I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 251 Price

"No one in this world will lift you up for no reason, and give you money and status for free.

Everything you want to accomplish has a price. Equipment requires krypton gold to buy, wages require hard work, and even plug-ins require lives to renew.

People can get nothing without sacrifice. If you want to achieve your wishes, you must pay the same price. "

Li Pan threw the beer bottle a hundred meters, flew far away from the Night Capital Dam, and fell into the dark Pacific Ocean. He turned his head and looked at the female knight behind him with a smile. He spread his hands and bowed like a curtain call.

"The truth of this world."

"……what's wrong with you?"

K was riding the motorcycle and looked at Li Pan with a frown.

"What happened? The war ceased and you didn't reply to my message..."

Serena, "That's right, it's been a long time since I came to ride with you."

K, "Shut up!"

Li Pan scratched his head and smiled bitterly,

"Oh, sorry, sorry, this is not the recent corporate war. I was so dizzy after fighting, one thing happened now, and another happened that, in short, that's the thing, forget it."

K was silent for a while,

"...Are you worried about something?"

Li Pan said cheerfully,

"Hey, what's on my mind? What's on my mind is what should I do if my money hasn't been spent when someone dies?

Wow, hundreds of billions! Do you want me to lend you 100 billion flowers? How about three years interest-free? "

K rolled his eyes at him,

"I'm not here to ask you for money. I have business."

Li Pan smiled and said, "Just say it! Keep it with me!"

K, "Something is hunting vampires recently, maybe a monster. Do you have any clues?"

Li Pan sweated and quickly shook his head, "Don't ask if you don't know."

K narrowed his eyes, "Really? Didn't you lose a lot of monsters? Could it be some kind of monster?"

Li Pan nodded quickly,

"Ah, yes, yes! Monsters, monsters! Monsters must have done it! These monsters are too much! Strongly condemn them!"

K, "...Forget it, let me know when there is news. Also...can you lend me the Blood Holy Grail one more time?"

"Holy Grail? Oh, okay, but I have to find where the Holy Grail is hidden."

Li Pan didn't care, especially now that he knew that he was not going to die soon. There was no medical doctor in the company, so the broken cup was nothing special.

But K choked up when he saw Li Pan agreeing casually, and then continued,

"I know it's too sensitive to talk to you about the Holy Grail at this time, but this time it has nothing to do with the Ye family. Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you.

The cases I sent to you before should all be monsters lost by your company. I will accompany you to recover those things as the price for privately borrowing the Holy Grail. "

"Hi, are you welcome..."

Li Pan looked at the files sent by K. They were all criminal case information, similar to the company's monster investigation files. However, compared to the head office's pretentious sales, what K compiled was more specific. Some similar files from the past were also printed out from the security system, but they were all processed by TheM Company in the end.

But monster information didn't matter. Only then did Li Pan realize that K had been sending messages from time to time these days, but Li Pan didn't receive them.

No, it’s not about the smart system or signal shielding. It's Li Pan himself.

The information was transmitted, but it seemed that his brain did not choose to receive, or in other words, store these messages for a long time. It's like there's not enough hard drive space.

Turn a blind eye and hear but not hear.

Even K was the same. Li Pan was really in a daze when he mentioned this name. But fortunately, if you recall it carefully, you can still dig it out from the dusty depths of memory.

Well, in fact, people's memory itself will be constantly updated, forgetting the old and remembering the new. After all, you really don't need to remember the things that were a waste of life, such as playing with feces and peeing your pants as a child, or commuting and working overtime. Is it clear?

But these days, with the development of technology, the memory itself can be edited and made into a holographic short film like the Mewtwo movie. It can even be transferred to QVN online or private cloud storage space.

So now when human beings transfer their consciousness from the ontology to the bionic body through QVN, in addition to knowledge, they only retain the most critical memory fragments related to 'who am I', which can be used as the anchor point of personality to position and reshape the so-called Soul.

As for those who have ten billion reincarnations, they simply put all the memory permission accounts of previous lives in encrypted archives, and they will not be downloaded until the brain is fully developed after reincarnation.

So just in case, Li Pan went to the free cloud memory website provided by the medical insurance, updated the memory archive, refreshed Mewtwo's memory, and refreshed all his memories in the past few months. Basically, he also updated the memory about K. Thinking about it again.

But that doesn't change the fact that he almost forgot about K.

Is there really no space left to receive it, or is it really that he is being erased bit by bit...

After all, his body is gone...

Well, it’s not like it’s gone, it’s been beaten into a pool of plasma and stuffed into the blood maggot clone.

Could it be that his memory was also lost in the last death?

Or is it that the thing about K was treated as useless fragments by the bloody man during the reconstruction of flesh and blood, or was it deliberately deleted?

Or maybe my disease is really about to get worse, it’s at an advanced stage, it’s deep into the bone marrow, and there’s no way to save it…

"Li! Li! What's wrong with you? Why are you so dazed?"

K snapped his fingers twice in front of Li Pan before he came back to his senses.

"Oh, it's okay. By the way, I forgot to give this to you."

Li Pan took out a sealed plasma tube from the inner bag of his formal suit and threw it to K.

"This month's portion, let's try and see if it tastes right."

"Why just that little?"

K was really rude. He opened the refrigeration tube and took a breath. Everyone shuddered, rolled his eyes, showed his fangs, and trembled all over.

Li Pan asked curiously, "How is it? Does my blood still taste good? Has it turned rancid?"

Well, this is indeed his blood, the blood essence just taken from maggots, extracted from hundreds of vampires this week, and repeatedly refined with Tao breath, the essence of the Blood God Son.

K was panting heavily, his skin all over his body turned white. He covered his heart and calmed down for a long time before getting off the motorcycle.

"...I want to be promoted..."

Li Pan was shocked!

"No! So fast!"

"...It's about to be upgraded!"

K roared loudly, jumped onto the dam, and with lightning speed, his body was violently violent, and he disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Oh, it turns out it has been upgraded, but this acceleration is basically the level of overload in AGRS sports mode.

It seems that K has been promoted from the 'ANCILLA Blood Warrior' to the 'Elder' level.

But there is nothing abnormal. After all, she is four hundred years old, and she has already used the Holy Grail once before, thanks to Li Pan. Normally, as time goes by, one can gradually grow into an 'elder', and if she drinks the essence of hundreds of ghosts from this tube, isn't it like injecting ghost blood into her body?

Well, it turns out that if you want to become stronger, you still have to take drugs.

K ran at high speed for half an hour to digest the medicine. When he came back, Li Pan wiped Serena's whole body... ahem, with a handkerchief.

"Huh... I can't believe it... I feel like I've been hugged for the first time hundreds of times... What on earth are you..."

"You don't have to ask, just ask about the company's technology, which is shocking."

Li Pan saw that K seemed to be able to control his own power, but was still dizzy and drunk, so he directly took K's hand, pulled her into his arms, picked her up, and put her on Serena's waist. Ahem, put it on the front seat.

"Then let's go and get a monster. I'll ask the company to change the Holy Grail for you. AA-RS7, you go back to the garage by yourself!"

The sports car beeped twice. Although I didn't understand why these two people had to squeeze on the motorcycle instead of riding in the sports car, but the smart assistant didn't know much about it, so they obediently turned on the automatic driving and fled.

Li Pan put his arm around K's waist and rode Serena away from the dam and towards the commuter area. When he got off the expressway, the intersection was blocked. Red and blue lights flashed together, and NCPA roadblocks were everywhere.

Of course, the auxiliary police would not dare to stop the night knights and company dogs. What's more, when I saw these two people were sweating profusely and their mouths were full of blood, they didn't know what they were doing so high. Let them pass through customs and enter the city quickly.

"What's going on? NCPA actually works overtime in the early hours of the morning?"

Even a night owl like K has never seen such a battle.

"Who knows, never mind."

Of course, Li Pan knew very well that it would be dawn in two or three o'clock, so the Sage Company's operation against the Regan family might have already begun, um, maybe it had already succeeded.

Li Pancai was too lazy to care about the life and death of the Ninth World Police. Rare beasts like Angela were indeed rare these days, so he added a talisman to her that could block a bullet, but that was all.

After all, judging from the information searched from Yamada Reika's memory.

The three pieces of 'Mikoshi', the one from the SEC Security Bureau, include the main UI structure of 'Tomoko Akagi', the overall framework of the entire 'Whisperer' project, and Takamagahara's research on 'Whisperer'.

The piece hidden by the Oda family was the piece that Li Pan took out from the Oda Tenmaou project, and later transferred to Amakusa Shiro, and was obtained by the Sage Company. It should contain various information about the 'Whisperer Temporary Worker' by TheM Company. Test Data.

So the last and most critical thing is that the method of making the ‘Whisperer’ is obviously stored in the ‘Mikoshi’ that the Vajra Yaksha Regiment captured from South Asia and is now in the hands of the Regen family.

Then things would be simple, let the Itos and his sons continue to act according to the original plan, obtain the last 'Mikoshi' from the Regen family, and then snatch it.

Killing people and stealing goods, crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, neatly and neatly, without anyone noticing. Wow, I'm so smart...

"This is it,"

K parked the car in front of an apartment, released the drone, and pulled out the smart pistol.

"In Room 1114, NCPA initially reported that six people had died. At first, they thought they had taken too many drugs, but then homeless people and drug addicts entered the room and died every night. Six people died every time. It should be some kind of cult sacrifice. Sacrifice ceremony. There seems to have been a similar case before, and TheM handled it at that time.

This time the routine has been handed over to you, but haven't you suspended the business and are busy fighting the war, so it has been postponed until now. "

Li Pan frowned and looked at the file, "Every day? Is this a case from a month ago?"

K nodded, "Yes, more than a hundred people died."

Li Pan raised his eyebrows, "Damn it, we don't care, NCPA doesn't care either?"

K snorted coldly,

"This area to be demolished is not a legal address at all. It is not a decent citizen, and it is not included in the NCPA performance evaluation."

Then she walked around to the back of the apartment and pointed to the garbage room.

"They will also clear out the corpses from the previous day and give them to garbage trucks to collect."

Li Pan went over and took a look, only to see six people stuffed in the trash can. The bodies had no obvious trauma, and the scans showed that they died of myocardial infarction. It's like he overdosed on drugs and died of excitement.

Tsk, how special...

Li Pan and K entered the building together.

All the residents in the building have already fled. NCPA doesn't care, and the residents are not stupid. Although they don't pay to live in this demolition area, six people die every night and they don't stop for a month. Who the hell dares to stay here? .

The building has been blocked by the NCPA, and the cordon has been torn off and scattered on the ground. Apparently, people come to die every night.

So Li Pan showed the lightsaber given by BYB, illuminated a bright blue light, and led the way. K, armed with a gun, followed silently behind him. The two didn't even need to communicate much. They had a tacit understanding and searched in a zigzag pattern all the way from the first floor to the eleventh floor.

Room 1114

This looks like an ordinary apartment, and it actually looks quite clean. But now the six people tonight are dead inside.

Six people were lying on the ground, forming a circle, spreading their arms and legs to form a petal-like shape in the living room. Each of them was smiling, as if they were very happy.

Of course, it was still a heart attack.

K looked at Li Pan.

Li Pan frowned, looked at the center of the circle, and then looked up at the ceiling. For a while, he didn't see anything weird. There seemed to be no monsters, magic circles, or barriers in the house.

What is it this time? apostle? Demon God? Coming? Sacrifice? call?

After entering the house and looking around, Li Pan couldn't figure out which piece of tatters the "monster" was.

K suggested, "How about burning the house down?"

Li Pan lowered his head to look at the smiling faces of these people, then turned to look at the ceiling.

The eyes of these six people are indeed focused on the center of the circular array, on the ceiling, but there is really nothing above... oh...

Li Pan looked at K, raised his finger to the ceiling, and made a sign, 1214.

K also understood and nodded. Squatting on the ground, aiming the gun.

So Li Pan turned around and walked to the door. Suddenly he waved his hand and twisted his sword, slashed open the ceiling, and rushed into room 1214.

There was no one in the room, and there was nothing strange about it, but there was a can on the floor.

It's just a very ordinary sealed food can, a mass-market cheap food in the supermarket. If it were kicked away by someone on the road, it would be regarded as garbage.

Li Pan put away his lightsaber, picked up the can and looked at it. The trademark was peach flavored mashed potatoes. Well, just mashed potatoes, add some peach flavoring, add some vitamins or something, open the can, pour some water, stir it and you can eat it. Of course he has eaten it too. The peach taste is very light, neither sour nor sweet. It is just like pig food. You have to turn on the food live broadcast to swallow it.

Some kind of lotus-shaped pattern can be seen on the inner wall and bottom of the jar. It is obviously not printed in a factory, but painted with cinnabar and other pigments. It seems to be the talisman of Yin Yang magic.

Naturally, what was put in the can was not mashed potatoes, but soil. There was also a bunch of green seedlings in the soil, as if some seeds had been planted and sprouted.

Li Pan tried to use his spiritual sense to investigate and found that the roots of the planted plants seemed to look a bit like human embryos. Ginseng? Mandrake? Or some other random tree spirit monster?

In short, it seems that the lives sacrificed by 1114 people downstairs were all used to breed this thing.

K also jumped up and frowned, "What is this?"

Li Pan shook his head,

"It doesn't matter what it is, it will be strangled to death. The question is who planted it..."

I'll take this thing back to the company to check and ask experts. Just in case, let's blow up the building first. "

Of course, Li Pan can choose to pretend not to know, continue to fish with 1214, and finally get the stolen goods together.

But it has been a month, and the thing in the soil has just sprouted. I don’t know when it will bloom and bear fruit, and the price is to sacrifice six people every day.

So Li Pan gave up the idea and didn't bother to play with him. I might not be able to live for more than a few months! Time is very precious, right?

"Are there any more cases like this? Where more people died?"

"Yes, mainly because there have been a lot of incidents in Kansai recently."

"Kansai? Takamagahara? Oh, so it's them again who stole my warehouse this time?

Those monsters returned to Gao Tianyuan so quickly? "

K also put away his gun.

"Maybe, I heard some rumors that the recent movements of the Yushiba family are not normal.

It is said that Koichiro Hashiba, the younger brother of the head of the Hashiba family, Tokichi, died suddenly. The head of the Hashiba family, Tokichi, changed his personality drastically. He asked his subordinates to send a virgin to his bed every day, but she disappeared the next day. And his heir, Hashiba Nobuyoshi, was also rumored to be suddenly violent and murderous, and tortured waiters and servants for fun.

In short, that family suddenly went crazy. They were engaged in massacre as if they were possessed by some demon and possessed by evil spirits. But this kind of thing, even if there is no corporate war, you can't control it. "

"Yuchai...tsk, there really are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey is the king..."

This girl has only been in power for a few days and is so arrogant?

It's just that he has always refused to take sides. Now he is stealing the company's goods, encircling Tokyo's land, and competing with the Night King to sell perfume.

If you are so aggressive now, will you be able to do it again in the future? In a few days, I’m afraid we will declare war on the heavens!

K got on the motorcycle,

"Lee, you have to be careful. The Holy Grail bidding is ultimately an internal fight within the company. In the past, the committee also acted as a collective to suppress the locals.

But now because of the civil war, the strength of Universe Company has been greatly weakened. And Gao Tianyuan's power is gathering rapidly.

I heard that Gao Tianyuan is rebuilding the Yin Yang Liao and the Demon-Sealing Ninja Army, and is unsealing the Demon-Sealing Seals everywhere. Not only Iga's Hundred Lands, but Koga Asahime also brought five cars of people there.

It seems that they really intend to violate the armistice agreement..."

Li Pan was stunned, "Wait a minute, what did you say? Koga Asahime went to work under Yu Shiba? Who did you listen to?"

K sent a screenshot of the video,

"That's not what I heard."

The photo really seemed to be a banquet inside Takamagahara, with 'Koga Asahime' in kimono serving the Hashiba family leader and pouring wine.

It's impossible. Iga's ninjas still have some people left in Kansai, but Koga's should have been drugged by Terukata, their hometown was blown to ashes, and they were all killed in one sweep.

Moreover, that Koga Asahime was clearly right in front of him... was it the fox? Or maybe the company resurrected her too...

Before Li Pan could figure it out, K suddenly sent a link to the internal information of Night Knight.

"Gao Tianyuan is indeed a group of uncivilized frogs in a well. When they are stupid, they really think they are invincible. But the problem is that this is their home base. Look, the internal fighting is too fierce."

Li Pan clicked on the video, okay, no wonder all the NCPAs in the city went to the intersection to enforce security. It turned out they didn't dare to stay at home.

At this time, including the NCPA Metropolitan Police Department headquarters in the center of the city, almost most of the general bureaus and local bureaus in the Night City were attacked by the Red Tengu armed forces.

Of course, we don’t care whether it is a real dog or a fake one. In short, it is an armed force of unknown origin. Without any detection, it got past the security system monitoring in the center of the city, and then a large number of elite SBS infantry, and advanced equipment Optical stealth, an advanced mecha of the ECCM system, suddenly attacked the Metropolitan Police Department headquarters, using restricted weapons including tactical nuclear bombs and plasma cannons, causing heavy damage to the entire police system.

Yes, this attack was clearly aimed at the NCPA. The long list of citizen deaths has exceeded four digits. It can be clearly seen that the NCPA contributed at least half of it. At least the police inspector and other high-ranking officials were blown to pieces. Hundreds of them.

This isn't unexpected... Hmm, huh? ?

"What's going on with this mecha..."

Li Pan pointed at a three-and-a-half-circle spin in the air. Like a small spinning top, he dodged the barrage of dozens of NCPA armed police units. The two samurai swords in his hands slashed wildly, instantly cutting off the NCPA defense line. The explosive SMS mecha.

K also checked,

"It seems to be Muramasa's Ghost Zero Type Kai. It is said to be the latest generation of elite captain aircraft developed by Muramasa on the basis of the Type Three.

But I heard that they don’t have the money to buy the smart system from a big company, and it hasn’t been officially released yet. I didn’t expect the mobility to be so good, almost like a living person.

This is probably almost reaching the standards of Dawn Knight. "

No, if nothing else, Dawn Knight cannot meet this standard.

The standard of this whisperer...

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