.He didn’t order a bottle .

.but a cup .

.This kind of wine , the price of a bottle in a disco , is very expensive .

.There are people on both sides of him .

.But each has its own circle and has not communicated with Teng Shaoyuan .

.During this period , many people passed by one after another .

.Because of the rhythm of the music , the lights flickered and flickered .

.So , the picture occasionally has darkness that lasts half a second or a few seconds .

.” It’s hard to do . ”

.Wang Ze said to himself .

.A few seconds of darkness is enough for the murderer to have a chance to poison without being caught by surveillance cameras .

.” What’s so difficult ?”

.Ding Yiyun was surprised .

.Wang Ze said : ” Let’s talk after reading it . ”

.Time passed slowly .

.Teng Shaoyuan , who had been sitting in front of the stage for half an hour , finally couldn’t hold back , got up and left , and went to the dance floor .

.No suspicious person was found .

.No one was found to have been poisoned .

.Eight years of experience has made Teng Shaoyuan familiar with the situation on the dance floor .

.Obviously , this disco is not very clean .

.But that’s not what the criminal investigation team should be concerned about .

.Drugs , his own Ding Yiyun stared at .

.What Wang Ze was concerned about was Teng Shaoyuan’s death .

.” Take this location and all the monitoring on the way to the exit of the disco , and play them all . ”

.The policeman operated the computer and said, ” Okay team . ”

.soon .

.The four monitors , divided into four pictures , appeared on the big screen .

.Wang Ze looked over .

.” Faster , eight times faster ” ~ . ”

.Police officer : ” Okay . ”

.Video acceleration .

.At a certain moment , Wang Ze said, ” Stop . ”

.The screen stops immediately .

.Wang Ze looked at one of the surveillance screens and said, “The third surveillance , go back twelve seconds . ”

.The policeman operates the computer , and the screen rewinds .

.At this time , a man in a black sweater appeared in the screen .

.The suspicious part is .

.He put on the hat of the sweater , too .

.Cover yourself tightly .

.The clothes on the whole body are very loose if ?'” Water “? Resource , Source ,!? Group ;;’6″‘5.6,6’1.?!8″8.,,9.”6”Prepare ! :. Use : ‘!?” Turn !; Group .;7’?6;,!6!;0!”1″;8?3!,2,;’0, even men and women can’t be distinguished .

.To anyone with a discerning eye , it looks weird .

.Going to a disco , why do you pack yourself so tightly ?

.Afraid of being recognized ?

.Ding Yiyun’s eyes flickered : ” This guy …”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” It does look weird , but it’s not necessarily a suspect . ”

.” Since this disco has a business of buying and selling drugs , it’s normal to have a few suspicious guys . ”

.Ding Yiyun nodded : ” I agree with this . ”

.” What do the team think ?”

.Wang Ze did not speak immediately , but compared several monitoring times .

.After a while , he said , ” From the route , this person definitely passed by Teng Shaoyuan’s side . ”

.” However , the surveillance did not capture him . ”

.”The reason is obvious . ”

.” For more than a second , he happened to be in the dark period of the disco’s lights . ”

.Hearing these words , Ding Yiyun and Li Xiangbin looked at the monitoring time .

.” Really . ”

.Ding Yiyun was surprised .

.” Wouldn’t it be that he poisoned Teng Shaoyuan’s wine glass while the surveillance cameras couldn’t take it ?”

.” A second or two . ”

.” So skilled ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” If this is the case , it is not as simple as being skilled . ”

.” This person’s psychological quality and anti-reconnaissance ability are also very strong . ”

.The two nodded .

.Suppose the man in the sweater is the murderer .

.Then dress up like this , familiarize yourself with the monitoring in advance , and then use skilled techniques to poison quietly under the cover of the lights .

.ordinary people .

.Can’t do it .

.Wang Ze said: ” Play all the monitoring again . ”

.Hearing this , the policeman rolled back all monitoring time and continued to play .

.After watching it for the second time , Wang Ze said, ” From when Teng Shaoyuan sat down to when he left his seat , the lights in the disco in the middle went dark nine times in total . ”

.” Three times , the time was less than half a second , and it was too late . ”

.” Six times left . ”

.” Combining other monitoring time points and people who have passed by , there are still three left . ”

.” Including the guy in the black sweater . ”

.Hearing this , Ding Yiyun said, ” Then check it all ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Don’t worry . ”

.” What we are doing now has a premise . ”

.” That is, in the cups brought back, the composition of tetramethylene disulfane tetramine can be detected . ”

.” Wait until the results come out . ”

.Ding Yiyun nodded : ” Okay . ”

.It is the first time to cooperate with Wang Ze .

.It was just the beginning , and he felt the other party’s ability to investigate cases .

.Just watch the monitoring .

.It made him a little admired .

.Obviously , this is just the tip of the iceberg .

.No wonder the other party can become the vice-captain at such a young age .

.The strength is definitely over .

.At this time , Li Xiangbin asked , “� ” Wang Ze , is it possible that the murderer was too cautious and stole the poisonous cup ?”

.Wang Ze : ” No. ”

.” If the murderer really poisoned Teng Shaoyuan when he was drinking , then we can be sure that he is very smart and careful . ”

.” Smart , may be mistaken by smart . ”

.” But with caution , it’s unlikely . ”

.” Repeatedly appearing on the surveillance screen is a very suspicious behavior . ”

.” The more you do, the more you go wrong . ”

.” Besides , it doesn’t make any sense at all . ”

.” Taking the cup away is just the act of poisoning . ”

.”The cup is still there, and the surveillance will take pictures clearly . ”

.Li Xiangbin coughed lightly : ” That ‘s true . ”


.The inspection work continued until the afternoon .

.The result is finally out .

.Why is it so long .

.because For in addition to poison detection .

.And DNA testing .

.The cup of drinking water can extract epidermal cells .

.meeting room .

.Li Xiangbin put down the test report in his hand and said , ” There is only one poisonous cup . ”

.” After DNA comparison , it was determined that it was the cup that Teng Shaoyuan drank . ”

.” It’s pretty clear now . ”

.” Someone secretly poisoned Teng Shaoyuan when he was drinking . ”

.” After investigation and monitoring , Captain Wang narrowed the scope to three people . ”

.” Everyone take a look . ”

.” Children . ”

.Wang Xiaotong understood and operated the computer projection .

.The photos of the three people appeared on the screen .

.A charmingly dressed woman Yuan .

.A young man in a casual suit .

.There is also a guy who wraps himself very tightly .

.Li Xiangbin pointed at the screen and said , ” If there is no accident . ”

.”The murderer is among these three people . ”

Chapter 259 _ Wang Ze , I think it’s a little weird [ 1 ]

.conference room .

.Everyone’s eyes were focused on the three photos .

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