Chapter 427

As the weakest of the four seas, the East China Sea.

It can be said that in the entire East China Sea, there is not a single pirate with a bounty of more than 30 million.

In the West, North and South China Seas, many pirates emerge on the great shipping lanes every year.

There is only the East China Sea.

The calmest.

Of course, a large part of the reason why the East China Sea is so calm is because for decades, Karp has returned to the windmill village in the East China Sea every time he takes a vacation.

I cleaned up all the pirates around the East China Sea.

In addition, two years ago, Frost Moon Koshiro, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, returned to the East China Sea.

He is also the patron saint of Frost Moon Village.

The existence of Frost Moon Koshiro also made many pirates fearful.

After resupplying in Rogue Town, Rhode and the others did not stay here longer.

Except for the navy, the civilians in the East China Sea did not even recognize Rhodes and Gion.

After all, in the eyes of these civilians in the East China Sea, pirates who have offered a reward of tens of millions are already extremely terrifying sea pirates.

As for those pirates in the New World who offer rewards of more than 100 million, or even more than a billion, billion.

These civilians simply do not know what the concept is.

The Navy will also not inform the news of the arrival of Rhode and the Sun Pirates in Rogue Town.

Not to mention the civilians, even the well-trained naval soldiers.

When they got the Sun Pirates descending on Rogue Town, they all fell into panic.

And even more so those civilians.

Once the news of Rhode’s arrival in Rogue Town came out.

The whole island is bound to be panicked.

In order to cause unnecessary panic, the navy stationed in the East China Sea did not spread the news of Rhode’s arrival in Rogue Town.

Return to the Helios and continue towards Frost Moon Village.

After seeing that Rhode did not make a move, but resupplied in Rogue Town, they left directly.

This made the navy in Rogue Town who knew that Rhode and the others had arrived here immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

As a navy, although their mission is to capture pirates.

But in the case of invincibility, he also forcibly went over to deal with Rhode.

That’s not looking for death.

So, after Rhode and them left, they felt like they had picked up a life.

What the navy in the town of Rogue had in mind, Rhode did not know and did not care.

After all, to him, these navies are like ants on the side of the road.

The life or death of these ants could not attract Rhode’s attention.

After leaving Rogue Town, the news that the world’s strongest pirate, Rhode, arrived in the East China Sea.

Immediately spread throughout the sea.

Including civilians and pirates in the East China Sea.

After receiving the news that the Sun Pirates had arrived in the East China Sea, it immediately caused a huge panic.

Originally, the strength was at the bottom of the four seas, the East China Sea.

Whether it is the strength of the Navy’s military defense or other aspects, it cannot stop Rhode at all.

Coupled with the past few years, the first half of the great passage and the four seas inside.

Under the deliberate portrayal and guidance of the world government and navy, Rhode and the Sun Pirates were almost shaped into golden demons who did nothing evil, passed everywhere, and did not give birth.

Therefore, many nobles and royal families, when they got the news that the Sun Pirate Group arrived in the East China Sea, chose to leave the East China Sea by boat.

Prepare for evacuation.

Even many royal families have asked the world government for help.

Ask the world government to send troops to eliminate the Sun Pirates.

The world government, when it received these royal calls for help, did not see it at all.

If only the world government really wanted to do something to the Sun Pirates.

The Navy has long been let go of the Navy.

After all, when in the Chambord Islands, the people of the navy and the world government can arrive in half a day.

However, since the world government and the navy did not move.

That represents the attitude of the world government and the navy towards Rhodes.

As for the life and death of those kingdoms in the East China Sea.

The world government did not pay attention to it at all.

After all, small countries like these, in the eyes of world governments, a few less is less.

They are also not distressed.

Therefore, the world government completely ignored the requests of these countries for help.

Still sitting firmly on the fishing platform.

The attitude of the world government suddenly made the people of those kingdoms in the East China Sea a little desperate.

And the leader of the revolutionary army, Long who was hidden in the shadows, when he saw this scene in the East China Sea.

A flash of essence suddenly flashed in his eyes.

The dragon, who originally planned to hide, saw the hope and dawn of the revolutionary army’s re-emergence at this moment.

The East China Sea now.

Many royal families fled the country.

He chose to escape from the East China Sea for refuge.

Especially in several kingdoms near the town of Rogue.

Therefore, the current dragon is eyeing these countries.

It is ready to redevelop the power of the revolutionary army in these countries.

Of course, with the lesson learned from last time, this time the dragon did not intend to proceed in an upright manner.

Instead, choose to do it secretly.

Sailing at sea is always unfortunate.

Many royal families who were taking refuge were shipwrecked in the process of fleeing.

They passed away.

Those countries that lost their kings, under the deliberate arrangement of the dragon.

They took it over.

All this is done secretly in private.

Even the world government was not aware of this.

It has to be said that the panic caused by Rhode’s arrival in the East China Sea.

Let the revolutionary army, which was originally in a predicament, find the hope and dawn to break the situation.

Rhode and the others did not know that their arrival had allowed the dragon to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Secretly took over several kingdoms in the East China Sea.

However, even if he knew, Rhode would only laugh it off.

The strength and means of the dragon are indeed good.

However, the current dragon, and his revolutionary army, have not yet been able to enter Rhode Zhengyan.

Even if they have the same purpose and opponents.

They may cooperate, but definitely not now.

Now the East China Sea is surging on the surface, and almost every country has more or less panic.

But in private, it is even more violent.

The revolutionary army lurking in the shadows has been hunted down and suppressed by the world government for most of the year.

Its fangs were shown again.

Regained a foothold in the East China Sea.

Moreover, all this is done secretly in private.

Even the intelligence agencies of the world government and the navy did not notice this.

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