I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 286 Lighthouse

"BEACON 0791-BSSCA6-3011, please call back. This is the Kepler-452 b border guard engineering team. Requesting permission to connect.

BEACON 0791-BSSCA6-3011, please call back, this is the Kepler-452 b border guard engineering team. Request permission to connect. "

"What's going on? Why are you still stuck in deep space without jumping? According to the schedule, you should have arrived at the lighthouse two hours ago, right?"

Li Pan stepped into the KAWAWU cockpit, and the engineering team soldier on duty at the communication station reported,

"Reporting to the commander, preparations for the jump have been completed, but the intelligent navigation system of the 3011 lighthouse did not respond and the automatic navigation could not be started."

"Communication interference?"

"It doesn't seem to be the case. We have established a stable data link and received feedback on the route back to the ship, but the intelligent navigation assistance has never responded."

"So the intelligent assistance system is broken? If there is a data link, can it be restarted directly?"

"No, this is a navigation data link provided for the public channel. The bandwidth is not enough, and the permissions are isolated. The permission key must be brought to the computer room to restart."

Li Pan looked at the lane star map and frowned. In fact, it was just a jump and then a docking operation. To put it simply, this is an operation of reversing the vehicle into the warehouse. Even without assistance, anyone who is learning how to drive a starship can complete it.

But the problem is that people nowadays rely too much on navigators and automatic navigation. The old ships in the Legion era were technologically backward. The cockpits were almost the same as tractor cabins, with operating rods, rudders, and dashboards. Even the better pilots could still do the same. Jump repeatedly between meteor showers and garbage clouds.

But today's spaceships are all designed to be operated by intelligent assistance systems. The bridge is smooth and flat, and there is not even a physical button. You must wear sensor gloves and click in the air. When using the 'manual operation mode', the operation is even more difficult. It's as complicated as twisting a rope. If your hand slips and the jump settings are not controlled, the ship will be destroyed and people will be killed, and the paint will be peeled off if it is bumped. This makes everyone feel guilty.

"Who has a driver's license? Has ever driven a physical boat?"

One of the engineers swallowed and raised his hands.

"...I have worked in the asteroid belt before, driven garbage ships, mining ships and transport ships, and also flown the old Takamagahara spacecraft..."

"How come you have been a pirate? That's it. I don't have time to delay. I just jump over and keep a little more safety distance. It's okay. The scratches are mine."

Li Pan didn't have time to waste time in deep space. Looking at his work log, he had to jump at least seven or eight communication points to confirm that the communication connection in the outer solar system was restored before he could report to Kepler and then rush back to Earth to join the war. If we stay in the universe for too long, the earth might be destroyed when we go back...

So the crew controlled KAWAWU to jump manually. Fortunately, the channel data feedback provided by the lighthouse was correct and did not cause them to navigate to some meteorite and kill them.

After the jump was completed, the cruiser slowly approached the Lighthouse space station in deep space at sub-light speed.

"BEACON 0791-BSSCA6-3011, please call back..."

"Report to the commander, but there is still no feedback."

"I know, we are here to repair it anyway. Let's connect it manually."

So Li Pan led a team and put on the engineering SBS for a spacewalk. After entering the space station, they first conducted a preliminary inspection to confirm that the internal environment of the space station was normal and that there were no biohazards, unknown viruses, mutated aliens, etc. inside. Then he opened the cabin and entered the station to carry out engineering maintenance and restart the server.

The engineers worked in pairs to check the energy, communication, and circulation systems of the space station, first checking to see if there were any physical or engineering problems. Then, for specific problems, let the crew on the logistics ship replace the maintenance drone with specific maintenance modules and replacement parts, and then enter the space station for maintenance.

Li Pan went directly to the computer room and connected to the lighthouse server with a laptop-sized permission key host. He used the military engineer maintenance officer account to obtain the identity of the lighthouse administrator, then logged off from QVN and linked to the virtual machine of this key host. The server first runs an automatic golem detection program. After confirming the data security, it retrieves the data log, checks and compares the recent data flow of the lighthouse system, and looks for abnormal points.

Well, having said all that, all he needs to do is actually connect the cable, turn on the computer, insert the card, and start...

"Strange, the communication system is normal and the chip self-test is normal, but the intelligent assistance system cannot be started... What's wrong..."

Li Pan also didn't expect that he, the king of engineers and the first in the mechanical maintenance course, would run into trouble on his first serious mission.

After initial inspection, there was nothing wrong with the lighthouse. It was just that the intelligent assistance system could not be started. What's strange is that the auxiliary system chip has not reported any errors or damage, and there is no record of the internal network ICE being attacked. Therefore, Li Pan could only judge that either the chip itself was faulty, or the hacker was so powerful that the military's anti-virus software could not detect any clues.

But in the end, no matter which one, it is not a problem on the engineering side, but on the backend server side. It has to be solved by hackers or the company's chip engineers.

"Maintenance log, the intelligent auxiliary chip is faulty and cannot be started. Replace it and apply for filing..."

Li Pan was also prepared. After completing the log check, data recording, and video recording application according to the process, he started to disassemble the machine, removing the circuit board and replacing the spare chip he brought.

"Trial operation, BEACON 0791-BSSCA6-3011, please call back..."

"This is BEACON 0791-BSSCA6-3011, providing you with star map navigation."

Oh, is this a success? As for Zhou, he just screwed a screw to change a chip and expelled him from the earth for more than a thousand light years. Whose product is this? The quality is so rubbish... Huh? HT Technology’s Xingtian series? Is it an OEM pirated copy?

Li Pan didn't have time to go into details. After the chip completed the takeover of the BEACON server and confirmed that there were no problems, he asked the lighthouse to re-link to QVN and go online...

"KAWAWU, the maintenance task is completed, confirm the navigation chart landmarks, contact Kepler..."

"Commander, the intelligent assistance system has stopped running. It was disconnected just after connecting to the QVN. Now it cannot be started."


Li Pan frowned and checked the records on the cruiser-class host, and found that it was true that the replacement lighthouse chip had just been connected to the network and was updating the local star map data when it suddenly disconnected and could not be started.

Another chip failure? It's impossible to have problems with both chips, right?

Is there any source of interference? No, there was no interference in the communication between the engineering team and the ship crew, and there was no physical damage to the space station?

Hacker? No, ICE is not triggered at all. The only external information flow received is the star map data of other lighthouses transmitted through QVN?

But if there is no physical damage, it is not a hacker, then... hiss... no way? Could it be the Yuanshen method?

But besides him, who else knows the Soul Method? younger brother? Peng Zhi?

Li Pan hesitated for a moment and decided to give it a try, so he took out the chip, connected it with his own personal link, and linked the smart chip of the RS7 prosthesis to the lighthouse server.

Then Li Pan took an internal photo of his soul, pushed open the 'non-poison' door, entered the Shenting office, put his hands in his pockets, walked to the extra 'elevator' door, opened the elevator door, and peeked inside.

It was still a scene I had seen before. One end of the elevator cable fell into the water, and the other end was directly connected to the void.

Li Pan climbed out along the cable, climbed out of the elevator shaft, and found that he had entered an open field. It looked like some kind of museum, a glass greenhouse, but he saw twinkling star maps and navigation beacons holographically projected above his head. , Li Pan also speculated that this was probably the internal server of the lighthouse.

Outside the Glass Museum, there is a deep void of nothingness, like a dark night sky with deep fog, and nothing can be seen...


Something hit the glass so hard that it trembled and screamed.

Li Pan leaned over and took a look. What was strange was that it was a golden handprint as tall as a person, no, a paw print. The claw only had four fingers, and its structure was very different from that of humans. It looked a bit like the claws of some kind of large lizard, as if There was something like an invisible dinosaur that kicked the house.

What the hell is going on...


Another loud noise came from the top of the head, and another golden paw print struck, causing the ceiling glass to shatter and create spiderweb-like cracks. It probably wouldn't last long.

Li Pan thought for a while, then opened the door and walked out of the glass room into nothingness.

"I don't know which Taoist friend is here. Why don't we come out and meet him? I'll be in Duanke..."


There was a flash of golden light in front of his eyes, and Li Pan opened his eyes suddenly and rubbed his eyes. Only then did he realize that he had been knocked out of his spiritual state! Then I suddenly felt dizzy, tinnitus, and a splitting headache, as if I had been kicked in the head by some beast just now!

This, this was being attacked by the other party using Yuan Shen Technique, which shattered one of his spiritual thoughts! ?

Before Li Pan could recover, the RS7 system reported an error, indicating that the intelligent auxiliary chip had failed and could not be started...

Hiss...fuck you! I have hundreds of millions of prosthetic chips!

Li Pan was furious! I turned against you! Insert again! Chain again!

This time, he turned around. He was no longer a businessman wearing a formal suit with his head and face hidden. He turned directly into the form of a blood baby. He stared like a wraith, crawled out along the cable, and threw himself into the void. Immediately, he sensed that the other party had broken through his spiritual thoughts, and the blood mark that was branded on him caused a streak of blood to escape and he rushed towards him! Chase straight in the direction where the claws kicked you just now!

In just a moment, Li Pan found the other party's lair!

It was a ladder-shaped pyramid with golden light blooming. There was a huge magic circle under the tower, and there were dozens of strange creatures that looked like upright lizards, singing and dancing around the pyramid.

On the altar at the top of the trapezoidal pyramid, there is a huge egg that is as tall as a person. The egg flashes and flickers with the rhythm of the lizard man's dance, like the beat of the heart, and the bright and dim light reflects the egg. Inside the sac is some kind of unformed embryo.

What the hell is this? ? ?

But when he saw that the claws of these upright lizards all had four toes, they clearly looked like golden claw marks, Li Pan knew that he had found the right one, so he roared and raised his hand to grab it.

"CNM! Who kicked me just now!"

The singing and dancing sounds disappeared instantly, and the lizard people suddenly stopped dancing and turned their heads together, as if they were awakening from a dream. But before they could react, a vertical pupil reflected the ferocious eyes of the bleeding baby and a scarlet bloody hand. The lizard man didn't have time to react, and the invisible blood palm grabbed his heart, pinched his lungs, and held his head. , the twisted skull is deformed, the skin and flesh are torn, or the mouth is open, screaming silently, or staring and tongue, the head is bulging, and then after a short period of silence, it is squeezed and exploded, and the brain and eyeballs are like fireworks. The same thing sputtered and scattered all over the ground.

Li Pan didn't expect that the whole audience would be stunned in seconds, then wiped his hands and said,

"Uh, I'm sorry. I've recently achieved great success in my magic skills, but I couldn't control my strength..."

The egg sac on the altar immediately bloomed like the sun, shining a dazzling brilliance! It transformed into a giant snake with two wings on its back and gorgeous feathers all over its body! Open your mouth and bite the blood baby!

The blood baby also sneered, and with a flash of blood light, the soul turned into a scarlet blood dragon, biting and fighting with the feathered snake in the realm of spiritual consciousness!

Although Li Pan doesn't often use Yuanshen's method to fight against enemies, three punches and two kicks are enough to defeat his opponents, and after all, he is also someone who has studied the "Blood Barrel Heavenly Book". Now that the Blood God Son has achieved great skills, he is afraid of... Shit?

And no matter what kind of demon god the feathered serpent is, its body is probably an egg on the altar. It has obviously not grown up. It can be seen with the naked eye that it has fallen behind. It was rolled up and bitten by the blood dragon. The feathers all over the body fell in pieces, and the flesh and blood fell apart. Soon all he could do was beg for mercy and scream in agony.

But Li Pan was not going to let it go. Devouring Gods and Souls was originally a cultivation method of the God Cult. After finally encountering such a good prey of the Demon God, of course he had to have a good meal and replenish it! Although it still tasted tasteless. …

At that moment, the blood dragon strangled the feathered serpent's body like a noose, and strangled the feathered serpent's whole body like a red rope. It was twisted so that its skin and flesh were torn apart, and its flesh and blood collapsed, so that the feathered serpent screamed in pain and rolled around in the sky. The golden color of its body was Blood poured down on the trapezoidal pyramid like a downpour, overflowing from the magic circle along the steps of the pyramid.

At this time, dozens more masked lizardmen rushed into the magic circle. They were shocked when they saw the scene in front of them. They screamed, danced, waved staffs, magic weapons and other things, and started dancing again. Dance without stopping.

Then four big guys who looked like triceratops rushed into the magic circle, roared angrily, dug out their own eyeballs, and rushed up the steps of the trapezoidal pyramid against the rain of blood.

There were three Triceratops and a dozen masked lizardmen, who screamed and died in the middle of the dance and sprint. But in the end, there was still a warrior who rushed to the top of the altar despite the golden rain of blood. He hugged the feathered serpent's egg, turned around and rolled down the pyramid, rushed out of the magic circle covered in blood, stepped into the void and disappeared.

Then, most of the Quetzalcoatl soul, which was devoured by Li Pan, instantly turned into light and dissipated. The masked lizard men screamed in unison, pulled out a knife and cut their own throats.

Then the step pyramid collapsed suddenly, and the entire magic circle dissipated invisible, like a mirage, suddenly disappearing from the void without a trace.

Hiss...what kind of evil tricks are these?

Li Pan was also confused by this kind of performance art, and he searched around the void for a long time. Unfortunately, he couldn't find any door to the elevator entrance, so he had to open his eyes first and return to the lighthouse.

Anyway, I tried another chip this time. Well, the update was successfully completed this time.

It seems that the chip failure and poor communication just now were caused by those lizards...

After downloading the updated star map and taking a look, Li Pan gradually understood.

Those lizards can use evil methods to cause trouble. Of course, it is not just the 3011 lighthouse. All nearby lighthouses have lost contact due to the failure of intelligent assistance and the interruption of navigation systems.

However, the other party only destroyed the smart chip and interrupted the automatic data transmission and update process. However, the equipment of each lighthouse itself was normal, and star maps and astronomical data were still being collected automatically.

Therefore, when a lighthouse came online, the backlog of historical star map data in the entire area was updated to Li Pan's eyes. By comparison, he also discovered that those lizards wanted to hide something.

There is a fleet in the Kepler-452 b star domain whose ownership is unknown and has not been logged in the system.

There are about two to three hundred ships. Except for a few battle-class ships, most of them are cruise-class ships. Judging from the historical data of the star map, after losing contact with the Kepler base, they all jumped from deep space in batches and gathered near the base.

Of course, these ships have now landed on Kepler's surface and are hidden by using the terrain, but the traces left by the jump engines, sublight speed trajectories and gravity changes of the previous era cannot escape the detection and recording of the lighthouse.

...So this is Gao Tianyuan's trump card? A fleet hidden in the spiral arm of Orion? Ah, that’s it? ?

Li Pan was speechless for a while. Although it may be a bit bragging to say this, but there are only 300 ships on the surface of the planet, he can solve it by himself. If Gao Tianyuan thought that with this fleet and a few trick lizards, he could turn the tables on the committee, he would be a bit crazy...

Forget it, report it directly and let others have a headache.

"KAWAWU, the maintenance is complete, and the star map information will be sent back to the lunar surface command..."

"Commander! Found a fast approaching super-light signal!" "Machine! Machine mine..."

Oh, I'm used to it...

After a series of dazzling flashes, the 3011 lighthouse and the KAWAWU-class cruiser of the 452nd Engineering Group were destroyed by hundreds of nuclear warheads projected by jump mines.

But Li Pan was unscathed.

Well, after all, he had been hit by nuclear bombs too many times, and Dunima had developed resistance. As soon as he realized something was wrong, he immediately used the new skill he had just learned, blood silk, to protect his body, and wrapped his whole body into a bloody cocoon. It was really defensive. Withstood the attack of mines and nuclear bombs.

Well, I thought I would have to practice again for this account, but I didn’t expect that this thin layer of cloth can really block the radiation. What a profit.

Li Pan hid his physical body in the blood cocoon, exposed a small slit and used his soul to leave his body. He circled around the lighthouse and the wreckage of the battleship, but found no trace of other battleships.

In the previous star map historical data, no fleet was found to ambush near the lighthouse. It seems that the assassin this time is quite insidious. If Li Pan's guess is correct, the other party may have played a little trick. He launched the mine in advance and hid it in the deep space. He used the directional beacon to wait for automatic navigation, so that he could act as a beacon. The moment the intelligent system came online and the automatic navigation of the communication link was re-established, the mines were activated and launched along the navigation to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces.

Judging from the current situation, Gao Tianyuan may have been the killer this time to hide the traces of Kepler's fleet, but it's hard to say for sure.

After all, Li Pan had provoked so many enemies, and he couldn't even remember how many he had offended. How could they easily let go of this monster manager who repeatedly disrupted the situation and acted unscrupulously?

It doesn't make much difference whether it's a mine or a gamma cannon, interception at an orbital accelerator, an ambush at a lighthouse, or waiting until he gets to Kepler to take action.

Anyway, from the time Li Pan was expelled from the solar system, it was impossible for those people to let him return to Earth alive.

However, Li Pan himself had already expected these things, so he was well prepared and there was really nothing to panic about.

Not to mention that he had already arranged a backup plan and hid two clones of Xue Gui for resurrection. The Blood God Son was not that easy to kill in the first place.

In addition, now that he has developed a new skill, Xue Ling, the nuclear bomb, let alone the second stage, cannot knock out even half of his blood. It is already difficult for him to go offline and practice again.

The only trouble the other party can cause to Li Pan is probably to destroy his ship and temporarily trap him in the universe.

After all, no matter how powerful the Blood God Son is, it would be too difficult for him to jump all the way and fly back to the earth. At least he has to practice to 'Refining the God and Returning to the Void'.

But Li Pan also calculated this.

So Li Pan simply blinked and passed through the 'Corpse Dog' door back to his true body. Send a message to Nana according to the agreed code, asking her to drive on HAYABUSA, sail secretly, and go to the 3011 lighthouse coordinates to save lives.

In this case, the ship is gone and the people are gone. Of course, Kepler has no choice but to go. He has to wait for enough people to be recruited before forming a group to guard the border. Moreover, if Gao Tianyuan is not to kill him, he has to go to Kepler. ? Just operate it for a little bit, just stay in the solar system and chop off a few heads, just treat it as having served.

Hum hum, I am so invincible, so at ease, everything is under control, victory is my destiny...

Jingle Bell


"0791, this is 016001! Someone stole your sword!"


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