I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 308 Deals and handles

Li Pan was lying on the big velvet bed in the elder's apartment, looking through the list of Ye's fleet sent by Yulia, and calculating the size of the reinforcements dispatched by the Secret Party Grand Council and the Supreme Privy Council this time.

The Julius family's three guard legions and the Pompius family's six border guard legions, a total of nine legions and ninety fleets, including super flagships, five Titans and four large ships, and nine Dreadnought-class flagships. Ten battleships, 18,000 battleships, more than 27,000 battleships with various supporting and auxiliary logistics functions including cruise ships, and countless bionic drones carrying ammunition and ammunition.

Among them, the Guards Corps is naturally the stronger central army. Not only is the Titan Dreadnought fully equipped, eight of the ten brigades are the main battle fleet, with about 3,200 battleships.

The border guard legions belong to the vampire clans from other planes, and their configuration is of course a little worse than that of the Guards legion. Each legion has about five battle formations, and the capital ships are between 1,500 and 2,000.

Taking into account the ship equipment, service time and training level, roughly converted into combat effectiveness, the construction cost of such a border guard regiment is about 25 trillion, and a guard regiment has a base price of 50 trillion.

At a rough glance, a 300 billion-sized army, plus the local border guarding corps of three princely families, is considered enough to take seriously. After all, with just these few legions, once activated, the military expenditures for spices alone would be exhausted.

Someone said, huh? Is Cricket Ye's clan so strong?

Well...it's actually not that powerful. At least Li Pan found out that these warship models are not very new. Although they are much better than ordinary assembly line products, they are indeed products from the last century and have no black technology.

Moreover, the Guards Corps pays more attention to the appearance of the battleship skin than the cost-effectiveness. The style is unified, luxurious and gorgeous. They all have a uniform black background inlaid with gold parliamentary patterns and family emblems. At first glance, they look like a guard of honor. How much combat power does it have? It's hard to say.

The border guard corps were probably urgently transferred from various planes. Some battleships are hundreds of years old and are still in service. It is indeed suspected that they are taking advantage of the opportunity to make up for the loss. But after all, there are so many ships, and there are piles of alloys piled here, and they will kill you if they come over.

So, Ye Shi is really a second-rate company...

Alas, forget it, it’s not sour anymore. In short, there is no comparison between people.

These days, no matter how hard you work and how hard you work, even if you climb all the way, win all the way, win to the end, and even save the world many times and become famous throughout the world, you can at most achieve a balance of liquidity and a slight surplus. , Qiang Qiang stepped into the trillion club.

And when some people go home and cry and make noise, their father and husband can give her 300 billion to play with.

This is no longer the difference between the starting line and the finish line, this whole competition is organized by someone else! You just signed up to compete!

Uh-huh! Fighting power! The fighting power is not enough! !

For a moment, Li Pan was so angry that he pulled Yulia over for another fight. A storm of education with a big stick hit his lungs, and the depression in his heart was slightly relieved.

Well, in short, after fulfilling his promise and clearing up their grudges, Li Pan and Yulia reached an agreement to help each other and form an alliance.

It's impossible to beat her to death, right? Li Pan is on the verge of bankruptcy, how can he give her three hundred billion...

However, this legion is still on standby on the other side of the 0791 Star Gate.

Although Ye's fleet also has covert operations troops that can turn on the jump channel generator at any time, or induce a position to lead the main force of the fleet to jump over, but for various reasons, this army is still squatting behind the door without taking any action.

Of these various reasons, Yulia wanted to take the opportunity to rise to power, and this was probably the most inconspicuous one among them.

First of all, of course, we have to look at the strength of the legion, what capabilities it has, what equipment it has, and how to make a targeted change of equipment before starting the fight.

The most important thing is probably because the QVN network link has not been fully restored yet.

Li Pan looked at the fleet list and found that Ye's fleet carried a lot of drones. Not counting spiders, there were at least hundreds of thousands of space war drones.

The Ye family's Guards Corps is completely under the control of the intelligent central auxiliary system. It is fully UI operated. Without the full support of QVN, its combat effectiveness will of course be affected.

With so many ships and so much equipment, it is naturally impossible to switch them all directly to the Paradise Network like Li Pan did.

So Ye's family is really insidious. Tell me, I have fulfilled my responsibilities as a property company. Forty-five thousand ships were sent to fight against the army. It's interesting.

But the result was that a group of people squatted at the door, clearly intending to use the natives as cannon fodder, thwarting the first wave of the legion's offensive and destroying their morale, and then entered the field to collect people.

Despicable, despicable...

The more Li Pan thought about it, the angrier he became. He took Yulia out of the coffin and taught her a lesson. After breathing a sigh of relief, she called the hotel float truck to go to the company to clock in for work.

Well, even though the seas and rocks are smashed and the stars are exploding, you still have to go to work when you have to...

Not to mention that these cleaners are quite capable. As long as the building doesn't interrupt you, they can reset it for you.

When he entered the door, the entire company had been tidied up by the cleaners, and the paper boxes were filled to the brim. Li Pan also quickly returned the report and sent a fax, three in a row, and made some settlements.

Urgent mission, guard company mission completed.

Collect monsters, and get a piece of 'The Wasted Princess Hizen Sword'.

Kill the Apostle, Kragon the Shining.

The task is completed and three silver keys are rewarded.

Well, even though Li Pan also spent a lot of money and put in a lot of effort on the Orange Juice New God Arrival incident.

But in the end, he didn't report the matter of the ceremony. He only said that he sent Kotaro Shiki and mercenaries to solve the problem, but it seemed to fail in the end.

After all, in the final analysis, it was true that the last big maggot was not driven out by him. Instead, it was Ashiya Shiki, a temporary worker in the company, who died under his knife.

If those things were written down, not only Zhirou, but brother Duan's affairs could not be explained, and the transactions between Li Pan himself and Akagi Gendo were also not clean, so they were concealed.

Oh, in addition, in view of the completion of the difficult emergency task, Li Pan's company medical insurance subsidy was upgraded to the 'Worry-Free Lifetime' Package B.

Although the main body was lost in this emergency mission, the company also provided a free reset of the main body, so the 50% off coupon for the prosthetic body will no longer be reissued.

However, according to the judgment of the company's human resources department, Li Pan was the only official employee of Branch 0791 who was backed up and revived by the company. So the temporary workers who died in this mission were really dead.

Well, this time even 038, the clone of Maiko Shiranui, seems to be unable to respond to the filing cabinet because she merged with Ah Qi at the end, put on Ah Qi's formal clothes, turned into a Death Apostle, and guarded the company's 'emergency exit'. summoned, it can be considered that the soul has finally returned to reincarnation.

Now that it was a "mess", Li Pan didn't have a particularly good way to deal with it, so he stayed at the emergency exit.

So in the end, the filing cabinet was put back and the landline could still be contacted. The only surviving temporary workers were 0791034 and 0791036.

Well, Ayato Yamazaki, who participated in orbital defense operations on behalf of TheM in LEOPORT, and Kotaro the Demon Seal.

Kotaro seems to have been drained of all his energy in the barrier. He passed out in the farm area for a day and a night. It seems that his memory was modified by illusion. His last memory was when he was on a business trip in Kansai. He can't remember anything that happened. , I thought my plane was bombed down by a missile.

Madhu, you are such a fool and a fool... But this kid is just a dishonest person, but no matter what, he can survive every time, which is also a skill...

Therefore, temporary workers are really consumables. I don’t know if Kotaro can survive the three-year period and become a full-time employee.

Finally, I have a silver key. Anyway, I will use one of the silver keys to change into formal company attire to avoid the trouble of being mistaken for a crazy guy. I'll keep the remaining two keys as backup, just in case I need to go in and out again.

After settling the trivial matters here, a car was sent to pick up Kotaro. Li Pan also began to write a small composition, reporting to the head office the matter of re-alliance with the Ye family and the proposal to restart the Holy Grail contract.

Of course, with the passage of time and the Holy Grail bidding reaching its current level, it is impossible to execute the original two contracts of "Holy Grail Rental" and "Holy Grail Repurchase" exactly as they were. So last night, after a fierce confrontation between Li Pan and Yulia , verbal exchanges, and finally the two sides reached a new agreement.

According to the latest Holy Grail bidding agreement, the "Bidding Contract" on the table, Monster Company invested 50 trillion to compensate Ye Shi and obtain the ownership of 0791 Holy Grail. 0791 Holy Grail will be jointly kept by Monster Company and the Julius family. 0791 Prince Ye will have supervision and priority rights of use.

At the same time, Monster Company established a strategic partnership with the Ye Group and the Julius Family. Another 50 trillion was made in political donations, and publicly supported the elder of the Julius family, the Countess of Transylvania, Yulia's candidacy for the consulship of 0791.

In private, Yulia returned two points of commission from political donations and one trillion to Li Pan. If the company agrees to the "Holy Grail Bidding Agreement", according to the company's rules, a commission of two thousandths or one hundred billion of the bonus will be given to the general manager.

This way of occupying Yanhe and the bidding war for the Holy Grail is over.

What do other companies think? It's none of his business what other companies think, he just keeps his opinions to himself!

Compared with the first contract, Li Pan did make much less from this agreement, but a contract that could not be negotiated at all had no practical significance. But this time the contract has a high probability of success.

As for Monster Corporation, there is no problem in theory.

After all, the company did suffer too many losses in 0791. The fleet was wiped out, all the bases were wiped out, all employees on business trips were wiped out, and almost all temporary workers were wiped out. Only Commander Li Pan was left. He could finish the bidding with 50 trillion and declare victory. Not bad.

And Yulia is indeed a bit picky, she is very liberal when it comes to playing, and she is not happy at all when it comes to money. She is really a miser inherited from her family. But she also had something to say.

She could rely on her connections to win the support of the two top giants of the Ye Group, but she couldn't just cry and make a fuss.

I want to succeed myself as a prince, I want to be elected as a consul, and I want to make a final decision on the outrageous Holy Grail bidding agreement of 50 trillion yuan. Of this political donation, at least 40 trillion must be given to the family, the prince, the elders, and the army commanders in exchange for benefits.

She has to keep the remaining ten trillion to win people's hearts in 0791. Although the one trillion returned to Li Pan is a little less, as long as she is made the female prince, the entire Ye Group will be strong enough for Li Pan to take whatever he wants from now on. Backing up, smuggling and other things started casually.

So after a Holy Grail bidding war ended, Li Pan turned around and got 1100 billion...

That's okay, after all, the reason for starting the Holy Grail was to get a trillion yuan to settle down. I've already made enough.

If we continue to fight like this, this Holy Grail will really become a negative equity!

What if the legion keeps sending various apostles of Captain Cao and Master Chief to grab the Holy Grail! Doesn’t that mean he has to spend hundreds of billions or trillions of his own money to fight against the line? Hey, hurry up and bring Ye Shi in, otherwise you won’t even have a sponsor dad to reimburse you!

And in the final analysis, this awesomeness was boasted by Li Pan himself, "TheM's offer for the Holy Grail to Ye's family is 50 trillion! It won't be a penny more!" You can't slap yourself in the face, right? If there is a step, go down it quickly.

In short, Li Pan submitted the proposal, and the head office also said that it would be discussed in the near future, but he didn't object based on what he meant.

After all, the Holy Grail bidding itself is just a small test of the general manager's ability. Where can I find a treasure trove of employees like Li Pan who are as good as Li Pan and willing to spend their own money to work for the company? Cherish it when you get it, otherwise you will lose it soon!

In short, that's pretty much it for things on Earth. The main battlefield is still in the universe, or to be more precise, the Legion's advance fleet has crossed the orbit of Saturn and started exchanging main guns with the OFEC fleet on Mars.

Well, Li Pan is making money, troubles, and elders, and continues to go to work, but at the same time, the fleets of the legion and OFEC have begun to exchange fire.

However, due to communication interference, only certain paid channels can watch it. Li Pan also gritted his teeth and opened a premium membership worth 1,000 yuan a month before he could see with his own eyes the true appearance of the legion's giant battleship projected by the optical radar.

Well... let's put it this way, to put it nicely, it's like a cucumber. To put it harshly, it’s just one line at a time…that’s it…

Well, the shape of the battleships on the committee's side is actually just like that, with iron coffins in each mouth. The legion battleships are a little rounder, not rectangular, but elliptical strips.

Well, after all, everyone is a military product mass-produced on the assembly line. You can use it as soon as you open it. The skin and feet are all decorations, so you have to pay extra!

As a result, the appearance of these giant ships became like cucumber sticks, and the bows were thick, and streams of white, no, yellow, no, high-energy beams of neutrons and electrons were sprayed from the tip.

It might be a directional neutron weapon such as DPW. After all, many weapons have been theoretically prototyped in the Legion era. It is not surprising to see the technology tree, and it seems that there are auxiliary weapons of various sizes and calibers placed around the ship. Cannon, maybe it's the PTP defense system.

As far as the power of the main gun is concerned, it is a quite satisfactory battle-level weapon. So far, there has not been any particularly outrageous black technology product.

The fleet tactics used by the legion are also very strange. They arrange the army into a spherical formation and can fire in all directions, but the fleet still moves straight in the direction of Mars without changing its trajectory. It seems that the opponent does not have jump engine technology. They all have sublight ion engines, which has a disadvantage in mobility.

However, the opponent's warship is indeed ridiculously large, probably for cross-constellation navigation. The reactor output is very powerful, the naval gun energy level is very high, and the protective shield is also very strong. Therefore, although OFEC has already launched a nano-deflection stance in the entire Martian atmosphere in advance, and The battleships that were too late to be completed were arranged in the ground dock fortifications to serve as forts.

However, the air defense system of Mars Fortress 0791 was forcibly dismantled when it surrendered twenty years ago. The number of fortress guns was insufficient. Under the long-range firepower of more than 18,000 warships, it was still at a clear disadvantage. , and due to Takamagahara's cooperation, the fixed coordinate information of each military factory and fortress was leaked, so it suffered a heavy direct blow. The number of battle losses continued to rise. OFEC's potato farms also suffered collateral damage and devastating blows. The potatoes were turned into baked potatoes...

OFEC is of course also counterattacking, and the mobile fleet has also started the classic turn-based mode of the company fleet, firing a salvo and then jumping away to change places, but this tactic is indeed not very successful.

In addition to the impact of QVN communication and intelligent assistance being offline, the salvo hit rate dropped and the formation jump formation was scattered. The legion also had allies who were familiar with the company's tactics to assist. The special team would chase after the fleet and open the bubble. It can interfere with the jump of the OFEC fleet, and it seems to be able to provide electronic support to the legion, fire salvos to report points, and prioritize important targets such as pilot flagship logistics.

Obviously, at least the legion had made sufficient tactical preparations, so after the first hour of testing, OFEC's 5,000 ships had been reduced by one-fifth, and most of the formations were captured by Gao Tianyuan and the SDOA team. They were divided and surrounded, and were called out one by one by the main force of the legion. After all, the gap between tonnage and gun positions was here, and it was only a matter of time before the group was wiped out.

Well...it seems like the firepower displayed by the Legion is a bit stretched...

One word is dish, two words are lagao, three words are pure rubbish, and four words are not worth mentioning.

Let’s put it this way, if these eighteen thousand ships are all TSC Tianhan’s latest battleships, and also have battlefield intelligent auxiliary command supported by QVN communications, the first salvo that landed in Pluto’s orbit a few hours ago, the entire OFEC fleet It was wiped out and wiped out.

Therefore, although 5,000 ships were sent away in one go, OFEC never gave the warships permission to withdraw. There were no ambush soldiers coming to join the battle to rescue or surround them.

Because OFEC is apparently also testing, and even the entire committee is watching.

These ships are given to you as targets. How long will it take for your army to clear them? After so many years, how far has Legion's technology advanced and how much output can it produce?

And at least the current conclusion seems to be the same as Li Pan's evaluation.

The Cricket Army is nothing more than that.

But it's hard to say, it's too early to draw a conclusion like this. After all, maybe the legion is also hiding cards? If you insist on being the first to hit 2, it's enough. Wouldn't it be silly to blow up the big and small kings immediately?

And judging from the individual combat performance of the sergeant and those insects, the legion of humans may have taken a completely different development path, so it still depends on how they perform in occupying the ground of Mars.

After all, it is certainly impossible for the Legion to sweep the surface of Mars to the ground and then leave. They have a large number of people and come from afar. They rushed to Mars for the first battle, not just for the farms, warehouses and military factories of Mars.

So don't worry, the Legion will definitely implement ground occupation and turn Mars into the front-line base of the Legion's advance team.

As for the Silver Spike MM squatting in the Mars bunker, and the reservists who are training, there are tens of thousands of people in total. Even if there are tens of thousands of pigs, it will take how many days to slaughter them, right?

Then let's continue testing. Once all the legion's capabilities are tested, it won't be too late for the committee to take action.

If these guys in the legion are really weak, Ye Shi himself can completely deal with them, so there is no need to jump over all the main members of the committee. Is it free to set off the fleet?

"Jingle Bell"

Just as I was enjoying watching the live broadcast of the Space War, the landline phone rang again.


"Manager Li, our director is missing, have you counted?"

"Oh, Uncle Chen, you mean Director Akagi? I don't know. I've been busy saving the world these two days and I haven't seen him."

Li Pan crossed his legs and took a sip of coffee.

"But just between the two of us, we may never see him again."

Uncle Chen was silent for a while,

"The Seventh Bureau found out that you had a deal with Maeda Heavy Industries, and we are now negotiating with the Fourth Bureau to handle your case as a legion espionage crime."

Li Pan just laughed,

"Section 7? Economic Crime Investigation Division? What the hell am I doing? Are you staring at me and investigating?"

0791 Is there a second person like me who is stupid and pays taxes according to the law? Chanima…”

Uncle Chen said slowly,

"Then Erin Regan, do you recognize it? Well, you should recognize it. Here is a video of you racing and entering and exiting the XX Club. Oh, there is also a guy named Jace Regan, do you recognize him?"

Li Pan frowned and put down Erlang's legs.

"What are you doing?"

Uncle Chen,

"It's not that I want to do anything, but it seems that they are detaining these two people privately and want to pin the NCPA nuclear bomb attack case, the Reagan family extermination case, and the theft of data from the Mikoshi system on you.

Oh, do you know that there is also Wei Kelman? Her former name was Valerie Hannah Wallenstein, and she is now an employee of your company.

Jess Regan took the initiative to confess, saying that she was the bodyguard of the Kelman family and a spy of the Legion. She participated in the assassination of Madeleine Kelman and was wanted by the red names in the world.

You offended Kelman. This is quite troublesome. Is this your girlfriend again? "


Li Pan took a deep breath,

"Who is messing with me in the special code?"

Uncle Chen,

"So are you sure the director will never come back?"

My big grass! Akagi Gendo, you insidious and despicable bastard! The ghost is still there!

Li Pan crushed the coffee cup.

"How much leverage does he have on me?"

Uncle Chen,

"Besides these, and the ones that Countess Transylvania gave you last night? Not much.

Others are just trivial matters such as running traffic lights, changing lanes on the road, damaging public property, getting into fights, and not wearing pants in public places. They will not affect your civil rights. "

Li Pan took a deep breath and almost understood.

"Uncle Chen, let's be honest, what do you want? To move up a level? Or should we just talk about money?"

Uncle Chen,

"Wrong, I want to remind you, Xiao Li, don't pick yourself too clean.

It doesn’t matter how much credit you have made, nor does it matter whether your hands are clean or not. The important thing is that as a knife, if it has no handle and cannot be mastered, it is not far from being hidden in the snow.

Only if you let others hold your knife first and find it useful, will the people above you be willing to throw the rope down and lead you to climb up. Do you understand? "

Li Pan was silent for a while, humbly asking for advice.

"Then you say...what should I do?"

Uncle Chen said slowly,

"The deal between you and Maeda Heavy Industries involves too much, and no one in the bureau is really willing to offend the three companies for this trivial matter. As long as you are willing to spend money to deal with it, it will be easier to settle. But what about the Reagan family and Kelman? …

Anyway, let's leave a clue.

Erin or Hannah, which one do you choose? "

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