I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 233 Out-of-court settlement

"It's an honor to meet you, General Manager 0791. I am the special correspondent of the Third Investigation Division of the 016 Security Bureau. You can call me Otilia.

Since the place you are invited to visit is private property and the Security Bureau has no monitoring or law enforcement rights, I will be responsible for accompanying you throughout the event and escorting you to the event. "

"Escort, that's nice to say..."

Li Pan looked at the woman who had come to squat at the door of the hotel an hour earlier.

This was not a superpower, at least Li Pan didn't 'hear' any superpower fluctuations from her. Under the golden low-cut suspender evening dress, the skin looked very delicate and smooth, and it felt like white and warm oil. Her golden-red hair draped over her shoulders like waves, exuding a strange brilliance. I don't know if it was a special conditioner or an innate genetic coordination.

Under the thin evening dress, the torso, arms and thighs were clearly visible, but no obvious prosthetic connection interface was found. It seemed that no systematic weaponization had been carried out. Only on the back of the neck and ears was a mask disguised as a dark body. NFC interface for golden iris tattoo.

It looked like she had just taken a shower. Her whole body was fragrant, dripping with water, and greasy. It was tempting to look at her, and she didn't know if she was a call girl on the side. However, both the HOHENHAIM system and 016 authenticated the other party's identity as an agent, so Li Pan stepped aside to let her in.

"Please come in. You can get what you want to drink. You've already paid for it anyway. Are you the coordinator? Or a clone? You can't be the original, right?"

Otilia was not polite, she smiled and took a glass of sparkling wine, leaning against the bar and watching Li Pan change into her dress.

"Bravo! You guessed it right, I am an earthling, an original ecology. Of course, I also do some genetic optimization and skin care, but that's harmless, right?"

Are they really from Earth?

No, of course it doesn't refer to those super-powerful natives who are truly born and raised in immigrant cities.

She is a new immigrant, a new Earthling who migrated here after the Gaia transformation of Earth 016.

Compared with the previous legion government, the Zhutian Company Committee has at least made some progress in colonial policy. It restricts the disorderly expansion of capital and swarms into other worlds to invest in land and build factories. If you want to invest on a large scale, there is a necessary condition, that is, to become a local or find a local legal person.

And these New Earthlings 016 are the big chaebols who used the 10 billion reincarnation service to move their household registration after the Gaia transformation was completed, as well as their direct descendants in the local area.

The master of this new world.

Li Pan frowned,

"I'm sorry, but I think in the report of the Security Bureau, I should be called a schizophrenic murderer, right? You don't even need a prosthetic body. Is it really okay to contact me directly with your real body?"

"Haha, you are worrying too much. I have full medical insurance covered by the family fund, and I can be reincarnated at any time. Moreover, if you really want to kill someone, what's the use of changing to a prosthetic body? Not everyone in the Special Operations Division has Can you save me?"

Otilia drank the wine in one gulp, walked over and touched Li Pan's arm, helping him straighten his collar.

"Don't worry, I just want to attend that party. If you can help me enter the venue, I promise that no matter how crazy you play, I will turn a blind eye, close one eye, and keep it tacit. How about ?”

Li Pan looked down at her, "Oh, the bureau has a mission against the Sacco family?"

"Hahaha, you are overthinking. Who would dare to target the Sacco family in 016? I just want to take the opportunity to catch a few rich husbands. This is much more important than serious work, isn't it."

"...That seems to make sense."

"By the way, speaking of this, you can do me a little favor."

As Otilia said this, she grabbed Li Pan's hand and placed it on her hip.

"You will do this later and act a little more intimate with me, like rolling across the sheets. Of course, it's okay for us to roll over now. It will be more natural that way."

Li Pan raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

"Most of the young men who hang out with Oakes are, how to put it, Le taureau, men like bulls. They prefer to snatch things from others than to take things offered to them.

The stronger and more dangerous the opponent, the more exciting the challenge. What you enjoy is this process. You can probably get everything when you are born, and it can be quite boring sometimes. "

Li Pan was also speechless. In short, they are just a group of tauren who like to seek death. Well, it is estimated that there will be extra trouble this time, so there is no hope of a stable life.

Li Pan didn't want to have sex under the nose of the Security Bureau, so he didn't waste much time and took the female companion assigned to him out. As soon as the sports car entered the destination, it was taken over by the automatic navigation and flew directly to Mount Kilimanjaro.

Well, as for Mount Kilimanjaro, in addition to the entire foothills, stretching from the rainforest belt at the foot of the mountain to the glacier belt at the top of the mountain, and the nearby grasslands, there are about more than 2,000 square kilometers of land, all of which were purchased by the Sacco family. As a private estate.

"Wow...are those dinosaurs real? I mean, they can't be machines, right?"

Li Pan was lying on the window, looking at all kinds of strange creatures on the ground.

"Of course it's true, genetically modified organisms, synthetic chimeras, cloned ancient life forms,"

Seeing that Li Pan was more interested in dinosaurs than his thighs, Otilia was speechless, so she had no choice but to go into the sports car seat and enjoy the massage function. The waves of massage made her voice tremble.

"They have invested all the money they earned in the pharmaceutical industry into various bioengineering projects and the development of genetic technology. Ah, the Sacco family may really want to be the creators."

Li Pan was so curious that he asked, "I read in the tabloids that they are developing an elixir of life? Is it true?"

Otilia, "Oh, you said the wine of eternal life, it's true, there are more than a dozen kinds."

"A dozen kinds??"

Otilia rubbed her fingers,

“The human genetic profile has been completely unlocked a long time ago. There are many drugs that can inhibit cell aging and cure all kinds of diseases. All you have to do is spend more money.

Of course, they are no longer satisfied with just being immortal mortals. Their main topic is the evolution and completion of human beings, and creating omniscient and omnipotent gods. Those cool baboon supermen were originally their main research project.

However, after the anti-superpower system was developed, the Sacco family became less interested in superpowers. God cannot be flawed, right? "

Li Pan couldn't help but nod. When he ran away, the local Cool Baboon Power Rangers didn't come at all. After all, BBA has its own AP anti-superpower system, which is completely a superpower that can defeat the superpower, as if an arrow shot Achilles in the heel. As soon as it is activated, no matter whether you are S level or BA level, you will be stunned and suppressed. Not to mention super powers, you will not be able to fart.

For the time being, Li Pan still doesn't understand the mechanism of this system. After all, he hasn't won yet, but now he himself can actually be regarded as a super-powered person, no, a super-powered maggot. I don’t know if the AP system has any effect on him. If I could kill people before, but my superpowers were restrained when I awakened, wouldn't it be a lot of fun?

Soon they arrived at the snow-top manor of Sacco's family. Li Pan also put his arm around Otilia's waist and got out of the car. He was stopped by security before he even left the parking lot.

"Welcome, Mr. Li, I'm sorry, but this guest is not on the invitation list. Is it your personal property?"

"It's a dance partner." Li Pan corrected him.

Otilia smiled, "Do you want to take off your clothes and go through the security check?"

The security electronic eye flashed, and while he was apologizing, he waved for someone to bring a tray. There was a pair of gemstone cufflinks and a platinum bracelet on the tray.

"Your identity has been confirmed. Sorry, madam, welcome. These two are small gifts for visitors. Please also wear this temporary visitor terminal with you during the banquet."

Li Pan searched for the price of that pair of cufflinks. Good guy, I just came here to have a meal, and I will give you more than five million yuan of jewelry. Even if you know that it is a security terminal monitoring and positioning, there is nothing you can say.

Put on the cufflinks, and the Cool Baboon System and Technology Department will directly take over all electronic equipment. Even the security system is directly locked outside the ICE wall.

Aulilia also smiled, put on the bracelet, then took Li Pan's arm,

"Understood, safety first. Let's go."

So the two of them entered the manor under the guidance of the clone attendants.

It would be a bit exaggerated to say that the toilets in rich people's houses are all made of gold, but they spent a lot of money to buy such a piece of land, and the decoration design is definitely not bad, at least it is at the level of paradise and Baofeng Group.

But the people carrying the dishes are not intelligent people. The security and service personnel are all living creatures. Well, they don't sound like humans. They have strong heartbeats and long and steady breathing. They should be some kind of genetically enhanced humanoid life forms. . Probably a new experimental project to replace superpowers.

The scene where the team was dispatched seemed like an open-air dinner, with all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas prepared on the table, including braised nine-headed birds, braised dire tyrannosaurus and other things that had never been seen before. Li Pan was also stunned when he saw it.

"Oh, who is that, you are here."

From afar, Oakes Sacco waved to Li Pan from the crowd and threw a sniper rifle over.

"Have you ever played?"

Li Pan skillfully checked the status of the firearm. It was a rail rifle with custom-made six-level projectiles. The end was probably as thick as a baby's forearm. One shot could probably blow an elephant to pieces.


"Hunting." Oaks grinned. "We raise them just for killing. Let's compete to see who can kill the most."

Aulilia smiled and said to Li Pan, "Da~~Ling, have fun~~"

Li Pan shrugged, "Let's go then."

So Li Pan set off with Oakes and his security guards. A group of people rode a lizard multi-terrain special drone, a bionic tall-footed infantry vehicle, like a large group of velociraptors, leaping down the mountain and rushing into the forest. .

The rules of the game are also very simple. The lizard will rush from the villa on the top of the mountain through the hunting ground to the camp at the foot of the mountain. In the process, it will pass through multiple living areas. Leave it to it to travel through mountains and rivers, and the player will just shoot and hunt. Watch. Who kills the most prey?

Don't tell me, it's quite fun.

boom! With one shot, the terrifying-looking lizard tyrannosaurus was directly blasted with its skull flying and its flesh and blood splattered. The top predator from ancient times, a genetically coordinated fighting chimera, was in front of a customized six-level shotgun with six-level bullets. Papery flesh and blood.

Although he has been fighting in close combat all day long in recent months, Li Pan has actually been a shooter for the past twenty years.

Although the sports mode of the RS prosthesis cannot be activated, these rail shotguns themselves are toys customized for rich people. They are very precise, stable and easy to operate. You can hit almost wherever you point them. As soon as you hold the handle of the gun, it will load the best shot with the prosthetic body. parameter.

What's more, Li Pan has also opened a new hook, which allows him to directly 'hear' the prey lurking in the dense forest, with its heavy heartbeat, rushing blood flow, and dazzling brainwaves.

So he was also happy to take this opportunity to practice his new abilities, bang bang bang, bang bang bang, until after the fight, he didn't even look at it or aim at it, he could identify the position by listening to the sound, sniping randomly with his hands, and smashed all kinds of prehistoric monsters. Exploded into rotten flesh, the surrounding players were all in the communication channel, shouting with excitement.

"What a guy! So powerful!"

"Who is this! From the border!"

"Hit again! Hit again!"

"It's so awesome! This guy is awesome!"

Li Pan was not surprised. He had taken care of his boss back then, so he certainly knew how to get along with these second-generation people.

The first impression is very important. If you are just submissive and don't show any ability, these young men will not even bother to look at you. Of course, there are indeed some people who like to be in the limelight, who cannot afford to lose, and who use their drunkenness to teach you a lesson. However, those who are mostly nouveau riche and really rich rarely show their true emotions, and you don't even know that you have offended him.

So as long as you follow the rules, really show your strength, and win them over, they will just have a bad mouth and generally won't refuse to pay. It's even rarer that you beat me in one round and I'll kill your whole family. After all, people have so many tricks to play, and at most they only lose pocket money.

On the contrary, it is the underworld, the kind that fights underworld, often cheats, earns only a few hundred thousand, and chops off the whole family at every turn. To put it bluntly, the same thing is said, the poorer you are, the less you can afford to do it.

Of course, Li Pan himself is also a bit of a performer. When the audience cheers and interacts with him, he becomes more energetic when fighting, so he deliberately fights the far ones first, and also puts a large group of tyrannosaurus, deinosuchus, and fang-toothed tigers next to him. Fight, jump up and down from time to time, dodge among the roars and claws, pass under the feet of those Tyrannosaurus rex, and disembowel it with a bang, and the blood will be poured on your face, which makes the audience happy. The ghost screams.

After rushing all the way to the end of the camp, there was no doubt that Li Pan won the championship. The whole journey took almost forty to fifty minutes, and he killed 342 monsters with ping-ping-pong-pong, which was almost one shot every eight seconds.

In fact, this number is still low, because this kind of railgun imitates a shotgun and needs to be reloaded and recharged. When the middle ammunition was used up, someone sent an extra round. In fact, it was snapping the whole time. Fighting is enough to make a group of young men have orgasms one after another.

So much so that as soon as he jumped out of the lizard position, Oakes Sacco took the initiative to put his arms around and come closer.

"Awesome, Pan! Have you ever been on the battlefield? You must have been! Bang bang bang! One shot at a time is so exciting!"

"Why, you want to go to the battlefield too. Then go."

"Hey! Don't mention it! My application for military enlistment has been submitted to the Martian MM recruitment office! Dad just transferred me to take care of the Titans! It's so boring!"

Li Pan, "..."

"I told the old man, okay, if you insist on letting me be the admiral, I'll do it. Then give me a whole customized SMS to play with? Well, I actually got one, and it's actually fully automatic!

I lay down inside and glanced at it, it biubiubiu had finished all the beatings by itself! There was no sound or vibration at all! Did I come here to fight or watch a movie? Mewtwo is even more exciting than it! "

Li Pan, "..."

"Oh! I found it, I found it! Li Pan! Is this you? Wow, Brother Pan is so awesome! He slaughtered a building in your house by himself! He killed the Secret Service like dogs!"

"Really! Show it to me, show it to me! Wow! It was cut with a knife! Oh my god, it feels so good!"

Li Pan, "...you're welcome, I think there are many people who can kill an entire building at will."

Oakes and a group of guys shook their heads.

"I've never seen someone who can cut bullets at fifty times overload. Brother Pan! Show your skills again! Let's open up everyone's eyes by cutting down another Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

Li Pan spread his hands,

"I can't do this. The security bureau has locked me up, and the prosthetic body has been overloaded and has blown its fuse. I have made an appointment to send it to a 4S shop for maintenance..."

Oakes laughed,

"What's the matter? I'll give you a prosthetic body for you to use! Come on, pick it up in my hangar!"

Is this guy so generous? But yes, BBAs in this area only cost one or two billion, so he has to pay out at least 10,000 BBAs...

Unfortunately, before they even reached the airport, someone stopped them halfway.

"Ox, your father is looking for you."

"Tsk, the old man is really disappointed...wait for me, Brother Pan! I'll be back as soon as I go!"

Li Pan was not surprised, just look at this man who had ambushed the end of the hunting ground with a group of security guards, inserted a pole in the middle of the way, and swatted the second generation away like flies with a flick of his hand.

"So, you want to see me, right? What should I call you?"

"I am the COO and Chief Operating Officer of BabooPharma, Constantine Sacco."

Constantine and Li Pan shook hands and exchanged business cards.

"I'll get right to the point. We found out that before you went berserk, you made and took an unknown stimulant mixture. The Cool Baboon Group wants you to transfer the patent for this medicine."

"You still need to buy from me?"

Li Pan said curiously,

"That prescription was prepared at an automatic medicine vending machine. Now that you have found out, the formula is actually yours, right? Do you still need to ask for my permission? Oh, have you already tried it? It didn't work, right? "

Constantine nodded,

"Yes, all experimental subjects have died so far, including myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, and overexcitation... At present, it seems that only you can withstand the power of the medicine, so we hope to obtain your personal biological data. And hire you to join the experimental project, right? Optimize and improve the pharmaceutical formula.”

Li Pan narrowed his eyes,

"Oh, what about the price? Give me the money I compensated you and then repay it to me?"

"There are two options. The first is your company's proposal, which is a compensation of 780 billion, a one-time compensation of 280 billion, and the remaining 500 billion to be paid off within one year, with a monthly interest of 4%, excluding tax .

For this plan, our company only requires additional formula patents and attaches your personal biometric data. As long as the first compensation and personal biometric data are delivered, and the patent transfer agreement and NDA are signed, we can issue a letter of understanding and reach an out-of-court settlement. , release the Security Bureau’s personal control over you. "

Constantine took out a notebook and wrote and drew in it.

"But I personally hope that you will accept the improvement plan I proposed. The patent formula and personal data will remain unchanged. This is the company's bottom line. The main difference is that you will increase the compensation to at least 2800 billion.

Of course, I can personally introduce you to local financial institutions and provide funds to dismantle bridge and low-interest loans. The principal and interest are about 3.3 trillion, and the repayment period is extended to three years..."

Li Pan raised his eyebrows,

"I'm sorry, but it sounds like your second option is to ask me to pay an additional 2520 billion?"

"Yes. But it won't cost you any money, and you will get the cool baboon's understanding and friendship."

Constantine tore off the piece of paper from his notebook and handed it to Li Pan.

"This is the configuration of our company's squadron in 0791, including forty-four main battleships, eighty cruisers, and two hundred escort and various logistics support fleets. They are all ships that sailed during the Takamagahara War, although they are not special. It's advanced, but the advantage is that it's in complete condition and can be used on the battlefield as soon as it's pulled out.

You may already know that we have reached an agreement with your company and withdrawn from the two local bids for 0791, so instead of staying in the library or jumping back all the way, it would be better for these old ships..."

Li Pan immediately narrowed his eyes,

"You want to sell this fleet in a package and sell it to our company?"

Constantine shook his head,

"No, no, no, the fleet has been sold, just now. The ships and cannons, including the spices, oils, ammunition and drones on board, were sold to Terra for a price of 640 billion. After all, our two families are related. A profound long-term strategic partner?”

Li Pan stared at the piece of paper,

"Then the thirty-three thousand I paid..."

"Twenty-eight thousand, five thousand is interest."

Constantine corrected him and patted the notebook in his hand.

"The fleet has deactivated the Cool Baboon system, locked the ship in storage, and disconnected the network to wait for activation. And you can get the fleet coordinates, all the changed backdoor keys, system passwords, and ICE codes, which are exactly the same as what Terra paid for. A copy of the book is only half the price. How about it? It’s a good deal.

Of course, you have to wait for Terra to pay before this thing can be handed over to you, but it's almost here. They are sending people to inspect and accept the fleet. It starts from the completion of the transaction, the transfer of control, the reorganization of ICE, the replacement of weapon authority codes, and the departure of the ship. , at least... eight to twelve hours of preparation time. "

Li Pan looked at him and turned over the paper with a mysterious code written on it.

"So what is this?"


"It's a deep web address, used for contract transactions. Let's ask your company's legal affairs.

After completing the contract, I will hand over the access control rights to you after they pay. The time is a bit tight, but it is enough for you to plan an action.

It's up to you whether to destroy all these ships, drive away with a few ships, or just watch your opponent reorganize their fleet and become an obstacle in the bidding war. Please feel free to use it. "

Li Pan stared at him,

"...Isn't Terra Group your long-term strategic partner with a deep relationship?"

Constantine raised the corners of his mouth slightly,

"But our relationship with TheM is not bad. It's just a small misunderstanding. There's no need to get tense. Everything can be discussed, right?

Of course, whether you can get your company to agree to this deal and reimburse your military expenses depends on your persuasiveness. "

Li Pan looked at him and listened to the movement around him. After being silent for a while, he stood up and stretched out his hand with a smile.

"Deal. Give me one hour to contact our agency."

After all, it doesn’t cost him money...

"Wise choice. The encrypted communications room is ready."

Constantine shook hands with him too,

"Oh, by the way, one thing I forgot to tell you is that the female companion you brought is not from the third place.

We found out that Investigator Ottilia herself had been killed, skinned, and her eyes removed, and information was collected to disguise her identity. However, the body has not been found yet, and neither has the Security Bureau. "

Oh, I just remembered it, right? but……

"The body was not found, how do you know she was skinned?"

Constantine shrugged;

"Superpowers, prophetic dreams, necromancy, etc., the intelligence department is responsible for it, and judging from the equipment data, her skin is indeed real, and there is no problem."

Can you deceive the security bureau and the company?

Li Pan frowned.

"who is she?"

Constantine smiled coldly,

"I don't know, that's why I invited her in, isn't it? I want to see what she wants to do."

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