.Wang Ze was surprised : ” for so long ?”

.Zhou Qi said with a smile : ” I just returned to China , and I managed to catch someone , so I can’t chat . ”

.” You’re too busy to pay attention to me . ”

.Wang Ze pondered slightly and said , ” Can you retell all the conversations in your memory ? ”

.Hearing this , Zhou Qi widened his eyes : ” Repeat it ?”

.” I’ll go , you won’t . ”

.” In order to investigate the case , this kind of request is made . ”

.Chat for over half an hour .

.How much to talk about .

.If it were another criminal policeman , he would not take care of him .

.That is Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze put his hands together and said with a smile, ” Please, please . ”

.Zhou Qi was displeased , glanced at him , and said, ” I have learned the way you investigated the case . ”

.” If you are staring at you, you will have to dig out the ancestral graves ! ”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly : ” Go ahead , I’m listening . ”

.Zhou Qi : ” Okay . ”

.” Let me think about where to start . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Let’s start with the first sentence . ”

.Zhou Qi : ” Shit ! The first sentence is that I’m back in China !”

.Wang Ze : ” Go ahead , what did he say ?”

.Zhou Qi glanced at Wang Ze and said , ” Is your kid not sick ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Why do you talk so much nonsense ?”

.Zhou Qi surrendered : ” Okay okay …”

.” I said that I had returned to China . He was surprised , and then asked me why I didn’t take the plane to Jingzhou and play in Jingzhou for a few days …”

.For the next 20 minutes , Zhou Qi spoke all the chat contents that he could remember , word for word , in a gentle speech .

.Wang Ze listened carefully .

.The topic is very complicated .

.It is indeed friends who have not seen each other for many years, chatting with each other .

.You share things you find interesting .

.I share what I find interesting .

.Zhou Qi : ” I said that I met a buddy in Yuncheng . He is a policeman , and he is investigating the case and has no time to pay attention to me ” ~ .

.” He said the police were really busy . ”

.” I said that your father is also very busy . In fact, I should also be a lawyer . ”

.” Then I mentioned the lawyer you mentioned , who often defends suspects and affects word of mouth . ”

.” His assessment is the same as yours , saying that such a lawyer is rare . ”

.” After …”

.” Wait . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze raised his hand to interrupt Zhou Qi and said , ” You and him mentioned that lawyer ?”

.Zhou Qi : ” Yeah , isn’t it about his dad , so I just mentioned it casually . ”

.” Chat is not just thinking about what to say . ”

.Wang Ze habitually rubbed his fingers and said , ” What do you say , do you have a proposal ?”

.Zhou Qi : “I mentioned it . ”

.” Didn’t you tell me ?”

.” Intentional homicide , child abduction or something . ”

.Wang Ze frowned slightly .

.Just in case , he took out his mobile phone and called Qin Weibo .

.The call was connected quickly .

.Qin Weibo : ” Hello ? Captain Wang . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where are you now ?”

.Qin Weibo : ” I’m having a night market with my friends , what’s the matter ?”

.Wang Ze : ” It’s not dark , let’s eat the night market . ”

.Qin Weibo said : ” It’s mainly for chatting , and idleness is idleness . ”

.Wang Ze : ” How long have you eaten ?”

.Qin Weibo : ” Half eaten . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Have you been drinking ?”

.Qin Weibo : ” Of course , there is no way to eat a night market without drinking . ”

.” What ‘s wrong ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Are there any strangers approaching you ?”

.Qin Weibo : ” No , only the waiter serving the food . ”

.Wang Ze : “A male or female waiter ?”

.Qin Weibo : ” Female . ”

.Wang Ze was silent for a while, then said , ” If a stranger approaches you , for whatever reason , give me a call . ”

.Qin Weibo : ” Okay , I see . ”

.He remembered Wang Ze’s reminder today .

.Is this worrying ?

.Are you really the target of this case ?

.No way .

.Kind of weird .

.Wang Ze : ” Then you can eat . ”

.After speaking , he just wanted to hang up the phone .

.” Wait a minute . ”

.Qin Weibo picked up the phone again : ” what’s the matter, Captain Wang ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Did you leave in the middle of the meal ?”

.Qin Weibo : ” I went to the toilet once . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Ask your friend if there are any strangers approaching you when you go to the toilet . ”

.Qin Weibo : ” Okay , wait a moment . ”

.After chatting a couple of times over the phone , he picked up the phone and said, “� ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze’s eyes narrowed slightly : ” Who ?”

.Qin Weibo said : ” My friend said that he was a flyer , so he put down the flyer and left . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Is it a person wearing a black sweater and a mask ?”

.Qin Weibo asked over there , ” Is it a person wearing a black sweater and a mask ?”

.” Yes ?”

.” Captain Wang , yes . ”

.” How do you know ?”

.Wang Ze got up immediately : ” Give me your position !”

.Qin Weibo : ” Huh ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Right now !”

.Qin Weibo : ” Oh , good . ”


.Wang Ze , who hung up the phone , left Zhou Qi , who was confused, took a taxi and hurried to a night market in Yuncheng .

.During this period , Li Xiangbin was also notified .

.He knows .

.A suspect emerges .

.That Liang Ronghao has a big problem !

.It can’t be so coincidental .

.All coincidences come together , it is inevitable .

.The first to arrive was Li Xiangbin .

.A police car parked next to the night market , and everyone ( good luck ) looked over , wondering what was going on .

.Soon , Wang Ze also arrived .

.He got out of the car quickly and walked over quickly .

.” Wang Ze , what’s the situation ?”

.Looking at Wang Ze approaching , Li Xiangbin asked .

.Wang Ze said: ” Wait first . ”

.After that, he went straight to Qin Weibo’s desk .

.” Captain Wang . ”

.Qin Weibo quickly stood up .

.Wang Ze didn’t talk nonsense , took out his mobile phone and asked Qin Weibo’s friend .

.” Is it him ?”

.Qin Weibo’s friend is a man in his thirties , and he is also a little messy at the moment .

.Facing Wang Ze’s question , the man glanced at the photo on his phone and said quickly, ” Yes . ”

.Affirmed , Wang Ze put away his phone and turned to look at Qin Weibo .

.” Go to the hospital with me for gastric lavage . ”

.Qin Weibo was stunned for a moment : ” wash … gastric lavage ?”

.” Well, what am I doing with gastric lavage ?”

Chapter 294 _ He is in Yuncheng ? 1 ?

.Wang Ze : ” What do you think ?”

.Qin Weibo responded quickly .

.He remembered what Wang Ze said before, ” Poisoning and killing people . ”

.” This wine …”

.He looked down at his glass .

.Wang Ze said: ” Don’t worry about whether it’s wine or tea , just go for gastric lavage . ”

.” I’ll let our men join you . ”

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