I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 255 Resurrection

"What's going on? Why are there so many soldiers..."

Wei cautiously poked her head out from the corner of the street, waiting for the troop carrier brigade to pass before dragging heavy steps out of the shadows.

She hid in a container for five days before arriving in the Night City. Originally, Jess Regen said he would send someone to pick her up, and he also arranged a hiding place and a false identity for her. But for some unknown reason, Wei could not wait for her contact person at the cargo terminal. Instead, the troops under martial law were waiting for her.

Seeing that the military was about to set up a blockade, Wei knew that her identity could not withstand the investigation, so she had to sneak away in advance.

Once the authority of the prosthetic body is lost, this implanted body component will not be a benefit to Superman, but a simple burden. The human body needs to bear extra weight. Once it is severely injured, the leaked prosthetic engine oil engineering fluid will also hurt itself.

So don't look at those corporate dogs. They usually look good in high-end prosthetics, but once they are fired, they will instantly become useless. Even worse than a useless person, he drinks too much coffee during his daily work, becomes addicted to drugs, and becomes a walking zombie.

Wei's situation has not yet reached its worst point. After all, she has only been in the job for a short time. She is also equipped with the ESPD police system, and she has a lower rank and has not received full body modification. The brain plug was given by Kelman, who is from the GEN Group. He was a high-end cargo, so he didn't become mentally retarded as soon as he was fired. After a few days of training on the transport ship, he recovered from the severe blow to his abdomen and was gradually able to move freely.

However, this time, I really returned to my hometown penniless...

Wei sighed and looked at the Pigeon Cage slum in the distance. There was no other way. From the port area in the southeast, he had to walk diagonally across the city of night to get to the industrial area in the northwest. It was too far. Yes, and the security in the Uzumaki Gang's territory is not provided with guns for self-defense, isn't it just to give kidneys to people...

But this place is quite close to the suburbs... I can only lick my face and ask that guy to borrow some money...

Fortunately, although Wei lost her citizenship and her prosthetic body was blocked, when she walked to the elevator, there happened to be a thin woman dragging a large and heavy black plastic bag into the elevator.

No more stairs! yeah!

"Oh, let me help."

Wei took the initiative to step forward and help her push the plastic bag into the elevator, wrapping her body in a torn blanket. The woman who looked down on her appearance also nodded.

"Thank you."

Why does it stink so bad? Is it because of her olfactory implant?

"Which floor are you going to?"

"Oh forty-five thank you."

"What a coincidence..."

The woman pressed the elevator button.

"Do you live here too? Haha, let me help you. By the way, why is this so heavy?"

"Just some rubbish, thank you, I'm Maria."

"Wei, just call me Wei."

The two of them dragged the big garbage bag all the way to the door of the apartment. Wei Meng looked up and was stunned.

"Do you want to live in this room?"

Maria looked at her, opened the apartment door,

"Yes, would you like to come in for a drink?"

Looking at the familiar scene in the apartment, Wei hesitated and nodded.

"Oh...Okay, excuse me."

"Sit anywhere."

Maria dragged the large plastic bag into the toilet.


Wei hesitated for a moment, then walked behind the sofa and reached out to touch it. I touched a gap behind the sofa.

...It is indeed this sofa.

She reached out and pulled out a waterproof plastic bag from the hole. In the bag were several virtual currency data cards, access cards, an external Mewtwo headband, and a level 3 civilian pistol, a collector's edition of 'The End of the Night', Wei He also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the guy didn't throw away the broken sofa and the emergency plan.

When playing games as a boss, should the money collected be divided equally? However, Wei did not have a citizen account at that time, so all her virtual currency rewards were stored in the NFC card. This Chaomeng was also used before. After the cracking program was applied, she could log in to ordinary civilians. equipment for trading. The pistol was given by that guy, it was passed down from ancestors...

Phew, it's not bad, finally my luck is not bad.

"What do you want to drink?"

"Oh, water will do. Thank you."

Wei quickly put her things away.

Maria also walked into the living room carrying two mugs.

"How about black tea."

"Wow Maria, you really know how to enjoy life. Thank you."

Wei took the mug, hesitated and asked,

"Maria, are you... sharing a house? I mean, do you have a boyfriend?"

Maria shook her head and slowly drank the black tea.

Wei gestured,

"Then... do you know the previous tenant? Well, it may have been earlier. Just, the hair stood up like this, like a broom..."

Maria stopped drinking tea;

"Broom... broom head?"

"Yes, yes, broomstick." Wei looked at her expectantly, "That guy... isn't dead?"

Maria was silent for a moment,

"Yes, it was Broomhead who rented the house to me."

"Huh..." Wei breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly frowned, "This bitch Mad is really not dead... Tsk..."

Maria looked at her curiously,

"Wei, are you here to see him? Don't you have his contact information? Can I call him for you?"

"Oh, no, no, no."

Wei smiled awkwardly,

"Actually, that guy dumped me. I have some self-respect, right? Why did he get in touch with me when he didn't even respond?

Anyway, thank you for the black tea. I won’t disturb you anymore. I’ll take my leave now. "

"You're welcome."

Maria nodded and watched her go out and leave.

Vi left the apartment, put on the bracelet, entered the elevator, and checked the status of the pistol and the amount of money in the data card.

5331.6, well, it’s a huge amount of money in the Night City. Find a prosthetic doctor to dismantle all the ESPD implants and monetize them. You should be able to replace them with some level 4 prosthetics, and then go make cyberpunk.

Oh, but speaking of prosthetic doctors, there seems to be one in this building, right?

"Lao Wei, Lao Wei? What? Aren't you here?"

Vi frowned and looked at the locked garage, then at the empty parking lot and building.

Why is it so deserted...

I remember when I came here before, wasn't this building quite lively? The one who sells wontons, the one who plays basketball, the one who takes drugs, and the one who operates the vending machine. Are there people coming and going?

Why didn't I see anyone except Maria...

As he was walking out of the building in a trance, a floating sports car suddenly came over, whipping up strong winds and blowing sand and dust all over Wei's face.

"Bah, bah, bah! XXX! Company dog!"

Vi yelled angrily.

The sports car ignored the envy and jealousy of passers-by, went around to the side of the building, and opened the door.

Li Pan blinked, exited the video conference link with Panlong, stretched and sat up, jumped into the apartment from the window, and covered his nose as soon as he entered.

"Damn it! Something is rotten!"

"Just some garbage."

Maria sat on the sofa, nodded to Li Pan, and pointed to the untouched black tea on the coffee table.

"Manager Li, would you like a drink?"

"What the hell! Boiled shit??"

Li Pan knitted his brows into a knot and stared at the filth in the mug.

Maria explained,

"It's a potion that enhances magic power. Why don't you try it? Your talent is amazing. Maybe you can awaken your magic talent."

"Damn, I have so many talents that I don't want them anymore, okay? Who wants such a stinky talent?"

Li Pan expressed his refusal to drink shit. He took out two gold-inlaid wine dishes from his pocket and put them on the shelf, stacking them with the ones he had collected before. Then he took out a few magic books and handed them to Maria.

"Miss Maria, you are very proficient in devil contracts, resurrection magic, abyss, hell, etc., right?"

Maria nodded, took the magic book and flipped through it, "I understand a little bit."

Li Pan took out another ancient book.

"What about Onmyoji? Are the Kingdom of Underworld and the abyss of demons connected to each other?"

Maria looked at Li Pan,

"You want to ask about the afterlife? Is this considered magic consultation?"

"That's right, I don't have that many silver keys,"

Li Pan took out one of Solomon's gold coins and gave it to her.

“How about paying with this?”

Maria picked up the gold coin, looked at it, nodded, stood up, took the divination ball, and handed it to Li Pan to hold.

"Please sit down and I'll show you."

"Oh? The world after death?"

"Actually, there is no 'world after death'. There is nothing after death."

Maria untied her robe, revealing a zombie-like gray and rotting body. She fished her fingers in the air, pulled down a few of the magic nets she had prepared in the apartment, and wrapped them around her fingertips, weaving them like a tumbleweed rope. Spider web-like knots covered the divination ball.

Then Li Pan saw countless messy, revolving memory fragments flashing across the crystal ball. And Maria quietly explained,

"The so-called hell, abyss, underworld, and Alaya, in scientific terms, are subspaces, different dimensions, and the shadow of strings.

It is the band channel formed by the human collective subconscious and brainwave synergy, causing ripples in another dimension.

You can understand that place as a different-dimensional network. Since it is the collective subconscious of the human species, everyone is leaving their own imprints and information on the Internet and in the subconscious of other people in the process of surfing the Internet.

Magicians and Onmyoji, just like hackers, can access information on the network through various rules and various rituals in various worlds.

Therefore, when the individual in this world dies, the 'person' who 'lives' in the consciousness of others does not die immediately. At this time, you can use various means to intercept the bits and pieces he once left on the network, and then piece together a 'person' again.

This is the most basic ‘resurrection’.

In the past, human technology was not advanced enough, and this magical onmyoji was a kind of miracle.

But now science has become very advanced. In a sense, through the memory archived on the QVN cloud and the intelligent system's profiling simulation of personal personality, the clones can be cloned better than most people created by 'resurrection magic' They are all more realistic, more realistic, and closer to the real thing. "

Li Pan frowned,

"So... there is no resurrection. Everyone has only one life. What is 'resurrected' is just oneself in the eyes of others? What about the 'filing cabinet'?"

Maria nodded and shook her head,

"This is the case for most ordinary people, but as I said, the 'afterlife' over there is just a shadow, a ripple, unilaterally affected by the 'real world', not the other way around.

You can't shatter the moon by shattering the reflection in the water, can you?

So there is also some 'resurrection', in fact, 'healing', because the body itself does not really 'die', so it only needs to collect some information and 'recover' it.

But the resurrection of monsters, like the 'ark of the covenant/filing cabinet', is something completely different. It is a manifestation of rules that transcends the real world. The company believes that it is a higher-dimensional existence, a projection of the three-dimensional world.

It's like the author can rewrite the ending of the characters in the script at will, but for the people living in the book, their lives can never go beyond the set script.

So although I have studied various civilizations, various time and space, and many kinds of magic and witchcraft, so far, I have only seen one kind of power that can rival the contract in the dimension of the 'Ark of the Covenant'. "

The primordial spirit method of the Blood God Sect...

Maria looked at Li Pan,

"Things beyond dimensions are too mysterious to talk about. Let's put it aside and come back to your question. Although underworld and hell are not the same thing in other worlds, this 0791 is indeed a distorted world.

I also discovered that in this world, in addition to the ancient magic network of the old elves, there is also a modified and completely different magic system, the one used by Onmyoji, which is called the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the power of Yin and Yang Escape.

Although I am not an expert in Onmyoji, I can see that these two systems are strangely grafted and fused together. Then it is not impossible that the reflections of the 'afterlife', 'underworld' and 'hell', or other 'worlds' are intertwined. "

Li Pan thought for a while,

"So, according to your metaphor, the 'afterlife' is a kind of 'network', and Onmyoji and magicians are all 'hackers', then it is possible for them to skip QVN's surveillance and communicate with each other through this afterlife network. Me?"

Maria nodded,

"Yes, and it's not difficult at all. 'Psychic' is almost an entry-level magic in most magics. It's the most basic to communicate with the 'afterlife'. It's just like network communication, light It's not enough to use 'channelling', the other party has to respond to your call."

Li Pan touched his chin,

"Really, can it be positioned like a hacker? For example, if I give you a ghost, can you use something like necromancy to check her communication records and find out all the contacts? Or I will give you a ghost. Name, can you find where he went after his resurrection and reincarnation?"

Maria shook her head and explained,

"Hackers are just a metaphor. This is not a system at all. The world is unique, but from different angles, the aspects that can be seen are different. The interference that can be carried out is also different.

The magician's channeling focuses more on 'communication'. Onmyoji focuses more on 'control', but if you want to 'position', it may be more appropriate to find a psychic. "

"Oh, do you also have psychic powers?"

Maria shook her head,

"Psychic power is a very rare talent. Only 011 and humans on the surrounding earth have a chance of giving birth to psykers, so the company chose 011 as its base. It is basically a technology monopolized by the company."

Li Pan hesitated for a while and then asked,

"...Then do you know what the Black Pharaoh is?"

Maria was silent for a moment;

"I've heard of it, but I don't know the specifics. I have no talent and have never seen the Black Pharaoh."

Li Pan refused to give up and took out another gold coin.

"What about the rumors? There must be gossip within the company, right?"

Maria hesitated for a moment;

"Some said it was some kind of demon, some said it was a monster, and some said... it was a shareholder of the board of directors."


"I just heard about it,"

Maria emphasized,

"There is a saying that he has existed in the world since the era of Earth 0. He was once the Pharaoh of the earliest civilization of human beings. Since then, he has always existed in human history. He has lived forever and founded a company. He is still there today. A member of the board of directors at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

General Manager 0. "

"Wow...General Manager 0..."

Li Pan swallowed,

"...Does he have a daughter?"

Maria narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm just asking, nothing else."

Li Pan shrugged.

"Thank you anyway. Also, open the window to ventilate the air. What does the smell of mad..."

Seeing Li Pan climbing out of the window and about to jump out, Maria remembered,

"By the way 0791, your girlfriend came to see you just now."

"Girlfriend? K?"

"No, my name is Wei..."


Who is Wei... Well, with Mad's memory, it seems that I really don't have much time left...

Li Pan scratched his head,

"No matter, I have to go out to serve recently. If there is anything, please ask her to call me directly."

Seeing him jump into the sports car and drive away, Maria looked at the gold coins on the table inexplicably.

"What on earth are you doing here..."

Well, Li Pan is actually here for verification.

Regarding the 'Resurrection', 'Underworld', 'Abyss' and so on, he actually asked Ashiya Shiki, and to be on the safe side he came to Maria for confirmation.

The two people said basically the same thing. Although the emphasis is slightly different from the perspective of the onmyoji and the magician, it is basically the same thing.

The kind of demonic resurrection provided by collectors actually has the meaning of fooling ghosts. What a world of difference from resetting the company filing cabinet.

According to Ashiya Shiki, he could just grab a few ghosts from the underworld, throw them into paper figurines, and make them into Shikigami summons.

But the kind of resetting and erasing of filing cabinets from the present world is really unheard of.

But regarding Kiryu Kazuma's method of suicide and resurrection, Ashiya Shiki did give an answer.

Yin Escape. The method of reincarnation of corpses

Onmyoji communicates with the six paths of reincarnation, longs to reach the ultimate state, and has been studying the reincarnation of death and death. Especially practitioners of Yin Escape must often step into the underworld to practice. Ancient Onmyojis also had to break through the Six Paths and complete all the training before they could become the Yin and Yang head of the Onmyo Lao.

Therefore, Onmyoji does have a method of reincarnation, but the conditions are extremely harsh. It requires the use of ritual herbs to enter the state of the living dead. You cannot leave the body for too long. If there is an accident and the body dies and rots, you need to replace it with another body, such as using It is most suitable to resurrect the body of a family member who is a direct bloodline member of the same clan and also has the talent of Onmyoji.

Unfortunately, I don’t know the more specific operation method Ashiya Shiki. After all, as the concubine of the family, he was originally the role that was used, the Ashiya family's candidate material for the legitimate son. Of course, this secret technique will not be passed down to him, and now there is no one else in the Ashiya family who can use it.

However, according to Shiki, Kiryu must be a pseudonym. This secret technique can only be used by families who practice Yin Escape, and there must be no "Kiryu clan" among them.

Gee, it seems that it is really difficult to catch that Kiryu out of the huge crowd and kill him.

Well, it seems that he really has to leave the earth for a while and let these monkeys jump out and catch them all again.

So Li Pan also quickly arranged his funeral arrangements, and the black oil transaction was left to Panlong. Now Panlong's armed force consists of three cruisers, twelve Nimitz excavators, a Red Moon Captain, and thirty Two VK-TU prosthetic veterans and a bunch of drones. With this combat power, smuggling is enough, right?

Then I just buy a cruiser, install a PCC, and practice some psychic abilities...

Oh, I almost forgot, I have to take the Holy Grail back to the company. Calculating the time, the Holy Grail exchange at K has been completed, right?

So Li Pan drove directly to the hotel apartment,

"Hey K, how are you? Are you happy? Have you been promoted again?"

There was no one in the apartment, only blood bags scattered on the floor and a pool of blood that had been replaced.

And K and the Holy Grail are gone.

Hiss...ah, ah? This, this, this... no, it can't be...

Li Pan swallowed and spit.

No way... was he tricked by K? ? ? No, no, no, maybe he was kidnapped by others...

Li Pan quickly called up the hotel surveillance system to take a look.

It was really K, she was the only one who changed her blood and left with the Holy Grail...

Li Pan called K, but the other party didn't respond, so he adjusted Serena's coordinates.

Night Tower parking lot.

Gan, it was really K who took away the Holy Grail...

But...but why?

For one hundred and eighty trillion? Oh, this reason is quite normal...

But I always seem to feel that something is wrong, right?

for money?

I feel like K is not this kind of person, right? And she's not a company representative, she's just a night knight. For Ye Shi, retrieving the Holy Grail is her job, right? With the company's poor behavior, how much reward can it really give?

Is it the prince's order?

But when I went to rescue K last time, Prince Cornelius was at the scene, and he didn't say that he would fight with Li Pan to snatch the Holy Grail. Why now... Could it be that he really chose this time to send him to Cygnus? , take the opportunity to snatch the Holy Grail?


Li Pan looked at the email notification he had just received. It was sent by the Ye family official, saying that Prince Cornelius had agreed to his request for a meeting and granted Li Pan a limited-time visit permit to the Tower of Night, and That's half an hour later.

...What's going on with Mud? ?

Li Pan was confused, but he had to go to the Tower of Night anyway, so he should go directly.

Let’s see what kind of medicine is sold in Ye’s Gourd.

At worst, I'll clear the Tower of Night again and get the Holy Grail back.

So Li Pan was familiar with the road and took a car directly to the Tower of Night.

What the hell, why aren’t there any guards? Where have all the blood knights gone? Are you planning to trouble him? ?

But anyway, he is familiar with the way to the dungeon...

So Li Pan walked in by himself, took the elevator to the top floor, and entered the audience hall of Prince Ye.

Then Li Pan was stunned.

K was standing at the door of the elevator. Her face was covered in blood. It looked like something like a tiger or a dragon had scratched her face and dug into her belly with its claws. There were dozens of bloody marks, and her ribs and internal organs were cut off and cracked. Outside. His left hand was also torn off, and it looked like he had been hit against the wall by a large truck and run over a dozen times.

Seeing that it was Li Pan coming out of the elevator, K was also stunned and threw the thing in his right hand over.

It's the Holy Grail.

Then she dug into her pocket and threw something over.

It's Serena's key card.

Li Pan squinted his eyes and turned his head to look. He saw a corpse behind K. He was struck by a silver two-handed sword. There was a burnt severed arm on the hilt. The blade passed through the heart and nailed the torso to the wall. .

The face of the corpse could not be seen clearly, but it had a golden crown on its head, a robe covering its face, and a ring from the Cornelius family on its hand. The whole body was enveloped in brilliant golden flames, burning blazingly.


Li Pan quickly rolled up his sleeves, stretched out his arm and handed her his wrist.

K spit out a mouthful of blood, shook his head, and said with difficulty,

"No need...do you recognize the prosthetic doctor...I just made a wish and turned back into a human being..."

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