I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 101 Treatment

Now is not the time to pass out, let alone go on a date with your sex friends.

If this matter is not handled well, Li Pan's journey to the Night City will be over.

Li Pan endured the headache, swiped his card to forcefully remove the first aid kit on the floating car, inserted a dozen cardiotonic pills, and breathed a can of oxygen before he recovered.

But as a manager, he actually has to pay to use the company's first aid kit? And this world where licking a blood bag costs 3,000 is so fucked up...

Okay, now is not the time to care about these details, the key is to find Qianji's head.

After all, there were surveillance cameras everywhere on the street, and it was impossible for him to carry that thing with him. But how could he have expected to be so unlucky that he was exposed in one night?

Li Pan planned to get some chemicals on the way to clean the apartment and process the biometric information when he got off work, but someone actually had his head stolen?

Who did it? Dongcheng meeting? Or Kotaro? Is it intentional or intentional? Does the Tokugawa family know?

Well, I probably don't know. After all, he flew back to the Night City, and the Tokugawa army that besieged the city didn't blow up his float vehicle, so they allowed Li Pan to pass through the cordon and return to the city.

After returning to the company, Li Pan immediately rushed to the office to make a phone call to confirm the situation of his subordinates.

Kotaro was trapped in Tokugawa's base camp in Edo District, and Ashiya Shiki went to rescue him.

01044 and Rama Lao Liu are still on mission.

Yamazaki is still cooperating with the Security Bureau.

Shiranui Kiriko is depressed.

Shiba connects with Chengzi to help investigate the thief.

Aqi is responsible for the written procedures for customs declaration and monster transportation.

The ship sent by 0113 will pass through the gate within three days and automatically drive to the 0791 Calisto base.

At that time, people from the other party's logistics department will also go on business trips in prosthetic bodies and link to the Callisto base to board the ship. Then sail to the asteroid belt and go through customs inspection.

Based on this calculation, it is estimated that the 0113 ship will arrive at the near-Earth space port in a week at most.

Therefore, within seven days, we have to sneak into the hot spring village again, recapture the 'Tai Sui', and deliver it to the nearby airport for delivery.

Madhu got together.

If one thing goes wrong, Monsters Inc. will have to go to war directly with the Tokugawa family and even Takamagahara...

clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang

Ouch, oh shit, I can’t control my head because I’m too old, I need to see a doctor first!

"Aqi, I'm asking for sick leave!"

"Okay, please pay attention to your health."

"Oh, you have a headache?"

Teacher Xian stroked his long beard and felt Li Qingyun's pulse like an old Chinese doctor. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at his face.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Why, I don't want to wash the pot anymore."

Li Qingyun said quickly,

"No, no, it's not me, it's me too, it was my headache in my dream."

Teacher Xian said, "Haha."

Li Qingyun was also speechless.

"It's true! I used the magic weapon to overload in my dream, and it felt like my brain was shaking!!"

Teacher Xian looked at him with his hands on his hands,

"Oh, what magic weapon did you use?"

"Sword..." Li Qingyun thought for a while, "...ball?"


Teacher Xian understood immediately and frowned.

"Who gave it to you?"

"Pick it up, pick it up..."

Teacher Xian chuckled and counted with his fingers.

"Did you pick it up? Haha, it turns out that it was because you glanced at the sword light and was dazzled by the sword light, hurting your soul.

Oh, the set of things you are practicing now is a method of cultivating both Qi and life. You don't practice the way of soul at all. You probably did it on purpose, took a shortcut, and only turned back to practice again at the last moment.

Now that you don't know how to control a sword, and you don't know how to leave the body, how can you control the sword pill? How to control Niwan Palace?

Not to mention that I am in a dream, even if I give you a sword pill to play with now, let alone if I miss it and the sword light sweeps it, my head will fall to the ground. If I open the sword box and give you a look, my soul will be shaken, and the divine court will be lost. . "

Li Qingyun, "...Is there anyone left to save? How many years can I live?"

Teacher Xian shook his head,

"I told you that you are fine. You are just dreaming. Why are you panicking? Don't be too ambitious. Just make elixirs for me and I will give you a flying sword in the future."

Li Qingyun hurriedly bowed,

"Swords, pills, etc. don't matter! But master, please save my life now and teach me how to control the sword!"

Teacher Xian was also speechless.

"You ask me for sword-wielding skills?"

Li Qingyun was even more speechless,

"I don't know how to cultivate immortality. Who else can I ask if I don't ask my teacher..."

Teacher Xian shook his head, and Li Qingyun was just worried when he saw him grab it from his sleeve and take out a flat box that was about a foot long and five fingers wide, like a bookcase for collecting books.

"This part is called "Secrets of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady Killing Evils"."

Li Qingyun was overjoyed, "Wow... Sword Control..."

Teacher Xian,

“Put it under your pillow when you sleep, or hide it in your bedroom or futon.

It can soothe the mind and calm the soul, ward off evil spirits and eliminate thoughts, calm the mind and reduce nightmares. "

Li Qingyun's face collapsed, "Ah, ah??"

Teacher Xian just haha,

"Things like flying swords need to be divided into sects. It depends on the fate. If you use the left-right method to control the sword randomly, be careful to anger the sword spirit, and it will come back to pick your head.

This "Secret Book" is the treasure of our Taishang Jiuzhen Sect, the direct descendant of Xuannv, and the leader's token.

Hey, I’m not giving it to you, I’m lending it to you for two days to calm your soul and give you peace of mind. If you lose it again, I’ll see if I don’t take care of you! "

After Teacher Xian finished speaking, he walked away with a flick of his sleeves. In the blink of an eye, the person disappeared, and a prominent figure came and went without a trace.

Li Qingyun was speechless for a while and could only look at the book box in his hand.

A dead horse is a living horse doctor, let’s give it a try first.

"Good morning! Night City! Let's take a look at yesterday's Dead Man Lotto, oh! Four hundred and seventy-three! Lucky you, did you win? I think no one can win. As long as no one wins, everyone will be happy. There’s a chance! Isn’t that what lottery is about!

Well, I have to blame Dongcheng Hui. They really took advantage of the gun. The whole city except the central area is attacking! I think they want to get back what they have suffered recently! Even a dozen auxiliary police officers were blown away! NCPA will definitely not be able to swallow this breath, but it must be swallowed even if it cannot be swallowed! I just asked you if you saw the ‘whale’ in the port!

Yes! Tokugawa’s ‘whales’ are back! There are twelve "whale" light aircraft carriers that I can count! The Tokugawa family said this was to help salvage the wreckage of the space city? My dear, you use all your belongings to salvage Sky City! On behalf of Sky City, thank you! Thank you! "

Li Pan opened his eyes and found himself lying on the operating bed, with the NCHK news broadcast beside the bed still chattering non-stop.

After being given general anesthesia, he woke up to the morning news again. He thought for a moment that time had gone back, and he stared at the news for a long time before he realized what was happening.

I missed work yesterday to see a prosthetist for treatment, and I spent a whole day and night undergoing brain plug replacement and skin grafting surgeries.

But finally my headache is gone. I don’t know if it’s the treatment from the technology side or the cultivation side…

Li Pan looked at the live broadcast on the news.

The sea of ​​garbage in the Pacific Ocean is being cleared out by engineering ships operating magnetic barriers. 'Whales' are emerging from the sea, floating on ocean currents, or leaping out of the sea and suspended in the sky. The huge silhouette of the whales is projected on the company building.

The 'Whale' type is a light drone aircraft carrier for general use in the sea and air. It can be submerged and can float. In fact, it was originally designed to be built in the direction of a cruise-class starship. However, by the middle and late stages of the war , the Takamagahara fleet's engine systems, starship navigators, and spice supplies are severely insufficient. Supply chains in various places have also been attacked by space alien special forces on Earth's factories, power plants, and orbital elevators. Most warships were forced to complete their hull structures. Work was stopped, parked in the ground base factory, unable to send out the space supply fleet.

Later, Gao Tianyuan surrendered and a large-scale disarmament began, and the number of the Star Fleet was also strictly controlled. These "Whale" models were also forced to go to sea, dismantled the space-grade engines, and transformed them into light sailing in the atmosphere.

However, the hull and hangar of the 'Whale' are starship-level, and the command and control system is also military-grade. The battlefield command system is enough to support the tactical actions of at least three medium-sized drone squadrons and a swarm of two hundred drones.

Now the Tokugawa family has pulled out the fleet and is arrogantly surrounding New Tokyo Bay. The entire Night City knows that the civil war in Takamagahara is over and the Tokugawa family has returned almost intact.

It's no wonder that the Tokugawa family is so jumpy. They are indeed powerful. Each of these 'whales' is an independent drone command system. Coupled with the army lined up outside the city, they can really fight against each other in minutes. The troops in the Night Capital were all cleared.

In fact, the main problem is that Takamagahara surrendered. Although the space fleet was destroyed, it was not launched in a landing operation, nor was it bombed by planets. The productivity was still there, and there were a large number of local troops on the ground.

As for the prosthetics on the alien side who have been reincarnated, considering the cost of crossing the gate, it is impossible to specially transport junk equipment such as army tanks SMS from another world. Now that the war is over, if the Ye family is unwilling to spend money, other companies will The armed forces will not assist you in maintaining law and order in the Night City, so the gap between them will be reflected.

Of course, everyone thought that it was impossible for the Tokugawa family to really fall out, but it was just to show their strength and add a bargaining chip to the negotiations with the Ye family. But Li Pan thinks that maybe the Tokugawa family will really fall out this time...

"Mr. Li, the operation is complete, how do you feel?"

After the prosthetic doctor finished the examination, Li Pan blinked and sat up. After an all-night operation, this wave of prosthetic updates was finally completed.

The decisive battle with the Tokugawa family was imminent, so he finally maintained all his equipment in the best condition in time.

The first is, of course, the anti-hacker brainplug update. Last time, the Level 4 personal ICE blocker was burned to pieces after just one touch. If Li Pan hadn’t had the Qi body protection, he would have been burned to death on the spot. For this money, he I didn't dare to save, so I just upgraded and bought a level 5 personal ICE blocker, which was packaged with HT's genuine firewall. The trial period was three months and three months were included, and the package was RMB 388,888.

Moreover, Li Pan also installed an additional anti-gravity spinal implant. The performance of his Fuxi 15 is no longer sufficient. It can barely support the activation of a level 6 equipment, so additional RAM upgrades and storage expansion are needed. To cope with the situation of loading two special products, fortunately, for this kind of auxiliary chip expansion, it is enough to choose the fourth-level product. One RAM upgrade is 20,000, and one external hard disk expansion is 22,400.

In addition, the skin system also needs to be repaired and replaced as a whole. This time, Li Pan chose the intermediate intensive package, which repaired the tissue braiding on the dermal layer, added fireproof coating, insulating coating, ceramic bulletproof armor, and transplanted antibacterial bionic skin. A set only costs 99,998, not even 100,000, it’s a great deal.

However, the ceramic armor model in this prosthetic shop is a little thinner than the armor I bought last time. Although it can barely be regarded as level 5 armor, the armor thickness and defensive area are both inferior. It may not be able to completely block the armor-piercing bullets of sniper rifles. However, considering the addition of fire-proof and anti-magnetic composite materials, it is equivalent to weakening the physical defense. As a defensive defense, the discount on the overall package price is acceptable.

After completing the operation, Li Pan looked at his body in the mirror. The previous set of armor worth hundreds of thousands was for military use. It was of good quality but prioritized bulletproof efficiency. It was thick and heavy. When it was worn on his body, he felt strong. Like a brown bear.

The service positioning of this body is more towards the bounty hunter, which is more suitable for use in night cities. The armor also has some beautiful designs, which clearly highlight the muscle curves. It has an ape back, a wasp waist, and mantis legs. The eight-pack abs are extremely lean and plastic. Beautiful shape.

Li Pan turned around again and looked at Shoichiro Imai's set of anti-gravity spinal implants that were also implanted in his back.

Because these six-level implants have native gene matching, Li Pan, like Cheng Zi, spent money to add some external plug-ins and an external power charging battery module. When Li Pan exercises daily, he will cause additional The load charged the anti-gravity system, and it looked like a large tungsten-gold centipede lying on his back, with a breathing light that flickered on and off along its spine.

Li Pan tried to activate the anti-gravity system, and his whole body floated silently, as if an invisible hand was holding a string and pulling his spine upwards.

This set of anti-gravity uses a basic Tesla coil to trigger a magnetic field and calculate the surrounding environment to produce gravitational wave pulses. Therefore, it can be used even in a vacuum, as long as there is a radiation system nearby. Like a fish in the sea, it shuttles up and down and swims at will.

Of course, the disadvantages are that it consumes power and computing power, the hovering is also very slow, the acceleration is low, the acceleration time is too long, and the startup time is not long. It is okay to pretend to be cool, but in terms of combat effectiveness alone, the value may not match the price.

Of course, this special equipment must have its special uses. The most significant advantage is that when wearing additional heavy-duty SBS equipment, if the exo-metal skeleton is damaged, the anti-gravity system can be activated to reduce the load. Maybe it can be useful when infiltrating and escaping.

Anyway, the sixth-level products are like this, they are just flashy and worthless stuff with no cost-effectiveness.

The prosthetic doctor also sent the surgery report to Li Pan.

"Mr. Li, the operation was successful. Your body's healing ability is very strong. You are an enhanced genetically modified person. However, you have too many prosthetics, so there are still some hidden dangers.

First of all, the anti-gravity implant you brought is too high-end and may cause a large load on the body. It is recommended to avoid overloading, otherwise there is a risk of paralysis.

In addition, I discovered during the operation that your subcutaneous stratum corneum has undergone some hardening and deformation, which may be a side effect of the biological gene enhancer you used. Such lesions have the potential to become cancerous, and may be stimulated and worsened by the implant. Regular review is recommended.

In addition, the pineal gland is also obviously swollen and inflamed. It may be damaged when the brain plug is fused, it may be overworked, or it may be bacterial infection. It is necessary to go to a private hospital for further diagnosis to avoid overuse of prostheses.

If you must use it, I personally recommend you to use some powerful immunosuppressants. I have a set of 'Black Ice' here, mint flavor, I wonder if you are interested. You can take a sip and experience it. "

The prosthetic doctor took out a set of immunosuppressants in the style of asthma inhalers, with a black and red packaged inhaler, an injection needle, and six replaceable compressed medicine tubes.

In fact, as long as the prosthetic body is implanted, there will be a rejection reaction with the original body. It needs to be combined with anesthetics and stimulants to maintain physical and psychological stability. Of course, these drugs have obvious addiction and side effects, and they treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Li Pan didn't care at first, because he knew that the so-called "hardening and canceration" of the skin was probably a side effect of Jiuyin refining. The pineal gland is damaged by Jianwan, so try not to use it. As for the mental state, as long as the mental report can keep up, there won't be a big problem.

However, he has heard of this 'Black Ice' on the street, because company employees, veterans, and cyberpunks all abuse implants. In areas hardest hit by cyberpsychosis, the standard inhibitors no longer work, so the black market There are many privately prepared enhanced medicines on the market. Those that are not effective enough, are too expensive, and are too dangerous cannot survive in this free market. 'Black Ice' is the winner after many layers of screening.

This inhibitor can not only be used to relieve pain, enhance combat effectiveness, suppress mental illness, or directly trigger mental illness, the effect is very satisfying.

Now Li Pan is wearing a divine outfit but also has a lot of problems. After taking a sip, he really felt more energetic and his vision was amazing! As soon as I hit it, it was as if someone had poured a basin of blood on it, and it was instantly dyed scarlet red. The foreign body sensation of the implant on my back and in the orbit of my left eye disappeared, and my true energy even moved much faster, so that my whole body felt light and airy. I got so excited that even the prosthetic doctors, nurses, and monitors around me had the same joyful smiles as Li Pan. It was really exciting.

"Oh haha... This medicine is pretty good. It's much stronger than the pills issued by the army... How much does it cost?"

The doctor's voice came through a layer of noise like a water curtain.

"A set of 48,000 yuan, inhaler and syringe are given to you. Of course, you can buy cheaper 'Black Ice' bomb pods on the black market, but if the price is less than 8,000 yuan, I personally recommend that you consider it carefully,' Black Ice's formula is already very radical, and substituting low-cost alternatives may lead to poisoning."

Before Li Pan could speak, the prosthetic doctor took out another box of syringes.

"A powerful neutralizing and detoxifying agent, 3,500 a pop. If you inhale too much and feel nauseated, insert a needle into your liver."

"Okay, give me two."

In fact, it is okay to reset the filing cabinet, but isn't it possible that there will be a decisive battle? I don't know when the formal suit will be repaired, so try to replenish all kinds of equipment to be prepared.

"Then do you want to take a look at the Mantis Knife again? The latest model of the Hotline Knife, which is out of print on the market, is equipped with a specially customized frontal lobe enhancement model. Each knife can cut hair with precision, cutting the neck as well as cutting butter. Smooth.

If you don't like swords, I have the new gorilla arms. In front of these hands, the battleship-level armor seems like paper, and the door panels can be torn off directly, crumpled into a ball and thrown out. "

"That's not necessary. I can tear off the door panels and roll them into balls without installing these. Let's pay."

So this wave of enhancements plus the cost of surgery, more than 600,000 yuan was spent like water.

Li Pan estimated that it was almost the end of his body's strengthening to this point.

There is no need to buy those sixth-level products. Things like implants can be improved from scratch the most. By reaching fifth-level military products, it can be said that the strength has basically reached its peak. In the later stage, as we strive for further improvement, the price/performance ratio of spending money to customize level 6 products will be extremely low.

In fact, not only has the prosthetic body been strengthened, but Li Pan feels that his cultivation of immortality has also reached a certain bottleneck.

After all, he has now used three bodies to practice the "Nine Yin Manual", so he can naturally make comparisons.

Li Qingyun's improvement was the fastest and largest, and his cultivation and combat power were soaring upwards. Even that clay puppet was very strong, and he could reach three levels of refining just by breathing.

But Li Pan's own body strengthening effect is very slow. He can't compare to Li Qingyun, the drug addict. Even the Nendoroid can't compare...

Before, Li Pan thought that there was not enough 'qi' in this world, but in fact, he had recently absorbed the 'cockroaches', and after a big wave of relapse, the effect of the breathing practice was still very poor.

Regardless of 'digestion' or 'strengthening', the efficiency of cultivation is getting lower and lower. At this speed, the third and fourth turns of Jiuyin Refining have basically come to an end. The comparison of biological monitoring data is very obvious, and the improvement of pure attributes The curve has flattened.

Li Pan was not making excuses for himself, but he could intuitively feel that there was indeed some kind of invisible ceiling in the world of 0791.

There are no similar restrictions in Li Qingyun's world. He can keep advancing and his strength will increase exponentially.

But in Li Pan's world, although his strength started by leaps and bounds, it was stopped when it reached a limit. And if you look at the status of other people on the same plane horizontally, the situation of martial artists, swordsmen, ninjas, and onmyojis is similar. Everyone is half-measured and stuck on the threshold.

So far, it seems that there are only a few means that can enable living beings to break through this invisible shackles.

For example, by borrowing a ‘monster’, becoming some kind of apostle, or a vessel for advent. Another example is to directly add money, technology, equipment, and medicine to build yourself into a "monster" on the technology side.

And it may not only be the case in plane 0791. Most of the countless parallel universes on the side of Earth 0 should be almost similar. After all, military prosthetics with level five technology are considered superhuman strength no matter where they are on the earth.

From this point of view, the world that Li Pan dreamed about was not normal. Even the fish in the sea had level five physical strength...

In short, with Li Pan's current state, it's no problem to kill the gangs, and he can barely fight a few ninjas, but if he wants to fight the entire Tokugawa army and the whales by himself, that's still too much to think about.

Come on, why are you struggling with two thousand and fifty a month? Just apply for the company's war preparation!

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