.”The signal says he’s nearby . ”

.” There’s no need to look for it , just wait . ”

.Li Xiangbin wanted to say something , but in the end – didn’t say it .

.He felt that Wang Ze was a little conservative this time .

.But it doesn’t matter .

.The clue just pointed to Liang Ronghao , so he would n’t run away .

.downstairs .

.Wang Ze and the others found a place to sit , which was relatively private , and waited while chatting .

.From here , you can see the situation of the unit building .

.As long as Liang Ronghao comes back , he can see it .

.Li Xiangbin handed Wang Ze a cigarette and said , ” If Liang Ronghao is the murderer , where can I find the evidence ?”

.Wang Ze took the cigarette and lit it and said , ” I do n’t know yet . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Uh …”

.He shook his head helplessly and lit a cigarette .

.Judging from the murderer’s crime process , there are too few clues left at the scene .

.Arguably no .

.dead people .

.Poisonous Ruo ‘ , . Water ; Resources ” source.:Group!6″5″.:6,!6?1’?;8,8.”.9,:.6:”Backup!Use”‘”in ; _ _ _ _ _ Turn ” Group :,7!;?6!;6?0.,1!?8,3?!!2.0 cup .

.What about the others ?

.Nothing .

.Even if it can be determined that the murderer is Liang Ronghao , how can it be proved that he did it ?

.Under the surveillance , the murderer wrapped himself too tightly .

.There are no features to be seen except height .

.Moreover, Wang Ze also said before that the murderer may have been wearing height-enhancing shoes .

.A person who is so careful probably won’t leave any clues to the police .

.Thinking of this , Li Xiangbin , who was a little excited , began to feel trouble again in his heart .

.Wang Ze knew what Li Xiangbin was thinking , and said with a smile : ” Li team , relax . ”

.” Isn’t the sky net prosperous , sparse but not leaking ? ”

.” As long as something is done , there will be traces left . ”

.” We need to take our time to find it, not in a hurry . ”

.” And what to do now is to meet Liang Ronghao . ”

.” When we meet him , we can know whether this case has anything to do with him . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded and said , ” Listen to you , let’s check step by step . ”

.” By the way , you are eating with Zhou Qi today , aren’t you going to apologize ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” I apologize to him ? Dream !”

.” I just … let me know . ”

.Li Xiangbin smiled and said , ” He didn’t lift the table ?”

.” Looking at you intact , you shouldn’t have hit you . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Fortunately, I went to meet Zhou Qi and discovered Liang Ronghao early . ”

.” Otherwise , Qin Weibo is in danger . ”

.Li Xiangbin said, ” Are Liang Ronghao and Zhou Qi friends ?”

.Wang Ze : “That’s right . ”

.Li Xiangbin : “What does his father do ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Lawyer . ”

.” Lawyer ?” Li Xiangbin’s eyes moved slightly , ” It seems that your inference is correct . ”

.” In this case , it will be a matter of time before we find out about Liang Ronghao . ”

.” It is one of our plans to investigate the legal profession in the city . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” That’s right . ”

.” But in that case , what will happen to Qin Weibo , we don’t know . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” That ‘s true . ”

.” Ninety-nine percent of his cups are poisonous . ”

.” It can’t be so coincidental . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Yes . ”

.” Now we need to know whether the man under the sweater is Liang Ronghao . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” He shouldn’t have time to change his clothes . ”

.Wang Ze just wanted to speak , but didn’t say it .

.Because he saw someone .

.” Liang Ronghao is back . ”

.he opened his mouth .

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin’s eyes narrowed and he turned to look .

.Not far away , a man carrying a bag walked over from the direction of the gate of the community .

.They have a photo of Liang Ronghao .

.It was Liang Ronghao .

.” Go . ”

.Wang Ze got up and led people to Liang Ronghao .

.Liang Ronghao quickly realized that this group of people was coming at him , and stopped immediately .

.Wang Ze , standing in front of him .

.” Is something wrong ?”

.Liang Ronghao glanced at a few people and said in surprise .

.Wang Ze glanced at Liang Ronghao slightly .

.He is over 1.8 meters tall and has a well-defined face .

.In his eyes, there is wisdom and shrewdness .

.” Liang Ronghao , Mr. Liang ?”

.he opened his mouth .

.Liang Ronghao nodded : ” It’s me , what ‘s wrong ?”

.Wang Ze took out his credentials and said , ” Hello , the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau . ”

.Liang Ronghao approached , looked at the documents carefully , and said , ” Hello police officer , do you need any help ?”

.Wang Ze said straight to the point : ” There is a case that may involve Mr. Liang . ”

.” I also hope that Mr. Liang can go back with us and cooperate with the investigation . ”

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � …..

.Hearing this , Liang Ronghao was stunned for a moment , then frowned, “The case ? Is it involving me ?”

.” Did you make a mistake ?”

.Wang Ze looked calm : ” No. ”

.Liang Ronghao was helpless : ” Well , let’s go now ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Don’t worry . ”

.” Where did Mr. Liang go just now ?”

.Liang Ronghao said, ” Just stroll around after dinner . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Mr. Liang eats very early . ”

.Liang Ronghao said, ” Can’t you ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Of course . ”

.” Mr. Liang , is it convenient for you to visit your home ?”

.Liang Ronghao and Wang Ze looked at each other and said , ” Search ? ”

.Wang Ze : “That’s right . ”

.Liang Ronghao : ” Do you have a search warrant ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Not yet . ”

.Liang Ronghao was a little stunned by this answer , and said , ” Are you going to search my house without a search warrant ?”

. 0 …

.”What a joke . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said, ” Mr. Liang , it only takes a few minutes to apply for a search warrant . ”

.” And in the meantime , you won’t be able to go home either . ”

.” Perhaps , Mr. Liang can allow us to search first and then fill in the search warrant . ”

.”The results are all the same . ”

.” I think Mr. Liang , and also want to get over this matter as soon as possible ?”

.” What do you think ?”

.Residents cannot be searched without a search warrant .

.Unless , with the consent of the other party .

.There is a law enforcement recorder , and the whole process is videotaped .

.Hearing this , Liang Ronghao looked a little weird .

.This kind of investigation method is really rare .

.He didn’t refuse , and said it didn’t matter : ” Okay , I’m not afraid of the shadow , you can do whatever you want , but I reserve the right to pursue it . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Mr. Liang , don’t you ask what the case is ?”

.Liang Ronghao : ” Anyway, you will tell me , it’s the same whether you ask or not . ”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” Mr. Liang’s mentality is very good . ”

.Liang Ronghao : “I won an award , my character is like this . ”

.After speaking , he glanced at a few people , and finally put his eyes on Wang Ze .

.The young man in front of him seemed to be the leader .

.Kind of weird .

.” Excuse me ?”

.He couldn’t help asking .

.Wang Ze : ” Deputy Captain of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau , Wang Ze . ”

.Hearing his position , Liang Ronghao’s eyes narrowed slightly .

.” Captain Wang , you are so young . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” It’s just luck . ”

.” Shall we go ?”

.Liang Ronghao : ” Okay . ”

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