I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 238 The bet failed

"ICE is liberated, access control is unlocked, authorization is authenticated, permissions are transferred, UI upload is completed, welcome aboard..."

Bang bang bang, the noose caliper holding the battleship opened, a blue light strip lit up inside the ship, and after a slight vibration, the magnetic levitation engine started.

Li Pan unplugged the connection cable between the tablet terminal and the hull console and checked the status of the process updated in real time on the tablet.

The company's fleet sold by Cool Baboon this time includes about 350 main battleships and other auxiliary functional ships. Due to the interruption in the transmission of the authority code, which was marked blue and yellow by Shiba, the number of ships that could seize control was no more than 180 at most. And because they arrived a little late, it took more than four hours to take action. When they arrived at the military port, Terra had also completed part of the ship's preparations and rewritten its authority.

But fortunately, the manpower coming from Terra is actually not many. The team must be as streamlined as possible for the secret task to avoid leaks of information. And as long as you use an intelligent system to connect to the Internet, have a flagship navigator to lead the jump, and the team jumps, you can directly take the entire fleet away, and there is no need to assign a crew to each ship.

In addition, they did not expect that the cool baboon would be so good at doing business. One table of dishes would invite three tables of guests. Therefore, although Terra's people checked all the ships, they did not immediately rewrite the ICE and control systems of the main battleships. Instead, they prioritized ensuring the logistics supply ships and strategic resources, checked the spice fuel, and then prioritized startup. Those are state-of-the-art electronic attack ships, covert operations cruisers, and reconnaissance and logistics ships. As the fleet's pilot and electronic support, it replenishes the fleet with ammunition and fuel to prepare for battle. On the contrary, Terra was not that concerned about those battleships with pure turrets.

After all, after buying the authorization code key, it is actually very simple to simply drive the ship away. Just upload a smart UI like Shiba to the fleet control channel and integrate it into the company's control network to jump. Each boat will take no more than three minutes.

However, it is a bit troublesome to replace the entire ICE of Cool Baboon with our company's ICE to avoid being plotted by the devil secretly arranged by the other party. Even a top hacker fully supported by a company like Shiba will take at least half an hour. time to check all programs on the ship and remove all Trojans and backdoors.

So after breaking into the fleet warehouse, the assault team split up and the three-headed dogs rushed in to clear out the remnants and plant time bombs on the red-labeled ships. The temporary workers of the company went to connect the blue and yellow ships, upload the eighteenth control program to usurp and rewrite the firewall.

Li Pan originally estimated that all this was accomplished in a hail of bullets, but he didn't expect that little gift to be so powerful. It directly destroyed Terra's men and saved a lot of time. Calculate it this way. He probably won't lose much. If everything goes well, he might be able to achieve at least half of his betting targets.


Li Pan walked out of the battleship and frowned at the husky squatting in the corner, vomiting in his spacesuit.

"...Is he okay?"

Lao Liu patted the husky on the back and waved his hand.

"It's okay, it's okay. Young people have never seen such a bloody scene. Just get used to it."

Li Pan silently turned his head and looked at the other side, where Rama was jumping up and down as nimbly as a monkey, stepping over the exploding flesh and bones on the ground, flying between the warships, and was so quick to upload the ship control program.

"Why isn't that young man so pretentious?"

Ah Qi also walked out of another battleship and explained casually,

"It's different, boss. Rama is from Night City, and Husky is just an ordinary student."

"Oh? Ah Qi, do you know who he is?"

"I heard that his parents were both members of the Border Expedition Team. They studied different worlds all year round, and no one at home cared about him. After he earned enough credits in high school, he came to work as a social intern. He submitted his resume to ACA, and then he joined us. Mixed up."

"Huh? Expedition team? SEC? Wait, social internship?" Li Pan felt something was wrong when he heard it, "This kid went to a private high school?"

"Well, it seems he is from the High School Affiliated to Dongda University."

"Damn, it's the winning team..."

After all, the same blue sky means different futures. Common people like Li Pan, Huang Dahe, etc. all take the road of studying and taking exams, but the children of the rich are naturally different. They don't have to take exams, let alone test papers. As long as you collect enough credits and hours, you can graduate, and you can rely on your parents' social connections. You can go to any large family business and get an internship, and then the family fund will invest a little in the university, and you can get the company's legal person's recommendation to go to a prestigious school. degree. Well, now Li Pan is on his way to 016 Gold Plating.

"Wait a minute, isn't he a rich man? Are his parents the bosses behind ACA?"

Li Pan was greatly shocked, what's going on? Helping a company's rival raise a child?

Aqi shook her head,

"That's not the case. According to the investigation, Husky's family is just a middle-class, standard scientific researcher. It seems that because he has a congenital genetic disease, he relied on his family connections to join the genetic modification project of the University of Tokyo and awakened his superpowers. And that The experimental project was originally funded by ACA, so the semi-internship and semi-experimental nature was chosen.

Although the company monitors his every move around the clock, no one from ACA seems to have contacted him so far, and his parents have indeed been researching in another world all year round, so there is currently no problem. "

Well, it turns out that this kid has been targeted by the company for a long time, found out, and used it as bait...

Well, it seems that Li Pan has been busy running companies in Zhutian recently, but in fact, the local temporary workers in the Night City are also not idle. They are recruited accordingly to participate in the company war, while investigating the ACA, searching for monsters, and various tasks It's still going on in an orderly manner. This kind of salary is really hard to earn...

"Boss, there's trouble in Area E8."

"Wow, is there anyone alive? 3839, follow me! We're beating the BOSS!"

At this time, Panlong veterans on the front line wrote to ask for help. Li Pan did not hesitate and rushed to support with his thugs.

Wangshan actually scanned the entire fortress and did not stop until the little gift could no longer be fired. Although the DPW was powerful, it was also a prohibited weapon restricted to use on earth by international conventions and SEC bans, but these days it is indeed called It’s nothing more than super technology, the invincible spear.

After all, no matter what experimental secret weapon, any equipment that is shipped on a large scale and used on the battlefield will be researched and cracked sooner or later. In the case of high-energy particle beam weapons, as long as the particle characteristics and energy frequency are analyzed, corresponding products can be produced. defense system and deflection energy field.

On the other hand, a DPW is expensive to build. If a spider and a few soldiers can solve the same problem, why should the entire DPW neutron cannon be illegal?

So to put it bluntly, in fact, any problem, from a theoretical and technical perspective, has a solution these days. It just depends on how much budget Party A has and how much cost it is willing to spend.

Closer to home, Li Pan could hear the ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-pong), and the veteran was hiding at the foot of the wall, remotely operating the spider move with a helmet, and was clicking and clicking to clear the way in the E8 area.

"The command core of the ship port has three defense facilities and anti-radiation coating, so the radiation killing power has been weakened."

"The weapon system here is activated, and there are a large number of defense robots, all of which are company-level military products."

"There is a company dog ​​in the deepest part controlling the drone. It should be the supervisor. It is a customized SBS, explosion-proof, bullet-proof and radiation-proof, as well as AVNDS and a medical ball."

"Our firepower was unable to penetrate his armor and cause any damage to him."

The veteran introduced the situation in a few words, marking out the three-dimensional modeling environment inside Area E8, the Terra dog hiding in the corner, and all hostile targets.

Damn, is this medical insurance fully charged? But yes, the money you make should be spent on life-saving things like this.

Li Pan looked at the terrain detected by the veterans and rushed 038039,

"You two get in! Clear the drone, while the others continue to fire and attract his attention, I'll go around behind him!"

038039 naturally didn't say anything, and directly transformed in one stage and rushed in. 038 carried the machine gun and attacked, taking the lead in destroying a large number of heavily armed military drones. The veterans also operated spiders to form a formation. Cover with dense barrages. 039 accelerated and circled back, ducked behind the drone, pulled out the long knife that was also buffed by the Xuanming bomb bay, inserted it into the central controller, and cut through the layers of defensive access like chopping melons and vegetables.

Li Pan didn't waste any time. He picked up the shotgun and replaced it with Xuan Ming bullets. He walked around and fired. Bang bang bang burst into the door. Under the cover of the hail of bullets outside, he opened a hole in the wall and blasted in. Suddenly, he appeared. Behind the Terran administrator, he fired two shots, and Xuanming bullets forcibly destroyed the Terran dog's AVNDS and SBS.


Tyra Dog was on an unknown amount of stimulants, screaming like crazy, jumped out from a pile of exploding corpses, and punched Li Pan in the face.

Good guy, this guy's prosthetic body is pretty good. He punched so hard that it was at least ten times overloaded. Since Li Pan also hit his face to break his defense, he didn't have time to dodge, and was directly punched away.

But fortunately, even if an ordinary person uses a high-level prosthetic body, it is good to be able to punch one punch, and it is impossible to follow up with a combo. On the contrary, the opponent's defense was directly broken by the Xuanming bomb, and a big hole was blasted in the abdomen. The internal organs froze and exploded. The prosthetic body was also overloaded and damaged by the punch, so half of it froze into ice, and the other half caught fire. He collapsed directly to the ground and lost his combat power. .

Moreover, this fish-man's body is really quite strong, with strong body and strong defense, high armor and thick armor, only his shoulders are compromised. So Li Pan twisted his dislocated shoulder back to its original position, then kicked the dog's head to bits with a single stride, and then looked around carefully.

No wonder this guy was surrounded by everyone, but he was hiding in this blind corner and not escaping. He was connecting to the relay antenna to access the Internet and calling the company for reinforcements.

"Eighteen, can you intercept his signal?"

"No, without the equipment permissions in the E8 area, I'm afraid hackers will come in soon, cut off the power, and destroy the local signal source! Get ready to retreat!"

"You heard me! Let's get to work!"

Without further instructions, the veterans split up and destroyed electronic and communication equipment in E8 and nearby areas to buy time.

Li Pan looked at the progress of the capture and was not idle. He joined the ranks of veterans and uploaded virus golems to the red-labeled ships and started the countdown to the self-destruction program.

"Hurry up! Terra's fleet will arrive at any time! Send out all the ships you can! NANA, be ready! Jump at any time!"

Without giving them much time to prepare, Shiba sent out a series of alarms on the channel.

"The enemy fleet has been discovered! A large number of jump signals! 8C12D64F! The disruption position is being deployed!"

There is no doubt that Terra's fleet has arrived. Whether it is 640 billion, 2800 billion, or 4200 billion, these are all amounts worthy of the company's spending and sending out the fleet for a big fight.

So in the real-time live broadcast of the battlefield from Shiba, Li Pan first saw a flash of starlight. Dozens of meteors jumped rapidly from the deep sky and formed a ring-shaped satellite group around the Kubao Military Port. At the same time, each star shoots out hundreds of blue fireflies. Yes, they are all mines carrying multiple neutron warheads.

"ECM activated! Enemy detection is strengthened! Signal interference! The whole ship's PTP defense system is activated!"

Amidst Shiba's continuous exclamations, a deep male voice came.

"F1, scan T1-K14, mark BASF, lock 84, authorized to fire, space clear, WARP500 jump..."

The sheep were ensnared, and the company's fleet was launched.

So before those star lights could flicker a few more times, a large lavender light spear was projected from the depths of the dark universe.

A large swath of purple light penetrated through like a star spear falling from the sky, instantly igniting the shining stars. The explosive and violent brilliance burned the retina, radiating a series of brilliance from the sun.

The fleet controlled by Shiba also sprayed out large laser electromagnetic barrages and interceptor missiles, exploding the nuclear warheads that rained down indiscriminately.

However, more giant meteors continued to come in quick succession. Like a tide, like a curtain of rain, rows, pieces, and large groups pull out long light tracks, leaping from deep space.

But the light spears in the distance showed no sign of weakness, shooting out from all directions. Collision with sparks and walls of light.

Colorful radiation wave particle beams impacted and spread, large and small nuclear suns flickered and exploded in the deep space, and large areas of shining light seemed to have someone turning on a spotlight, illuminating the entire starry sky.

How many people were killed by just pulling the trigger lightly?

How many souls were destroyed in such a short period of time?

Li Pan doesn't know either, but it doesn't matter how many people die.

Because people come from the stars. Rather than being unknown and dying of starvation and overwork in a dirty pigeon cage, wouldn't it be a very romantic thing to be able to return to the stars in front of the brilliant brilliance?


"Boss! At least two battleship brigades have jumped up! If we delay any longer, they will block the space domain! We must withdraw!"

"...withdraw...withdraw, withdraw, withdraw! Start the countdown! Everyone board the ship as close as possible! Blow up the port! Wish yourself luck! Hahaha!"

Li Pan reacted and rushed into a cruise ship with the veterans around him. He found a good seat by the window and started watching the show.

At this time, it really doesn't matter what kind of super human you are, what kind of top-level prosthetic body you are, or what kind of immortality you have, it's useless. If you are swept away by the fleet's main gun, you are guaranteed to be turned into ashes and turned into garbage among the stars together with this alloy coffin, which will be your final destination. It depends on fate next.


A series of firelights flashed, started, and exploded. The entire military port, hundreds of warships, and weapons and equipment supplies that were too late to take away, all turned into fireworks in the gorgeous fusion.

The fleet leaving the port also spread its wings and soared under the leadership of Falcon.

Ah... this light... is so brilliant... I feel like my whole body is melting into the light...

"The whole fleet! Jump! Start! Arrive at navigation mark A1..."

"Damn it! I'm chasing you! Don't move! Now jump to A2!"

"Damn! Their ship is faster than ours!! They got there first!"

"Bubbles! Damn it, they opened bubbles!"

"Broom head! Think of a way!!"

As if he suddenly raised his head from the deep water, Li Pan suddenly came back to his senses amidst Nana's shouts and glanced at the star map.

Uh, okay, the technical level of these ships sold by Cool Baboon is actually not bad, and they are only one or two generations behind the version. WARP500 is still no problem. But the problem is that the HAYABUSA with the jump is too slow.

Takamagahara's shipbuilding technology is really far behind the times. Obviously I made an early jump, but my first jump was actually intercepted by an enemy fleet and chased after me. On my second jump, the opponent started late and landed first, and even opened the jump interference position!

Come on, if we were caught for a while and Terra's follow-up fleet surrounded us, everyone would be dead!

Mudd! Those who fall behind in technology will be beaten!

"Leave it to me! You can escape on your own!"

Li Pan doesn’t hide anymore! Cheating!

Just tear off the seat belt, insert the silver key, and pass the door!


Li Pan roared angrily, opened the back door and jumped out of the cockpit of the enemy interceptor. He transformed in one step and crushed the navigator and the cockpit with one kick! The explosion immediately caused blood and water to splash everywhere, and the flying LCL was like blood-red pearls floating in the air.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The enemy crew members were also carefully selected veterans. Although it was unexpected, someone still pulled out a gun and hit Li Pan all over the face.

But it is of no use. The pistols carried by astronauts have limited power to prevent misfire and damage the hull structure. Even if the spacesuit is damaged, the hit on the body will not hurt!

"Oh shit!"

Li Pan flew forward and stabbed his feet, kicking the opponent's intestines so that they spewed out of his mouth. He raised his small fists and punched him wildly, smashing his head and breaking his spine, causing his brains to fly wildly, and instantly killed the crew members in the cockpit.

But now the follow-up pursuit fleet has arrived. At 2468, eight escort-class ships jumped over in hot pursuit, but the company's fleet was still accelerating and had not entered the jump position. Moreover, two battleships had not turned in time and were left behind the fleet.

Mudd is going bankrupt...

"K351! Start jump interception!"

Suddenly hearing the enemy's command from the interceptor ship's communicator, Li Pan suddenly had an idea, grabbed the corpse of the communications officer and roared,

"No chasing!"

"What? Who is talking!? K351??"

"It's a hacker! Switch the encrypted channel!"

Damn damn damn calm calm calm calm tone tone tone...

"'No chasing'"

"...Stop the pursuit."

"'Die me'"

"...The self-destruct program is activated."

This should be enough. Li Pan quickly opened the door with a key and traveled directly back to the HAYABUSA cockpit. Eight more fireballs lit up behind him.

"'Jump jump jump!'"

Nana, "... Leap, start. Leap, start. Leap..."


HAYABUSA led the fleet to make three jumps in succession, jumping far away from the battlefield, and did not stop until it jumped into the KBO ice mine belt.

But no matter what, I escaped for the time being.

Terra sent a large number of fleets to pursue and intercept them, but they obviously did not expect that Monster Company's firepower was so fierce. They just blasted a gap and fled.

Thinking back carefully, this time it was actually quite dangerous, especially when leaving the port, if the speed was not increased, Terra could have fired a volley down and blew them all away.

I guess I still can’t bear to part with the boat I just bought for 6 trillion yuan.

"Statistics! Are there any casualties?"

"Everyone has been evacuated, boss! Clean and tidy!"

Shiba was so excited that he pulled out a long list of statistics.

"This time, a total of thirty-one battle lines and twenty-two cruisers were captured! All the main battleships were captured!"

Although he was mentally prepared, Li Pan couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart when he heard this number. He swallowed and counted with his fingers.

It’s over…

It’s over, it’s over…

The mission was a great success...

The bet failed...

I don’t know whether Terra’s people came too quickly or Panlong’s people were too slow.

In total, 53 ships were snatched out of more than 350 ships, and most of them were forts with no technical content.

How much are fifty-three fully armed warships worth? Two trillion? Three trillion? It’s useless if it’s valuable, these things are for fighting.

Whether it is directly integrated into the company's fleet, or under the name of Yamazaki PMC, or continues to be left under the command of Li Pan, with the intensity of the company's war, it will probably be wiped out in a few rounds.

According to the previous gambling agreement between Li Pan and the company.

If everything goes smoothly and successfully, which means recapturing at least 300 ships, the company will fully reimburse the fleet expenses of 280 billion, and the public relations expenses of 500 billion, the company can also provide interest-free loans, and there are also managers’ customary A commission of two thousandths, as well as large bonuses and commissions.

But now he only grabbed fifty ships, so all of that was lost.

Now Li Pan can only reimburse 400 billion in military expenses at most, and bear 2900 billion in low-interest loans with a monthly interest of 3%.

Although he actually still has 3200 billion to his name, the payment period is three months and six months, so the interest of 78.3 billion owed to the company during these nine months is indispensable.

But do you think it’s over after you repay the 2978.3 billion?

Li Pan also borrowed a loan shark from 016 before.

The so-called "nine outs and thirteen returns" means that you have an IOU of one thousand, but only get nine hundred. When you repay the loan that month, you have to pay back one thousand three. And if the payment is not repaid that month, then for every month of delay, an additional 30% compound interest will be charged, so that the compound interest will keep rolling.

This time, Li Pan really had no other choice. If he wanted to bypass the Tax Bureau and Security Bureau to quickly raise funds, he could only grit his teeth and borrow such loan sharks in a city center world like 016.

So his 300 billion is almost 330 billion in IOUs, and he has to pay back 430 billion before it expires next month...

If this usurious loan really waits for the company's acceptance to be cashed out, then nine months later, the money will roll up to 3530 billion...

So in the most extreme case, his total assets now are probably...

3300 billion in debt?

Oh my god...why didn't anyone do a good job? I just killed him with one shot...

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