.Liang Ronghao laughed angrily and said , ” Don’t fart !”

.” What motive for the murder !”

.” Where did I get the motive to kill ?”

.Wang Ze took a cigarette , raised his hand and patted Liang Ronghao on the shoulder , and said , ” Liang Ronghao , cherish the time now . ”

.” When I get the evidence and notify your father , I wonder if your mouth will be so hard . ”

.” Being your father , standing in front of you with a look of disbelief . ”

.” I don’t know if you would still be able to laugh like you are now . ”

.These words made Liang Ronghao ‘s eyes show panic .

.When he was arrested, he did not panic .

.When the alibi trick was dismantled , he didn’t panic .

.But when Wang Ze revealed his father , he panicked .

.” You …”

.Liang Ronghao wanted to say something , but he couldn’t say a word .

.Wang Ze continued : ” Presumably your father will also like the screen name [ According to Me ] very much . ”

.” After all , a lawyer’s job is to stray between sin and justice . ”

.” Take a wrong step , it ‘s an abyss . ”

.Liang Ronghao’s expression changed again .

.Wang Ze said : ” Oh yes , there are . ”

.”The beetle is with you . ”

.” I don’t like this sentence very much , let’s change it . ”

.”The law is with you . ”

.” Well , that’s a good sentence . ”

.Liang Ronghao narrowed his eyes and said solemnly , ” I don’t know what you are talking about !”

.Wang Ze : ” I don’t know ?”

.” Teng Shaoyuan and Lu Qinghui , didn’t you poison them with the so-called Tianniu ?”

.Liang Ronghao was immediately stunned .

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” You , you really think yourself too smart . ”

.”I took a net (chfe) name that I thought was very domineering, and said a sentence that I thought was quite profound . ”

.” In my eyes , it ‘s ridiculous . ”

.” I’m going to evaluate it too . ”

.” The chemical formula of tetramethylene disulfone tetramine is actually not very similar to the beetle . ”

.” Like a mole cricket . ”

.” You should say that the mole cricket is with you . ”

.” It seems that your biology is not very good . ”

.Liang Ronghao stared blankly at Wang Ze with a smile on his face .

.It was the first time that he had been crushed so thoroughly intellectually .

.How could a flawless plan seem transparent in this kid’s eyes ?

.You are so special !

.” Why didn’t you speak ?”

.Wang Ze said with a smile .

.” Don’t say it, right ?”

.” Okay , I won’t say anything . ”

.” We’ll have time to talk when we get the evidence . ”

.” See you later . ”

.After speaking , he turned and left the interrogation room .

.Liang Ronghao was left with a confused look .

.After leaving the interrogation room, Wang Ze took out his mobile phone and called Meng Yonghui .

.He talked to the other party about the doubts found in the surveillance .

.Meng Yonghui was surprised by Wang Ze’s discovery .

.” Is the flowering period right ?”

.” Captain Wang is amazing , can you see that ?”

.” If you hadn’t reminded me , I wouldn’t have noticed . ”

.” Okay, I know , I’ll go ahead and investigate immediately to see if there are similar surveillance images . ”

.” I’ll give you the results today . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Thank you Captain Meng for your hard work . ”

.After hanging up the phone , Wang Ze’s smile disappeared , and he said as he walked, ” Everyone , follow me to the conference room !”

.” Little boy , bring the computer here !”

.Wang Xiaotong got up quickly : ” Okay . ”

.meeting room .

.People sit at will .

.Wang Ze turned on the projector and said , ” Little boy , the map of Yuncheng . ”

.” Liang Ronghao’s home and his parents’ home , focus on marking . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Yes . ”

.She operates the computer .

.Soon , a huge map appeared on the screen .

.Two red dots shine .

.It was Liang Ronghao’s home and his parents’ home .

.The distance is not very far .

.Everyone , look at the electronic map .

.Wang Ze pointed to the screen and said, ” Our next mission is very clear . ”

.” Find Liang Ronghao’s second den . ”

.” There , it is very likely that there are millions of cash extorted from Bai Zihong and specially treated tetramethylene disulfane tetramine . ”

.” This is the proof and the only chance . ”

.The voice fell , and everyone nodded .

.There is no doubt about that .

If , . ; water resources.:.source!group;”6,5′.6’6.?,1..8,;:8;9;:!6.Preparation.!Use . “?_ _ _ _ _ _ ‘ Turn.:group,”!7;.,6!;’6;.0?1:’8:3′,2’,0 _ _ _.But the problem is …

.How to find it ?

.Yuncheng is so big , the ghost knows where Liang Ronghao hid things .

.Moreover, Liang Ronghao was very cautious and did not leave any ID information .

.It’s impossible to do a blanket search .

.Not realistic .

.Li Xiangbin said, ” Wang Ze , don’t you have a direction ? Tell me . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and said , ” We can roughly lock in a range by analyzing Liang Ronghao’s psychology . ”

.” What kind of person is Liang Ronghao ?”

.” Clever , that’s for sure . ”

.” Smart people tend to think a lot . ”

.” It can be seen from the fact that he deliberately falsified an alibi . ”

.” Because he thinks so much , our chance comes . ”

.” So , where does he hide things ?”

.” First of all , we have to think of the psychological safety zone , from his point of view , to think . ”

.” First : this place will not be too far from his house . ”

.” Second : Don’t attract too much attention , otherwise it will be easy to check . ”

.” Third : the safety factor should be high . ”

.” Fourth : relatively secretive . ”

.” We can infer the bigger picture first . ”

.” Liang Ronghao , will you choose a warehouse , a basement , or a residential house ?”



.Unified reply : Yes .

.After all, it’s not a TV series . I discussed and studied it with a few author friends who also write criminal investigations. It’s a bit poisonous to write that way .

.In order to prevent being scolded , it was temporarily changed .

.Readers who read it carefully may feel abrupt .

.After the plot , I will think clearly and then start writing .

Chapter 305 _ Hospital , Qin Weibo [ 3 ]

.conference room .

.The crowd fell into contemplation .

.It is very abstract to infer out of thin air , such as creating something out of nothing , it is really hard to say , it is very difficult .

.After a while , Li Xiangbin said, ” I think … a residential house is more reasonable . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” My thoughts are the same as Team Li . ”

.” If tetramethylene disulfone tetramine is stored separately , it can be anywhere , it doesn’t matter . ”

.” But with millions in cash , the nature is completely different . ”

.” A place like a warehouse , a basement , it’s easy to steal . ”

.” Liang Ronghao is still very short of money . ~”

.” To put it in a nasty way , this more than one million is enough for him to kill a lot of people . -”

.” Crimes also need financial support . ”

.” Especially a high-IQ crime like Liang Ronghao . ”

.” He’s going to be very concerned about the money and has to be careful . ”

.Listening to the words of the two captains , all the police officers in the conference room thoughtfully and began to search for eligible residential areas on the map .

.” After Wang team said this , I think Qiyang Community is very likely . The old house is relatively remote , and it is quite close to Liang Ronghao’s house . ”


.” Ark Court is also possible , I think it is necessary to check it out . ”


.” There is also Dingxiu City , that place is also possible . ”

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