.This takes a long time to settle .

.After Wang Ze was silent for a while , he said, ” Tell me . ”

.” I’ll start for you first , for example : as long as I can remember …”

.Liang Ronghao let out a breath of smoke and said , ” This is a good start . ”

.” For as long as I can remember , he used the law to press me , used the police to scare me , and said big things that made me sick . ”

.” It makes me feel like I’m going to jail at any moment . ”

.” Even into adulthood , he didn’t stop . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” What does he expect from you ? ”

.Liang Ronghao mocked : “A lawyer , or a policeman , or a judge , it’s fine . ”

.” But I happen to be full of disgust for this type of occupation since I was a child . ”

.Wang Ze : ” You like chemistry . ”

.Liang Ronghao said, ” I like quiet . ”

.” Chemistry experiments can make me quiet , no one disturbs me . ”

.Wang Zedao : “You can be admitted to Jingzhou University , it is also your ability , it is really powerful . ”

.Not sarcasm .

.It’s true .

.There are very few students in every province who can be admitted to Jingzhou University every year .

.This is already the top of the pyramid .

.Liang Ronghao didn’t feel arrogant and laughed at himself : ” Everyone has a field they are good at , I don’t think it’s too difficult . ”

.” Just like Captain Wang , his talent in criminal investigation is the same . ”

.” We can reach the heights that others can’t reach no matter how hard we try . ”

.The content of the conversations of smart people is indeed different .

.Wang Ze agreed with Liang Ronghao’s remarks .

.There’s nothing wrong with that .

.Most students , no matter how hard they work , can only get into a relatively good university .

.But can’t touch the top .

.That’s what talent does .

.When everyone is working hard, they can only fight for talent .

.But there is a saying that is good .

.Judging from the level of effort of most people today , it is impossible to reach the level of talent .

.If possible .

.In fact , everyone wants to be a fish in the water .

Chapter 310 _ Physical and mental exhaustion ? 2 ?

.meeting room .

.The conversation ( interrogation ) continues .

.Wang Ze said: ” So , you were influenced by your father and hated the law since you were a child . ”

.” Because of hate , went to the opposite side of the law : crime , right ?~”

.This murder motive …

.How to say .

.Sounds a bit grand .

.And desire to kill , there is a clear difference – .

.Lust , wealth .

.These four words have nothing to do with Liang Ronghao .

.There was a breath in his heart .

.An air of rebellion against his father .

.Liang Kangshi’s job is to uphold the justice of the law .

.So what Liang Ronghao did was to commit crimes under the shroud of the law .

.It’s actually a war between father and son .

.But it hurts innocent people .

.Liang Ronghao did not answer .

.It can be regarded as the default of Wang Ze’s words .

.After pondering for a while , Wang Ze suddenly said , ” Have you been poisoned when you were a child ? ”

.” Huh ?” Liang Ronghao was surprised , ” How do you know what he told you ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” No , I guess . ”

.” There are many kinds of poisons , but you chose tetramethylene disulfane tetramine, which is extremely insoluble . ”

.” I think the tetramine should have a special meaning to you . ”

.Liang Ronghao was silent for a while before showing an ugly smile .

.He said : ” Captain Wang really is Captain Wang , I admire it . ”

.” That’s right . ”

.” I did get poisoned when I was a kid . ”

.” Besides , it’s tetramine . ”

.”I ate it by mistake when I was in my hometown in the countryside . ”

.” It was also at that time that he stood on the commanding heights of the law and taught me harshly in the tone of a policeman . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Before going to the hospital or after going to the hospital ?”

.Liang Ronghao : ” Before going to the hospital . ”

.” His first reaction was not to send me to the hospital in a panic , but to scold me . ”

.Up to now , Liang Ronghao still refers to Liang Kangshi as ” he ” .

.Wang Zedao : ” Have you ever thought that if you care, you will be confused ?”

.Liang Ronghao smiled and said , ” Don’t wash it , it’s not white . ”

.” Have you ever seen a father slap a child wildly in the face in front of a large crowd and under the gaze of hundreds of people ?”

.” I was six years old at that time . ”

.” Have you ever seen a father who kicked his child three meters away because of a trivial matter ?”

.” At that time , I was seven years old . ”

.” My first nosebleed was from him . ”

.” My first fear came from him . ”

.” My first time …”

.Liang Ronghao took a breath and said a lot .

.Wang Ze listened quietly .

.In fact, it’s the little things in life, it ‘s normal .

.Many post-80s and post-90s have experienced it .

.People of the older generation still believe in filial sons from sticks .

.But not now .

.If you still follow the previous set , it will be really a pervert .

.When Liang Ronghao’s voice fell , Wang Ze said: ” The identity of your father’s lawyer is still the same throughout . ”

.” Needless to say , I see . ”

.Outside the mirror .

.Li Xiangbin and others watched the interrogation .

.Wang Ze had inferred the motive for the murder before , so they didn’t have many surprises .

.It just feels like a pity .

.After all, Liang Ronghao is also regarded as a high-end chemistry major , and his future achievements are limitless .

.It is too impulsive to choose to kill because of his father’s oppression and ideological indoctrination .

.I don’t know how Liang Kangshi will feel when he finds out .

.” Is this reverse psychology ?”

.” How old is he , and has a rebellious mentality ?”

.It was Wang Xiaotong who spoke .

.Generally speaking , rebellious psychology is mostly in adolescence .

.And with the growth of age , the xinxing becomes more and more mature , and the rebellious mentality gradually disappears .

.There is no father who does not love his children .

.Not the right way .

.These , in fact, when the two sit down and talk , they can both be relieved .

.But Liang Ronghao , among countless paths , chose the most extreme path .

.Li Xiangbin said slowly : ” This is no longer a simple rebellious psychology . ”

.” It’s a psychological problem caused by prolonged depression . ”

.” He’s fighting back and venting . ”

.The crowd was silent .

.Bao Qu said : ” This should be the most inexplicable murder motive we have ever seen . ”

.A college graduate who kills for the sake of killing .

.The reason behind it is worth thinking about .

.Interrogation room .

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � …..

If . Water .. Resources : ‘ Source !?, Group ?!,6;5,,.6″:6;? 1’8 !!!8:”‘9.”6″! ” Backup.Use ?. :?’ transfer.group ; 7.!6!? , 6?.0:”1:::8:!’3.!2?!:0.Wang Ze’s voice sounded : ” How long did it take you to make tetramethylene disulfone tetramine soluble ? ”

.Liang Ronghao raised his head : ” Captain Wang also understands chemistry ?”

.Wang Ze : ” A little bit . ”

.Liang Ronghao said, ” About half a year . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Is n’t this very difficult ? ”

.Liang Ronghao nodded : ” It ‘s quite big . ”

.” There are not many people in the country who can do it , and it is not a mainstream research direction , so no one cares . ”

.” Practicality … not very strong . ”

.Wang Ze : ” How long have you practiced the poisoning technique ? ”

.The opponent’s technique is completed in one go , but it can’t be practiced in a day or two .

.It ‘s impossible to grind a gun on the spot .

.Liang Ronghao : ” It’s been a long time , I ca n’t remember . ”

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