.Maybe .

.This serial murder case will never happen .

.A family of three enjoying themselves .

.Liang Ronghao is still the pride of the Liang family .

( well done )

.put in ancient times .

.If this is !.’ Water ‘,,, source , ? source ,? group”6 ‘.:5′.,6,'”6:’1!!8?:8:!9″!6′;, prepare , use.zhong ; turn :”: group : , 7!:6?’ ; 6′.0,1;,!8,;3″,;2′””0 is the champion .

.A well-deserved champion .

.In the future , Liang Ronghao will show his talents in the field of chemistry .

.It is even possible that the whole country and even the whole world can hear his name .

.And now , he is sitting here in handcuffs .

.Life is one heaven and one underground .

.No wonder Li Xiangbin kept saying what a pity , what a pity .

.Indeed …

.It’s a pity .

.Liang Kangshi suddenly laughed .

.It was the first time he laughed since he entered the room .

.” It’s okay son . ”

.” We face it together as a family . ”

.” In it , behave well . ”

.Liang Ronghao raised his head and looked at his father .

.The other is smiling .

.But there are tears in the eyes .

.” I’m sorry , Dad . ”

.A father , let go of everything .

.Although it was late noon .

Chapter 314 _ Dad, don’t worry , I will never kill people ? 2 ?

.Liang Kangshi left the city bureau .

.When he left, he did n’t say a word .

.Maybe .

.For Wang Ze , who grabbed Liang Ronghao himself , he must have some grudges in his heart .

.He understands the law .

.But when the disaster really happens to you , you can feel the helplessness and pain .

.After all , that was his biological son .

.only .

.City Hall gate .

.Wang Ze and Li Xiangbin looked at Liang Kangshi’s back as they left, and lit a cigarette each .

.” He can’t be a lawyer anymore . ”

.Wang Ze let out a breath of smoke and said .

.Li Xiangbin turned his head : ” Huh ? What did you say ?”

.Wang Ze repeated : ” I said , he can’t be a lawyer anymore . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” You think he will give up this profession . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly : ” Judging from the results of his conversation with Liang Ronghao , it should be . ”

.” As a lawyer , it has brought pain to Liang Ronghao . ”

.” Liang Kangshi , I don’t think I have the courage to continue . ”

.Li Xiangbin has a different opinion : ” Liang Kangshi’s problem is that there is a serious error in the way of education , and it has nothing to do with his occupation . ”

.” After this incident , he has no worries and must find some goals for himself . ”

.”117 Maybe , we can go further on this road . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze chuckled lightly : ” It also makes sense . ”

.Anyway .

.These have nothing to do with them .


.Two days later .

.Regarding the rapid detection of the case by the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau , the provincial department decided to give a collective second-class award .

.But there ‘s no drug squad here .

.I don’t know if I forgot or what .

.Ding Yiyun didn’t feel dissatisfied , because they didn’t make much effort .

.The detection of the case basically relies on Wang Ze and his subordinates .

.As for Wang Ze personally .

.There was no special award given by the provincial government .

.This is normal .

.Under normal circumstances , promotion above the first rank of superintendent takes four years for each rank .

.Even if there is a major meritorious performance and an exceptional promotion , it cannot be so fast .

.Not to mention .

.Wang Ze’s age is there .

.Moreover, the entry is a first-level police superintendent , which is already the first case in the country .

.Up again , not suitable .

.If there is a chance next year , it is estimated that it can be barely .

.For this matter , Hanhuacheng also specially called Wang Ze to the provincial office , and (chfe) had a face-to-face discussion .

.” Are n’t you dissatisfied ?”

.In front of the desk , Han Huacheng crossed his hands , looked at Wang Ze and smiled .

.He was clearly in a good mood .

.It’s natural to be happy that such a big case is solved in a few days .

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Han Ting , you called me here just to ask this question ?”

.Han Huacheng nodded and said, ” I think this issue is very important . ”

.Awards have a process .

.That’s for normal people .

.But in his eyes , Wang Ze is no longer a normal person .

.The speed of meritorious service is really too fast .

.Moreover, it was not enough to make meritorious deeds in Yuncheng . It was the same in Xicheng before .

.It was as if he could come back with a little credit no matter where he went .

.I can’t stand it .

.Anyway , it would be a bit exaggerated to let Wang Ze jump directly to the third-level police inspector within a year .

.So after hesitating for a long time , he still didn’t do it .

.Decades of career , long coming to Japan .

.Thinking of the future , Han Huacheng began to drum again in his heart .

.The ghost knows where this kid’s future is .

.Maybe he will be poached by Jingzhou before he is thirty years old, and he will be entrusted with important tasks .

.In other words, a special case team with a fixed position runs all over the country and is specially responsible for extraordinarily serious cases .

.Maybe .

.This place in Yuncheng , it is estimated that this kid can’t stay .

.” Okay, okay . ” Wang Ze said helplessly, ” Then I’ll try to answer , I’m not dissatisfied . ”

.In fact, he didn’t think about it at all .

.Hanhuacheng took the initiative to mention it .

.Hearing this , Han Huacheng nodded with a smile , and then stared at Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze was so uncomfortable , he couldn’t help but say, ” Han Ting , I have something to say . ”

.Han Huacheng suddenly said : ” To be honest , I really want to change the information for you . ”

.Wang Ze was stunned : ” What do you mean ?”

.Hanhuacheng : ” Change your age to 30 years old , add nine years to your seniority , and then transfer to the Provincial Criminal Investigation Team . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze was taken aback : ” I’m going ! Don’t make trouble !”

.Han Huacheng laughed and said , ” Just kidding , kidding . ”

.” But if you want to come now , you can . ”

.” But the position is not so ideal . ”

.Wang Ze shook his head : “The city bureau is still comfortable . ”

.Han Huacheng coughed lightly : ” Really ? What if you were given the position of captain of the Criminal Investigation Corps ?”

.Wang Ze thought for a while and said , ” True or false ? It doesn’t matter , it’s okay to make do with it . ”

.Han Huacheng’s face darkened and he said , ” You kid , under your innocent appearance , you are actually full of bad water . ”

.” Alright , alright , quickly disappear from my eyes . ”

.He waved .

.Wang Ze got up : ” Goodbye Han Ting . ”

.” By the way , there is a good seat reserved for me . In fact, the provincial office is also quite comfortable . ”

.Han Huacheng pointed at the door : ” Get out . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay . ”

.After speaking , he opened the door and left .

.Looking at the direction Wang Ze left , Han Huacheng shook his head and laughed .

.Soon , he suppressed his smile and began to seriously think about this issue .

.It’s not as old as it is now .

.What happened to the young prime minister is impossible .

.However, with Wang Ze’s ability and speed of meritorious deeds , in a few years , he may really be able to reuse it .

.The provincial government’s expectations for Wang Ze originally wanted to wait until the other party was 30 years old .

.And now it seems that it needs to be advanced .

.The great responsibility must be handed over to the highly capable .

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