.” It’s all here , it’s impossible for you to get away with it . ”

.” Where did the one and a half million dollars go ?”

.” If you are not clear about this matter , we will immediately apply for your arrest . ”

.After speaking , he took out the cigarette case .

.Bai Zihong glanced at it and said , ” Can you give me one ?”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and handed it to Bai Zihong .

.At the same time , press the lighter .

.Bai Zihong took a deep breath of his cigarette and said , ” The one and a half million dollars , I … I gave it to you . ”

.Wang Ze lit a cigarette and said , ” Who is it for ?”

.Bai Zihong shook his head : ” I don’t know . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Male and female ?”

.Bai Zihong : ” Male . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Why give it to him ?”

.Bai Zihong was helpless : ” He … he cares what I want !”

.Wang Ze slowly exhaled a breath of smoke and said , ” If you want 1.5 million , you will give it 27 ?”

.” Then give me one and a half million . ”

.Bai Zihong’s eyes lit up : ” Really ?”

.” Give you one and a half million , can you let me go ?”

.Wang Ze’s face darkened .

.Seriously, this guy ?

.No sense of humor ?

.Ma Haoyu looked up at Bai Zihong and then at Wang Ze .

.Seems to be thinking , should I write down this sentence .

.Wang Ze said, ” Bai Zihong , did you not realize the seriousness of the problem ? ”

.” Teng Shaoyuan , was killed , died . ”

.” What does it mean to die , understand ?”

.” You are now suspected of committing a major crime . ”

.Bai Zihong waved his hands in a panic and said , ” No, no . ”

.” Didn’t I just say it , his death has nothing to do with me at all . ”

.Wang Ze took a puff of cigarette and said , ” Then make it clear , what exactly happened to the one and a half million dollars . ”

.Bai Zihong fell silent .

.After a while , he sighed and said helplessly : ” Captain Wang , this one and a half million dollars is really what I want alone . ”

.”The reason is , help me kill Teng Shaoyuan . ”

.Wang Ze was stunned , as if he didn’t hear clearly .

.” What did you say ?”

.” You killed Teng Shaoyuan ?”

.” You mean , someone took the initiative to help you kill Teng Shaoyuan , and after killing Teng Shaoyuan , will they go to you for money ?”

.” Without your consent ?”

.” Is that what you mean ?”

.Bai Zihong nodded again and again : ” Yes, yes , that’s what it means !”

.” Captain Wang is really quick-witted !”

.Wang Ze said coldly , ” Stop flattering !”

.” Bai Zihong . ”

.” Are you kidding me ?”

.I’ve heard of hiring a murderer to kill , but I ‘ve never heard of someone taking the initiative to kill someone and then asking for money .

.who cares about you ?

.Isn’t this stupid ?

.One-sided overseas .

.Li Xiangbin, Ding Yiyun and others also looked at each other in dismay .

.Is this Bai Zihong speaking human words ?

.How can I not understand .

.Ding Yiyun said : ” Li team , take the initiative to help kill , or cash on delivery . ”

.” Isn’t this a bit of a bullshit ?”

.Li Xiangbin’s eyelids trembled and said , ” It’s quite … nonsense . ”

.” In order to get rid of crime , can this kind of story be made up ?”

.Ding Yiyun said, ” This Bai Zihong has some problems with his brain . ”

.” Whether it is true or false , there are problems . ”

.If the story is true , then he actually paid the money when he didn’t participate in the whole process .

.Is the brain okay ?

.If the story is fake , the person who can make up such a brain-dead story is definitely not normal .

.Anyway .

.There is a problem .

.Interrogation room .

.Bai Zihong said urgently , ” Captain Wang , what I said is the truth !”

.” If there is a lie , the sky will be struck by thunder !”

.Wang Ze said: ” Lei Gong is very busy and has no time to pay attention to so many people who swear . ”

.Bai Zihong rubbed his hair : ” I rely on it ! Why don’t you believe it ?!”

.Wang Ze stared at him for a while, and said , ” I believe it, go ahead . ”

.” Start from the beginning . ”

.Bai Zihong said quickly, “The night before yesterday , when I was about to go to bed , I received a call . ”

.”The other party said he helped me slaughter Teng Shaoyuan , and I asked for two million . ”

.” I thought it was a lunatic and hung up the phone . ”

.” But within two minutes he called again . ”

.” After I got on the phone , I scolded him in the face . ”

.” Then he asked me to check the matter the next day and said he would call me again . ”

.” As a result, the next day , I really couldn’t contact Teng Shaoyuan . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Go ahead , I’m listening . ”

.Bai Zihong swallowed and continued, ” He called again . ”

.” This time , I kind of believed what he said . ”

.” Also , he knows Miao Ruoruo . ”

.” What the hell are you talking about playing with your woman , robbing your business , or something like that . ”

.” I just found out that this bitch Miao Ruoruo actually had an affair with Teng Shaoyuan . ”

.” He still wants two million . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze said, ” You really gave it ?”

.Bai Zihong said : ” How can there be , how is it possible , I’m not stupid . ”

.” It doesn’t matter if Teng Shaoyuan is dead or not , it doesn’t cost me a dime to close the 087 series . ”

.” Of course , it’s better to be dead . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Go ahead , because of what to give money . ”

.Bai Zihong hesitated : ” He said … He said that if he didn’t give it , he would report it to the police . I was responsible for Teng Shaoyuan’s death . ”

.” It was also said that the company had competition , and that he was cuckolded again , and the motive for the killing was very strong . ”

.”The police will definitely list me as a major suspect . ”

.” I … I’m a little scared , and I also hate Teng Shaoyuan . It ‘s just right to die , so … I negotiated a price of 1.5 million . ”

.Wang Ze glanced at him and fell into deep thought .

.The story is nice .

.But …

.But very reasonable .

.However , it is a bit too similar to Ruo ‘; water ,?; resource , source , group :;’6″5;::6″‘6’1″8:8,;9:..6;.Preparation : ?; Use .?’,: to “‘ group.7 :6’!”6:’0;.”1?8!?3:.2;!0 story .

.How can anyone pay cash on delivery in such matters as murder ?

.unless …

.The murderer’s target was originally Teng Shaoyuan .

.As for Bai Zihong’s 1.5 million , it was just an incidental request .

.Give if you can, it’s worth it anyway .

.No , it doesn’t matter .

.But now there is a problem .

.How to judge .

.Is Bai Zihong’s story true ?

.If he hired a murderer to kill .

.Then it is possible to make up a story to make the whereabouts of the one and a half million dollars reasonable .

Chapter 268 _ White busy ? ? 4 ?

.Wang Ze turned his head to look at the one-way mirror and said , ” Let Xiaotong verify the call records . ”

.In his vision , the mirror was blurry .

.On the other side , Wang Xiaotong, who heard Wang Ze’s words , immediately turned and left .

.Interrogation room .

.Wang Ze looked at Bai Zihong and said, ” You took 1.5 million , how did you trade it ?”

.Bai Zihong said quickly : ” He asked me to go to the central square , remote control the phone , and put the money bag on a trash can . ”

.What he was thinking about now was to quickly clear the relationship .

.in this case .

.I am a victim too !

.Wang Ze said : ” Then what ?”

.Bai Zihong said, ” Then he asked me to take the elevator next to me and go to the second floor of the square . ”

.” When I got to the second floor , the money bag was gone . ”

.Wang Ze habitually rubbed his fingers and said , ” That is to say , you are also a victim ?”

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