I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 316 Enhance combat power

Li Pan opened his eyes and saw Yulia lying on his body sucking his face.

"……What are you doing."

Yulia opened her eyes and looked at him for two seconds...and continued to lick.

Seeing the blood on the corners of her tongue and mouth, Li Pan also reacted and pushed her away.

"Damn! I'm bleeding from all seven holes. If you don't call me an ambulance quickly, why don't you just stop licking me!? Damn it!"

Yulia sucked her fingers and smashed her mouth,

"Oh, Qikongliu..."

Then she rolled her eyes, bent over, knelt on the ground and came over,

"Then let me clean your hole again..."

"Wori, get out of here!"

Li Pan threw her back into the coffin, and was so angry that he got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. Sure enough, Mader said vampires and werewolves were related, and all they licked was drool...

"Hey, why are you so stingy? Anyway, the squirt has come out, so don't waste it!"

Yulia came up, rubbed Li Pan's back, twisted her waist like a snake, climbed onto his waist and hung up again,

"Hey, my drink is so hot. Let's take a bath together."

"Ah, get lost, I'm so busy, go and do it by yourself!"

Li Pan was upset, so he pulled her off and threw her into the bathtub. He lifted up her pants, put on her formal clothes and glasses, and prepared to pat her butt and run away.

Yulia stopped chasing her and lay in the bathtub with her legs crossed.

"Hey, to be serious, I asked you to come because there is business."

"Damn, it's been a whole day and you're not talking about something serious? Just let it go."

So the electronic light in Yulia's pupils flashed, and an agreement came. Well, in short, she wanted to ask him to borrow money.

"One hundred billion more?!"

Li Pan even laughed angrily.

"Your family's bank asked me to borrow money? Are you really using me as a leverage? And where the hell am I going to get 100 billion to lend you!"

"Don't you have a relationship with Milestone and the Kelman family?"

Yulia raised her thighs nonchalantly, applied shower gel on her arches, and rubbed her neck to wash away the dirt on her body.

“You want to do something without spending money, let alone fight a war that will burn to no end.

I haven't even warmed up to the consul's seat yet. Many people in the Ye family are watching me, and many things cannot be transferred to the secret party bank account. "

Li Pan also understood,

"Oh, if you want to set up a connection, then I will transfer my electronic business card to you..."

Yulia rolled her eyes,

"Hey, you really don't understand. You thought I was asking you for a business card. I can't find your contact information. What I want to borrow is your relationship.

Miles Peterson has taken a fancy to you. Only if you go there in person will Milestone help you bridge the gap. Do you think anyone can borrow a golden chicken to lay golden eggs?

What's more, if I have a status like this and do business with them, no matter how many people are going to mess with me behind my back, I'm afraid they will take the opportunity to raise the price until there is no bone left!

So I ask you to borrow it, and you ask him to borrow it, these are two different things, but I won’t miss you a cent for the commission fee in the middle, OK? "

Li Pan was still a little hesitant. After all, one hundred billion was too much. This was the size of Zhutian Company. His total assets now totaled only about ten trillion, so he could only be considered a self-employed person. Carrying so much debt, what if Yulia's investment failed and she slapped her butt and ran back to another world? Didn't she trick him into her grandma's house?

Yulia obviously saw his doubts and sent two more new contracts.

"Of course, I know that we were not happy about the deposit issue before, but you were only a temporary worker at that time, and your words don't count. You know what I mean.

Our Holy Grail bid was not completed smoothly this time. We have all been promoted within the system. It is mutually beneficial and win-win. It is a pleasure to cooperate, isn't it?

You now have a prosthetic trading company and earth and moon sales channels. Well, in return, here is the first-level agent license for JYHAD EQUIPMENT jihad equipment, and the designated agent authorization for the export version of the vampire prosthetic body ‘Anarch Rebel’.

From now on, you can purchase weapons, equipment and prosthetics for sale at internal ex-factory prices. Of course, our jihadist equipment also has countless battleships and drones. If you want to buy it over there, haha, I can’t care about it anyway. It’s not who you sell to.

How about it? Although the profit of luxury goods is relatively thin, the turnover of this military product is much larger than that of your BRW luxury goods that cannot be sold. The cake I am giving you is not small. "

Good guy, is it okay for both sides of the war to sell arms to each other...

Li Pan looked at her sideways,

"You just want to use the trade routes I opened to ship goods."

Yulia stretched herself and lay in the bathtub,

"So what, in the final analysis, the goods and capital chain are all in your hands. I have calculated that it will be difficult to finish this battle within a year. The value of this road is at least 300 billion, and I only need three points One, that’s fair.”

Is it fair? It just seems fair.

Borrowing money and taking money at the same time, in the end the risk is not all on Li Pan alone.

But will he refuse? Not really.

People have money and power at the same time, so they can cash out without risk. It's just a matter of finding an agent who you can trust and can handle to cross the bridge.

So if you don't want to show up for them and take the risk, it doesn't matter to others. Naturally, other white gloves will come to you. If you refuse once, you won't have the chance to climb up in the future.

So the rope has been thrown to you, even though you know it may break at any time and plunge you into a bottomless abyss.

But someone like Li Pan, who has no power and started from scratch, can only grit his teeth and follow the underworld to the end, grabbing on to the cobwebs and climbing up.

"Okay, I'll do it. But I don't dare to vouch for Milestone's consideration, and the public relations fees and commissions have been paid first. I'm very strapped for funds now."

Well, although the battleship transaction with TFC was completed and eight trillion in payment was received, not only was half of it taken away by the Security Bureau to repay the debts of the Kelman family, but Ms. Lin also gave her an acceptance bill. Mainly, less than 30% is in cash. After paying off the expenses from Heaven, the supply and consumption of other weapons and equipment, and the trade goods from BRW and the Dornish people, Li Pan's account was cleared almost instantly.

Fortunately, this time Yulia kept her word and allocated 400 billion from campaign funds to him. She lay on the edge of the bathtub and said,

"By the way, let me give you a suggestion. Order more formal clothes. Don't always wear the same company uniform. Just like a property security guard, at least wear a tie and a watch, right?"

Li Pan rolled his eyes. It was just a friendship based on interests. This woman even asked for role-playing. She was really pushing the envelope.

After getting on SUPREME and leaving the Tower of Night, Li Pan handed the new business plan to Serena to sort out so that he could send it to Milestone to seek financial investment. He was finally able to be alone, lying in the car and thinking about the Shenting office before. Fighting with Huangpaozi.

Well, if Vagui hadn't suddenly stepped out to help him this time, he would have almost overturned again.

The one in the yellow robe is really powerful. He couldn't beat him even if he tried to fight through the door. He is worthy of being an S-level BOSS.

But 01’s winning fanima doesn’t work either! He was obviously indoors before, right? The Yamato’s laboratory didn’t even open the skylight! Where can Aldebaran be seen? ?

He lost so miserably in the first trial. It seems that the strength gap is huge, which is really a bit troublesome.

Without company support, Li Pan would not dare to go to Kepler for the time being.

After all, it's completely impossible to do.

But if he just left it alone and waited until the legion was ready, not to mention the yellow robe, the three-thousand-year-old elf sergeant major alone would be enough for him to drink a pot. I'm afraid that I won't be able to survive if I don't transform into the Black Pharaoh, and even if I change, I may not be able to withstand it.

After all, didn’t he say that to defeat ghosts?

‘Wait until you really grow a fairy face and transform into a fairy shadow. Open this BOSS again. ’

Although I don't know what the other party means, the hint is obvious enough.

Obviously, there is a huge gap between the current Li Pan and the Black Pharaoh who has reached his end after countless years.

Although they are both black pharaohs, the difference between the infant black pharaoh and the day-to-day black pharaoh is probably...

Moreover, I don’t know what the specific skills of the Immortal Face Immortal Shadow are. It seems that when I have free time someday, I have to go to 016 and ask the ghost for details.

In short, the current situation is stuck.

Yes, after a period of rapid progress and rapid advancement of the main plot, Li Pan got stuck again.

Then we can only add more branch lines and improve the account's level.

But the question is, how to strengthen it? Are you going to continue on the path of Pharaoh until you reach the dark side?

But according to Fa Gui, the one in yellow clothes can't be solved at this time, right?

And how to upgrade psychic abilities? Do you want him to take the path of spiritual cultivation all over again?

Or should we get some Taoist Qi and make a breakthrough in upgrading the immortal cultivation system?

However, what if the Star Lord from the Star-Suppressing Sect descends to earth again, hangs him up and beats him?

Then continue to make money and pile up scientific output?

How about getting keys? I'm afraid keys plus monsters are the most cost-effective. At least the company has countermeasures against yellow clothes...

Li Pan thought about it and decided to start strengthening it no matter what.

Even if he ignores Huangpao for the time being, at least he now has a clear idea of ​​the legion's combat effectiveness and can first increase its combat effectiveness to the point where it can deal with three thousand-year-old elves.

So SUPREME made a transfer and went to Baofeng Group. RM's prosthetist had been waiting for a long time and began to perform the customized implant enhancement surgery scheduled for Li Pan.

Yes, implants.

The fastest way to increase combat power is naturally to enhance the implant. After all, the advantage of the scientific side over other systems is efficiency, which saves the time and cost of training. It can directly increase the combat effectiveness by spending as much money as possible.

Now that Li Pan's life would be lost if his car overturned, it was no longer time to worry about resetting and exploding his equipment. After all, trillions of yuan had already been burned, so this was still missing.

As for why it is the Baofeng Group, after all, Li Pan is now a superman, and Gao Tianyuan's technology can no longer meet his transformation needs. I test-drove Koga Ouzuki twice before and found that her body is quite easy to use.

Although BBA's customized androids are good, they are all system-wide customizations, and the whole person is completely changed at once. But for Li Pan, in order to prepare for the battle with the Legion, especially to defeat the old elf head-on, his god-level body and Dao Qi Immortal Skills are necessary to supplement the necessary output. Simply changing to a BBA bionic body may still be enough. not enough.

So come and earn money! Krypton gold increases combat power!

Fortunately, a luxury goods group like RM Group specializes in customized services for customers. There are really many various six-level implant parts. Li Pan threw a bunch of credit cards at them and they were able to take out everything.

The first is of course the intelligent assistance system. Shennong 60ULTRA is HT Technology’s most advanced customized intelligent assistance system. Compared with the military Xingtian and civilian Fuxi series, Shennong’s main customer group is the SEC’s scientific research team. In addition to its powerful computing power, it can With various scientific research equipment, it can also work in various complex interference radiation environments, and can be equipped with a specialized life monitoring system to provide emergency first aid to the body.

Then there is the circulation and first aid system that is matched with the Shennong system. Without affecting the Qi movement, Li Pan filled his body with a lot of first aid systems. What kind of supplementary heart-activating blood pump cells are suitable for emergency treatment of tyrosine? Injections of adrenal rectification are all stuffed.

Then various central nervous system acceleration, dynamic visual capture, instantaneous perception and synaptic enhancement systems are also indispensable. After all, although Li Pan is already a superman, and the benefits of enhanced reaction speed are not as high as those of ordinary people, can he still be faster in peak matches?

Li Pan even specially developed a set of GEN's lobe core enhancements to match these six-level nervous system implants, basically transforming himself into a 7 or 80 times overload like the AG-RS series at any time. A humanoid weapon that accelerates through the atmosphere.

As for pure physical enhancement, synthetic muscles, alloy bones, etc. are not necessary. The strength of the Shinto body is actually not low now, not to mention that it can be enhanced with internal strength. But Li Pan still had a firm hand and added a complete set of scarab skeletons and nano-resistant coatings to the body surface, covering the entire area with a counter-shell layer, and installed a high-energy deflection stance.

Naturally, condoms are also indispensable. Due to the huge consumption points, Li Pan directly applied for private medical insurance at RM Group with no annual fee. He also bought three months of AVNDS protection system nano-shields, which basically covered his entire body with orange suits.

It's just that now Li Pan's superhuman combat power output basically relies on his hands. There is no need to chop off his hands and replace them with a mantis knife or ion cannon, so he chose to chop off his legs.

Ahem, it’s not really about cutting. I just had a custom surgery to add alloy reinforcements and a pop-up mantis knife to the leg bones. It comes with a high-frequency ion blade and a self-sharpening cutting blade, which can increase damage in addition to technological magnetic thermal cutting and sword energy attributes. Switch back and forth between.

Of course, it's not good to do it in a vacuum. Following RM's recommendation, Li Pan made another manicure, hiding nanofilament storage compartments and synthetic toxin syringes in his fingers, and replacing his nails with monomolecule blades. In order to avoid accidental injuries, I wore a pair of black gloves. The inner palm of the gloves is equipped with a shooting curve correction sensor, which can be connected to the mainstream weapon shooting assistance system on the market, making it easy to change weapons at will.

The Storm Weapon Group, a subsidiary of RM, also gave a major customer a laboratory-grade smart pistol, the 'Half Wind'. This gun is equipped with Baofeng's own smart system. Even if the smart aiming system is interfered with, the firearm will It can also perform autonomous calibration and target locking, so that even if the shooting target is a wealthy person who is automatically avoided by the security system, the smart bullet can still accurately track the hit. In addition to the basic Gaussian magnetic rail ejection ballistics, which can be used to fire intelligent tracking missiles, and various customized magnetic rail bomb cabins, this gun also has a dedicated phase ray generator that can be switched to phase rays for strike.

Armed like this, even to the nails, oh, speaking of which, you can even wear a watch, right? It just so happened that RM also specialized in luxury goods, so why was there a shortage of watches, so Li Pan also made a classic diving watch that was pleasing to the eye. Of course, he didn't need to make it fancy and inlaid with gold and diamonds, so he installed a very elegant watch in the case. The micro-reactor, in addition to being worn to recharge the implant, can also be thrown out to die together when desperate.

Well, this is a battle to see who has more lives.

Armed casually in this way, it slightly increased the fighting power of 180 billion, and soothed the uneasy mood that was frightened by the yellow robe before. Li Pan returned to the company and flipped through the monster collection tasks spit out by the fax machine.

In the final analysis, I still have to get a few more silver keys to feel at ease.

There are actually many monsters that have not been found in 0791. Just refer to 016 to know that there are thousands of projections in each world.

But the problem is that due to the different levels of civilization in the world, in some places the entire world has been transformed like a plow. There are drones and surveillance everywhere. The security bureau knows what you eat, and the company can naturally do the same. Quickly discover those supernatural phenomena and find clues of hidden monsters.

And many universes have not been fully developed. They are simply urban and rural areas and garbage dumps in deep mountains and old forests, filled with uncivilized indigenous civilizations. Let alone surveillance, I am afraid there are not many cats and dogs in the ravines. How can it be so easy to collect information about monsters? .

Therefore, these dozens of monsters in the City of Light and Night are the result of the accumulation of the company over several generations and were finally put together.

What's more, in the current war situation, QVN's link is still interfered by the legion from time to time, and the main communication bandwidth is given priority to the company to meet the needs of the war. Even less valuable monster information can be provided.

Because of this, everyone except Li Pan could always get involved in various disasters, whether it was good luck or bad luck. Temporary workers in other companies are really not just idle workers who don't work hard, but they have been looking for clues for a long time. They have all come to nothing by approaching science and can't find any valuable monsters at all.

Alas, if they had gotten more money earlier, or asked Azurama and the others to get a few keys, and raised their level of practice, maybe the group would not have been wiped out...

Just as Li Pan was melancholy flipping through information to find tasks, the electronic sound of 18 sounded again,

"General Manager, while you are on a business trip, there is an external call. The source is Ohsumi Ryohei, and the coordinate is OHSUMI Ohsumi Biotechnology Research Institute."


Oh, okay, I almost forgot. Ohsumi Ryohei is the one who makes the company's fish-man prosthetics. Speaking of which, this research institute is a subsidiary of TheM, but it has always been managed by priests. This group of people is quite lucky. Because the research institute is located in Sage's biotechnology park, it was able to escape the bad luck of being raided by the army.

At this moment, Li Pan also remembered that he had entrusted Heaven to send the fish-man prosthetic body from the moon back to the earth. Of course, he couldn't just throw it into the garbage Pacific Ocean and arrange logistics to send it to the biological park for Osumi. The team helped manage it, and they probably received the goods.

"Come in, Dr. Ohsumi, you've received the goods. Is there any problem?"

"General Manager! It's so, so amazing! Please, please tell me what medicine you used for your prosthetic body! What kind of genetic coordination was done! Can you ask the chief surgeon to give me some advice?"

Let's forget it, it's because of taking the elixir.

"Why, isn't it just a little bigger? Is it super-evolved due to radiation?"

Li Pan looked at the live video broadcast from the other party's prosthetic eye. Research animals from the institute were climbing up and down, wearing diving suits and jumping into huge water tanks to collect organisms from the giant crocodile-like water monster soaked in nutrient solution. information.

Dr. Osumi made the excited voice of a boy when he received the game console.

"Great! It's amazing! This radiation! This energy! This physique! This is the big monster I dream of! General Manager! Please give me permission! Clone your genes!"

Li Panhan is one,

"I don't care, but are you really sure about cloning? I think this is an accidental genetic mutation..."

Dr. Osumi is full of confidence,

"The path of biology is evolution and evolution, a musical score intertwined with gradients and mutations. When I see your majestic body, I have a feeling that this is a more correct and perfect evolutionary path for the big monster than Earth 0213!"

Li Pan,

"...I'm going to ask a digression, why are you so obsessed with big monsters?

What age is it now? If a chimera like this is made, what is its use other than to be used in private zoos or rented to film companies for special filming? "

Dr. Ohsumi,

"Oh, it's purely a personal interest. When I was in elementary school, the most popular program was about spacemen fighting monsters. Because I often played monsters, I gradually became obsessed with it."

Li Pan,

"Are you simply being bullied?"

Dr. Ohsumi,

"It doesn't matter! The aesthetics of huge creatures are beyond the comprehension of mortal eyes! Ah! These muscles! These scales! This slime! It's so awesome! I'm so excited!"

Li Pan, "...then you can do whatever you want, just update me the data in time."

Dr. Ohsumi,

“Speaking of this, General Manager, I actually hope you can make some additional investments to fund projects in our institute.

I just received an email from the company. Due to the previous attacks, the murloc prosthetics were considered to have extremely limited combat capabilities, and the budget was greatly reduced.

Moreover, since 0113007 is no longer here, several upgrade projects he had arranged before can no longer be implemented..."

Li Pan said, "Oh, tell me directly, how much do you want."

Dr. Ohsumi swallowed.

"I think if the first phase can have a budget of 50 million, it should be... uh, 3 or 30 million would be fine..."

Li Pan rolled his eyes,

"Okay, okay, I'll grant you one billion. If you can get the results, you can apply for a new one. If you can't get the results, don't show up in front of me."

Dr. Ohsumi was very happy,

"Red bean paste Aligado! I will do my best next time! I will never let down your investment!"

Ah, but let’s put it this way, if the fish-man prosthetic body can evolve, cultivate immortality, and clone, and if Li Qingyun can also get a few carp pills to analyze the material composition, then can it... mass-produce fish-man immortals? What about the human body?

When you have mastered your magic skills and take a group of fish immortals to fight in a raid, you must have suffered a heavy blow even if you are an S-level BOSS, right?

But investing in researching technology is just like drawing cards with krypton gold, and there is no guarantee. You can make a profit by drawing SSR natural blood, but it is normal to not draw out, and it is easy to go bankrupt. Otherwise, the committee is very powerful. So many black technologies are updated every year, which is really money and money. It was burned out by spending money.

After receiving a lot of information about monsters that were not available, Li Pan went on a business trip and went to collect monsters one by one.

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