I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 260 Turbulence

Li Pan roughly understood it.

"So Gao Tian originally wanted to overtake in corners and invest all his resources in warp development, but investment in other aspects could not keep up, and he gradually fell behind.

It seems like this Yamato is not the only warp battleship, right? "

Natasha didn’t deny it either;

"Yes, except for some experimental logistics ships, the original plan in Gaotian was to build a special-class warp speed fleet composed of four special-class warp battleships and eighteen warp aircraft carriers to go to the Orion spiral arm. Outside. Avoid the surveillance of the committee, and then go to Orion on Earth 01 through the secretly established star gate.

While the main fleet of the Committee attacked the mainland of the solar system through the 0791 Jupiter star gate, the Titan fleet contained the Committee, while the Rangers launched a sudden long-range attack on Earth 01 from the flanks of the galaxy. "

"Are you lying? This outflanking move has gone around the outside of the cantilever. It's quite imaginative, isn't it? What happens next?"

Natasha shrugged.

"It's a complete failure. There are too many projects, the resource consumption is too huge, and the manufacturing time is too long. Gaotianyuan does not have this kind of industrial scale at all. Its economy and technology are becoming more and more backward. It has been left behind by the Committee of the Heavens. It is not fully ready for the war. The committee jumped into action.

In the end, the stargate was not repaired, and the fleet was not well configured. Most of the ships that were rushed were reduced in number. The aircraft carrier canceled the warp engine and was directly incorporated into the Titan fleet. Among the four aerobatic battleships, the production plan of two was canceled and one was It was destroyed, and only the Yamato was intact, along with some logistics experimental ships. At the end of the battle, it accelerated and took off from the battlefield and disappeared from the battlefield. "


“Some say it was shot down and killed in an explosion, some say it was lost in deep space, some say it was captured by a black hole, and some say it escaped.

But I think they are going to implement the Star City plan. "

Natasha took out another plan from the box.

"Fuck, there's more...how many plans does Gao Tianyuan have..."

Li Pan opened this copy and frowned when he saw the anatomy photos in the file.

"What is this? Human experiment? Oh... elf...

Wait, you mean. The Yamato is looking for the elves, no, the remnants of the legion? "

After all, the elves are a branch of human evolution, the remnants of the ancient legions of humans.

Yes, there must be remnants of the Legion in this universe. 0791 The elf civilization of the earth is just the remnants of the legion that came to colonize in a starship.

Wait, so the Legion can already travel at warp speed? ?

At the same time, Natasha also brought out a lot of information and pictures.

“In addition to the warp engine, the Yamato is also equipped with star maps and communicators excavated from elven ruins and starship wreckage.

Gao Tianyuan's plan was to find a way to hold on in the event of a war with the committee and be outnumbered, and at the same time seek help from foreign aid. The enemy of my enemy is my ally.

It's just that the elf home planet is too far away, and the committee called before the Yamato set off. And in one fell swoop, he defeated Gao Tianyuan..."

And it’s still a squadron that can be pulled along casually, which is not the main force at all...

Li Pan looked at her,

"If you take out these outdated things now, could it be..."

"Well, I'm not sure, but the space domain where the Yamato disappeared, the home planet marked on the Elf Star Chart, and the military station where QVN contact was lost recently in the direction of Kepler-452 b."

Natasha laid out star charts one by one and pointed out the overlapping starry sky to Li Pan.

"Twenty years have passed. Maybe the Yamato has returned with reinforcements from the legion."

Looking at the piles of plans, plans, blueprints, and photos in his hands.

Li Pan couldn't help but frown. Natasha obviously connected these things after getting the news from Kiryu, but...

"I still don't quite understand why you told me this..."

Natasha sat on the bed, crossed her legs,

"Manager Li, judging from your behavior just now in the cafeteria, you probably hate Gao Tianyuan.

You are an outsider and went to a military academy, so you must be the target of bullying by the Chandie Society.

Don't you want revenge? "

Li Pan shrugged, isn't that natural?

Natasha rubbed Zuma's calves,

"I am the same. I am also deeply troubled by the bullying you have suffered. It's just that I am a mixed race and there are no other men in the clan, so I have a slightly easier time.

Of course, you have heard the rumors about what happened at the Fleet Academy. I also wanted to commit suicide for a time, but was later saved by my predecessor, Amakusa Shiro, who gave me a goal to live on.


Although I succumb to them now, at least, you can believe that we are on the same side when it comes to wanting to completely destroy Takamagahara. "

Li Pan followed her slender fingers and looked at the calf she was rubbing.

"you mean……"

Natasha stopped pretending,

"My purpose is to completely destroy Gao Tianyuan, eradicate all the so-called Wu family, burn them to ashes, and avenge my previous shame.

And if you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy.

The committee can let Gao Tianyuan go once, but it will never allow a company to show its fangs twice.

As long as you go to Kepler this time, you can find the Yamato, get the evidence of Takamagahara's collusion with the Legion, and cooperate with the evidence I have collected, the evidence that Chitengu recently launched a terrorist attack on the tax bureau and the NCPA under Takamagahara's instructions. .

Humph, I think your company's connections in the committee are enough to promote the execution of Takamagahara's rule. "

"Ha! You are such a cruel bitch. I thought you wanted to seize his throne and steal his money at most, but I didn't expect that you wanted their whole family to die?"

Li Pan was also amazed, clapped his hands and said,

"Then what's in it for me?"

"Gao Tianyuan Whale Luo, isn't your company the first to be full? What benefits do you want from me?"

Natasha shrugged, spread her hair, pulled off her stockings, leaned on the bed with her hands on her hands, stretched out her toes and tapped his thigh,

"I don't have any other bargaining chips, just tell me what you want."

"Oh, what's going on? Are you asking for physical compensation?"

Li Pan was not polite, reached out, grabbed the soles of her feet, reached all the way to uncover the bottom of her skirt, and lifted Natasha's chin with his other hand.

"Hey, conscience of heaven and earth, you brought this to your door yourself, so I'm not welcome."

Natasha pursed her lips and smiled, without saying much, closed her eyes and kissed her.

But surprisingly, she didn't feel the warmth on her lips. She only felt the man opposite her pressing her eyebrows with one hand and pressing her lower abdomen with the other. She opened her eyes for no reason, and saw a red light exploding in her sight. , and then lost consciousness.

Li Pan casually slapped a blood talisman on Natasha's eyebrows, sealed her five senses, and then stripped her naked. He then drew talismans all over her body, injected her essence and blood, and refined it with the blood talisman method from the inside out. change.

After all, everyone saw that she was the one who wanted to sacrifice her flesh and blood, and Li Pan didn't force anyone.

Then accept it, thank you!

The more blood puppets, the better.

This is 1,300 light years away, and there is a corporate war, and Takamagahara is rising again, and the Yamato, the elves, the legions, and the tax bureau are also involved. It's such a mess that even Li Pan feels a little unsure about it, so he'll leave a few more escape routes.

In this way, a blood puppet is placed on the earth and a clone is placed on Mars, and everything is guaranteed to be safe.

However, compared to Koga Ozuki, Natasha's qualifications are much inferior. After all, the Koga clan is a demon-sealed ninja clan that has been practicing for generations. Regardless of where they usually absorb the yin and yang energy from, they can at least cultivate some yin and yang energy.

As long as she is transformed, Koga Longyue can feel the power of the immortal cultivator. Without Li Pan's urging, she will practice hard on her own. In the end, she will peel off her own skin and her blood body will leave her body. It's a blood shadow clone.

But Natasha can't do it. She is just an ordinary person. If you want her to learn the method of cultivating immortals and help her build up her meridians and organs bit by bit, it is better to just flatten her and knead her into a ball, and then start again. Starting from a pool of flesh and blood, the convenience of pinching people is restored.

However, Li Pan didn't have the time, so for Natasha, the blood puppet, Li Pan also changed to a more secretive way. He did not directly refine Natasha into a puppet, but only left a ball of blood essence in her body. , the divine court entrusts a divine thought.

It would be best if nothing happens to the body. This sealed mass of essence and blood will never be activated. Although it will always be parasitic in Natasha's body and absorb her essence, blood and vitality, with Li Pan's spiritual thoughts, to a certain extent, It can also be used to ward off evil spirits and protect her from misfortune.

But if all the clones of Li Pan's body are really wiped out, the spiritual will will naturally sense it and combine with the essence and blood left in his belly to give birth to a new Tao body, which can be used as a weapon. .

Well, it actually means the same thing as Brother Duan borrowing the devil's body to reincarnate. It is equivalent to Li Pan making preparations. If necessary, he can borrow Natasha's human body to reincarnate as a blood baby.

So when it comes to the divine sect’s skills, after all, the divine sect itself knows that it is being hunted and killed all day long, and there are countless calamities. This method of creating people in advance and preparing for reincarnation has long stopped being too skillful.

After such a blend of soul and body, and dual operations on the body and mind, Li Pan also completed the transformation of Natasha, making her subconsciously remember that the two of them had rolled on the same bed. Don't be too surprised when you give birth to a blood baby, thinking that the baby was sent by a crane. Ahem...

So during these few days of training, Li Pan simply went to Mars to perfect and strengthen the talisman and blood baby puppet left in Natasha's body. He went in and out with the female officer every day, and ate together. Living together and working in her captain's room day and night can be regarded as a full alibi.

He was so immoral, and visiting the military camp was like visiting a brothel. The other space armies were also envious and jealous. They quickly gathered equipment and crew for him, paid more than 20 million yuan in compensation, and finally sent Li Pan away.

There are still twelve people in the engineer team sent to set off with Li Pan this time to guard the border in Group 452. Because they know that Li Pan likes to tear people's faces off, no warriors from the Butterfly Society dare to come and die. These are all For immigrants with mixed work visas, Li Pan, a company dog, naturally serves as the squad leader.

Li Pan didn't care. The ship belonged to him anyway. Even if there were undercover agents among these people, they did not have permission to enter the PCC communication room and captain's room. They would lie in the hibernation cabin during space travel. Of course there is nothing to worry about.

So Li Pan neatly signed and set sail, adjusted the destination of the automatic navigation beacon to Kepler-452 b, and began to prepare node by node to repair the QVN communication base station.

This time he was on a citizen fleet mission. Basically, the route followed the fleet star map, and there was no need for deep space jumps. He was not even assigned a navigator, and everything was guided automatically. If it is intercepted by the fleet, it will be destroyed in a vacuum with one shot.

Fortunately, the situation in 0791 has been quite tense these days. Maybe no one dares to launch an attack rashly before leaving the solar system.

Yes, it doesn't matter if there's a corporate war, it doesn't matter if the army mutinizes, it doesn't matter if you annihilate the NCPA, it doesn't matter if you drop a nuclear bomb on the Night City.

But how dare you hit the tax bureau office? And threw the director of the 0791 tax office out of the window and hung it on a light sign? ?

court death! ! !

IRAF on the move! !

According to Shiba's monitoring, three ships sent by the Armed Forces Department of the Taxation Bureau this time, a battleship and two destroyers, have been anchored in the low-Earth orbit of the Night Capital. Commissioners were sent down to the city to negotiate with military representatives.

Of course, what we are talking about is not how much military pay or tax refunds we are talking about. What we are talking about is asking the military to hand over all the soldiers who stormed the tax bureau and punish them.

That's the only way to have a good deal...

In short, 0791 Earth is now a powder keg. The company, the Red Tengu, the military, and even the tax bureau’s troops are now involved. A small disturbance could lead to a big war. Everyone holds their breath and waits to see how the situation develops. No one can Don't dare to make the first move.

So when the situation develops to this level, Li Pan can no longer interfere, and it is useless to think so much.

Soon, he was far away from the earth, flew out of Mars, and arrived in the Jupiter universe.

It can be seen from a distance that the only Titan left in the orbit of Jupiter is a giant ship with a concentric double ring shape.

Yes, in the past few days after the SEC Jupiter Singularity Bidding was completed, except for Chaos Technology’s Titans, including TheM’s Neptune class, other companies’ Titans have jumped away from the Star Gate, completely handing over the exploration rights to The team of HT Technology.

You are holding a doomsday weapon and watching from the side, how can others dare to conduct scientific research with peace of mind. Therefore, according to the tacit understanding within the committee, for a long time, no second Titan will enter the 0791 star gate and interfere with the scientific research projects of HT Technology.

Otherwise, how would Gao Tianyuan dare to jump out and look for trouble when a bunch of Titans are overwhelming him?

Li Pan also received a notice that the KAWAWU cruiser had been entrusted to the Jupiter Space Domain Stargate Transportation System, and he was relieved.

Now that we have passed the most dangerous moment of sublight speed automatic cruising, it would be good if no other company fleets or pirates come to intercept it. Next, the ship will be entrusted with automatic navigation assistance, enter an acceleration orbit, and make a super-light jump. Arrive directly at the deep space relay station.

So Li Pan didn't need to be ready to escape at all times, so he put the silver key in his pocket and continued to go back to the captain's room to practice in seclusion, and he was in a trance.

As soon as he opened and closed his eyes, he came to his divine dreamland again, in that office.

Turn around and face the seven doors in front of you.

At this time, among the seven gates corresponding to the seven souls,

The three gates of corpse dog, sparrow yin, and smelly lung are still tightly closed, unable to be opened and unable to pass.

Fuya, not poisonous, corresponds to the two Alpha dolls of the VK Group in the 016 world and the 0791 world respectively.

Swallow the thief, remove the filth, and the two doors will be empty.

At first, Swallowing Thieves was the counterpart to the City of Rampage. Unfortunately, the prosthetic body was only good for a while before being torn into pieces by HT Technology. Now even if I open the door and come over, it is empty and nothing.

The filth removal was originally used to seal the 'Bride', and later it was used to seal and digest 'Yamada Reika'. There was a pool of blood on the other side of the door.

From the reflection of the blood pool, you can watch various memories of 'Yamada Reika' at any time. The blood can transform into enchanting and graceful blood-colored human figures with Reika's face at will.

By waving your hand to switch, you can watch the live view of Koga Ozuki's eyeballs... Damn, this guy is practicing again, doing inner work, Madu...

With another wave of his hand, the light and shadow in the blood pool changed, and a blood baby sitting cross-legged was reflected.

Well, this is the split soul sealed in Natasha's body. There is no need to activate it yet, just let it rest for now.

In short, according to Li Pan's own research, the different systems, different energies, and different plug-ins he awakened are all placed in corresponding different 'doors'.

For example, 'Zhuyu' corresponds to the divine religion, 'Queyin' corresponds to Xuanmen, 'Stinky Lung' corresponds to Sword Sect, and 'Fu Ya' corresponds to superpowers.

But the system provided by the company is different.

For example, the fish-man body strangely does not have a corresponding 'door'. If you want to get rid of the fishman's body, you must use spiritual power.

Li Pan walked out of the filth removal door, raised his head and looked at the dome of the office.

In the void above your head, you can vaguely see a little light.

Li Pan flew up, walked through the darkness, walked toward the light, and came to a square floor-to-ceiling window.

Behind the lavender curtain is the endless reed field outside the window.

Yes, outside the window is the spiritual world.

Since the PCC beacon was installed, his 'office' has been updated with decorations. When he lifts the curtain and steps out of the window, he can see the torch beacon.

Follow the sign and you can return to Earth and use the fish-man body.

In other words, he can switch between the soul out of body and the psychic channel at will, just like he can climb up and down along the elevator cable connected to QVN.

So, as 0113001 once said,

The inner world is actually one thing. How much you can see depends on how deep you dive...

“Tuk tuk tuk”

Suddenly, Li Pan heard three knocks on the door.

And before he could react.

"Creak" sound,

The door opened.

The moment he turned his head,

Li Pan opened his eyes and woke up instantly.

He saw an endless sea.

The blue sea and sky form a single boundary beyond the horizon.

An earth with only water...

Then he lowered his head, looked at his hands, and then looked at the shadow reflected on the jade-like water beneath his feet.

Is Daozi wearing Penglai blue robe the body of Li Qingyun...

wait! Wait a moment! wrong! This is no world! This is the interior scene of the Divine Court!

With a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, Li Pan reacted suddenly and was completely shocked.

This, this, this!

This is Li Qingyun’s Qi Hai!

What the hell! Why is it so strong!

This vast, bottomless ocean!

Every drop of green water is the Supreme Immortal Essence!

Every drop is pure and true! Jiuzhen Taoist Breath!

This is extremely pure! The ultimate in Hunyuan! The pure and unsullied sea of ​​Dao Qi!

ah! Could it be! It’s legendary!

Is it the state of ‘refining the gods and returning them to emptiness’!

Cang! sky! Na!

I finally cultivated into the Blood God Son! Have you already ‘refined the spirit and returned to the void’?

How outrageous! How outrageous! ! Can we still play happily together? ! !

"...Ahem, that's not the case. Such a state is just the 'peak of divine transformation'."

"What a horse! Who!??"

Li Pan turned his head violently. No one was around. Then he realized what he was doing and lowered his head suddenly.

Then he saw the reflection of the blue-robed Daozi in the jasper-like mirror of the Immortal Yuan Dao, squatting on the other side of the water, clasping his fingers and counting to himself,

"Qingyun is now in the "Nine Yins", "Shape Refining", "Magical Skills" and "Dafa", and has mastered the Nine Transformation Realm Tool.

"Tai Shang Nine True Immortal Yuan Gong" has been cultivated to the peak of "Refining Qi to Transform into God".

The Master of the Heavenly Book reads the Sutra of Killing Evils, and is still just a step away from the goal of "refining the spirit and returning to the void".

Therefore, you should be able to control this kind of Tao power. "

Li Pan, "Are you...Li Qingyun?"

‘Li Qingyun’ smiled without answering, put his hands in his sleeves,

"Li Pan, now you have a mind but no body, a body but no soul, no way to reincarnate, no way out, and your moral conduct is even worse. You can't read too much "Blood Barrel".

Otherwise, if Qingyun cannot suppress Sanpeng, and the ghosts are not around to protect you, I am afraid that they will be taken advantage of, and Li Daitao will become stiff and fall into evil ways. "

Li Pan, "...what, what, San Peng, defeating ghosts..."

'Li Qingyun' dug into his sleeves and took out a pair of concentric metal rings in the shape of... Fuck, Titan?

"This thing is blocking the door. Qingyun can't go over to help you, so come and destroy it and help Qingyun overcome this difficulty of death."

Li Pan stared blankly,

"...Knock it off? Titan? Me?"

‘Li Qingyun’ smiled and put his hand into his arms.

"It's simple. Didn't I lend you my Taoist body? Just make a secret and sacrifice the sign."

Li Pan also lowered his head and saw that he reached into his arms and took out a three-inch square mutton-fat jade tablet.

Yes, that was the sign from the Dragon King Temple, but at this time, a few more words suddenly appeared on the originally white jade sign.

written on one side

Penglai Mountain Taishang Taoist Sect’s Dharma Dishes

written on one side

Li Qingyun, a disciple of Taishang Zhendao




What the hell is going on...

But 'Li Qingyun', who was reflected on the sea surface, did not explain. He threw the concentric double-ringed Titan into the sky, then raised the jade tablet in his hand, dragged it on the palm of his right hand, and made a finger with the other hand, pointing at the jade medal. Pai breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his palm and pushed, then raised his hand to shoot a blue thunder, smashing the double rings into pieces.

So Li Pan on the sea is also like a flower in a mirror, the moon in the water, a reflection of nothingness, dancing in the absence of wind.

Make a secret, exhale, turn your palms, raise your hands,



The pond is full of Qihai, rising into the sky! The flying dragon goes to sea! The rainbow shines through the sun! Green light soars into the sky!

The boundless blue sea rising into the sky turned into a giant dragon!

The flying dragon soars into the clouds! If the galaxy turns upside down! Breaking through the sky!

All over the place! Xianyuan is so angry! Turn into Qing Ting!

Vast and infinite! The vast power! All turned into dragons!

Palm! Heart! thunder! ! !

Jingle Bell

Li Pan opened his eyes, and the lightning on his face had not dissipated. The cyan thunder lingered in his palms, wrapping around the wordless jade tablet in his palm like a green dragon.

Jingle Bell

Looking at the desk in front of him, Li Pan was silent for a while, put the jade token in his arms, picked up the phone,


The voice of 0113001 came from the other end of the phone.

"0791, something happened at your place. The Titan of Chaos Technology has fallen."

"Oh, who did it? GEN?"

"I don't know, it seems... it's a dragon..."

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