.Wang Ze personally sent Bai Zihong to the entrance of the hall .

.” Captain Wang stay , please let me escort you . ”

.Bai Zi 090 Hong turned around and smiled .

.He was much more relaxed now .

.It seems that the young criminal investigation captain believed what he said .

.In fact , he himself felt a little nonsense .

.After killing people and then asking for money , it does sound a bit baffling , like a story .

.Wang Ze : “No problem ”

.Bai Zihong said : ” Captain Wang , if you need help in the future , just say it . ”

.” Although our company is not the best in Yuncheng , but in terms of advertising creativity , I admit that I will not lose to anyone . ”

.” You know it , you’ll know . ”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” Mr. Bai is polite . ”

.” There are still a few small questions that I would like to ask Mr. Bai . ”

.Bai Zihong : ” Captain Wang, please speak . ”

.Wang Ze said, ” Did that person use a voice changer when he called you ?”

.Bai Zihong said, ” No , it’s the original sound . ”

.” Otherwise, how would I know that he is a man ?”

.Wang Ze : ” If you hear his voice again , can you be right ?”

.Bai Zihong nodded : ” Of course . ”

.” His timbre is quite special . If you hear it again , you will definitely hear it . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze raised his brows : ” Special ? What kind of special method ?”

.Bai Zihong said, ” A little more mellow . ”

.Wang Ze : ” mellow , but still rich . ”

.Bai Zihong was stunned : ” Is there a difference ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Yes . ”

.” Mellow , low and heavy voice , strong and powerful . ”

.” Rich , it’s a simple voice that’s powerful and loud . ”

.Bai Zihong glanced at Wang Ze in surprise .

.This young criminal investigation captain has something .

.Are the details so meticulous ?

.He thought about it seriously and said , ” That ‘s mellow , not particularly loud . ”

.Wang Ze secretly wrote down the characteristics of his voice and continued to ask , ” What about age ?”

.Bai Zihong hesitated : ” In terms of age … I’m not very sure . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Just give me a rough range . ”

.” Anything will do . ”

.” Even if it’s zero to a hundred years old . ”

.Bai Zihong smiled and said , ” Captain Wang is quite humorous . ”

.” In that case , twenty to thirty-five years old . ”

.” I still sound strangely young . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and said , ” Where’s the accent ?”

.” Can you tell where he is from ?”

.Bai Zihong pondered for a while , then said , ” Like our Yuncheng locals . ”

.Wang Ze : ” What does it mean ?”

.Bai Zihong said : ” It ‘s the kind of … with a Yuncheng accent , but seems to have lived in other places for a long time . ”

.” Accent , changed . ”

.Wang Ze asked , ” Which city do you want to change to ?”

.Bai Zihong smiled bitterly : ” I don’t know that . ”

.” There are so many national accents that I can’t really be seated . ”

.” Besides (chfe) the change in it is so small , I can’t think of it if you don’t ask . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze said to himself : ” In other words , at least go to other places after the age of six or seven . ”

.Bai Zihong wondered : ” What did you say ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Nothing . ”

.” Mr. Bai , walk slowly . ”

.Bai Zihong : ” Okay , Captain Wang will stay . ”

.He left the city council .

.Wang Ze , turned around and returned to the case handling hall .

.Li Xiangbin said : ” After so long , have you asked him anything again ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” I asked about the suspect’s voice . ”

.” According to him , it was a male in his twenties to thirty-five years old , native , but with a slight foreign accent . ”

.” It should be after the language has matured and lived in other places . ”

.Li Xiangbin frowned slightly : “The local moved to another place ?”

.” Kill someone when you come back ?”

.” It wouldn’t be a vendetta, would it ?”

.If it wasn’t for Bai Zihong to hire a murderer to kill .

.Then the possibility of vendetta is relatively high .

.Wang Ze took a deep breath and whispered, ” Vendetta ? ”

.The Xicheng case appeared in his mind .

.If there is no gain in investigating Teng Shaoyuan’s social relations , then he can only think about the case of Xiang Jie .

.Do not avenge yourself .

.avenge others .

.” Xiaotong , you and Haoyu go ahead and check . ”

.” Look at what Teng Shaoyuan did before . ”

.Wang Ze said .

.Wang Xiaotong nodded : ” Okay . ”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” Male , between twenty and thirty-five years old , 1.86 meters tall , proficient in chemistry , local …”

.” Is that so ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Also , he is relatively short of money . ”

.”I can think of such a way to blackmail Bai Zihong . ”

.” This guy is really talented too . ”

.Can’t say he’s a genius .

.Can’t say he’s stupid .

.Talent is a more appropriate word .

.Both positive and negative .

.Li Xiangbin nodded : ” It is indeed a … talent . ”

.” But the premise is that what Bai Zihong said is true . ”

.Wang Ze was noncommittal .

.Of course he wouldn’t fully believe Bai Zihong’s words .

.But it can be considered to be believed .

.Can’t hold on to this now .

.It doesn’t make sense .

.The most urgent task is to find out who the guy who called Bai Zihong was .

.” Even Miao Ruoruo knows it . ”

.” He did a lot of homework in advance . ”

.Wang Ze suddenly spoke .

.” You said , will he leave any traces in the process of finding out the relationship between the three . ”

.” Captain Li , if it’s you , how should non-police officers start the investigation ?”

.Li Xiangbin thought for a while and said , ” Following ?”

Chapter 270 _ Catch Miao Ruoruo ? 2 ?

.Ding Yiyun also said : ” If you are an acquaintance , you may not need to investigate at all . ”

.” He has always known about this . ”

.Li Xiangbin waved his hand : ” No. ”

.” It ‘s very private for a man to take care of this kind of thing . ”

.” Unless it’s a particularly iron-clad relationship – it’s impossible to know . ”

.” But if the relationship is particularly strong , we should be able to find out . ”

.Ding Yiyun thought for a while , then nodded and said, ” That ‘s true . ”

.Wang Ze held the chair at will and said , ” This problem can lead to a new problem . ”

.” We are based on the credibility of Bai Zihong’s words . ”

.” Is the murderer someone Teng Shaoyuan knew ?”

.” If you know it, everything is easy to say , and there must be traces of existence . ”

.” If you don’t know it , it’s going to be difficult . ”

.Li Xiangbin pondered : ” If you don’t know each other , what is the motive of this person to poison Teng Shaoyuan ?”

.” You can’t do it for the sky because of his drug abuse and domestic violence , right ?”

.Wang Ze said with a smile : ” Eh ? Team Li’s words are on point . ”

.” Perhaps , it is so . ”

.” Right now , all possibilities are present , even plausible . ”

.” If the murderer didn’t know Teng Shaoyuan , then he chose Teng Shaoyuan as the target of poisoning , and the motive is intriguing . ”

.” Teng Shaoyuan , he is not an ordinary person . ”

.” As Team Li just said , drug addiction , domestic violence , and a huge annual income . ”

.” Any one of these three items is very hated by some people . ”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” Hate drug use , hate domestic violence , hate the rich ?”

.” Hmm . ”

.Wang Ze nodded .

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