Chapter 20: Arrive at Karakura Town again, Meizi is upside down (3/4 for flowers!)

Chapter 20: Arrive at Karakura Town again, Meizi is upside down (3/4 for flowers!)

Kurosaki Hospital.

Kurosaki Ichigo, who was already asleep, got up and looked out the window, apparently he vaguely sensed the Reiatsu of Asaba and the others who appeared in the distance.

Rukia Kuchiki, who was sleeping in Kurosaki Ichigo's wardrobe, also opened the door.

Rukia Kuchiki is dead Reiatsu, but she has a Reiatsu receiver on her hand.

At this moment, more than a dozen yellow dots flashed on the Reiatsu receiver.

Rukia Kuchiki has also participated in the soul burial practice, and naturally knows what those yellow dots represent.

"Rukia, is the phantom appearing!?"

"Ichigo, go to sleep!"

"Really don't care?"


After Rukia Kuchiki closed the cabinet door, she was very nervous. She wanted to find Shinigami who led the team to the Karakura Town soul burial this time.

By convention, those who lead the soul burial practice are the vice-captains of Godei 13th.

Rukia Kuchiki, the vice-captain of Gotei 13, knows him.

Rukia Kuchiki wanted to talk to an acquaintance about her current situation, but she was afraid.

In the end, Rukia Kuchiki, like the Shiba Kaien incident more than 100 years ago, chose to escape.

Abandoned factory somewhere.

Hirako Shinji also gave an order to stay tonight and not go out for the time being.

They have special skeletons that Urahara Kisuke developed for them, but it is better to be cautious than to do more.

Every time Seireitei's vice-captain leads the team to Karakura Town for a soul burial practice, the Visored people go into hiding for a while.


"This is the current location of your soul burial practice."

"From now on, you have 6 hours to find the whole soul for soul burial."

"Soul burial for seven whole souls is rated as passing."

"After 6 hours, the portal to return to Soul Society will open here, so no matter how many souls you have buried, you must return here within 6 hours."

"Do you understand everything?"


"Okay, now let's go to find the whole soul burial!"

This is not the first time for the sixth graders to participate in the soul burial practice. After the soul burial practice began, they all scattered around and began to search for the whole soul burial.

Asaba was about to leave, but was stopped by Kotetsu Isane.

"Asaba, wait."

Asaba looked at Kotetsu Isane suspiciously.

"Vice Captain Yongyin, what's the matter?"

"Asaba, you've only been in school for a month, you probably haven't touched the Soul Burial Course, do you need me to guide you?"

"Yamato-sensei has already taught me, thank you Vice-Captain Yong Yin."

Asaba turned around and was about to leave again when he was stopped by Kotetsu Isane again.


Asaba turned around again.

"Vice Captain Yong Yin, is there anything else?"

I saw Kotetsu Isane clenched his fists and gestured towards Asaba to cheer.

"Come on Asaba, I'm optimistic about you."

"Uh...thank you."

After Asaba left, Asaba looked at the back of Kotetsu Isane leaving and felt very uneasy.

"Am I intimidating him!?"

"If he doesn't agree to my invitation to join the team because of this, will the captain blame me?"

Reiatsu also has Reiatsu, but it's very weak, and they don't use it at all.

Asaba has the Ultimate Reiatsu perception of the sword-drawing reward, and it is easy to find a whole spirit.

The first reincarnation Asaba found was a little boy huddled in an abandoned park.

Asaba came to the little boy.

The little boy immediately raised his head: "Brother, can you see me and hear me?"

Since the little boy became a whole spirit, he found that no one could see him nor hear his voice.

No matter what he did, he couldn't get anyone's attention.

The little boy was desperate, so he hid in this abandoned park.

It's not just this little boy who has been rehabilitated. People in this world who become rehabilitated after death will have more or less the same feeling as a little boy for a period of time.

It is this feeling of emptiness that will slowly turn into emptiness for those who have never been buried in their souls.


It is only necessary for Shinigami to soul bury these whole souls and send them to Rukongai before they become void.

"Brother? Sure enough, you can't see me, can't you hear me?"

When the little boy saw Asaba coming to him, he thought that Asaba could see him, and was very excited.

At this time, he saw that Asaba ignored him, and he was lost again.

"I'll take you where you should go!"

After Asaba finished speaking, he pulled out Zanpakutō from his waist.

After Asaba released Zanpakutō's real name, the scabbard he used was still the same as before.

When Asaba entered the thirteenth chapter of the Gotei and was officially awarded the unmarked Zanpakutō, a special person would make a scabbard for Asaba's Zanpakutō.

The little boy looked at the transparent Zanpakutō in Asaba's hand, and instead of being afraid, he stood up excitedly.

"Great, brother, you can really see me."

Asaba put the handle of the Zanpakutō knife on the boy's forehead, and Soul Burial started.

The little boy waved goodbye to Asaba before disappearing: "Thank you, brother!"

Asaba also waved.

He looked at the little boy who disappeared and seemed to see the scene where he was buried in Rukongai by Rukia Kuchiki's soul.

Rukia Kuchiki should be at Kurosaki Ichigo's house by now, should I visit her?

When Asaba was in a daze...

"Asaba, your Zanpakutō is so beautiful, can you show it to me?"

Asaba looked up and saw a girl in the school uniform of the True Spiritual Arts Academy walking over.

It's Miko.

Asaba put Zanpakutō in the scabbard and turned to leave.

Meizi hurriedly stepped forward to stop Asaba: "Asaba, you met the senior who helped you, is this the attitude!?"

Asaba looked at Miko coldly: "Who are you?"


Miko felt a little uncomfortable seeing Asaba being so indifferent to her.

"Asaba, have you forgotten? I'm Miko-senpai who brought you the school uniform before, and you said you were looking for a chance to invite me to dinner."

"I've been waiting for you to invite me to dinner, but you seem to have forgotten me."

"I know you must be busy cultivating to become stronger, I forgive you."

"Asaba, do you mind if I'm older than you? Age is not a problem in Soul Society!"

"Can I be your girlfriend? I will take good care of you, let you say goodbye to boys and experience the joy of being a man."

Miko said and hugged Asaba...*

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