I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 241 Seven Souls

HONG! ! !

PENG! ! !

BONG! ! !

One after another sonic booms resounded through the sky, and tonight in Europa Star City was destined to be a sleepless night.

In fact, there aren't that many special effects when you just use the Guandao to kill people. For those of you who haven't seen it, it's just one head per head.

Nowadays, the crackling and banging is so festive, just like the Chinese New Year. The main reason is that most of the ones that Li Pan blew up and blasted were military drones sent by ESPD and the company. Secondly, this 'Hengchuangdu' is actually very unsuitable for activities in an environment like Europa's artificial atmosphere that changes the earth.

Yes, the earth is the home of mankind, and transforming our home into the earth is also written in the human genetic spectrum. That’s why Europa, the modified Europa, has become the preferred settlement place for people in the universe.

In order to adapt to the earth and comply with the social order based on the mortal system, the functions of existing bionic human prostheses have been greatly restricted and weakened to protect the environment, passers-by, cats and dogs, and the driver himself.

Prosthetics aimed at the civilian market, in particular, need to add various functional constraints, self-limitation, and even overload layers upon layers to unlock their inherent power.

But when it comes to military supplies like 'Hengchong City', there is no such shackles. After all, these output restrictions and security protection have to pay for it, so BYB is not pretending at all...

So this thing is really good for going crazy. With overload acceleration and overload work, it can easily start from zero for a few tenths of a second. It can easily break the sound barrier and slash out with its own shock wave. The power of riding a horse. One can imagine. Forget about your head, even the building behind your head will be blown up for you!



Bloody torture!

King's arrival!

When the murderous god of the battlefield descends on civil society, this is the only adjective that appears.

The local cosmonauts are not stupid either. Most of the victims were BBA-level prosthetics, and they were torn to pieces before they could even keep up with the opponent's speed. In this situation, at least military soldiers with level 7 technology went berserk, okay?

What else is there to say? Run away quickly! What? Ten billion? Relying on 10 billion is not money! ?

So thousands of shuttles took off and left the city. At the same time, one warship after another jumped over from the orbit, throwing overwhelming spiders into the city. For a time, a meteor shower fell, and the stars were shining brightly. It basically recreates the famous scene of the fall of the lunar city Copernicus not long ago.

Such an orderly evacuation and suppression at the same time does not mean that the committee's response was very fast. It was purely because the emergency mechanism of the security system was activated.

When emergencies such as cyberpsychosis, terrorist attacks, or indigenous armed riots lead to a sharp increase in regional violent crime deviations, the security system's pest extermination program will be activated.

In theory, local police and cyber mercenaries are sent first, then company security, and then a large number of spider riot control drones.

If these three tools of riot control fail, local citizens will receive emergency notifications and go to the nearest escape hatch.

And special units such as Martian MM, three-headed dogs, superpowers, and even Monster Company temporary workers will appear according to the situation. There are also those space-based defense weapons and ship-based weapons that will be unlocked in turn and gradually join the pest extermination operation.

However, today's situation seems to be a bit special. They were fighting from dawn to dusk. Li Pan was overloaded forty times in the whole process, and he was beating around Europa at supersonic speed. He probably reached the target long ago, and the rest was just to kill one person, and kill him. The two of them are just making a profit.

But the strange thing is that the security system is still investing in drones for free, and there are no special forces worth fighting to stop him. So much so that Li Pan felt a little guilty.

what's going on? Is the security system broken? Or are you going to just fire up the Tianjiyang electronic cannon and kill him to pieces?

Li Pan even looked at the time. Made, it was already six o'clock when the head was beheaded. From lunch to dinner, it was enough, right? Why don't you get some water after work first?

At this time, Li Pan suddenly heard the familiar ringing tone of the phone.

Hiss...it's the company's landline, no, it's a soul link...

At that moment, Li Pan didn't care to think anymore. He chopped everyone in the bank to pieces with a knife, and then quickly found a nearby lake to drill into. Like a depth charge, he blew up all the fish and swans in the lake, and wiped out all the fish and swans in the bank. Chongdu hid it, and then his soul left his body and returned to his physical body. He sat up in shock while dying of illness and answered the phone.


The priest's voice came from the other side,

"General manager, where are you?"

"Ah I……"

Li Pan came back to his senses, blinked, and found that he was wearing formal clothes and sitting at the manager's desk, but he was surrounded by endless emptiness.

Then he subconsciously touched his face, but he couldn't feel his facial features, which were as bare as if they were covered with a handkerchief.

"I don't know, maybe I'm dreaming... Well, if you have something to say, just tell me."

The priest said quickly,

"Now is not the time to wander around the spirit world! Wake up quickly, the suspected collector has appeared! Now they are on a rampage in 0791 Europa! The Security Bureau has entrusted our company to be responsible for suppressing it! Now people have blocked the door, and I have named you to deal with it!"

Uh... no wonder it took so long. It turned out that I was asked to suppress myself...

Li Pan was also speechless.

"Hey, please be reasonable, don't tell me that I'm still being detained by the Security Bureau! I can't beat the Collector at all!

I have narrowly escaped death several times. Everything written in the daily report is true. Please believe me! "

Priest, "The Security Bureau has agreed to drop the charges against you and open an investigation."

Li Pan, "Okay, don't say any more! Gouli Company's life and death are at stake, why should we avoid following it for good or bad! Even if you can't beat me, you're going to fight me!"

Just after hanging up the phone, Li Pan looked up suddenly. Just as he was about to blink back to the real world, he suddenly found that as soon as he blinked and closed his eyes, seven gates suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

The doors are just ordinary office doors, but each door has a door number on it.

corpse dog,

Fu Ya,

Bird's vagina,

Swallow a thief,

Not poisonous,

Remove filth,

Smelly lungs.

"Hiss... three souls and seven souls..."

After all, he had eaten so much Daozang with Li Qingyun and had seen so many markets. At this time, Li Pan was no longer the country bumpkin who only cared about how much the garbage sold for. Now that he saw these proper nouns, he understood them more or less. My situation is a bit speculative.

It's probably like the setting of Three Souls and Seven Souls, which is very common in immortality novels.

The three souls, spirit, consciousness, and life, and the seven souls are the seven mentioned above. Simply put, the soul represents the spiritual level, and the soul represents the physical material level. After death, the three souls return to reincarnation, and the seven souls dissipate with the body.

My younger brother Duan Kecheng also once said that death of a human being is a ghost, death of a ghost is a ghost, death of a ghost is a hope, death of a hope is a disaster, death of a disaster is a small thing, and a small death is invisible.

In the world view of immortal cultivators, only those with three souls and seven souls can be called human beings, while those with incomplete souls are nothing more than ghosts and monsters, which can only be regarded as materials for cultivating treasures.

Li Pan also remembered what he had overheard from the priest before, which souls were linked to the three personalities of antisocial, murderous, and inhuman delusions. It might be referring to his three souls. As for the seven souls, these seven gates should correspond to the prosthetic body.

As for why I can suddenly see this kind of thing on the soul level so clearly now, it is probably because of my recent breakthrough in cultivation, overcoming tribulations, taking drugs, and upgrading to unlock new interfaces. Isn't it very common in games?

After all, whether it is according to the "Nine Yin Manual" or the cultivation method of the Xuanmen God Sect, it has almost reached the stage of "conjugating a baby" and "leaving the body", that is, the Tao body has been molded and the Qi is almost finished, and it is time to start cultivating the soul. After condensing three souls and seven souls, he is ready to 'transform into a god'.

So if you ask the doctor, they will probably say, ‘What the hell, this is normal! Good health! 'Bar……

Li Pan stepped forward and studied the seven doors in turn.

The first door, Corpse Dog, is locked and cannot be pushed or pulled open. There is darkness on the other side of the crack.

He tried touching the handle and it was hot. Li Pan immediately sensed that this door corresponded to his original body. Well, the one who was killed by three gamma ray cannons. Alas, capitalize on the word miserable.

The second door, Fu Ya, could be opened, but Li Pan did not push it open. After all, he could 'hear' the voice on the other side as soon as he touched the handle. This unique feeling should be from 016.

The third door, Que Yin, is locked. It should be Li Qingyun here. After all, you can see from the crack in the door that full of pure Qi is leaking out.

The fourth door, which swallows thieves, and the fifth door, which is not poisonous, can be opened. Li Pan tried touching it and felt that they corresponded to the two prosthetic bodies of 'Hengchongdu' and 'AG-RS7' respectively.

The sixth door, Elimination of Filth, and the seventh door, Stinky Lung, were both locked. Essence and blood overflowed from the cracks in the Elimination Door, and the sword wind roared on the other side of the Stinky Lung. It's probably Li Xuehong and Li Fugui...

Um? etc……

Li Qingyun, Li Xuehong, Li Fugui...is there an extra soul here?

No, you have all three souls, so who does Li Pan count? Some kind of subconscious collective?

Or are those consciousnesses and personalities actually just 'po'? But are they self-aware?

Also, can the seven souls only correspond to the seven gates? So is this the upper limit of his prosthetic body?

Then can he open a new prosthetic body? What happens if you have a meeting, and what happens if you die? Or does it mean that if you exceed the limit, you will really suffer from schizophrenia or something?

Li Pan couldn't figure it out for a moment.

After all, his situation is probably unprecedented, and he can only rely on his own exploration and experimentation, but there are no Taoist records, and there is no one to teach him.

But again, the engineer's thinking is, you don't care if he has so many dry balls, it's enough to make do with it, and we'll talk about it if there is a problem.

So Li Pan didn't bother to think too much, shrugged, opened the fifth door and walked out.

Sure enough, when he opened his eyes, it was Uncle Chen's old face.

Uncle Chen, "Manager Li, you finally woke up. Now that you are more capable and famous, you are on the hot search list all over the world. It's really hard to recruit."

"Hey, Uncle Chen, you are out of sight now, why are you being polite to me? Just call me Xiao Li."

Li Pan had no choice but to rub his face, climb out of the ecological cabin, change into formal clothes, and check the status of RS7.

"Why, why are you so urgent over there? You chased me all the way to the 4S store.

Oh, you saw it too. If you want to be detained, I won’t say anything. I just lie here and watch Mewtwo play solo. Well, I haven’t even taken care of my prosthetic body yet..."

Because the blood maggot body of RS7 was transformed by the "Blood Urn Dafa", it evolved independently, produced its own essence and blood, and became a monster like a living creature.

When Li Pan sent it to the 4S store for maintenance, he said that he had added some company technology and told them not to mess around and just repair and maintain it.

Therefore, AG's 4S store naturally did not dare to mess around. According to the instructions of the big customer, the damaged shrapnel was repaired, the mantis knife was also replaced with a new one, and some nutrient solution was made to soak the maggots. The body repairs and revives itself. There are also many craters and scars.

However, Li Pan moved his hands and feet and found that the function of RS7's prosthetic body was not bad and did not affect normal operation. The main reason was that the essence and blood were not enough. I have to catch a few ghosts to eat...

Uncle Chen didn't even say hello to him, but just took pictures of a bunch of electronic certificates.

"Sign these and the security bureau will lift your surveillance, detention and exit restrictions from now on."

Li Pan reminded him, "There is also the tax bureau."

Uncle Chen, "...here is the asset unfreezing statement from the tax bureau."

Oh yeah! He is a legal citizen again!

Li Panzhi followed Uncle Chen out with great satisfaction and boarded the shuttle together. He asked knowingly,

"Where are we going to play?"

Uncle Chen also showed Li Pangang the good deeds he had done to show him.

"Europa Star City, it is said that there was an actor who got too involved in the play and suffered a cyberpsychotic attack. He massacred in the expo center. So far, eight hundred citizens have been confirmed to have been killed. The heads were cut off and piled into mountains. Most of them have been blown up, and the exact number is still being calculated.

Moreover, the opponent's range of activities is too large, and the whole process is high-speed maneuvering. It has adaptive rebound armor and is immune to kinetic energy damage from electromagnetic thermal energy explosions below level five. It also has an anti-radar system, military-grade battlefield blocking, and cannot be locked, hacked, or tracked... …”

Li Pan was right and strict in his words.

"What the hell! It's too much! It's too cruel! It's too bloody! No matter what, you can't put your head on the lawn! It's soiling all the flowers and plants! It's not environmentally friendly! Condemn! Strongly condemn!

Speaking of Uncle Chen, whose prosthetic body is this, its performance is so good, its parameters simply crush AG-RS! And this look is a bit handsome! How much? "

Uncle Chen had a sullen face,

"From the data and equipment characteristics, it seems that the BYB stuff is based on the 'Xuanjia Army' series, military soldiers illegally transformed by private laboratories, and may have been released by them for testing.

Aren't you pretty good at fighting? Can you handle it? "

Li Pan did not hesitate,

"It's definitely not possible! Look! He just smashed a building with a knife. I had to drive at least 70 times overload to get out of the way! The RS7 can handle it, but I can't handle the special code. Stay!

And this guy is so fast with every strike! Although I, Li Pan, am also a famous general in Hebei, compared with this kind of person, I am really just a sign-maker! I really can’t beat him!

Come on, Uncle Chen, don’t worry about it, just turn on the gamma ray sweep! "

Uncle Chen, "...what are you thinking? The rectification of Europa and the Earth requires the approval of the committee!"

Damn it, weren't you very quick to approve it when you beat me? Oh, when it’s BYB’s turn to test weapons, you’ll be intimidated! Depend on!

Li Pan rolled his eyes,

"He has piled up a mountain of chopped heads and still doesn't approve it? Let's not talk about whether these people deserve to die or not.

Isn't the original intention of the Suzheng Agreement to correct the products of Level 7 dangerous technology that may destroy human civilization?

What's more, Uncle Chen, just say, if you don't fire cannons, can you deal with such strong soldiers? Is it worth using human lives? "

Uncle Chen sighed,

"Now that the committee is in a group, and Europa is their back garden, who will approve the realignment agreement for you? Who dares to approve the realignment agreement?

What if once the technological restrictions are lifted, they turn their gun positions one by one and sweep over the enemy fleet?

What if someone fires a cannon directly at the earth? Who will bear this responsibility?

Yes, if there is nothing you can do, then we will have to sacrifice our lives. "

"It's so serious... Oh, okay, okay, leave it to me. There's really nothing I can do about it. Who can tell me to be soft-hearted."

"Well, please, Xiao Li."

However, the situation was indeed serious. The security bureau lifted the surveillance and a bunch of company emails from Company 18 were also photographed.

Li Pan glanced at the briefing. Oh my god, Terra is still fighting for a mere six trillion ship. Moreover, in addition to Zhutian Shihua, with the excuse of not having spices, the other three families also got on board.

But also, although the sudden outbreak of the Jupiter bid and the Spice War seriously affected the progress of the 0791 local Holy Grail bid. But the impact will be the same on the remaining companies.

Everyone only has local company resources available. TheM’s main fleet goes to fight the Spice War, and other companies have the same.

But now in 0791 local area, Monster Company is full of energy, attacking everywhere, confiscating homes, stealing fans, and robbing ships. Not long ago, they severely damaged three fleets on the moon. This time, they also took advantage of the opportunity to conduct a sneak attack and blow up Terra. The main fleet also stole a number of ships and jumped away. It can be said that the cockroach is riding on the face.

So if TheM succeeds again, they will successfully retreat and reorganize. The fleet will inevitably grow stronger, and the balance of strength between the two sides in 0791 will be reversed little by little. Maybe it will become impossible to defeat even one of the five.

Can you lose even five against one? Will it work? After all this has happened, which of the local managers can survive?

So this time Terra, OFEC, Valley Industries, and Dawn all mobilized to engage TheM's fleet in a high-intensity battle that jumped around in space.

So there was a battle between corporate fleets in the universe, a corporate Holy Grail bid on Earth, the moon was bombarded into flat ground, and Europa was killed in a sea of ​​blood.

Comparing the two sides, the things Li Pan did in 016 were nothing. What? Sacco's house has also been emptied! Oh, so what’s the matter with 0791’s security bureau?

So Li Pan was quickly released to work.

It's quite a coincidence... Ah no, he had expected all this!

Suddenly the shuttle began to slow down in preparation for the connection.

Li Pan was alert for a while,

"Huh? We're here now? Isn't it Europa? It should have just left the earth's orbit, right?"

Uncle Chen opened the window,

"There are other helpers this time."

So Li Pan also saw a gorgeous pearl-white battleship, a shell-like round and slender hull curve, a battleship-sized custom-made ship, the hull showed an aesthetic streamline shape, and there was a faint golden light band flowing on the hull. It was simply The shape is like a work of art, and at first glance, it looks like a high-end product that cannot be bought without spending hundreds of billions.

Uncle Chen explained,

"For this mission, the Kelman family is willing to participate in the operation and provide all-round support in terms of funds, equipment and technology."

"Kelman? Never heard of it. What do you do?"

"Banking, real estate, arms, software, food, investment, retail, energy, medicine, manufacturing..."

"Oh, okay, okay, okay, you can stop when you reach the bank."

Well, the Kelman family is a shareholder of a bank. There is no such thing as a bank. These days, there is actually only one bank and the descendants of that bank.

If it is a civilization that develops normally and a normal society, there will naturally be a country and a government with various regulations and frameworks to restrict the rules of the game for capital. But now, haha.

Bankers have completely and completely controlled the financial creditors of the world, the giants of the financial world, and the embodiment of capital.

So in a sense, you can say that the banking family represented by Kelman was the camp that won the final victory that year, the master of the heavens who won everything.

The capital relationship in the financial circle is too complicated now. God knows how much money this family has, how many companies, how many assets. They are probably the kind of guy who has several earths but I can’t remember the number.

At this time, the hatch opened, and Li Pan boarded the ship with the Security Bureau. When he got off the ship, he saw a large group of old friends including the Three-Headed Dog, Night Walker, and the Yaksha Group. The most prominent cyberpunk teams in the Night City were all captured. Recruits came over, including security forces sent by the Zaibatsu, from all major groups, and even a few ninjas from Iga could be seen.

Everyone is really giving the bank face...

Yeah, but seriously, there were so many people gathered. So in this matter, it’s not necessary to name him Li Pan, right?

But he was still released on this pretext, with the prosecution dropped. From this point of view, there seems to be a group of people in the 0791 Security Bureau secretly helping him.

"Wow, it's really serious to go to war... What, you want to take personal revenge?"

"Yes, one of their core family members was killed in the attack."

Li Pan curled his lips,

"Hey, why don't we just chop off the head and grow another one? That's it. Who at their level doesn't have 180 prosthetic bodies? It's really impossible to reincarnate. Can't they afford 10 billion?"

Uncle Chen shook his head,

"It's not that simple. I heard that Kelman who died this time was the original reborn in this plane, not a prosthetic body. She was also the first successor to be reincarnated into Earth 0791. She originally planned to represent the local representative after she became an adult. The legal person of the Kelman family, now all their arrangements have come to nothing.

There are rules for the succession of these large families. If the first heir is assassinated and reincarnated, even with medical insurance, it will take sixteen years for the new body to grow, and then the brain can be fully developed and undergo surgery to inherit the previous life in the cloud. Memory and family foundation shares.

Therefore, unplanned death will inevitably lead to changes in the order of family funds and the transfer of equity capital. We are talking about hundreds of billions of equity transfers, and the balance of power within the bank has changed dramatically. This is almost a new corporate war. "

...Good guy, no, this is the first war to start at the same time...

Is it over yet? Really... destroy it quickly...

Uncle Chen looked around and sent a secret message to Li Pan.

"Their purpose is to capture the psychotic man alive and take apart his brain to find out who is behind the plan to assassinate the heir.

So half way can be bad. Kill that BYB lunatic as soon as you get the chance to avoid future troubles. "

Li Panhan said, "Uncle Chen, you think too much of me," and then said "OK".

Well, seeing as there is also Xiao Qian BBA in this cabin, he should first think about how to write a short essay about how only one person will survive after the group of people are wiped out...

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