wang Zedao : ” Lawyer Qin , are you worried that this matter will make me feel bad about you ?”

.Qin Weibo said : ” Of course I know the pattern of Captain Wang, it won’t be so small . ”

.” It’s just that since I’m here , I naturally want to come and visit . ”

.” I’m sorry for disturbing you . ”

.Wang Ze took out a cigarette and lit it, and said with a smile , ” It’s okay . ”

.” I’m also very happy to see lawyer Qin again . ”

.” Lawyer Qin , have you read the file ?”

.Qin Weibo nodded and said, “I have seen it . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Any ideas ?”

.Regarding this question , Qin Weibo hesitated for a moment and said , “The suspect has a criminal record and committed a major crime without repentance . ”

.” Several crimes are punishable by death . ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Ying glanced at him .

.It doesn’t quite fit his character .

.Wang Ze smiled slightly and said , ” But in court , lawyer Qin shouldn’t say that , right ?”

.Jiang Ying was stunned , staring at Qin Weibo .

.Qin Weibo forced a smile and said , ” Of course not . ”

.Wang Ze took a puff of cigarette and said , ” Sure enough , lawyer Qin waited for me for so long , it seems that it is not just a simple visit . ”

.” Are you going to discuss the case with me ?”

.Qin Weibo said : ” Captain Wang can … but it ‘s just a small talk ~ . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay , let’s talk . ”

.Qin Weibo said : ” As for the suspect Huang Lanying , whether the purpose is the child , it seems that there is only a confession . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze’s eyes fluctuated .

.This Qin Weibo .

.The professional standard is really not low .

.He said, ” Lawyer Qin won’t tell me that he wants Huang Lanying to revise his confession ?”

.The purpose of the suspect’s entry can indeed influence the final verdict .

.rob children .

.grab something .

.steal something .

.or other reasonable explanations .

.There is a big difference between them .

.If Huang Lanying changed her mind on this issue , it would be very beneficial to her .

.Qin Weibo said quickly : ” Of course not , Captain Wang, don’t get me wrong . ”

.The impartiality of lawyers can also be reflected in this matter .

.If the suspect is quietly asked to revise the confession , this is to exploit a legal loophole on the basis of facts .

.The purpose of entry is highly subjective .

.There is no direct evidence to prove it .

.It’s basically what the suspect says .

.Some lawyers who have received huge sums of money like to use their brains on these small details when they exonerate suspects .

.To the small, it is a barrage .

.In a big way , there is a lack of evidence .

.Wang Ze said in a low voice , ” It’s fine if you don’t . ”

.” Lawyer Qin, don’t make a mistake . ”

.” I can understand the fairness of the law , but if it goes beyond the bottom line …”

.” I’m afraid you’ll see me at the courtroom by then . ”

.Qin Weibo was slightly silent , nodded and said, ” Understood , Captain Wang rest assured . ”

.Wang Ze let out a breath of smoke and said , ” lawyer Qin, let’s continue . ”

.Qin Weibo said : ” Actually, the most important point in this case is that the suspect, Huang Lanying , has the possibility of murder by mistake . ”

.” Captain Wang , you shouldn’t be able to deny it, right ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” I admit this , it does exist . ”

.Huang Lanying’s purpose was originally Lu Hongrui .

.It was not her intention to kill Hu Guixia .

.When Hu Guixia stopped Huang Lanying from stealing the child , the scene was chaotic .

.It is possible to accidentally kill someone .

.Hearing this , Jiang Ying frowned .

.Murder by mistake .

.Does that mean the sentence can be reduced ?

.There is a difference between intentional homicide and accidental homicide .

.Qin Weibo glanced at Wang Ze and said , ” Then this matter …”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” I haven’t finished speaking yet . ”

.” It seems that my colleague did not organize the file in great detail . ”

.” Or , lawyer Qin ignored the autopsy report . ”

.Qin Weibo was taken aback : ” What does Captain Wang mean by this ?”

.Wang Zedao : ” There are five wounds on the head of the victim Hu Guixia . ”

.” Three places , concentrated on the left side of the forehead . ”

.” Two , concentrated in the upper right of the weak point of the left skull plate . ”

.The weak point of the skull plate , refers to the temple .

.” Lawyer Qin , have you noticed ?”

.Qin Weibo was silent .

.Wang Ze continued : “The suspect Huang Lanying’s dominant hand is his right hand . ”

.”The reason why there are two different wounds is that the situation at the scene should be like this . ”

.” First , the suspect, Huang Lanying , hit the victim three times on the forehead . ”

.” At this point , the victim was in a coma or died , his head shifted to the right , and he lost his ability to resist . ”

.” However , Huang Lanying still didn’t stop . When the victim lost his ability to resist , he made up for it twice . ”

.” It’s not manslaughter anymore , it’s intentional homicide . ”

.” Lawyer Qin , do you understand ?”

.Jiang Ying looked at Qin Weibo .

.Qin Weibo was silent for a long time and said, ” Teach me . ”

.” I ‘m sorry Captain Wang , I am also responsible . ”

.Wang Ze ( Zhao Hao ) put out the cigarette and said with a smile, ” It’s beyond my expectation that Lawyer Qin can come to me before the trial . ”

.” Then wish you all the best . ”

.Qin Weibo got up and said, ” Goodbye Captain Wang . ”

.” When the case is over , let’s have a drink together . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Definitely . ”

.After Qin Weibo left , Jiang Ying said strangely, ” I don’t understand . ”

.” Why did he come to you ?”

.” Just to point out the suspicious points of the case ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” He has already regarded me as half a friend . ”

.” Since the case is handled by me , of course I want to communicate in advance . ”

.” If you silently stand at the trial scene and directly oppose our city bureau , it will inevitably lead to a lot of misunderstandings . ”

.Jiang Ying nodded : ” Oh , I understand . ”

.She didn’t expect it .

.This Qin Weibo will also change .

Chapter 249 _ I want to eat your cooking ? 3 ?

.” How long is the court session ?”

.Jiang Ruo ! ‘ Water . , ; Source :: , Source.Group?6;.5′!6!.6′;1;.”8;8′;’9:.6 . ! :?’! Turn !.! Group !,,7!.6?6!!0,1.8″3::2.0 Ying asked .

.Wang Ze thought for a while and said , ” I guess at least ten days and a half months . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” It’s been so long . ”

.Wang Ze said with a smile : ” Murder cases are big cases . The review by the procuratorate and the preparation of the court will take time . ”

.” And , this case is a public hearing . ”

.” All parties need to coordinate well . ”

.Jiang Ying nodded and said , ” Are you going then ?”

.Wang Ze was surprised : ” Why do n’t I go ?”

.Jiang Ying said : ” I thought you wanted to go see it . ”

.Wang Ze laughed : “The suspect is brought to justice , and the work will stop when it reaches me . ”

.” As for the follow-up , our city bureau generally doesn’t take care of it . ”

.” Unless , there is a serious accident at the scene of the trial . ”

.” For example, evidence loopholes , suspects retorting confessions, etc. ”

.” This kind of situation has not been seen once in many years . ”

.Jiang Ying asked , ” So you are independent ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” You can say that . ”

.” However, when there are controversial issues , they will cooperate . ”

.Jiang Ying was curious : ” For example ?”

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