.” He is not punishing , but for criminal lust . ”

.” People with inexplicable motives for murder are the most hateful . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded slightly : ” That’s right . ”

.If the murderer killed those people who were heinous and could not be blamed for their death , there would still be reasons to understand .

.But what is this ?

.As Wang Ze said before .

.Ca n’t find those people , and ask for the next best thing ?

.If you think you should kill it , then kill it ?

.In essence , it is no different from those sinful people .

.Seeing the two whispering , Chen Yulu couldn’t help but said, ” Excuse me … Does this have anything to do with my husband’s murder ?”

.The two stopped talking .

.Wang Ze got up , came to the other side, and said , ” Maybe , it has a lot to do with it . ”

.” But we can’t be sure right now . ”

.Chen Yulu : ” What’s the matter ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” It’s just an inference and needs to be verified . ”

.Chen Yulu didn’t give up , and asked, ” I’m the victim’s family , can’t I know ?”

.Wang Ze was slightly silent and said , ” Well , don’t think about it too much . ”

.” We infer that the murderer may have seen your article , so he targeted the killing . ”

.Hearing this , Chen Yulu immediately froze there .

.After a while , she said in astonishment : ” You mean , if I don’t write this , my husband won’t die ?”

.Wang Ze said quickly : ” Miss Chen , don’t think too much . ”

.” First of all we haven’t verified . ”

.” Secondly …”

.” Secondly, this matter has nothing to do with you . ”

.” There’s a lot of weird cause and effect in this world , and some things can even be explained by the butterfly effect . ”

.” You are not wrong . ”

.Chen Yulu lowered her head .

.After being quiet for a while , she said , ” It’s over , can you tell me ?”

.Wang Ze was helpless : ” Is it necessary ?”

.” This matter really has nothing to do with you . ”

.Chen Yulu said seriously : ” It is necessary . ”

.” Even if it’s not directly related , it’s me who ignited the fuse invisibly , right ?”

.Wang Ze was stunned .

.He didn’t expect that a rural woman with a low level of education could say such a thing .

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.Do you know how much the world sees ?

.He pondered a little and said , ” When the case is solved , can we talk again ?”

.Chen Yulu nodded : ” Okay . ”

.” Then I’ll trouble you , thank you . ”

.She stood up and bowed .

.Teng Shaoyuan , does she hate it ?

.Maybe .

.But that was her husband after all .

.Also , it’s great for kids .

.Just being bad to yourself .

.She can accept it .

.After all, everyone’s attitude towards life is different .

.Wang Ze said : ” Miss Chen is welcome , this is our job and responsibility . ”

.” One more question . ”

.” Has anyone contacted you since you published your article ? ”


.Chen Yulu said : ” Yes , there are many private messages . ”

.” Private message ?”

.Wang Ze’s eyes moved slightly , he picked up his mobile phone , and opened the private message record .

.A lot indeed .

.Skid for a long time without end .

.Wang Ze looked at it and said , ” Anyone who keeps in touch ?”

.Chen Yulu : ” That’s not true . ”

.” I basically reply with one sentence and then ignore it . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Are they all words of comfort and advice ?”

.Chen Yulu said: ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Are there any words that make you feel strange ? ”

.This question made Chen Yulu ponder .

.” It’s weird …”

.” I really can’t think of it . ”

.” Oh yes , yes . ”

.Wang Ze stopped looking , looked up and said, ” What ?”

.Chen Yulu : ” There is a private message saying that Tianniu is with you . ”

.” It ‘s weird, and I don’t know what it means . ”

.Wang Ze recited it silently : ” Heavenly Niu … with you ?”

.He handed the phone to Chen Yulu and said , ” Who is it, look for it . ”

.Chen Yulu took the phone : ” Okay . ”

.After flipping through it for a while , she returned the phone .

.” This . ”

.Wang Ze took it and glanced at it .

.Net name : according to me .

.Pretty simple name .

.Only said one sentence .

.Chen Yulu replied with a question mark , expressing confusion .

.There is no then .

.” Heavenly Bull is with you ?”

.” what the hell . ”

.Wang Ze blinked , a little surprised .

…. wide .

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.reception room .

.Wang Ze returned the phone to Chen Yulu .

.” Apart from him , are you sure no one else has contacted you ?”

.Chen Yulu nodded : ” I’m sure . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay , thank you Miss Chen for your cooperation . ”

.” you can go . ”

.Hearing this , Chen Yulu hesitated for a while .

.It seemed that he wanted to ask something , but in the end he didn’t ask .

.Wang Ze could guess , but he didn’t take the initiative to say anything .

.It is impossible to give the victim’s family an accurate time limit for solving a case .

.ten days .

.It’s just the pressure and demands given above .

.How it turned out .

.No one can guarantee .

.Including Wang Ze .

.Unless he is a fairy .

.After Chen Yulu left , Li Xiangbin said, ” Do you think there is a problem with this [ according to me ] ?”

.Wang Ze thought for a while and said , ” I do n’t know ” one zero zero ” . ”

.” Ask the victim of the scam , and maybe there will be a result . ”

.” If some of them also use Zhitianxia and receive the same private message from the same user . ”

.” In this case , we have found the right track . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” It’s the same problem as before . ”

.” How do we make good use of this clue ?”

.Wang Ze : ” It’s too early to talk about this , let ‘s check it out . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded : ” Okay . ”


.The task of verification is still handed over to Bao Qu .

.He has been in contact with those people and is relatively familiar .

.And yesterday’s airport surveillance , Wang Xiaotong also helped Wang Ze out .

.In the conference room at this time .

.Wang Zezheng carefully checked the monitoring .

.He is very serious .

.Even the possibility of monitoring being overwritten or tampered with has been considered .

.Any possible doubts have not been let go .

.Not for Zhou Qi .

.And to completely rule out Zhou Qi’s suspicion .

.Then , ” come home and say sorry ” .

.Perceptually speaking , doubting one’s own brother is not very righteous .

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