I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 264 Death Tribulation Part Three

"Cough cough, cough cough, bah, bah... Damn, what's going on, I'm dead again?"

Li Pan got up from the beach, spit out a mouthful of sand, opened his eyes drowsily, and looked around.

Oh, it's not a beach, it's a desert.

The vast desert, the wind and sand are biting, and there is no cloud for a thousand miles. The sky is full of galaxies, stars are shining, and a lone moon hangs high in the clear sky. The cold moonlight shines down, dyeing the desert into a silvery color.

Li Pan looked up at the full moon for a while, and gradually recovered.

At this time, I just felt that my head was empty, as if I had passed out from sleep. I frowned and stared at the sand for a long time. Then I suddenly remembered something and looked at my left hand.

The hand is still there, not only the left hand, but the half of the body that was sprayed away by Jupiter's old spit of green fire has grown back.

And strangely, Li Pan discovered that Pharaoh/Unit No. 1 had disappeared, and the scales on his body, the meridians, sea of ​​qi, and true energy in his body had also disappeared.

Instead, there was an ordinary human being, wrapped in a black robe similar to the pharaoh's style. It was as wide as a bed sheet, but all the decorative props such as shackles and hooks had disappeared.

What's going on with Mud...

Li Pan touched his crotch, feeling a little comforted, then patted his butt, stood up, and touched his face again. Fortunately, I have the face, it seems that it is not a dream.

I don't know if it was a dream or if he traveled through time again, but he seemed to have become an ordinary person.

Li Pan stood up, raised his head and bathed in the moonlight. For some reason, he stood alone in the empty desert under the moon, with only the sound of wind lingering in his ears. The heaven, earth, body and mind felt unprecedentedly peaceful...

Gan, he is not an ordinary person at all.

When he came to his senses, Li Pan found himself floating.

It was as if it was equipped with an anti-gravity device, floating directly into the air, with its long robe trailing underneath her, as if a black snake had stood up in the sea of ​​sand.

Well, this probably isn't a superpower, and it's obviously not a magical power, it's probably psychic.

Li Pan could feel that the many black robes on his body were similar in nature to the golden spiritual rings in the kindergarten and could be driven by spiritual energy.

Okay, so this body is a new psychic clone?

So where is this desert? 0113 Earth? Or is it some spiritual world?

Li Pan tried to fly out into the desert. Although he was at the level of a psychic kindergarten, he could still use his psychic powers to control the robe and move slowly with himself.

While floating up and down in the vast sea of ​​sand, left and right, Li Pan was also trying hard to recall the dream he had just had.

Memories gradually came to his mind like a tide, and Li Pan vaguely remembered that he was chased by the Jupiter dragon, burned half of him with a breath of dragon flame, and then escaped from the underworld through the beacon.

But then he had memory confusion again, interspersed with a memory of Li Qingyun's death.

And, is that really a memory?

Li Qingyun, died, Dragon King...

So, did he really dream of the memory of the fallen immortal cultivator Li Qingyun through the Whisperer ability, thus restoring his power of cultivating immortality?

But I always felt that something was wrong. For example, in Li Qingyun's dream, there were many details that didn't match up.

For example, he is not a disciple of the Zhizhen Dao, but a disciple of the Supreme Zhen Dao. For example, that silk scarf is a handkerchief, right? The Dragon Flame Dao Fire she spit out must have been sprayed out by the Jupiter Dragon here, right?

Damn it, is this really a dream... And who didn’t say that it’s impossible for humans to dream of things that don’t exist?

In other words, both sides are dreams, but neither is a dream, just like Zhuang Zhou's dream of butterfly, parallel timeline?

Li Pan scratched his head. He really couldn't understand it, so he just didn't think about it.

After all, even if you don't consider the setting of the three-zombie personality dream travel, he used to break up frequently. Drinking, taking drugs, virtual links, Black Mewtwo, fighting, etc., he got used to it.

So Li Pan’s purely empirical advice is, no matter what, you’ve ‘woke up’ anyway, right?

I always have a headache when sleeping, and my butt is rotten from lying down all day long. Anyway, it’s time to eat and drink, so just cherish the short life of us poor people.

Then Li Pan's speculation on life was interrupted. In the distance, on the other side of the sand sea, a dazzling star spot suddenly flashed.

It was as if there was some kind of lighthouse shining its bright light on the sea of ​​sand, providing guideposts for lost travelers.

So Li Pan followed the guidance of the light source, floated over, and found a huge pyramid in the distance. The pyramid of black crystal is like a gem buried in the desert, with its sharp corner exposed.

At this moment, the bevel of the crystal is focusing and reflecting the bright moonlight in all directions. I don’t know what kind of black technology and spiritual magic it is. It is like a smart high beam. From a distance, it looks as bright as day, blinding the dog’s eyes, but it flies so fast. As it got closer, the white light slowly dimmed, and finally only the clear moon reflected on the black crystal glass-like mirror remained.

And when Li Pan flew closer and looked down, he could see faint traces of civilization in the desert. There seemed to be an ancient city wall built around the pyramid, but now buried under the wind and sand, like a huge magic circle.

It is probably the relic of some ancient civilization. Now it has been completely submerged by the wind and sand. Only the last glory of that civilization, the black crystal pyramid, is still standing in the long river of time.

Li Pan drifted past the ruins of the city and saw the crystal slope unfolding from a distance, revealing a staircase that led directly to the interior of the pyramid. And his spiritual power was slowly losing its effectiveness, gradually falling from the air, and finally stood in front of the stairs.

Yes, let’s climb.

Climbing all the way up the stairs, Li Pan also discovered that his body was really weak. He was just like an ordinary person. He had to catch his breath after climbing hundreds of steps. At this distance before, he jumped up with a superhuman jump and a bounding kick, okay?

"Huh...huh...hello? Is there anyone there? Asan? Priest? Monsters, Inc.? Jingle bell bell!"

After finally dragging his robe to the top of the building, Li Pan was so tired that he roared twice.

On the stairs is an entrance that looks like an ancient temple, with some unprecedented hieroglyphics written on the black crystal door.


Li Pan fumbled for a while, but couldn't find a single key.

Strange, after opening the 'Pharaoh/Unit-0', there should be two more keys, right? Could it be that the handkerchief was used?

Li Pan had no choice but to roll up his robe, put it on his shoulders, and pushed against the door with all his strength, but he couldn't push it at all...

"Huh...huh...Mard climbed up and you didn't open the door...you were playing with me..."

Exhausted, Li Pan sat down on the steps, looking at the moonlight above his head, breathing heavily, rolling up his robe and wiping his sweat.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past, causing Li Pan's spine to shiver. When he turned his head, he suddenly saw someone standing behind him from the corner of his eye!


Li Pan jumped up and shouted, almost staggering down the stairs.

But there was no one behind him, only the closed pyramid door and the long reflection in the moonlight.


Li Pan narrowed his eyes and stared suspiciously for a while. Although it is said that mentally ill patients will have visual and auditory hallucinations...

But the conscience of heaven and earth! Has he ever experienced visions and auditory hallucinations so far?

There are really monsters and weird things in Quan Tama, okay?

So Li Pan squatted at the entrance of the stairs, looking outside the pyramid in the direction of the moonlight, then slowly turned his head and glanced behind him with his peripheral vision.

Then he saw it.

He saw his shadow slowly lengthening under the moonlight, shining on the pyramid door. His torso was still human-shaped, but his head seemed to be standing upright as if the robe on his shoulders had been blown by the wind, twisting and twisting like a living snake. As if dancing wildly.

Shadow can understand it, but what's going on with the head? Light diffraction? There is still a special medium that deflects light waves...

Then the shadow stood up from the ground.

For a moment, Li Pan's scalp was numb, his thinking was stagnant, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and his pores seemed to be pricked by thousands of needles. At this moment, he completely forgot to breathe and couldn't move. He could only glance at it with his peripheral vision. Seeing the shadow standing up, he walked to the door, stretched out his hand and pulled it out.

The door opened.

Then the shadow turned sideways and made a "please" gesture towards Li Pan. The light and shadow dimmed and disappeared from Li Pan's retina.

Li Pan blinked hard.

The door was still closed, and there was no one in front of the corridor, as if the illusion under the moonlight just now had never happened.

...What is that stuff? Black Pharaoh?

No, so it turns out that the door needs to be pulled...

Natmad is equipped with two door handles! Dry!


Li Pan took a long breath, and his feet were numb for a while. He sat down on the ground and waited for a while before getting up.

Having almost regained his strength, he walked to the door again and tried to dig at the place where the shadow had stretched out his hand, but it was flat and there was no place to exert force at all.

Alas, my condition is getting worse and worse...

After looking at the door and thinking for a moment, Li Pan tried to put his hands on the spot where the shadow was before, and then concentrated on recalling the resonance of psychic energy when playing in circles and activating the psychic jump.

So Li Pan felt that although the spiritual energy seemed to have failed on the steps of the pyramid, the door was responding to his power like a golden circle, resonating with the frequency of the spiritual energy of his two palms, and was slowly pulled open. Come on.

By the moonlight, Li Pan glanced inside the door and saw that the moonlight illuminated a long corridor leading straight into the deep darkness.

It's not that he wants to go in, no, he is really afraid of the dark...

Then at the end of the corridor, where light and shadow meet, a shadow flashed past.

...Why are you here to lead the way...

Li Pan swallowed, gritted his teeth, and walked into the pyramid.

The corridor is made of some kind of off-white masonry, smooth and flat, with a large number of hieroglyphics on it, just like a mural.

In order not to get sick, Li Pan tried his best to focus on these murals, and slowly he got a general idea.

Anyway, that's what happened. What this records is the development history of the prehistoric civilization that was submerged in the desert outside the pyramid.

They are also human beings, at least they appear to be a type of human being. They established a civilization, probably developed into a tribal alliance, and formed the prototype of a country.

Then one day, a black man fell from the sky.

They are not black-skinned people, there are ordinary black people in the murals, but their skin color is slightly darker, and their hair and clothes are also painted.

But this black man used a completely different color, something similar to the paint made from grinding black crystals outside, painted the colorful black under the moonlight, and he was a pure human shape, with no hair and no clothes. There was no decoration, just a shadow suddenly appeared on the ground.

This 'black man' is like a god who came to the world, and instantly became the master of the world. All human beings in this world are willing to follow the leadership and teachings of the 'black man', and build palaces, temples and pyramids for the 'black man', running like a machine. , reversed the wheel of civilization and the existing development direction, and rushed all the way towards the path of psychic evolution.

Soon, this psychic civilization cultivated a large number of psychics, developed unique psychic technology, lit psychic beacons, could travel through the underworld at will, touch the curtain, explore the star world, and make various The spiritual body and spiritual hub can be reincarnated in the underworld and exist forever. At one time, an extremely powerful and unique civilization developed.

But in the end he perished, by himself.

There is no way, humans are a race with a strong tendency to self-destruct.

After all, no matter how powerful one's spiritual power is, it is still a talent that belongs to only a few people.

Psykers capable of awakening are at the top of the pyramid. The majority of the ruled mortals are, to put it bluntly, they are just like cattle and horses, not human beings at all.

Although all human beings in this world have surrendered to "blacks", humans are really a very cruel species, and it is impossible to live in harmony.

Once there is an extreme internal class gap, group differentiation, inability to understand each other, and inability to coexist, just like two races, then each other must be completely destroyed on the earth.

As for psykers, almost from the time they were born, there was a huge gap between their immortal divinity and mortals.

It can be clearly seen in the murals that all mortals are naked, while the psychics imitate the appearance of 'black people', tattooed with black totems, put on black robes, and The mask covering the face, dressed up like the pharaoh, became the absolute ruler.

Therefore, rebellions, riots, suppression, and massacres have almost run through the history of psychic civilization from beginning to end.

And it's not just the conflict between extraordinary people and mortals, there is also serious internal strife among the psykers.

After all, Li Pan also realized when climbing the stairs that psykers only have super psychic abilities, but their physical strength is actually average. In order to be reincarnated, to accommodate the psyker's 'creature', and to inherit the knowledge and power of his lifetime, he must also use the same method. of psykers to create 'spirits'.

Therefore, the internal fighting among psychics is also very cruel, and they often launch civil wars. The victor wins everything, while the defeated are captured by the whole family and taken into the pyramid to be made into a 'spirit body' for the reincarnation of the pharaohs.

From the beginning to the end, the 'black man' stood at the top of the pyramid, watching everything quietly, witnessing the civilization's journey from enlightenment, development, prosperity, decline, to the end.

It still sleeps in the core of the pyramid.

After reading the history book of psychic civilization, Li Pan also stopped and looked at the door in front of him.

Damn it, that ‘black man’ isn’t still there, is he? Could it be that the shadow just now was the 'black man'?

What does the other party mean by seducing him step by step into the depths of the pyramid? Do you want to take another reincarnation? Reincarnate in his spiritual form as the Whispering Psyker? Could this be the proposal from the priests and the company to turn me into a vessel for the Black Pharaoh?

Li Pan swallowed, feeling inexplicable fear in his heart and couldn't help but retreat.

Then he hit the wall.

Unknowingly, the way he came from disappeared, and Li Pan was in a narrow, closed tomb, with only the last crystal door in front of him, which was like the entrance to a coffin.

"Gan! You all want my body, right? This is too much!"

Realizing that there was no way out, at this moment, Li Pan felt so sad that he couldn't control himself.

What a bullshit plug-in! What a rubbish talent!

As a result, after a long time, everyone was trying to grab his Whisperer body!

The company wants his spirit body! Jupiter Dragon also wants his Tao body!

But no one gave Li Pan a way out!

What a bastard! Isn’t he working hard enough? Isn’t he diligent enough in cultivation? I did my best to do what you asked for! Why not give him a chance to change his life!

How come he, Li Pan, deserves to die peacefully! Let me give you this plug-in body!

For a moment, the extreme fear turned into anger and surged into his heart.

"Grass mud horse!"

Li Pan kicked the door open, gritted his teeth and rushed over.

"You want my life! Come and get it!"

"Come and get it! Get it! Ah..."

On the other side of the door was a huge temple auditorium. The roar echoed in the auditorium, causing dust to fall down.

Li Pan was furious, staring at the empty hall for a while, frowning, and looking around.

The door from which it had come disappeared again, and there was no one around, not a black man, not a ghost, not a pharaoh.

This seems to be some kind of circular chapel, with futon-like cushions on the floor and murals and scriptures on the surrounding walls. It is probably a place where psychics practice.

In the center of the chapel, there is a metal ring on the ground. It is much larger than the one Li Pan played with. It should be an entrance that can open a spiritual beacon.

From this point of view, does it mean that we need to use spiritual power to activate the beacon in order to escape from this world...

But if you really open the beacon, will you escape from trouble, will you be snatched away by the 'Black Pharaoh', or will you be caught to death by the Jupiter Dragon...

Li Pan scratched his head, also feeling upset.

Mud, no matter how hard you die, you won’t give him a happy death...

But now that we are at the end of our rope, no matter what lies ahead, we can only keep moving forward.

So Li Pan found a cushion and sat down, facing the circle, trying to use psychic communication to activate the beacon.

Then he saw it again.


In the peripheral vision, the shadow walked to a wall, waved to Li Pan, and pointed.

Li Pan simply closed his eyes and didn't want to answer it.

Then he received a slap on the back of the head.

"What a shame! It's too much! Shi Ke can't be killed!"

"It's not humiliating! It's humiliating! It's humiliating!"

Li Pan jumped up in anger. Of course, there was no one around him, so he just kept saying "humiliation~~" in response.

Having no choice but to rub his head, Li Pan walked to the wall and took a look...


After being slapped, the hieroglyphics on the wall can actually be understood...

Well, what is recorded on this wall is the secret method of psychic cultivation. This wall teaches the combat skills between psychics.

Of course, this is definitely not kindergarten fighting skills, but a battle between pharaohs.

Yes, because spiritual energy has great power over mortals, every word and word is completely impossible to resist. So in most cases, the one who kills the psyker can only be the psyker.

Therefore, based on the basic composition of psykers, the tactics of psykers are mainly developed in the five directions of 'container', 'name', 'shadow', 'life' and 'spiritual thread'.

Among them, the flaw of the 'container' is the most obvious, and it can be destroyed purely by violence.

Because psykers themselves are very fragile and cannot undergo too many transformations, otherwise they will seem to interfere with the talent of psychic abilities, so they will be careful to preserve their spiritual bodies.

For example, hiding in places such as coffins, tombs, pyramids, and arranging loyal spiritual servants to guard heavily. If it doesn't work, you can also roar in an emergency and turn defeat into victory. Therefore, basically only when the psyker travels to the spirit world and goes to the underworld, mortals can There is a chance to counterattack.

As for psykers, four combat styles are often developed based on the four items of 'name', 'shadow', 'life' and 'spiritual thread'.

The first is to attack the 'Lingsi'. The school with the most students, such as the Heka hook and the flail, can be regarded as the magic weapon of this school. They are all aimed at the 'Lingsi' and are used to attack the roots. Destroying the 'spiritual threads' of the psyker will prevent the other party from even having the chance to escape by turning into a 'living creature'.

But in this case, even the remaining 'spiritual body' will collapse, so it is generally only used in wars and capital punishment.

Then there is the attack on 'life'. This style is the most frequently used and is almost compulsory for psykers. In principle, it destroys or drains the opponent's 'life' force and sends the 'spiritual thread' back to the spiritual hub. Reincarnation only destroys the opponent's 'creatures' so that the 'spirit bodies' can be retained for reincarnation.

However, since a psyker's "spirit body" and "spiritual threads" are highly bound, if reincarnation is not carried out in a short period of time, the "spirit body" will accelerate aging, death and decay, and the psychic ability will also be weakened and lost, so we have to constantly look for new ones. 'Spirit' reincarnation.

As for the 'Shadow' genre, it is the rarest. After all, even for psykers, it is very difficult to contact the source, and attacks against the 'Shadow' will cause the opponent to completely lose their psychic abilities, and the remaining 'spirits' will not be able to used, so it is generally only used as a means of punishment and deterrence.

Finally, there is the 'name'. The original intention of this school is to attack the memory of the psyker, deprive the other party of his 'name', obliterate his personality, in order to reprogram the other party's 'spiritual threads' and turn the other party directly into a Spiritual servant.

However, this trick is often difficult to work on those who are too powerful. There is a risk that the other party will escape control through various emotional stimulation, spell props, and recall of 'names'.

Therefore, the wall that the black shadow pointed to Li Pan recorded that some of the more high-end, well, the most high-end, psychic schools targeting 'names' were specifically designed to control and enslave pharaoh-level psychic servants. The secret method developed.

Not only the deprivation of ‘name’, the erasure of personality, but also the entire rewriting and overwriting.

It is a complete and absolute obliteration of the target's id, self, and superego from the identity, memory, and existence.

To be more specific, the pharaohs not only deprived their victims of their 'names', forgot everything that belonged to them, and turned into psychic servants who obeyed their orders.

At the same time, a new personality, a 'pseudonym', may be written into the other party. Although this may cause the other party to have personality confusion for a while, by the same token, the difficulty of breaking free from control and recalling the 'real name' will also increase exponentially.

On this basis, we can go one step further.

Use powerful spiritual energy to bind the spirit servant's spiritual thread to the Pharaoh himself, and write the Pharaoh's 'name' into it.

Let the enslaved spiritual servants become the true 'substitutes' of Pharaoh.

Yes, a substitute. In a sense, this is similar to what Li Qingyun learned, "The Taishang Sutra on Eliminating Three Corpses and Nine Insects to Preserve Life." It is a spiritual system version of the method of refining the clones of three corpses.

The most important difference from the three corpse clones that were born from the "Yuan Shen" is that the three corpse clones are too perfect. The three corpses have their own "Yuan Shen", that is, they themselves contain "names" and "shadows". The "spiritual thread" of life is missing only the "container".

And once they find their own 'containers', they can be reincarnated. Therefore, if they are to be used to cope with disasters and ward off disasters, then the three corpses themselves are definitely not willing!

Therefore, this method will inevitably use the word "cut" to cut off the body and sacrifice it to heaven, so that it can die on behalf of the original body.

And these spiritual servants who became Pharaoh's substitutes actually lost everything the moment they lost their 'names'.

Although they have their own bodies, their own strength, and their own wishes, everything is fake.

Everything belongs to others, everything, their wishes, their pursuits, their lives, are just scripts and dreams weaved by the Pharaohs for their 'substitutes'.

Everything belongs to Pharaoh.

A puppet with strings, a walking corpse without self, not only dedicated everything to the Pharaoh while alive, but even when the 'substitute' lost its value, its 'life' was wiped out and made into a 'reincarnated spirit body' After that, even his 'vessel' will be more cooperative and accept the arrival and reincarnation of the Pharaoh.

Because the name of Pharaoh is actually ‘my name’?

Li Pan stood in front of the wall and didn't speak for a long time.

Is this the way to break the situation...

Well, anyway, Li Qingyun is dead.

And he, Li Pan, is still alive.

No matter the cost, we must survive!

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