I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 288 Owners Meeting

There is such a proverb in this world

War begins at dawn and ends at dawn.

It probably means that when a tactical attack is launched, it is often the Dawn Knights who charge first.

In the entire legion war, it was Dawn's SMS troops that played a decisive role and launched the key blow.

After all, in the distant past, in the era of legion wars, all fleet commands were performed by artificial intelligence prototypes. High-intensity network warfare and electronic warfare almost reduced military monitoring systems to scrap metal, and high-intensity ECM/ECCM confrontation throughout the process , and in harsh battlefield environments where full-band interference is blocked, the cooling time of the capacitor system and transition battery is also calculated in days.

Therefore, the space battleships that mainly used high-energy electronic cannons at that time could not even carry out effective fire suppression outside the visual range. The fleet decisive battle could only be carried out within the visual range, relying on optical binoculars for aiming, just like the fleet bombardment in the age of sail. The turn-based system in which you fire a volley and I fire a volley is like two heavily armored knights repeatedly hedging each other. Until one side's fleet was completely hanged in the steel and blood millstone.

So in this special battlefield environment, Dawn Knight comes into play.

Dawn SMS is an independent weapon system that abandons the assistance of AI systems and is completely controlled by humans, or genetic coordinators, and drivers. In that era, in the complex electronic warfare environment, automatic navigation equipment such as drones and missiles could not be controlled at all, and the fleet that was forced to carry out optical targeting and bombardment happened to be within the SMS combat radius. In addition, the latest M particles can blind radar and effectively break the shield deflection position.

So, just as aircraft carriers and ship-based mechanisms dominated the oceans back then, the Knights of Dawn also galloped onto the battlefield, carrying nuclear warhead launchers and M particle cannon particle knives on their shoulders. With the cooperation of Pangu's electronic warfare suppression, they attacked the legion's fleets, fortresses, and bases. Launched a ruthless assault and achieved an astonishing battle loss ratio.

It was the era of SMS, and the Dawn Knight was the protagonist on the battlefield. But as the committee won the war, the system monitored everything, drones, missiles, ion cannons, DPW, positron cannons and other super weapons were updated and iterated, SMS also It is inevitable that veterans will gradually wither away.

If someone still wants to launch an SMS fleet raid this year, it is simply because they have money and no place to burn it. I am afraid that the aircraft carrier will be detected by the system as soon as it leaves the port, and the SMS will be annihilated by naval guns and mines before it can be deployed in formation.

Even if SMS can avoid detection, fly to fortresses, space stations, and fleets, and place targets within the range of airborne weapons, then current military ships also have a large number of PTP defense systems, various rail gun swarm missiles, intelligent guided munitions, and sentry weapons. Man-machine. The dense close-range defense barrage can easily tear apart any invading enemy.

SMS is just a mobile weapons delivery platform that only plays a special role at special times and on special battlefields.

This is how the military academy teaches, this is how Li Pan learned, and everyone thinks so...

"Dear viewers, what you are seeing now is the real-time broadcast of the 0791 Stargate Battlefield in the Jupiter universe. Can you see the meteor shower streaking across the sky from the upper left corner of the screen? Yes, that is the mobile suit formation of the Dawn Knight. This This is the sixth wave of attacks today. The Stargate guard fleet, customs office, and local company fleet have been attacked three times before and suffered devastating blows. Dawn's troops are pulling out the defensive forts and positioning anchors near the Stargate. Look. It looks like he really wants to dismantle the Star Gate..."

"This is the Europa airport! We're in the shelter! You can hear the explosions above us! I've lost count of how many times this has been the dawn bombing! All the spaceships have been destroyed! Battleships! Yachts! Shuttles ! It’s all gone! There are two hundred people in our shelter! There are children, old people, and injured people! We need rescue! Please! We need rescue!”

"Hey guys, everyone saw it. The crater over there is the parliament building. Wow, it was completely flattened. I heard it was a metallic hydrogen bomb. Thank you guys for sending me the rocket. Hey, I didn't expect that. I am a travel blogger, and I can actually broadcast a live broadcast from the battlefield in Europa. Please follow, retweet, like, and double-click 666! Your support is really important to me!

Um? What's the sound... Oh, another company's fleet has launched into the sky, probably the remnants hiding in the underground hangar... Dawn! Dawn's attack formation is coming! Come on! Shot down! Oh my god, I fell here! "

Due to Dawn's sudden attack, the lunar city of Jinghai implemented traffic control, blocked the airport, interrupted automatic navigation, and the spacecraft was unable to take off. Li Pan had no choice but to lie in the Paradise Group hotel and watch videos.

After refreshing, hundreds of videos will pop up, including news observation, battlefield live broadcast, calling for assistance, reporting safety to family members, writing suicide notes in advance, and using PS to fake it to gain popularity...

In short, almost six hours have passed from the beginning of the war to the present, and Europa’s communications have not been interrupted until now, so that now the entire universe can see Dawn’s SMS, carrying out a surgical tactical strike on 0791 Europa. Live action.

In fact, there is nothing much to say. The plan at the previous security meeting was obvious. Jupiter was originally assigned to Dawn to defend. As a result, as soon as the main fleet of Europa was sent to Mars, the troops responsible for the defense of Jupiter rebelled. Is that okay?

The Stargate Fleet and Europa Customs thought that the other party was here to switch defenses, so they were caught off guard when they were attacked by SMS in the face. Even the permissions of most of the self-defense armed systems are open to the other party, and it is impossible to organize effective resistance and defense. The headquarters was directly raided and disarmed by the Sons of Dorne. Most of the fleet, turrets and drones were destroyed without firing a single shot. be destroyed.

Now the Dawn Knight is in an uninhabited land, hitting the target with tons of guided bombs. These are not even mine nuclear warheads, they are just metal nitrogen and metal hydrogen bombs used by miners. They do not have any high-tech penetration guidance system. Just aiming at the target and firing them can cause tons of output, destroying all kinds of things on Europa. The infrastructure was completely destroyed.

Yes, fleets, forts, stargates, company bases, space stations, orbital factories, airports, accelerators...

The Knights of Dawn are sleeping immortally, carrying out sabotage missions in an orderly manner, erasing all valuable targets on the radar, simultaneously launching attacks on the two strategic targets of Stargate and Europa, destroying military fleets and space stations, and attacking nearby orbital factories. and production bases did not hesitate to destroy them, with a general strategy of completely destroying Europa's war potential.

Well, it's hard to say whether Dawn is wise or crazy.

You think these people have brains, they actually followed Gao Tianyuan in the rebellion. But you said they were going crazy, and the other party seemed to know very clearly that they could not defend Jupiter even with just a sneak attack, and simply destroyed all the factories and facilities that could not be taken away.

But no matter what the opponent's plan is, Europa, a base camp that has been in operation for many years, was bombed at the beginning. The battle between the Cosmosmen is simply a bad start. Without foreign aid, it is really impossible to win.

But why didn’t Liming cut off the cord? Can't the other party cut off communication with SIDE and the outer solar system?

The raid on Jupiter was not covered up at all. Is this because they were afraid that the universe would not know that they had betrayed the committee?

And after all, why would Dawn betray the committee?

What benefits did Gao Tianyuan offer to pull them into the chariot?

But no matter how great the benefits are, no sane person would stand on the side of a doomed loser, right?

...Speaking of which, the side destined to fail should indeed be Takamagahara's side...

"Eighteen, what's the news now? How will the committee decide to fight back? You won't let Dawn dismantle the Star Gate, right?"

Moreover, it is useless to dismantle one of them. According to the theory of wormhole star gate, as long as there is any star gate in the heavens and has the coordinates of the plane key, the committee's fleet can jump over like a magic weapon descended from the sky.

Even if you use the fleet to open a stealth induction position in the 079 plane next door, you can still pull the fleet over. It is nothing more than directional star gates in two planes with corresponding targets. The cross-universe wormhole is more stable and the fleet delivered in a single time is larger. Even the Titan fleet can be delivered directly.

Of course, if Dawn really dismantles the Star Gate, it will indeed delay the arrival of the Commission's reinforcements. However, compared to the possible delay effect in military engineering, the discussion on the issue of "who will reimburse the cost of rebuilding the Star Gate" is probably a waste. There will be more time...

"I'm afraid it is, boss. Now Terra is still complaining about the lack of supplies, and the fleet in the valley is also scattered in the asteroid belt and has not been assembled.

The fleet in the Earth-Moon Universe must be on guard against Gao Tianyuan. The only one with the strength to support Europa is the Mars Fleet led by OFEC.

However, OFEC also claimed that they were screening the Mars Citizen Fleet to detect potential extremists and did not have time to take action for the time being.

So now the ships in the Jupiter space are running around, for fear of being destroyed by Dawn. "

Li Pan strongly condemned,

"What happened to these corporate dogs! When they are making money and evading taxes, they are more active than the other! Now they have to contribute to the committee! One by one, they are pushing back and forth! They are no longer legal citizens! Do they still have any sense of citizenship! Shameful! Shameful!"

18. "Boss, MCCC has issued an official letter to requisition your 'Cormorant' and 'Sky Boat'."

Li Pan, "Nani! Seeking death! Who dares to touch my boat! What the hell is MCCC!"

So Shiba posted the encyclopedia in Li Pan's face again.

MCCC, the Lunar City Business Committee, was formerly the Lunar Business Alliance during the Legion period. It is probably the kind of business alliance that secretly works together with various major forces on the earth to coordinate the import and export tariffs of the Lunar City. It is a non-governmental organization such as the owners' conference. .

Later, with the era of great development of the universe, the interstellar trade center gradually moved to Europa, and the Star City Alliance under the jurisdiction of the committee was formally established. The owners committee of this moon also gradually evolved into simply registering companies and representing local companies. The Chamber of Commerce is an organization that coordinates tax rates with the tax bureau. Since these local members are basically members of the Lunar City, the MCCC has also been directly integrated into the management system of the Star City Council SUCC.

But what is the current situation? Due to well-known reasons, Europa, as the core of the Space Star City Alliance, is no longer able to perform its functions. Parliamentary elections will be held in the short term. The SUCC is declared to exist in name only. Each space city can only fight on its own and seek its own blessings. .

And even if the cosmic people despise the locals like Gao Tianyuan, the Dawn Society is still a famous giant in the world, and it is really frightening that an existence of this magnitude actually jumps back.

At the security meeting coordinated by the Security Bureau not long ago, it was proposed that companies and citizen organizations on the moon should be allowed to defend themselves.

Therefore, the councilors of the Lunar Colonial City also took advantage of this proposal to urgently connect with each other. Using the MCCC as the framework, a grassroots team was established to quickly pass various laws and regulations, jointly sign a militia self-defense agreement, and force the lunar citizens to Take out your weapons and form a lunar defense fleet to assist in lunar defense.

But don’t mention it, because the MCCC is originally composed of the monthly enterprise, and the congress that negotiates tax rates is originally a standing committee, there is no need for elections, and because the registration files of all the monthly business entities and company assets are retained internally, it can Recruitment letters were directly sent to various forces on the lunar surface, and civilian armed forces were assembled to form a lunar citizen fleet.

In addition, MCCC is usually responsible for coordinating with the tax bureau on "tax refunds", "tax rebates", "tax reductions" and "subsidies". It has its own public fund account, and can also directly provide emergency economic or policy measures to companies whose fleets have been expropriated. compensate. So very quickly, a huge lunar fleet with a paper strength of 3,500 ships was recruited and assembled.

And the most exaggerated thing is that among these 3,500 ships, there are probably nearly 3,000 cruisers!

Well, in terms of the private market, cruisers are indeed the most numerous. After all, lower-level ships are more functional, and their engines and long-distance performance are too low.

For higher-end warships, their maintenance costs, tax rates, legal constraints, and restrictions on the use of military weapons are all significantly higher.

Therefore, the cruise-class warships are the most widely used and have the largest market sales. This type of warship has also become the first choice of civilian armed forces.

Originally, Li Pan didn't want to hand over his 'Cormorant' and 'Sky Boat' to the MCCC, but people said that the only mission of this fleet is to defend the lunar city and will never be sent out to fight any corporate decisive battles. . And as long as a citizen supports the armed fleet, he can get a tax refund for consumption during the moon period... half of it. So Li Pan agreed.

After all, wasn't he spending money in paradise just now? He returned a small 500 million yuan and made a profit...

Ahem, in short, Panlong was originally short of manpower. He was either following Nana and the HAYABUSA to rescue blood maggots, or he was following Chengzi to handle the black oil trade. The two empty ships were idle at the port, so Li Pan agreed. Fulfilling a citizen's duty, he handed over weapons authority and obeyed the MCCC's command.

"But there are so many ships on the moon..."

Li Pan was a little surprised when he looked at the fleets that were gathering in the orbit of Jinghai with flashes of light. What kind of owners' committee is this? It's okay to summon three to four thousand warships with just a call, and these are not empty ships. They are all warships owned by private security companies and PMCs. They have crew equipment and supplies and can be directly pulled out for combat.

Eighteen estimated,

"The moon is the main source of troops for the Citizen Space Fleet. Apart from Europa, the lunar colonial city has the largest population, and there are so many SIDE colonies in the Earth-Moon system. There must be millions of people. The people who live here are basically Either the Spaceman Corporate Dog or the Skyman Conglomerate are all official citizens.

A fully equipped cruiser only costs over a billion, and the size of 10,000 ships should still be enough. What's more, there are OP factories in lunar cities and in orbit. As long as someone is willing to dig into their pockets and start increasing production at full capacity, it should be possible to produce another 10,000 ships within a month.

Oh, by the way, boss, MCCC sent lunar green cards to citizens who provided battleships. You can also buy a house here. "

Li Pan, "...can you give me some reliable investment advice? Is now the time to buy a house?"


"Believe me, boss, the time for bargain hunting is coming... Oh, MCCC has held a Lunar Citizens' Meeting, boss, do you want to attend?

They seem to be planning to vote on whether to send their fleet to the final battle with Dawn. "

Li Pan, "Wow! I must participate! I must vote against it!"

Li Pan quickly accessed the online citizens' meeting room through Heaven's private link.

The MCCC representatives were arguing fiercely. In response to the current situation, they proposed four plans for the urgently assembled lunar citizen fleet.

Needless to say, the first plan is to strictly guard the moon and use the fleet to guard the moon, waiting for the order of the safety committee.

The second plan is also very clear, which is to gather all the strength to urgently assist the Star Gate.

Before Dawn completely destroys Star Gate 0791, jump over and join the battle.

As long as other local company fleets or the support fleet on the other side of the Stargate arrive, defeat Dawn and ensure the Stargate's retreat, the war will be won.

Of course, I guess no one agrees, so after all, we haven’t decided who will be reimbursed, right...

The third plan is relatively extreme, which is to gather troops and go to the earth.

The proposer is probably a staff officer of a certain space army. What he means is roughly that before the fleet in Takamagahara's hands has been assembled, together with the troops currently guarding LEOPORT and the elite IRAF in orbit, they can launch an attack on Takamagahara's Kansai home base. Launch airborne operations and behead people in surprise attacks.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first, quickly ending this chaos.

It sounds quite reasonable, and it might actually work, but no one would be willing to fight this kind of near-death battle on their own.

The fourth plan is a bit fanciful. The fleet will neither go to Jupiter nor the Earth, but to SIDE2...

Well, the SIDE2 satellite cluster located at the Lagrange point L2 on the back of the moon is the closest space star city, production and scientific research base to the moon.

Although communication with SIDE2 was cut off, the crew that escaped from SIDE2 to the moon claimed that SIDE2 seemed to be being attacked by an unknown fleet.

Therefore, this hostile rebel fleet is also the enemy currently closest to the moon.

Therefore, some people worry that no matter whether the fleet is sent to the Earth or Jupiter, once the protection of the fleet is lost, the moon may be attacked by this hostile fleet within easy reach at any time.

And if we just stick to the moon, what if the opponent really captures SIDE 2, gets a firm foothold, and starts to increase production capacity and force troops?

What if the other party were simply terrorists, and they rushed over and threw mines and nuclear bombs on the moon, who could stop them?

Moreover, SIDE2 is the main trading partner of the lunar city, and the MCCC committee members also have a large number of assets there...

So don't worry about so much. While you have the ship in hand, go rescue SIDE2 first and annihilate the nearest hostile fleet.

In addition, this plan does not require too much force. According to the intelligence fed back by the refugees who escaped from SIDE 2, the opponent only has one fleet, about seventy or eighty ships.

With such a small amount of troops, it would be enough to send four or five full cruisers to deal with it.

The MCCC also specially held a citizens' meeting to vote collectively, and I can tell their attitude with my feet.

If you want to ask everyone's opinion, no one is willing to throw away their own ship and fight a decisive battle with Li Ming and Gao Tianyuan.

The rise and fall of the company has nothing to do with me. Suppressing rebellion is none of my business.

So in the final analysis, it is a choice, whether to defend the moon or to expel the SIDE2 rebels.

Of course, Li Pan voted to protect the moon. Unfortunately, it seems that there are still many people with assets in SIDE2. In the end, Plan 4 won with a slight advantage.

Of course, some people may think that between 3,000 and 80, I have the advantage.

In short, after passing the referendum resolution, the MCCC committee immediately took action to recruit space army commanders, security guards and mercenaries on the spot. Temporarily set up four cruise fleets, with about 450 ships, to form four full fleets and go to SIDE 2 to provide support.

Don't tell me, after all, the moon is where the Space Force is stationed. There are quite a lot of high-ranking officers, and the four fleet formations are also quite professional.

A heavy assault cruise formation rides on the front and rushes into SIDE 2. It is responsible for searching for the enemy and biting the rebel fleet to prevent the opponent from jumping away and escaping.

The remaining three fleets also have electronic interference, long-range firepower, and logistical supplies. When the heavy assault cavalry faces, they will encircle and suppress them from three sides, launch machine mines, projectile cannons, and plasma cannons to form a multi-layered, multi-distance, and multi-attribute mixed firepower network, and must completely annihilate the enemy.

And I don’t know which little clever guy suggested that MCCC also conduct a full live broadcast.

At the same time, we conduct media publicity to show the will and determination of 0791 citizens to wipe out the rebels and defend their homeland.

At the same time, they also carried out advertising and promotion to attract the attention of viewers from all over the world and rewarded them, and said that all consumption in the live broadcast room can contribute to the Citizen Fleet.

And they also invented various ways to play. You can place bets on how many fleets will be shot down and killed, bet on winning or losing, and guess which ship will make it to the end...

Idle time is also idle, Li Pan is also wearing a Mewtwo helmet, ready to watch the live broadcast.

But as soon as the fleet set off and jumped away, Shiba pulled Li Pan out of the live broadcast room.

"Boss! It's a big deal!"

Li Pan, "...just say it, if I say shit, I lose."

"Boss, you didn't ask me to investigate SIDE4, I found it."

Shiba posted photos taken by spy satellites. The resolution is quite blurry and they look like rows of cylinders...

"Yes, there are eight O'Neill cylinders in SIDE4. They are moving at an accelerated speed. It seems that someone started the engine and pushed the space station out of the SIDE4 orbit."

Li Pan frowned, "Push it out? Rob the colonial satellite?"

Eighteen draw the estimated moving orbit,

"It seems that they want to use the space station as a torpedo to hit the earth. The collision is expected to be less than forty-eight hours, and the landing point is the Western Hemisphere.

The urban areas in North and South America that refuse to surrender to Takamagahara will probably be wiped out in an instant. A conservative estimate is that the number of casualties on earth in the first year after the disaster will exceed 3 billion. "

Li Pan took a breath of air,

"Hiss... awesome...

No, what kind of stupid behavior is this? Isn't Gao Tianyuan himself on earth? ? Are they so confident that the remains of those cylinders will only fall into the Western Hemisphere? ?

And do they think this act of suicide has any meaning? There are so many earths that the committee has solemnized. Will it care about the billions of people? ? ? "

I calculated eighteen,

"No, it still makes sense. Such a large-scale energy release will completely destroy the ecology of Earth 0791 and cause a catastrophe of species extinction level.

As a result, the world has completely lost its economic potential for continued investment and development. "

Li Pan was stunned.

Eighteen said slowly,

"Destroy the star gate, destroy the earth, and turn 0791 into a ruin with nothing.

In this world, there is no value worthy of Zhutian Company’s cross-border investment. "

Li Pan, "...I'm relieved."

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